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星载GPS相位非差低轨卫星事后精密定轨无需考虑复杂的动力学模型和地面资料,只需低轨卫星上的GPS观测资料和IGS的GPS精密星历产品,而且对于不同高度的卫星定轨都适用,计算简单、方便,能快速、高精度地确定轨道,同时还能确定部分动力学参数。本文在研究相位非差定轨方法基础上,对低轨卫星的误差影响及其处理措施进行探讨,给出了GPS相位非差定轨流程,编写了相应的定轨软件(SHKINE),并利用CHAMP卫星资料对定轨的可靠性和精度进行分析,表明:利用自行编写的SHKINE定轨软件对CHAMP卫星定轨,3个方向坐标精度为10cm-20cm,点位精度为30cm-40cm,能满足一般定轨要求,是一种简单方便、行之有效的定轨方法。  相似文献   

当前,北斗卫星导航定位系统正处于快速发展阶段,在全球GNSS卫星导航定位领域中受到了越来越多的关注,分析BDS-3卫星观测数据质量以及钟差性能对中国北斗导航事业的发展与应用具有重要意义。深入分析了IGMAS监测站BDS-3卫星的数据质量,同时采用现有的观测数据进行了BDS-3卫星三天弧段的定轨实验。结果表明,轨道重叠弧段1D RMS径向优于20cm,钟差重叠弧段STD精度优于1ns。为准确掌握BDS-3卫星钟差的时频特性,利用估计的钟差数据计算了BDS-3卫星钟差频率稳定性指标,其千秒稳定度、万秒稳定度和日稳定度分别为4.64×10-13、8.55×10-14和1.28×10-14,相对于BDS-2系统最高提升了25.89%。  相似文献   

影响奔月飞行器定轨精度的误差源分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以探月工程为背景,讨论在现有测控网分布、观测弧段以及尽可能接近真实情况的误差源等前提下,利用仿真模拟方法对影响奔月飞行器定轨精度的误差源进行分析。重点考察了观测量精度、初始时刻先验轨道误差、测量船点位误差以及观测资料类型等对奔月飞行器定轨精度的影响。结果表明提高观测量精度和减小测量船点位误差将有助于提高定轨精度,以及采用USB测距、测速和VLBI时延、时延率联合定轨能够提高定轨和轨道预报精度。  相似文献   

影响环月飞行器定轨精度的误差源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国正在实施的探月计划“嫦娥1号”工程为背案,在现有测控网分布、观测弧段以及尽可能接近真实情况的误差源等前提下,利用仿真模拟的方法对影响环月飞行器定轨精度的误差源进行了初步探讨和分析。重点考察了月球重力场误差、观测量精度、初始时刻的先验轨道误差以及观测资料类型等对环月飞行器定轨精度的影响。  相似文献   

全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)超快精密定轨为GNSS实时应用提供了高精度空间基准。基于天地协同定位、导航与授时(PNT)网络服务中心实现了四系统GNSS卫星超快精密定轨,并对定轨结果进行精度评价。介绍了天地协同PNT网络的概念内涵以及网络服务中心部署的超快精密定轨软件架构和详细功能,并针对实时应用需求提出了一种双线程滑动窗口超快精密定轨策略。最后利用重叠弧段比较、与外部轨道产品比较以及卫星激光测距(SLR)检核3种方式对定轨结果进行了精度评价。结果表明,与武汉大学分析中心的最终事后精密轨道产品相比,四系统GNSS MEO卫星预报6 h弧段的径向均方根(RMS)误差整体在2~5 cm水平,BDS2 IGSO卫星最小一维RMS误差在10~15 cm水平;GPS和Galileo卫星的SLR检核残差均值在1~3 cm水平,标准差在3~6 cm水平,能够满足后续厘米级实时应用对空间基准的精度需求。  相似文献   

针对在交会对接任务中测量船使用的电波折射经验模型存在低仰角跟踪测量修正精度差的问题提出改进思路,在模型中引入基于天顶延迟的拟合算法优化修正模型,提高了船载雷达低仰角跟踪时距离的修正精度,满足了测量船数据处理的精度需求。用新方法处理数据,计算的轨道根数半长轴外符合误差平均降低了605m,有效提高了测量船定轨精度。  相似文献   

针对导航星座自主定轨中的星座整体旋转问题,采用增设少量地面锚固站的方法可有效解决该问题。通过推导星地距离对卫星轨道升交点赤经的偏导数,证明了星地距离对卫星轨道升交点赤经可观。仅考虑在我国大陆范围内布设锚固站的条件下,仿真分析了锚固站数量以及布局对导航星座自主定轨精度的影响。仿真实验结果表明:采用3个以上的锚固站,即可有效控制星座整体旋转,在14d的仿真时段内卫星自主定轨精度保持4m以内;锚固站数量越多,自主定轨精度越高,但随着锚固站数量的增加,自主定轨精度改善程度越来越小;在保持4个锚固站的情形下,采用不同的锚固站布局方案,自主定轨精度并无明显差别。  相似文献   

北斗三号全球卫星导航系统已正式建成并开通服务。为了利用实时改正数信息系统地揭示北斗三号精密单点定位性能,并为用户提供理论依据和应用参考,首先解算了卫星实时精密轨道、钟差及其改正数,分析了其精度。然后基于实时改正数信息,利用监测站广播星历和观测数据,分别进行了双频静态、双频仿动态、单频静态和单频仿动态仿实时精密单点定位,以评估其性能。结果表明:北斗三号MEO卫星实时轨道和钟差精度均值分别约为12cm和0.2ns,满足实时精密单点定位需求。静态实时精密单点定位精度优于动态,双频优于单频,均可达到分米级。对于定位收敛时间,双频静态最短,约为40min;双频动态和单频静态均约为85min;单频动态最长,约为120min。  相似文献   

The Tianhui-2 02 (TH02-02) satellite formation, as a supplement to the microwave mapping satellite system Tianhui-2 01 (TH02-01), is the first Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) satellite formation-flying system that supports the tracking of BeiDou global navigation Satellite system (BDS3) new B1C and B2a signals. Meanwhile, the twin TH02-02 satellites also support the tracking of Global Positioning System (GPS) L1&L2 and BDS B1I&B3I signals. As the spaceborne receiver employs two independent boards to track the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites, we design an orbit determination strategy by estimating independent receiver clock offsets epoch by epoch for each GNSS to realize the multi-GNSS data fusion from different boards. The performance of the spaceborne receiver is evaluated and the contribution of BDS3 to the kinematic and reduced-dynamic Precise Orbit Determination (POD) of TH02-02 satellites is investigated. The tracking data onboard shows that the average number of available BDS3 and GPS satellites are 8.7 and 9.1, respectively. The carrier-to-noise ratio and carrier phase noise of BDS3 B1C and B2a signals are comparable to those of GPS. However, strong azimuth-related systematic biases are recognized in the pseudorange multipath errors of B1C and B3I. The pseudorange noise of BDS3 signals is better than that of GPS after eliminating the multipath errors from specific signals. Taking the GPS-based reduced-dynamic orbit with single-receiver ambiguity fixing technique as a reference, the results of BDS3-only and BDS3 + GPS combined POD are assessed. The Root Mean Square (RMS) of orbit comparison of BDS3-based kinematic and reduced-dynamic POD with reference orbit are better than 7 cm and 3 cm in three-Dimensional direction (3D). The POD performance based on B1C&B2a data is comparable to that based on B1I&B3I. The precision of BDS3 + GPS combined kinematic orbit can reach up to 3 cm (3D RMS), which has a more than 25% improvement relative to the GPS-only solution. In addition, the consistency between the BDS3 + GPS combined reduced-dynamic orbit and the GPS-based ambiguity-fixed orbit is better than 1.5 cm (3D RMS).  相似文献   

Development of a new vehicle avionics suite is described, including integration of a low-cost, tightly-coupled integrated Inertial Navigation System/Global Positioning System (INS/GPS) to support vehicle guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C). A wide variety of next-generation low-cost launch vehicles could potentially benefit from integrated INS/GPS technology for GN&C and/or range safety applications. Coleman Aerospace Company (CAC) has developed a new low-cost avionics suite, the generic Integrated Mission Guidance & Tracking System (IMGTS), an open architecture, modular system that supports the requirements for various guidance applications and range safety tracking. As part of this development, Boeing North American, Inc. is supplying its Modular Miniature Integrated GPS/INS Tactical System (M-MIGITSTM) Military-Off-The-Shelf (MOTS) INS/GPS product to support CAC's IMGTS GN&C  相似文献   

In order to expand the coverage area of satellite navigation systems, a combined navigation constellation which is formed by a global navigation constellation and a Lagrangian navigation constellation was studied. Only the crosslink range measurement was used to achieve long-term precise autonomous orbit determination for the combined navigation constellation, and the measurement model was derived. Simulations of 180 days based on the international global navigation satellite system(GNSS) service(IGS) ephemeris showed that the mentioned autonomous orbit determination method worked well in the Earth–Moon system. Statistical results were used to analyze the accuracy of autonomous orbit determination under the influences of different Lagrangian satellite constellations.  相似文献   

杨金虎  刘存喜  刘富强  穆勇  徐纲 《推进技术》2019,40(9):2050-2059
为了有效拓宽多级旋流分级燃烧室的稳定工作边界,在模型燃烧室上开展了分级燃烧室点火和熄火特性试验研究,采用平面激光测量技术获得了燃烧室冷态流场结构和燃油浓度分布,分析了双级旋流预膜式空气雾化预燃级设计参数(两级旋流旋向、旋流强度)对流场结构、燃油浓度分布和燃烧稳定性的影响,并阐明了燃烧室点火和熄火特性与流场结构和燃油浓度分布的内在关联机制。结果表明,预燃级两级旋流反旋、适当减小内级旋流强度和增大外级旋流强度有利于改善这类分级燃烧室的点火和熄火特性。相关研究结论能够应用于分级燃烧室预膜式空气雾化预燃级设计。  相似文献   

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