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The quaternion-based, high precision, large angle rapid reorientation of rigid spacecraft is the main problem investigated in this study. The operation is accomplished via a hybrid thrusters and reaction wheels strategy where thrusters are engaged in providing a primary maneuver torque in open loop, while reaction wheels provide fine control torque to achieve high precision in closed-loop control. The inaccuracy of thrusters is handled by a variable structure control (VSC). In addition, a signum function is mixed in the switching surface in VSC to produce a maneuver to the reference attitude trajectory in a shortest distance. Detailed proofs and numerical simulation examples are presented to illustrate all the technical aspects of this work.  相似文献   

Underactuated attitude control is supposed to be used on spacecraft when failure happens with onboard actuators. One main problem with existing underactuated attitude control designs is their limited capabilities against disturbances. In order to solve this problem, an approach based on the theory of H∞H is proposed in this paper. Two propositions are derived from the H∞H theory to improve the robustness of one popular underactuated attitude control design, which was presented by Tsiotras et al. It is proved mathematically that the controller satisfying these two propositions respectively can stabilize the underactuated attitude system locally or globally. The numerical simulations show that the improved controllers based on the H∞H theory could provide higher pointing accuracy for small satellites against disturbances. This validates the effectiveness of the proposed H∞H based approach to improve existing underactuated attitude control designs.  相似文献   

为了解决复杂结构在动力学响应约束下优化的难题,综合人工以及计算机在复杂结构优化中的优点,提出一种人机交互式优化方法用于载人航天某复杂装置的优化设计。经过结构优化后的装置,在质量保持基本不变的情况下一阶振动频率提升41.1%,正弦试验条件下关心节点的最大加速度响应值减小24.3%,优化效果明显,满足优化设计要求,验证了该优化设计方法的可行、有效。  相似文献   

A design procedure is presented for an attitude control system consisting of a momentum wheel and a reaction wheel. Control laws are designed for this system using modern control techniques. The observer based method produces a control scheme which achieves a good transient response.  相似文献   

姿态控制系统安全阀排放研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
恒压挤压式姿态控制系统一般采用压力调节器对气瓶中的高压气体进行调节,并采用安全阀保证系统的安全。设计时一般保证压力调节器节流口在任何情况下均为临界截面,气体通过压力调节器节流口后压力降低,一般远高于大气压力。由于节流口后气流涡流和管路摩擦的作用,气流在到达安全阀排放口后,仍然为临界流动状态。因此,可以采用收缩喷嘴节流公式计算压力调节器节流口和安全阀排放口的压力和流量参数。根据该数学模型,计算了姿态控制系统安全阀前气体压力和流量,试验结果表明所采用的计算方法可行。  相似文献   

This paper extends the previous works that appeared in Acta Astronautica. An approach that incorporates the Active Force Control (AFC) technique into a conventional Proportional-Derivative (PD) controller is proposed for a 50 kg small satellite. Numerical treatments are performed to validate the effectiveness of AFC. The attitude control capability of the combined energy and attitude control system (CEACS) is expected to improve. The result shows an important attitude pointing enhancement for the CEACS attitude control task.  相似文献   

The attitude control system of the Chibis-M microsatellite is described. Results of flight experiments on damping the initial angular velocity (made using magnetorquers) are considered, as well as stabilization in the orbital referece frame, and orientation of solar arrays toward the Sun using reaction wheels. The operation of algorithms of satellite attitude determination on sunlit and shadow segments of the orbit is also under study. The general logic of operation of the attitude control system in automatic mode is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

李志勋 《火箭推进》2011,37(6):61-66
围绕某型号姿控动力系统减压阀性能测试需求,提出一种基于PC104总线测试架构的设计方案。详细阐述了减压阀性能测试原理、硬件设计方案和软件开发思路,着重介绍了软件开发需求、总体架构、用户程序开发思路和软件设计关键技术等。实际应用表明,该系统操作简单、携带方便,测试精度优于0.2%,控制定时精度优于1 ms,满足减压阀性能测试要求。  相似文献   

This addendum is an extension of a series of research work on the combined energy and attitude control system (CEACS) for small satellites. Previous works appeared in Acta Astronautica showed that the CEACS is able to simultaneously perform the attitude control and energy storage task. This addendum focuses on the CEACS attitude control enhancement by employing the H2 optimal control method. Governing equations describing the CEACS H2 attitude control architecture are established. Numerical treatments are performed in order to validate the attitude control option.  相似文献   

控制系统在试车过程中发出指令信号,使发动机和试车台各工艺系统按照预定的程序完成规定试车任务。为了适应某型号姿轨控发动机试验对控制精度要求的提高,需要对现有控制系统进行改造,基于现场可编程门阵列和高速固态继电器设计了一种新的控制系统,其控制模块用于操作人员对试验系统上的各路电磁阀进行手动与自动控制,其复记模块可以实时记录系统状态以便于指挥人员了解系统工作状况,并能够进行数据分析判断。该系统建成后可以满足该型号姿轨控发动机试验的要求,控制精度为0.1 ms。  相似文献   

基于反馈线性化和变结构控制的飞行器姿态控制系统设计   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
韩艳铧  周凤岐  周军 《宇航学报》2004,25(6):637-641,668
在大姿态角的情况下,飞行器姿态运动的非线性因素和耦合因素不容忽略,使得传统的基于小扰动假设的近似线性化处理方法面临难以克服的困难。本文首先运用反馈线性化方法,将飞行器姿态通道线性化解耦成三个单输入单输出系统,然后运用分散滑动模态变结构控制理论对每个通道分别设计变结构控制器,以期使系统获得对参数摄动和外部扰动的鲁棒性。理论研究和数值仿真表明,所设计的控制系统可以适用于飞行器大姿态角飞行的情况,并对系统参数摄动和外部扰动具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Spacecraft attitude control using star field trackers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

本文针对目前战术导弹广泛使用捷联系统这个现状,以及对大机动飞行器采用姿态角误差反馈进行控制有时出现的奇异问题,提出并研究了基于四元数进行大机动战术导弹姿态控制系统的设计问题.首先,给出了大机动飞行情况下基于四元数描述的弹体动力学模型,然后,基于非线性控制系统综合方法设计了姿态控制系统,并验证了系统的稳定性.研究结果表明,基于四元数进行姿态控制系统的设计,既解决了姿态角表示法存在的奇异性问题,又可减少捷联计算机的计算量,对战术导弹具有重要实际意义.最后,通过数值仿真验证了本文提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

为满足末修姿控动力系统与控制系统一致性和协调性检测而研制的末修姿控系统极性检测仪,能实时检测并显示末修姿控动力系统根据控制系统发出的控制指令按时序动作的情况,从而为控制系统提供可靠的判断数据,确保了末修姿控动力系统的正常工作。末修姿控系统极性检测仪使用方便,操作界面简单,可自动记录、保存检测数据,并可离线浏览、打印,自动化程度高;同时仪器内部嵌入控制信号模拟线路,可自动进行模拟自检测试,从而提高工作效率,减少设备投入,其便携式、小型化设计更适应了机动、灵活的使用需求。  相似文献   

空空导弹大角度姿态推力矢量控制研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王鹏  陈万春  殷兴良 《宇航学报》2004,25(3):295-299
为研究具有大离轴角及越肩发射能力的先进空空导弹敏捷转弯方法,研究了空空导弹的大角度姿态机动控制律。利用时间尺度分离的方法将导弹的姿态动力学和运动学系统分别看做快子系统和慢子系统。用李亚普诺夫方法设计了慢子系统控制律。利用动态逆方法设计了快子系统控制律。分析了控制系统的鲁棒性和稳态精度。仿真结果证明了所提控制方法能够大大减小空空导弹大角度姿态机动时各种力矩干扰的影响。最后给出了采用姿态控制实现的越肩发射的仿真结果。  相似文献   

自增压系统在轨姿控动力系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹宇  李平 《火箭推进》2010,36(2):15-19
自增压轨姿控动力系统结合了涡轮泵压式火箭发动机的高性能、轻质量和挤压式推进系统的可重复启动能力。降低贮箱压力和减少惰性气体用量的同时,通过采用紧凑的高压推力室减少了其他组件的结构尺寸和重量。介绍了自增压系统在轨姿控动力系统的应用优势、技术特点、工作原理和目前的技术发展情况,分析了相应的关键技术,并基于目前技术基础,展望了发展的必要性和技术策略及途径。  相似文献   

An adaptive control technique can be applicable to reorient spacecraft with uncertain properties such as mass, inertial and various misalignments. A nonlinear quaternion feedback controller is chosen as a baseline attitude controller. A linearly added adaptive input supported by neural networks to the baseline controller can estimate and eliminate the uncertain spacecraft property adaptively. The normalized input neural networks (NINNs) are examined for reliable computation of the adaptive input. The newly defined learning rules of the neural networks are established appropriately for a spacecraft. To prove the stability of the closed-loop dynamics with the control law, Lyapunov stability theory is considered. As a result, the proposed approach results in the uniform ultimate boundedness in tracking error and robustness of the chattering and the singularity problems.  相似文献   

贾英宏  徐世杰 《宇航学报》2003,24(5):490-495
研究了平行构型变速控制力矩陀螺群的控制律及其在航天器姿态控制中的应用。首先建立了以变速控制力矩陀螺为执行机构的航天器姿态动力学模型,并给出了全局渐近稳定的姿态反馈控制律。将每一对框架平行的陀螺作为独立的单元控制,引入了与控制力矩陀螺的框架运动相关的动坐标系,在此基础上给出了控制力矩陀螺的一种控制律。此控制律使陀螺群在奇异状态下仍具有可控性,并且力矩误差在动坐标系的某一方向始终为零,从而利用共轴的构型特点和陀螺转子的可变速性补偿控制力矩陀螺的力矩误差,使变速控制力矩陀螺群的输出力矩与期望的力矩相等。最后以双平行构型为例,对航天器的姿态稳定控制进行了数值仿真,并给出了一种控制力矩的分配方案。仿真结果证明了控制律算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The amount of space debris is ever increasing, and pollution of the space environment has become a serious problem that can no longer be ignored. Consequently, the active removal of large space debris from crowded economically useful orbits should begin as soon as possible. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has been investigating an active debris removal system that employs highly efficient electrodynamic tether (EDT) technology for orbital transfer. This study investigates the tether deployment from a spool-type reel using thrusters by means of numerical simulations of an EDT system. The thrusters are used in order to ensure the deployment of a tether with the length of several kilometers. In the simulations using a multiple mass tether model, the key parameters are estimated from various on-ground experiments. By means of the numerical simulations, the dynamics of tether deployment is studied and requirements of thruster needed for the deployment, such as the thrust forces and the periods of thruster activation, are clarified.  相似文献   

In this paper, arbitrary rest-to-rest attitude maneuver problems for a satellite using two single-gimbal control moment gyros (2SGCMGs) are considered. Although single-gimbal control moment gyros are configured in the same manner as the traditional pyramid-array CMG, only two CMGs are assumed to be available. Attitude maneuver problems are similar to problems involving two reaction wheels (RWs) from the viewpoint of the number of actuators. In other words, the problem treated herein is a kind of underactuated problem. Although 2SGCMGs can generate torques around all axes, they cannot generate torques around each axis independently. Therefore, control methods designed for a satellite using two reaction wheels cannot be applied to three-axis attitude maneuver problems for a satellite using 2SGCMGs. In this paper, for simplicity, maneuvers around the x- and z-axes are first considered, and then a maneuver around the y-axis due to the corning effect resulting from the maneuver around the x- and z-axes is considered. Since maneuvers around each axis are established by the proposed method, arbitrary attitude maneuvers can be achieved using 2SGCMGs. In addition, the maneuvering angles around the z- and x-axes, which are required in order to maneuver around the y-axis, are analytically determined, and the total time required for maneuvering around the y-axis is then analyzed numerically.  相似文献   

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