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研制数据采集与处理系统的目的是为了采集、监控和记录试验过程中飞机的各种飞行试验数据,以便对飞机试验过程中的信号进行离线分析与处理。本文涉及的内容已在飞机试验项目中得到成功应用。  相似文献   

INS/GPS/SAR integrated navigation system represents the trend of next generation navigation systems with the high performance of independence, high precision and reliability. This paper presents a new multi-sensor data fusion methodology for INS/GPS/SAR integrated navigation systems. This methodology combines local decentralized fusion with global optimal fusion to enhance the accuracy and reliability of integrated navigation systems. A decentralized estimation fusion method is established for individual integrations of GPS and SAR into INS to obtain the local optimal state estimations in a parallel manner. A global optimal estimation fusion theory is studied to fuse the local optimal estimations for generating the global optimal state estimation of INS/GPS/SAR integrated navigation systems. The global data fusion features a method of variance upper finiteness and a method of variance upper bound to ensure that the global optimal state estimation can be achieved under a general condition. Experimental results demonstrate that INS/GPS/SAR integrated navigation systems achieved by using the proposed methodology have a better performance than INS/GPS integrated systems.  相似文献   

组合导航能够将多种类型的导航信息进行结合,实现优势互补,因此成为了目前导航应用领域的主要发展方向。然而,导航信息的增多势必会引入更多的风险源,从而降低导航系统的可靠性。基于联邦滤波的容错方法是目前抑制故障信息影响的主要解决手段,但是现有的故障容错方法普遍采用统一的检测机制,没有根据各个导航子系统的误差传播特性针对性地构建故障检测模型,因此会引起较高的误警率与漏检率。针对上述问题,提出了基于矢量化检测联邦滤波的INS/BDS/地磁组合导航容错方法。通过构建面向INS/BDS/地磁不同导航信息的故障检测函数,能够实现更加准确的矢量化信息分配,从而可以有效避免可用导航信息的损失以及故障导航信息对整体系统的影响。仿真结果表明,提出的方法可以有效隔离不同类型的故障信息,并减小其对无故障导航信息及整体系统的影响,从而提高了组合导航的精度和可靠性。  相似文献   

针对城市情况下车载导航时单一导航源易受干扰的问题,提出了一种基于自适应联邦Kalman滤波的多源组合导航算法.该模型具有两级结构,由子滤波器进行各信息源局部估计后,通过主滤波器进行最优融合估计.融合具有不同工作特点的导航传感器的输出信息组成多源信息组合导航系统,从而提高了导航系统的精度和鲁棒性,且通过故障诊断算法实时检...  相似文献   

针对当前车载捷联惯导与里程计组合导航时,将里程计安装在车底盘左侧或右侧位置而造成的导航误差,以及里程计信息未能真实反映车体中心的实际运行状态,研究了一种车载捷联惯导/双里程计组合导航方法。该方法分别在车底盘左侧和右侧位置各安装了一个里程计,将双里程计信息作为量测量,设计了组合导航融合算法进行Kalman滤波组合导航。在导航过程中对双里程计信息进行χ2检测,以避免车体作大转弯运行或有外部干扰时引起的里程计信息异常。跑车试验结果表明,该融合算法能使定位结果得到最优融合,定位误差整体减小到20m以内,最大处减小6m,离线分析进一步证明了该融合算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为保证组合导航系统运行的可靠性和输出导航参数的准确性,结合组合导航系统的自主完好性检测的基本算法,基于气压高度辅助下的卫星导航接收机最小二乘检测法和组合导航卡尔曼卡方检验法,提出了一种能够识别突变故障和缓变故障的组合导航系统自主完好性检测的算法,充分利用导航系统中高精度惯导系统的导航信息,实现了组合导航系统的自主完好性检测算法,提高了组合导航系统在复杂环境下的导航信息可靠性。  相似文献   

Real-time and accurate fault detection is essential to enhance the aircraft navigation system’s reliability and safety. The existent detection methods based on analytical model draws back at simultaneously detecting gradual and sudden faults. On account of this reason, we propose an online detection solution based on non-analytical model. In this article, the navigation system fault detection model is established based on belief rule base (BRB), where the system measuring residual and its changing rate are used as the inputs of BRB model and the fault detection function as the output. To overcome the drawbacks of current parameter optimization algorithms for BRB and achieve online update, a parameter recursive estimation algorithm is presented for online BRB detection model based on expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Furthermore, the proposed method is verified by navigation experiment. Experimental results show that the proposed method is able to effectively realize online parameter evaluation in navigation system fault detection model. The output of the detection model can track the fault state very well, and the faults can be diagnosed in real time and accurately. In addition, the detection ability, especially in the probability of false detection, is superior to offline optimization method, and thus the system reliability has great improvement.  相似文献   

针对ROV对国产导航系统的需求,研发了包含导航融合终端软件及光纤罗经在内的ROV导航定位系统工程样机。该系统由嵌入式运行模式、仿真运行模式和数据分析模块三部分组成,能够完整记录ROV工作环境数据信息并进行时标化存储,生成实测数据文件,进而通过精准复现ROV工作环境数据,为ROV导航算法的调试提供便捷、一致的试验数据和高效的数据分析手段。海试验证结果表明,系统有效复现了水下试验数据,通过数据回放仿真高效完成了导航算法参数调试,对USBL噪声实现80%抑制,并能够有效应对USBL输出异常情况,可有效辅助ROV水下调查及安装等工程作业。  相似文献   

多传感器目标检测的性能评估(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对传感器性能分析,将ROC曲线予以量化,根据其几何意义导出传感器探测性能的评估模型,该模型是一个单一的量化指标,用观测量的概率均值和方差来评估传感器性能的优劣。  相似文献   

针对故障特征数据模拟生成算法与航天器的原理、模型关联度高,航天器状态描述模型不成熟、难以应用于工程实践的现状,根据反映航天器在轨故障的遥测数据表现形式和变化时间长短,将航天器故障进行分类.从遥测数据变化的角度,针对每类故障遥测数据的变化特点,研究了符合每类故障数据变化规律的故障特征数据生成算法及基于WEB服务的故障特征数据生成原型系统实现方式.生成的故障特征数据在故障检测、诊断与预警等方面得到成功应用,使航天器对象、状态演化规则和测控信息产生等故障输入数据更接近真实的动态特征.  相似文献   

In micro-electro-mechanical system based inertial navigation system(MEMS-INS)/global position system(GPS) integrated navigation systems, there exist unknown disturbances and abnormal measurements. In order to obtain high estimation accuracy and enhance detection sensitivity to faults in measurements, this paper deals with the problem of model-based robust estimation(RE) and fault detection(FD). A filter gain matrix and a post-filter are designed to obtain a RE and FD algorithm with current measurements, which is different from most of the existing priori filters using measurements in one-step delay. With the designed filter gain matrix, the H-infinity norm of the transfer function from noise inputs to estimation error outputs is limited within a certain range; with the designed post-filter, the residual signal is robust to disturbances but sensitive to faults. Therefore, the algorithm can guarantee small estimation errors in the presence of disturbances and have high sensitivity to faults. The proposed method is evaluated in an integrated navigation system, and the simulation results show that it is more effective in position estimation and fault signal detection than priori RE and FD algorithms.  相似文献   

张竟  王定强 《航空动力学报》1996,11(4):429-432,442
对现有的方法进行了研究,着重阐述用检测滤波器思想进行传感器故障检测、识别和适应的方法。并利用这些方法,对一个具体的模型设计一个传感器故障检测、诊断和适应系统。通过故障仿真计算,验证了本文提出的方法使用的有效性  相似文献   

液体火箭发动机地面试车故障检测的自适应阈值算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
提出一种自适应阈值故障检测算法,其检测阈值由实时估计的参数均值、标准差及由训练算法得到的带宽系数计算。用某发动机22次点火试验的试车数据进行离线故障检测,结果表明其综合性能优于红线系统和SAFD算法。  相似文献   

For Inertial Navigation System(INS)/Celestial Navigation System(CNS)/Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS) integrated navigation system of the missile, the performance of data fusion algorithms based on the Cubature Kalman Filter(CKF) is seriously degraded when there are non-Gaussian noise and process-modeling errors in the system model. Therefore, a novel method is proposed, which is called Optimal Data Fusion algorithm based on the Adaptive Fading maximum Correntropy generalized high-degree...  相似文献   

基于数据统计的液体火箭发动机地面试车故障检测算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱恒伟  王克昌  陈启智 《推进技术》1997,18(1):43-46,52
研制了一种用于液体火箭发动机地面试车的故障检测算法,既适于发动机启动瞬态过程又可用于稳态过程。算法能设置一些预先设置或在线计算的参数门限,检查参数测量值的平滑值,当连续多次检查到多个参数异常时就判定发动机异常。用正常试车数据和满足启动条件的异常试车数据进行测试,没有出现误报警和漏报警。对满足启动条件的异常试车,均在现有的红线关机系统关机之前报警。  相似文献   

Impulse components in vibration signals are important fault features of complex machines. Sparse coding(SC) algorithm has been introduced as an impulse feature extraction method, but it could not guarantee a satisfactory performance in processing vibration signals with heavy background noises. In this paper, a method based on fusion sparse coding(FSC) and online dictionary learning is proposed to extract impulses efficiently. Firstly, fusion scheme of different sparse coding algorithms is presented to ensure higher reconstruction accuracy. Then, an improved online dictionary learning method using FSC scheme is established to obtain redundant dictionary and it can capture specific features of training samples and reconstruct the sparse approximation of vibration signals. Simulation shows that this method has a good performance in solving sparse coefficients and training redundant dictionary compared with other methods. Lastly, the proposed method is further applied to processing aircraft engine rotor vibration signals. Compared with other feature extraction approaches, our method can extract impulse features accurately and efficiently from heavy noisy vibration signal, which has significant supports for machinery fault detection and diagnosis.  相似文献   

针对液体火箭发动机可靠性评估过程中试验数据利用不充分、主观性强、与设计改进关联不足等现状,给出了一种可靠性双线评估方法,在有限试车条件下提升可靠性评估结果的准确性,并从风险控制角度识别出发动机的薄弱环节.该方法采用两条主线开展可靠性评估,第一条线以发动机部组件试验数据为输入,以发动机工作时序为线索,识别发动机故障模式,...  相似文献   

液体火箭发动机试验起动过程故障检测算法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了液体火箭发动机试验起动过程故障检测的特殊性,提出了一种具有工程应用价值的故障检测算法。经过试验数据检验,证明这种算法简单、安全、有效,工程可应用性强。  相似文献   

飞机整机线缆集成检测是飞机总装过程中的一项重要工作,是关乎线缆制造质量高低的一个关键环节,在航空制造企业受到了广泛重视.对飞机整机线缆检测方法进行了比较和分析,介绍了线缆自动化集成检测的内涵和主要研究内容,对比分析了国内外线缆自动化集成检测的研究现状,分析和指出了线缆自动化集成检测存在的问题以及发展趋势.最后对数字孪生...  相似文献   

数据管道是完成数据迁移的一种有效工具。本文基于K8E综合数据保障系统,应用数据管道,阐述了在实践中获得的一些使用方法、技巧及注意事项。  相似文献   

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