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日本航天员若田光-在国际空间站上由日本建造的“希望”号实验舱内试验了毯上飞行以及零重力条件下滴眼药水等。日本宇宙航空研究开发机构已将若田5月15日的“飞毯”表演视频公布于众。画面显示.现年45岁的若田站在一块白色布单上,就像单板滑雪一样平稳地滑过国际空间站上的一个实验舱。此外,若田还尝试了零重力条件下叠衣服。这些挑战是若田从民众建议的1597项实验中挑选出16项中的一部分。若田4月还在空间站内尝试过俯卧撑等挑战。  相似文献   

辛田 《航天员》2014,(2):25-28
“霸主”也有危机感 确保并巩固美国在航天领域的领先地位一直是美国制定航天计划所秉持的准绳,是一切的前提与出发点。奥巴马政府的《国家航天政策》如此,《国家安全战略》如此,此次的ISS延寿决策也不例外。  相似文献   

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched its own first manned experiment facility in space called the KIBO (Japanese Experiment Module, JEM) in 2008 and 2009 and started operations as part of International Space Station (ISS). To accomplish this Operation, JAXA made its own ground facility in Tsukuba, Japan, called Space Station Integration and Promotion Center (SSIPC). Ground personnel at SSIPC called the JEM Flight Control Team (JFCT) operate the KIBO and have learnt many lessons during its operation. In this presentation, some topics are chosen and explained such as (1) crew/ground personnel interaction and (2) planning lessons learned for manned space activities.  相似文献   

简介 对于在国际空间站(ISS)高度的舱外活动,观察表明:通过南大西洋异常带(SAA)和地磁极时会受到大剂量辐射。所有这些辐射都显示出很强的方向性,使得ISS的大型结构具备阴影部分,因此,预估这些情况下潜在的剂量暴露会特别复杂。  相似文献   

这是从与ISS分离后的发现号航天飞机上拍摄的照片。2008年11月20日ISS迎来了它的10岁生日,至今ISS已有9个舱,总重超过300T,内部空间超过700m^3  相似文献   

杨孝文 《航天员》2014,(3):34-35
国际空间站在距地面约400公里的高度环绕轨道运行。俄罗斯的这一惊人决定并不会影响当前在空间站上工作的2名美国航天员和3名俄罗斯航天员,也不会影响已在计划内的将在未来几年实施的任务。据最新计划,空间站将至少服役到2024年。但由于俄罗斯因制裁而被点燃的怒火——尤其是禁止出口可能帮助俄罗斯军方的高科技产品——空间站的这一延期计划似乎成为一种不可能。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2010,67(11-12):1593-1596
“Space tourism” denotes any commercial activity that offers customers direct or indirect experience with space travel. Various models for space tourism activities exist including the use of an aircraft and/or spacecraft. The paper surveys some of the most important legal aspects relevant to space tourism activities, such as, the delimitation of airspace and outer space, the applicable legal regime and the definition of aircraft and space object, authorization, registration, liability, as well as the legal status of space tourists.  相似文献   

简介 航天员能否成功完成舱外活动(EVA)高度依赖于其航天服手套的性能。自从航天飞机工程启动后,基础型的手套设计得到了不断的改进,在航天飞机中使用的EVA手套,最初称为1000系列,至今已经发展到4000系列。在这几代的改进中,材料的发展是最初的着重点。这些材料的变化大幅度提高了手套的性能,但是基础设计、硬件和设计理念都没有显著的改变。  相似文献   

1月21日,俄罗斯地面飞行控制中心发言人伦金宣布,与国际空间站“星辰”号服务舱对接的俄载人飞船当天成功对接到空间站“探索”号小型试验舱上,这是“探索”号实验舱首次对接飞船,俄地面专家以此来检验“探索”号试验舱的对接效果。  相似文献   

肖择 《上海航天》2012,29(3):68-68
据报道,ISS机械臂成功抓住太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)天龙座飞船的被动通用停泊机构,天龙座飞船成为史上第一个与国际太空站(ISS)成功对接的商业飞行器。天龙座飞船将对多项技术进行验证,ISS航天员将开启天龙座飞船舱门,卸装货物。在轨道停留约2周后重返地球,溅落在太平洋海域并回收。此前,曾  相似文献   

据Nasaspaceflight网站2012年8月1日消息,莫斯科时间当日23时35分,在哈萨克斯坦的拜科努尔发射场,俄罗斯联邦航天局用联盟-U火箭发射进步号M-16M货运飞船。据悉,M-16M在绕地球轨道飞行4圈之后成功与“国际空间站”(ISS)快速对接,向ISS运送2.5t补给,包括食物、水和科学设备(包括用于生物技术实验的菌根真菌发酵罐和细胞材料等)。  相似文献   

正On November 7,2005,the Lunar Exploration Scientist Team(the Team)under the Ministry of Land and Resources(MLR)was formally established with the first members being 7 scientists including ZHAO Wenjin.Later Dr.YANG Hongwei was appointed as the academic secretary.The Team has been  相似文献   

张叶 《航天员》2014,(6):50-51
航天员的光阴故事出生于日本埼玉市一个贫困家庭的若田光一,5岁时就梦想成为一名航天员。1992年4月,入选日本航天员大队时,他说,“我对航天的意识开始于‘阿波罗’11号。可惜当时美苏独霸天下,那时候想做一名航天员确实是一个遥不可及的梦想。”在美国约翰逊航天中心经过一年的训练后,若田取得了航天飞机任务专家资格。  相似文献   

在十项研究成果中,排名倒数第一的是,通过饮食和锻炼防止太空中的骨质丢失,这始于早期对国际空间站航天员骨质丢失方面的研究。据空间站历史记载,航天员的骨密度丧失量约为15%/月,这相当于女性绝经后全年的骨质丢失量。为此,科学家们开始着眼于乘员的日常饮食和锻炼,并配备了一些锻炼器械。结论是,一套持续的高强度锻炼和适量的维生素D与热量的正确结合,是骨健康的关键。该成果有助于了解骨在人体内的形成和维持机制,因而引人注目。  相似文献   

掌指部限制层的设计 第六代手套的掌指部分被设计成与航大员手形同形化。利用褶状结构和轻质的聚酯织物,手指的活动关节被设计成全织物组件,以降低扭矩并增强指尖的触感。通过掌指部适配性的最优化,手指关节的扭矩得到了减小,并达到了掌指部全面的舒适性。  相似文献   

People use spatial metaphors when they talk about activities on the World Wide Web, such as navigating the Web, reaching one's goal, visiting a Web site, or moving back to a previous Web page. These expressions are mappings from the physical world to an application domain. We analyze why Web users conceptualize clicking on a sequence of Web links as navigation. The semantics of an object or an activity in its source domain can be defined over its behavior with a set of axioms. We propose that these axioms must also be satisfied in the target domain for an object or activity to yield a sound metaphor. We use a first-order algebraic specification language to define the semantics of navigation in the real world as a set of axioms, specify a Web navigating agent as algebra, and demonstrate that there exists a morphism between both specifications, which means that the Web agent behaves according to the set of wayfinding axioms. This suggested method is another step towards a formally grounded explanation of metaphorical mappings.  相似文献   

Ajey Lele   《Space Policy》2010,26(4):222-228
After a gap of 40 years, the Moon is again the focus of several countries’ space ambitions. Japan, China and India have already launched their first Moon missions and are expected to send humans moonwards within the next 10–15 years. This revival of lunar programmes in the post-cold war era goes beyond symbolism and is also about the race to grab the natural resources of the Moon. Such ambitious missions by these states imply that they intend to change the unipolar world into one with multiple power centres, and would use space technology as one of the components to do so. This paper examines the first phase Moon missions of the Asian states and argues that their overall deep space mission aspirations have strategic ambitions attached.  相似文献   

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