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双星导航系统的建立,为我国实现自主的卫星天基测控技术提供了可能。同时由于其全天候、全天时、相对定轨精度高等特点可望成为一种低、中轨卫星精密定轨的有效手段。但由于双星系统中静止卫星数目仅有两颗,要得到低、中轨卫星的三维定位信息,还需要额外的第三维观测量。本文根据双星系统的现状,结合国内对低、中轨卫星精密定轨的要求,提出了一种基于双星系统的卫星几何学精密定轨的方法,概述了其基本原理及其组成,给出了卫星定轨的方法和数学模型,同时根据数据仿真分析了该定轨系统的定轨精度,为下一步工程实现提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

基于LT-01A卫星星载BDS-3/GPS观测值进行了星载实时精密定轨研究,并重点分析了广播星历旋转误差对实时定轨精度的影响.通过赫尔默特转换评估了所选时段内GPS和BDS-3广播星历轨道旋转误差,显示BDS-3广播星历旋转误差可达-8.7 mas,平均量级较GPS大约2.5倍.BDS-3广播星历经旋转改正后,轨道切向、法向均方根(RMS)误差从25 cm左右提升至10 cm量级,提升幅度超过50%.因此,基于星载BDS-3以及BDS-3/GPS联合的实时定轨精度受BDS-3星历旋转误差影响严重,且主要作用于切向和法向.经过旋转改正后,单独BDS-3实时定轨在切向、法向、径向RMS分别为21.0 cm、10.7 cm及11.2 cm,其切向和法向精度比改正前分别提升15.0%和31.8%;BDS-3与GPS联合定轨进一步提升切向精度至19.4 cm.得益于BDS-3广播星历较高的精度,单BDS-3以及BDS-3/GPS联合的实时定轨在旋转改正前的三维RMS分别为31.9 cm和29.2 cm,较单GPS实时定轨分别提升9.1%和16.8%;添加旋转改正后,其定轨精度分别提升至26.7 cm和25.0 cm,较单GPS实时定轨分别提升22.6%和27.5%.  相似文献   

The visibility for low earth orbit(LEO) satellites provided by the BeiDou-2 system is analyzed and compared with the global positioning system(GPS). In addition, the spaceborne receivers' observations are simulated by the BeiDou satellites broadcast ephemeris and LEO satellites orbits. The precise orbit determination(POD) results show that the along-track component accuracy is much better over the service area than the non-service area, while the accuracy of the other two directions keeps at the same level over different areas. However, the 3-dimensional(3D) accuracy over the two areas shows almost no difference. Only taking into consideration the observation noise and navigation satellite ephemeris errors, the 3D accuracy of the POD is about30 cm. As for the precise relative orbit determination(PROD), the 3D accuracy is much better over the eastern hemisphere than that of the western hemisphere. The baseline length accuracy is 3.4 mm over the service area, and it is still better than 1 cm over the non-service area. This paper demonstrates that the BeiDou regional constellation could provide global service to LEO satellites for the POD and the PROD. Finally, the benefit of geostationary earth orbit(GEO) satellites is illustrated for POD.  相似文献   

The Tianhui-2 02 (TH02-02) satellite formation, as a supplement to the microwave mapping satellite system Tianhui-2 01 (TH02-01), is the first Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) satellite formation-flying system that supports the tracking of BeiDou global navigation Satellite system (BDS3) new B1C and B2a signals. Meanwhile, the twin TH02-02 satellites also support the tracking of Global Positioning System (GPS) L1&L2 and BDS B1I&B3I signals. As the spaceborne receiver employs two independent boards to track the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites, we design an orbit determination strategy by estimating independent receiver clock offsets epoch by epoch for each GNSS to realize the multi-GNSS data fusion from different boards. The performance of the spaceborne receiver is evaluated and the contribution of BDS3 to the kinematic and reduced-dynamic Precise Orbit Determination (POD) of TH02-02 satellites is investigated. The tracking data onboard shows that the average number of available BDS3 and GPS satellites are 8.7 and 9.1, respectively. The carrier-to-noise ratio and carrier phase noise of BDS3 B1C and B2a signals are comparable to those of GPS. However, strong azimuth-related systematic biases are recognized in the pseudorange multipath errors of B1C and B3I. The pseudorange noise of BDS3 signals is better than that of GPS after eliminating the multipath errors from specific signals. Taking the GPS-based reduced-dynamic orbit with single-receiver ambiguity fixing technique as a reference, the results of BDS3-only and BDS3 + GPS combined POD are assessed. The Root Mean Square (RMS) of orbit comparison of BDS3-based kinematic and reduced-dynamic POD with reference orbit are better than 7 cm and 3 cm in three-Dimensional direction (3D). The POD performance based on B1C&B2a data is comparable to that based on B1I&B3I. The precision of BDS3 + GPS combined kinematic orbit can reach up to 3 cm (3D RMS), which has a more than 25% improvement relative to the GPS-only solution. In addition, the consistency between the BDS3 + GPS combined reduced-dynamic orbit and the GPS-based ambiguity-fixed orbit is better than 1.5 cm (3D RMS).  相似文献   

The computation of high-accuracy orbits is a prerequisite for the success of Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) missions such as CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE. The mission objectives of these satellites cannot be reached without computing orbits with an accuracy at the few cm level. Such a level of accuracy might be achieved with the techniques of reduced-dynamic and kinematic precise orbit determination (POD) assuming continuous Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking (SST) by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Both techniques have reached a high level of maturity and have been successfully applied to missions in the past, for example to TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P), leading to (sub-)decimeter orbit accuracy. New LEO gravity missions are (to be) equipped with advanced GPS receivers promising to provide very high quality SST observations thereby opening the possibility for computing cm-level accuracy orbits. The computation of orbits at this accuracy level does not only require high-quality GPS receivers, but also advanced and demanding observation preprocessing and correction algorithms. Moreover, sophisticated parameter estimation schemes need to be adapted and extended to allow the computation of such orbits. Finally, reliable methods need to be employed for assessing the orbit quality and providing feedback to the different processing steps in the orbit computation process. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

针对编队卫星自主定轨问题进行了研究,设计了一种完全不依赖于地面站和GPS系统的自主导航方案。利用星间测量信息进行卫星编队相对轨道状态的自主确定;并在利用磁强计进行卫星绝对轨道自主确定的基础上,引入星间测量信息提高绝对定轨精度;设计扩展卡尔曼滤波器进行卫星编队轨道状态估计,数学仿真结果验证了这种导航方案和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

通过分析预报误差与轨道确定参数误差的关系,提出一种使用二次多项式对沿迹差随时间变化的函数进行拟合,并根据拟合结果修正半长轴、面质比参数误差的定轨方法.仿真计算表明:对于稀疏观测数据,该方法的处理结果优于常规的最小二乘轨道确定方法;对于高度在400 km以上的低轨目标,根据该方法得到的定轨结果,预报5d的位置误差小于22 km,与SGP4(Simplified General Perturbations Version 4,简化普适摄动4)/SDP4(Simplified Deep space Perturbations Version 4,简化深空摄动4)水平相当.该方法是一种适用于双屏电子篱笆稀疏观测数据的批量数据轨道确定方法.  相似文献   

当前,北斗卫星导航定位系统正处于快速发展阶段,在全球GNSS卫星导航定位领域中受到了越来越多的关注,分析BDS-3卫星观测数据质量以及钟差性能对中国北斗导航事业的发展与应用具有重要意义。深入分析了IGMAS监测站BDS-3卫星的数据质量,同时采用现有的观测数据进行了BDS-3卫星三天弧段的定轨实验。结果表明,轨道重叠弧段1D RMS径向优于20cm,钟差重叠弧段STD精度优于1ns。为准确掌握BDS-3卫星钟差的时频特性,利用估计的钟差数据计算了BDS-3卫星钟差频率稳定性指标,其千秒稳定度、万秒稳定度和日稳定度分别为4.64×10-13、8.55×10-14和1.28×10-14,相对于BDS-2系统最高提升了25.89%。  相似文献   

针对电子设备内部、外部普遍存在的窄带干扰问题,提出了采用自适应滤波的手段抑制这种干扰信号的设想,分析了其抑制扩频信号多窄带干扰的性能,并对其做出了理论论证。  相似文献   

详细阐述了基于Ku频段静止轨道卫星的机载宽带通信网路技术,探讨了该技术方案应用的安全性,认为该技术方案可作为民用飞机客舱内的主要网络方式在国内民航业进行推广。  相似文献   

In-flight phase center systematic errors of global positioning system(GPS) receiver antenna are the main restriction for improving the precision of precise orbit determination using dual-frequency GPS.Residual approach is one of the valid methods for in-flight calibration of GPS receiver antenna phase center variations(PCVs) from ground calibration.In this paper,followed by the correction model of spaceborne GPS receiver antenna phase center,ionosphere-free PCVs can be directly estimated by ionosphere-free carrier phase post-fit residuals of reduced dynamic orbit determination.By the data processing of gravity recovery and climate experiment(GRACE) satellites,the following conclusions are drawn.Firstly,the distributions of ionosphere-free carrier phase post-fit residuals from different periods have the similar systematic characteristics.Secondly,simulations show that the influence of phase residual estimations for ionosphere-free PCVs on orbit determination can reach the centimeter level.Finally,it is shown by in-flight data processing that phase residual estimations of current period could not only be used for the calibration for GPS receiver antenna phase center of foretime and current period,but also be used for the forecast of ionosphere-free PCVs in future period,and the accuracy of orbit determination can be well improved.  相似文献   

杜耀珂  杨盛庆  完备  王文妍  陈筠力 《航空学报》2018,39(12):322449-322449
研究了近地卫星基于严格回归参考轨道的轨道保持控制方法:将卫星编队理论引入单星绝对轨道保持控制,提出了\"虚拟卫星编队\"的概念,分析了卫星轨道相对于参考空间轨迹在轨道摄动情况下的偏离状态及变化趋势,然后根据卫星编队相对运动学,推导出了偏离状态与虚拟卫星编队构形参数之间的对应关系,并设计了以轨道参数超调、偏置及阈值触发为特征的管道保持控制策略。数值仿真结果表明,使用该控制策略能够将卫星轨道保持在以空间参考轨迹为中心的轨道管道内,并且有效减少了因周期性轨道摄动波动造成的管道保持控制量和控制频次。研究成果对于有空间轨迹回归要求的卫星轨道保持控制具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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