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舱外航天服热试验外热流模拟方法研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
出舱行走所必需的舱外航天服具有复杂外表面形状,其空间外热流极其复杂。文章对舱外航天服在热试验中所采用的外热流模拟方法进行了对比分析研究,结合航天服的特点对热试验中外热流模拟的方式进行了探讨, 论证了用接触式电加热片及红外加热笼两种外热流施加方式的可行性,并通过分析的手段对不同热试验方法中施加的热流和太空中的热流大小及分布进行了对比。  相似文献   

The shield has three concentric grids having a net charge of zero. The voltage across the outer pair is chosen to repel electrons; and that across the inner pair is chosen to repel nucleons. The negative grid is coated to absorb ultraviolet light to prevent photoemission, and secondary emission is minimized by a grid/thin foil combination. Voltage is maximized and mass minimized by setting the ratio of the negative to the inner positive electrode radii to ≥ 2. The outer grid pair forms a space truss with rigid geodesic grid, from which catenary tensile members are suspended. For docking there is passage directly through the sparse gridwork of larger structures, or through a charge shifting vestibule on smaller. While efficiency increases indefinitely with size, favorable sizes for given voltages are indicated. Large modular habitats and small powered transport vehicles are protected with efficiencies several orders of magnitude over mass shielding against charged particle cosmic radiation.  相似文献   

The motion of a satellite with aerodynamic efficiency along a low near-circular orbit is considered in the paper. The controls of bank angle γ and lift coefficient Cy are used as control functions. The introduction of a small parameter (? = (?0 · S · g02G)) makes it possible to integrate an adjoint system of equations and to obtain an approximate solution to the complete problem in the class of piecewise-constant control functions. Maximum values for the coordinates of heading angle η and lateral derivation from the plane of a reference orbit ?, which are connected with orbit plane angle by the relation cos i = cos ? · cos h, are used as criteria of maneuvering capability for a satellite with aerodynamic efficiency. Optimal programs for bank angle and incidence variation are derived and the influence of lift-to-drag ratio on the vehicle maneuvering capabilities has been estimated.It is shown that the process of the optimal motion is a special kind of gravitational skipping similar to the Keplerian motion but with continuous descent.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis considering the capabilities of nano electrokinetic thrusters for space propulsion is presented. The work describes an electro-hydro-dynamic model of the electrokinetic flow in nano-channels and represents the first attempt to exploit the advantages of the electrokinetic effect as the basis for a new class of nano-scale thrusters suitable for space propulsion. Among such advantages are their small volume, fundamental simplicity, overall low mass, and actuation efficiency. Their electrokinetic efficiency is affected by the slip length, surface charge, pH and molarity. These design variables are analyzed and optimized for the highest electrokinetic performance inside nano-channels. The optimization is done for power consumption, thrust and specific impulse resulting in high theoretical efficiency ∼99% with corresponding high thrust-to-power ratios. Performance curves are obtained for the electrokinetic design variables showing that high molarity electrolytes lead to high thrust and specific impulse values, whereas low molarities provide highest thrust-to-power ratios and efficiencies. A theoretically designed 100 nm wide by 1 μm long emitter optimized using the ideal performance charts developed would deliver thrusts from 5 to 43 μN, specific impulse from 60 to 210 s, and would have power consumption between 1–15 mW. It should be noted that although this is a detail analytical analysis no prototypes exist and any future experimental work will face challenges that could affect the final performance. By designing an array composed of thousands of these single electrokinetic emitters, it would result in a flexible and scalable propulsion system capable of providing a wide range of thrust control for different mission scenarios and maintaining very high efficiencies and thrust-to-power ratio by varying the number of emitters in use at any one time.  相似文献   

In the recent years the Russian Orlan-M space suits have been improved as applied to their operational requirements for the ISS. A special attention is paid to enhancement of EVA crew efficiency and safety. The paper considers the main problems regarding specific features of the Russian space suit operation in the ISS, and analyses measures on their solution. In particular, the problems associated with the following are considered: enhancement of the anthropometric range for the EVA crewmembers; use of some US EMU elements and unified NASA equipment elements; Orlan-M operation support in the wide range of the ISS thermal conditions; use of Simplified Aid For Extravehicular activity Rescue (SAFER) designed as a self-rescue device, which will be used for an EVA crewmember return in the event that he (she) breaks away inadvertently from the ISS surface. The paper states the main space suit differences with reference to solution of the above problems. The paper presents briefly the design of space suit arms developed for crewmembers with small anthropometric parameters, as well as peculiarities and test results for the gloves with enhanced thermal protection. Measures on further space suit development with the purpose to improve its performances are considered.  相似文献   

现代航天器结构十分复杂,无论采用计算方法还是试验方法进行分析都是十分艰难的。在这样的研制背景下,子结构模态综合法应运而生。系统地回顾和总结了三大类子结构模态综合法的发展历程和相应的改进,介绍了该方法在航天工程上的应用。采用该方法可极大地提高航天器型号的研制效率。提出了子结构模态综合法面临的问题。  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1988,4(2):103-107
Data relay satellites can be used to transmit remotely sensed data gathered by other satellites to processing facilities on Earth. The author examines the advantage and disadvantages of DRS systems, particularly from the point of view of developing countries and the developed countries of the southern hemisphere, such as Australia.  相似文献   

At high cabin pressure [e.g. 1013 hPa (14.7 psi) 21% O2] there are serious issues relative to specification of suit pressure and the need for prebreathing. A high pressure suit will be costly but use of the existing, flexible suit requires up to 6 h of prebreathing. Or one could use a cabin pressure of 700 hPa (10.2 psi) prior to extravehicular activity (EVA) in order to use the existing suit with only 1 h of prebreathing. If these normal cabin pressures and O2 levels are utilized, existing physiological and medical databases apply, providing a known basis for evaluating effects of long duration space missions. If a 345 hPa (5 psi), 70-100% O2 atmosphere is adopted the existing suit can be used with no prebreathing required. However, there is no reference database on physiological effects under the conditions of lower pressure and higher O2 concentration. This paper considers the major issues involved in defining habitat pressure, O2 fraction, and EVA suit design for operations in space. A preliminary model for evaluating habitat/suit pressure and O2% strategies is presented.  相似文献   

The beauty of the view from the office of a spacewalking astronaut gives the impression of simplicity, but few beyond the astronauts, and those who train them, know what it really takes to get there. Extravehicular Activity (EVA) training is an intense process that utilizes NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) to develop a very specific skill set needed to safely construct and maintain the orbiting International Space Station. To qualify for flight assignments, astronauts must demonstrate the ability to work safely and efficiently in the physically demanding environment of the space suit, possess an acute ability to resolve unforeseen problems, and implement proper tool protocols to ensure no tools will be lost in space. Through the insights and the lessons learned by actual EVA astronauts and EVA instructors, this paper will take you on a journey through an astronaut’s earliest experiences working in the space suit, termed the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU), in the underwater training environment of the NBL. This work details an actual Suit Qualification NBL training event, outlines the numerous challenges the astronauts face throughout their initial training, and the various ways they adapt their own abilities to overcome them. The goal of this paper is to give everyone a small glimpse into what it is really like to work in a space suit.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a numerical analysis method to simulate jet formation and penetration process by the ‘low-velocity’ (67 km/sec-class) inhibited shaped charge launcher, in order to assess the protection capability of the bumper structure against orbital space debris impacts on the spacecraft. The present simulations by a two-dimensional hydrocode (AUTODYN-2D), which was performed by an improved method on the basis of our former works, were compared with the test results based upon the experimental method that we had proposed in our another work. The both results were in fairly good agreement, and the feasibility was ascertained of the calibration between the inhibited CSC jet and solid spherical projectile by the numerical method. Consequently, the accuracy of the ballistic limit curve at 1015 km/sec is expected to be enhanced by making use of the present method hereafter.  相似文献   

This paper describes the background to the creation of the first coherent space strategy for Europe and explains why such a co-operative effort is necessary—in order to achieve strategic economic and security goals for the benefit of Europe's citizens. It discusses the three major objectives of the strategy and looks at the differing roles that will be played by ESA and the European Commission in its implementation, as well as at the developing relationship between the two bodies.  相似文献   

The Imaging Spectrometer Data Analysis System (ISDAS) is being developed by the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing and MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates on Sun Microsystems SPARC workstations using the Application Visualization System (AVS) software package to meet the requirements for efficient processing and analysis of hyperspectral data acquired with airborne as well as future spaceborne sensors. Various visualization tools have been developed for rapid exploratory analysis together with preprocessing and information extraction tools for numerical analysis. Linkages to a spectral database and a conventional image analysis system were established to support the analysis. ISDAS is being used for multidisciplinary applications development in areas such as agriculture, environment, and exploration geology using physically based analysis approaches to retrieve information from hyperspectral data. This continuing effort, in collaboration with industry will lead to streamlined procedures that are important to take hyperspectral satellite remote sensing towards an operational mode.  相似文献   

Despite its scientific successes, NASA has over the past two decades lost its way, spending billions of dollars on transportation systems that have at bottom been failures. President Obama's cancellation of the costly and unwieldy Constellation program provides an opportunity for genuine reform of the agency and the US space program, through harnessing the innovatory and cost-effective power of commercial entrepreneurs. Examples of the kinds of project they might undertake – including solar power satellites, ‘space taxis’ and a space elevator – are discussed.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that space activities can benefit from international cooperation, but concerns about national interests remain. This article examines the experience of the Inter-Agency Consultative Group (IACG), which achieved striking success in coordinating the efforts of the USA, the USSR, the European Space Agency and Japan to study Halley's Comet. Subsequently the IACG has undertaken a new project, focused on solar-terrestrial science, and further expansion could follow. However, tje group's success has depended on scrupulous respect for members' national autonomy, and so it is unlikely to herald the formation of a supranational space agency in the near future.  相似文献   

Peter Creola   《Space Policy》1999,15(4):207-211
This is an abridged and edited version of the second report of ESA's Long-Term Space Policy Committee, published in May 1999. Emphasizing the importance of space-based technologies to so many earthly activities, it argues that only greater European involvement in the field will ensure that the continent remains an autonomous and significant player in world affairs and illustrates this by proposing space solutions to three major challenges for the future. The report's action plan for making use of these solutions is summarized and the consequences of failing to act are spelled out using the historical example of China.  相似文献   

In less than a decade, Cubesats have evolved from purely educational tools to a standard platform for technology demonstration and scientific instrumentation. The use of COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) components and the ongoing miniaturization of several technologies have already led to scattered instances of missions with promising scientific value. Furthermore, advantages in terms of development cost and development time with respect to larger satellites, as well as the possibility of launching several dozens of Cubesats with a single rocket launch, have brought forth the potential for radically new mission architectures consisting of very large constellations or clusters of Cubesats. These architectures promise to combine the temporal resolution of GEO missions with the spatial resolution of LEO missions, thus breaking a traditional trade-off in Earth observation mission design. This paper assesses the current capabilities of Cubesats with respect to potential employment in Earth observation missions. A thorough review of Cubesat bus technology capabilities is performed, identifying potential limitations and their implications on 17 different Earth observation payload technologies. These results are matched to an exhaustive review of scientific requirements in the field of Earth observation, assessing the possibilities of Cubesats to cope with the requirements set for each one of 21 measurement categories. Based on this review, several Earth observation measurements are identified that can potentially be compatible with the current state-of-the-art of Cubesat technology although some of them have actually never been addressed by any Cubesat mission. Simultaneously, other measurements are identified which are unlikely to be performed by Cubesats in the next few years due to insuperable constraints. Ultimately, this paper is intended to supply a box of ideas for universities to design future Cubesat missions with high scientific payoff.  相似文献   

针对航天员在轨出舱活动归舱时可能将空间环境中的污染物携带进入空间站内的风险,研究通过等离子体环境对空间尘粒荷电,并对被荷电尘粒进行静电场集尘(electrostatic field precipitation, EFP)。首先分析空间尘粒的静电荷电与静电吸附机理,进行前端尘粒荷电计算;然后引入多依奇(Deutsch)捕集效率模型,以影响EFP模块捕集效率的关键参数——风速、结构参数和激励电压为对象进行仿真研究,确定了EFP模块的参数设计;最后对按照设计参数加工的EFP模块进行试验验证,结果表明该模块的尘粒捕集效率可达85%以上,满足了对空间尘粒亚高效过滤清除的需求,可为空间尘粒清除装置的进一步开发提供参考。  相似文献   

为了满足各种材料在空间进行科学实验的目的,设计了能在空间长期工作的综合材料科学实验装置。文章详细介绍了该装置中的样品提拉机构、样品夹具结构和人机工效学的设计过程。实验结果验证了设计理论和方法的可行性和实用性;实验装置运行平稳、可靠,实验样品完整、无损伤。该装置首次实现了多批次样品的管理和更换功能以及在轨人工参与操作功能。  相似文献   

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