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Until recently, human +Gz acceleration tolerance has relied solely on subjective criteria relating to loss of vision. By use of newly developed noninvasive instrumentation using a transcutaneous Doppler flow system, objective end point criteria have been developed based on measured blood flow to the head. The system consists of miniature 8 MHz Doppler sensors (2 x 1 x 0.5 cm) placed on the forehead over both frontal branches of the temporal arteries to detect blood flow velocity from back scattered ultrasound. Its use has allowed for correlation of altered, decreased and actual reversal of eye level blood flow with subsequent central light loss. Over 100 subjects have now been studied during more than 2,000 centrifuge runs. Objective changes in temporal artery flow velocity consistently preceded visual degradation for each subject during all acceleration profiles. No subject has gone unconscious without first exhibiting a minimum 6 sec of total flow cessation. Retrograde flow followed by complete flow cessation always preceded central light loss. Results indicate that this method can be successfully used with a wide variety of tasks during exposure to +Gz acceleration. It is recommended for use during evaluation of protective maneuvers or devices on the centrifuge or during actual flight in high performance aircraft. It may also serve as a potential safety monitor during space Shuttle re-entry if there is doubt about a passenger's cardiovascular status.  相似文献   

Usefulness of a short-arm human centrifuge is expected when it is used in space as a countermeasure against cardiovascular deconditioning, problem of bone-calcium metabolism, etc. However, nothing is solidly established regarding the most desirable program for artificial G application. Accordingly, this study was designed to analytically evaluate the effects of repeated long duration +Gz load on human cardiovascular function. Recently heart rate spectral analysis has been recognized as a powerful tool for quantitatively evaluating parasympathetic and sympathetic activity separately in human. It is reported that power of the high frequency component (HF-p) is mediated selectively by parasympathetic activity and the power ratio of low to high frequency components(LF/HF) is indicative of cardiac sympathetic activity or cardiac sympathovagal balance. Sequence method is developed to examine spontaneous baroreceptor reflex sensitivity (BRS). We studied cardiovascular control function by using these methods in 9 healthy men before and after 7 days of daily repeated 1hour +2Gz load. When compared with the data of pre-G load period, post-G load period, decrease of HR, increases of HF-p and BRS were statistically significant. SBP, DBP and LF/HF tended to decrease, however, these changes were not statistically significant. This results indicate that repeated +2Gz load increases parasympathetic activity and arterial baroreceptor-cardiac reflex sensitivity. In recent years, many investigators suggest that space flight and head-down bedrest leads to impaired baroreceptor-cardiac reflex responses and decrease of parasympathetic activity, which may contribute to orthostatic intolerance. So our results suggest that daily repeated 1hour +2Gz load would be useful in preventing post-flight orthostatic intolerance.  相似文献   

为深入解析离心机气动产热的影响因素和变化规律,理论推导建立产热模型,并通过与文献中离心机的气动产热实验和仿真结果的对比,验证了理论模型的有效性。利用该模型对实际的离心机产热问题进行分析计算发现:在所研究的工况范围内,机室内空气的随流比随转子转速ωr的增加而增加;产热总功率与转子转速呈指数上升关系,与机室压力呈正比例关系;机室侧壁的摩擦产热功率在离心机气动产热热源中的占比最大,且随着ωr的增加而增加。建议将离心机的换热器布置在机室侧壁内表面并人为提高机室内空气的随流比,以利离心机散热控温。  相似文献   

为研发满足航空航天医学等研究要求的超重旋转复合运动模拟系统,基于离心机的转臂式结构,采用框架式的自转座椅替代传统的固定座椅,并引入链传动作为自转驱动;搭建PC+可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)+伺服电机+编码器的离心机控制系统,以及IPC+驱动器+步进电机的自转座椅控制系统;在控制系统软件设计方面注重离心机实时运行监测及便携式自转座椅的稳定性控制。对所研发的超重旋转复 合试验平台开展超重、旋转及超重旋转复合3种模拟工况的精度测试试验,结果表明,平台能够实现超重、旋转及超重旋转复合等环境模拟,离心机与自转座椅均具有较高的控制精度,运行过程安全平稳,达到了预期要求,可用于航空航天特因环境下生物体生理响应或设备测试等实验研究。  相似文献   

氮化钽(tantalum nitride, TaN)薄膜电阻电路是星载放大器、功分器等典型产品中必不可少的组成部分。在较大功率信号施加的条件下,TaN埋嵌电阻部位热效应较强,出现电路失效或烧毁的可能性也较其他部位大。星载微波单机应用环境条件恶劣,对于薄膜电阻的应用可靠性要求极高,常规侧重高温工况,热处理等条件下的氮化钽电阻功率耐受性研究无法得到实际星载应用工况中氮化钽电阻的功率特性,势必需要通过模拟实际应用工况和边界条件,通过设计制作氧化铝基板上不同尺寸TaN薄膜电阻样件,测量在施加不同电流的工况下电阻表面和电阻电极的温度,并根据电阻表面最大允许温升对应的电流,计算出可耐受的最大功率,完成了TaN薄膜电阻的功率耐受性研究。研究结果表明,在基板厚度一定时,随着电阻面积增大,薄膜电阻耐受功率呈增大趋势;较大尺寸薄膜电阻的功率耐受随着基板厚度的增加而降低。此研究结果对后续优化星用微波电路设计,提高宇航微波产品应用可靠性,减少不必要的设计冗余,有重要意义。  相似文献   

飞机选型应进行的航线分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、概述 随着我国民航事业的快速发展,国内各大航空公司在飞机引进方面投入了大量的资金。尤其是国家允许民营资本进入航空市场后,数家民营航空公司便相继问世并开航。新飞机的引入和航空公司的成立都存在飞机机型选择的问题,飞机选型工作是一个牵动航空公司全局的决策行动,机型及机队规模选择得合理与否,不仅直接决定了航空公司长期的经济效益,还在一定程度上影响到公司的技术、管理水平及其市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

Genetic engineering has often been suggested as a mechanism for improving the survival prospects of terrestrial microoganisms when seeded on Mars. The survival characteristics that these pioneer microorganisms could be endowed with and a variety of mechanisms by which this can be achieved are discussed, together with an overview of some of the potential hurdles that must be overcome. Also, a number of biologically useful properties for these microorganisms are presented that could facilitate the initial human colonisation and ultimately the planetary engineering of Mars.  相似文献   

We present the site selection process and urban planning of a Lunar Base for a crew of 10 (LB10), with an infrared astronomical telescope, based on the concept of the Lunar LIquid Mirror Telescope. LB10 is a base designated for permanent human presence on the Moon. The base architecture is based on utilization of inflatable, rigid and regolith structures for different purposes. The location for the settlement is identified through a detailed analysis of surface conditions and terrain parameters around the Lunar North and South Poles. A number of selection criteria were defined regarding construction, astronomical observations, landing and illumination conditions. The location suggested for the settlement is in the vicinity of the North Pole, utilizing the geographical morphology of the area. The base habitat is on a highly illuminated and relatively flat plateau. The observatory in the vicinity of the base, approximately 3.5 kilometers from the Lunar North Pole, inside a crater to shield it from Sunlight. An illustration of the final form of the habitat is also depicted, inspired by the baroque architectural form.  相似文献   

The Panoramic Camera (PanCam) instrument will provide visible-near IR multispectral imaging of the ExoMars rover's surroundings to identify regions of interest within the nearby terrain. This multispectral capability is dependant upon the 12 preselected "geological" filters that are integrated into two wide-angle cameras. First devised by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder team to detect iron oxides, this baseline filter set has remained largely unchanged for subsequent missions (Mars Exploration Rovers, Beagle 2, Phoenix) despite the advancing knowledge of the mineralogical diversity on Mars. Therefore, the geological filters for the ExoMars PanCam will be redesigned to accommodate the astrobiology focus of ExoMars, where hydrated mineral terrains (evidence of past liquid water) will be priority targets. Here, we conduct an initial investigation into new filter wavelengths for the ExoMars PanCam and present results from tests performed on Mars analog rocks. Two new filter sets were devised: one with filters spaced every 50?nm ("F1-12") and another that utilizes a novel filter selection method based upon hydrated mineral reflectance spectra ("F2-12"). These new filter sets, along with the Beagle 2 filter set (currently the baseline for the ExoMars PanCam), were tested on their ability to identify hydrated minerals and biosignatures present in Mars analog rocks. The filter sets, with varying degrees of ability, detected the spectral features of minerals jarosite, opaline silica, alunite, nontronite, and siderite present in these rock samples. None of the filter sets, however, were able to detect fossilized biomat structures and small (<2?mm) mineralogical heterogeneities present in silica sinters. Both new filter sets outperformed the Beagle 2 filters, with F2-12 detecting the most spectral features produced by hydrated minerals and providing the best discrimination between samples. Future work involving more extensive testing on Mars analog samples that exhibit a wider range of mineralogies would be the next step in carefully evaluating the new filter sets.  相似文献   

针对固体火箭超燃冲压发动机中高焓多相超音速燃烧组织难题,通过改进含硼固体贫氧推进剂配方,为硼颗粒的点火燃烧提供良好的微环境,以进一步缩短硼颗粒的点火延迟时间,开展了三种推进剂配方的直连试验研究。试验结果表明,在5~10μm粒径的基础上,进一步降低硼颗粒粒径至1~2μm,使颗粒的随流性增强,并使得掺混均匀度降低,抵消了硼颗粒粒径减小带来的燃烧性能优化作用;提高一次燃烧效率,使得一次燃气温度提升,硼颗粒的点火燃烧微环境得到改善,显著提高了一次燃气的超音速补燃效率。在试验工况下,硼颗粒的燃烧效率由基础配方的61.2%提高至83%,计算得到的发动机名义比冲由6016 N·s/kg提高至7996 N·s/kg,使其超音速燃烧性能得到了显著提高。  相似文献   

Microgravity due to prolonged bed rest may cause changes in cerebral circulation, which is related to brain function. We evaluate the effect of simulated microgravity due to a 6° head-down tilt bed rest experiment on executive function among 12 healthy young men. Four kinds of psychoneurological tests—the table tapping test, the trail making test, the pointing test and losing at rock–paper–scissors—were performed on the baseline and on day 16 of the experiment. There was no significant difference in the results between the baseline and day 16 on all tests, which indicated that executive function was not impaired by the 16-day 6° head-down tilting bed rest. However, we cannot conclude that microgravity did not affect executive function because of the possible contribution of the following factors: (1) the timing of tests, (2) the learning effect, or (3) changes in psychophysiology that were too small to affect higher brain function.  相似文献   

一种新的基于Adams与C/C++语言的模块化协同仿真模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于多体动力学软件Adams和C/C + +语言,提出一种新的模块化协同仿真模式.该模式中协同仿真过程的主控权交由用户程序,Adams动力学仿真流程与C/C + +语言的控制仿真流程均作为独立的过程供用户程序调用,实现用户主控的模块化协同仿真,为控制系统的验证、改进与优化奠定基础.该方法在月球车的导航控制系统设计中起到...  相似文献   

针对导航系统干扰计算以导航信号码片功率谱代替导航信号功率谱分析导航系统干扰大小,文章分析了数据速率、码速率和码长对导航信号功率谱的影响,提出了数据速率大于或等于码速率除码长时,可用码片功率谱代替信号功率谱:同时以CA码为例分析了真实码与替代码对系统内的干扰偏差。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2005,56(9-12):771-1047
The Humans In Space 2003 symposium, entitled "Living in Space: Scientific, Medical and Cultural Implications," was sponsored by the Canadian Space Agency and held in Banff, Alberta, from May 18-22, 2003. There were 150 papers presented in six theme areas: education, missions, physiology, psychology, radiation, and technology. The 32 papers in this volume are organized into Education/Outreach, Medical Care (Bedrest), Medical Care (Countermeasures), Medical Care, Missions (Mars), Missions (Neurolab), Missions (Historical Lessons), Physiology, Psychology, Radiation, Technology (Human Factors), and Technology.  相似文献   

One of the most important tasks for preparation of a future manned mission to Mars is to create a space suit, which ensures efficient and safe operation of the man on the planet surface.

The concept of space suit (SS) utilisation on the Mars surface will be determined mainly by the Mars mission scenario. Currently the preference is given to utilisation of robotics with the crew driving a Mars rover vehicle, whereby the suit will be used solely as an additional safety means.

However, one cannot exclude the necessity of a durable self-contained stay of the man outside a pressurised compartment, to pick up, for instance, soil samples or do certain repair work in case of an emergency.

The requirements to the Mars suit and especially to the personal self-contained life support system (LSS) will depend in many respects on the Mars environmental conditions, the space vehicle system concept and performance characteristics, the airlock and its interface design, the availability of expendable elements for the LSS, etc.

The paper reviews principal problems, which have to be solved during development of the Martian suit. A special attention is paid to the issue of suited man mobility during traversing on the planet surface.

The paper also reviews the arguments for application of a suit semi-rigid design concept and evaluates potentialities of using certain elements of the existing “Orlan” type suit.

The paper presents results of a number of studies on selection of the planetary SS enclosure concept and on experimental evaluation of mobility of the lower torso and leg enclosures in conjunction with a specially designed prototype model (tentative model) of the SS enclosure.  相似文献   

涡轮泵是液体火箭发动机的动力核心部件.涡轮泵工作时叶轮等组件随转子系统高速运转,其松脱转速是影响涡轮泵转子系统动力稳定性的主要因素.而确保涡轮或叶轮内径与转轴外径之间的工艺配合尺寸设计的合理性,就能够将松脱转速控制在安全范围内.以某涡轮泵为研究对象,分析了高速运转时涡轮、叶轮过盈量大小对转子运行状态的影响规律.同时,给出了最小松脱转速下设计过盈量的大小,并在理论分析的基础上进行了试验验证.  相似文献   

文章对小卫星太阳电池阵在垂直向随机振动试验时严重高频超差的原因进行了分析,结果表明是由于花盆与模拟墙连接特性较差引起的,且花盆不适用于随机振动试验。研制了辅助扩展台面以替代现有的花盆,针对辅助扩展台面开展了有限元分析和试验验证。有限元计算结果和试验验证结果均表明,使用辅助扩展台面有效地减小了太阳电池阵随机振动试验高频超差量。  相似文献   

一次火箭流量对RBCC性能影响的数值和实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用三维两相数值计算方法和地面直联试验系统,开展了不同来流速度下一次火箭流量变化对发动机性能的影响。数值研究结果表明,在不同来流条件下,一次流流量的增加对发动机推力和比冲的贡献不同,在低速条件时,一次火箭流量的增加对来流空气的加热以及缩短二次燃料的雾化蒸发时间和距离起着积极的作用,对性能的提高有一定作用;当来流速度较高时,过大一次流流量对流动通道产生了阻塞效应,造成对推力和比冲贡献作用的减小。试验结果验证了数值研究得到的规律,特别在高马赫数条件下,一次火箭流量的增加对推力和比冲的贡献是减小的,且飞行速度越高,这种贡献越小。无论低速还是高速来流条件,存在着一个优化的一次流流量,这对提高发动机性能有很大好处。  相似文献   

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