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We take stock of recent observations that identify the episodic plasma heating and injection of Alfvénic energy at the base of fast solar wind (in coronal holes). The plasma heating is associated with the occurrence of chromospheric spicules that leave the lower solar atmosphere at speeds of order 100?km/s, the hotter coronal counterpart of the spicule emits radiation characteristic of root heating that rapidly reaches temperatures of the order of 1?MK. Furthermore, the same spicules and their coronal counterparts (“Propagating Coronal Disturbances”; PCD) exhibit large amplitude, high speed, Alfvénic (transverse) motion of sufficient energy content to accelerate the material to high speeds. We propose that these (disjointed) heating and accelerating components form a one-two punch to supply, and then accelerate, the fast solar wind. We consider some compositional constraints on this concept, extend the premise to the slow solar wind, and identify future avenues of exploration.  相似文献   

The properties of Alfvén waves generated in the photosphere by field lines trapped in vortex sinks and propagating upwards through the transition region and corona are discussed and contrasted to those of waves generated via reconnection in transition region explosive events, or rather via untwisting reconnecting flux tubes. An outline for future simulations and theoretical advances necessary to understand the dynamics of spicules and macrospicules is described, and a detailed search for photospheric velocity patterns underlying macrospicules is suggested. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss the recent progress in studying the absolute and convective instabilities of circularly polarized Alfvén waves (pump waves) propagating along an ambient magnetic field in the approximation of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). We present analytical results obtained for pump waves with small dimensionless amplitude a, and compare them with numerical results valid for arbitrary a. The type of instability, absolute or convective, depends on the velocity U of the reference frame where the pump wave is observed with respect to the rest plasma. One of the main results of our analysis is that the instability is absolute when U l < U < U r and convective otherwise. We study the dependences of U l and U r on a and the ratio of the sound speed to the Alfvén speed b. We also present the results of calculation of the increment of the absolute instability on U for different values of a and b. When the instability is convective (U < U l or U > U r) we consider the signalling problem, and show that spatially amplifying waves exist only when the signalling frequency is in two symmetric frequency bands. Then, we write down the analytical expressions determining the boundaries of these frequency bands and discuss how they agree with numerically calculated values. We also present the dependences of the maximum spatial amplification rate on U calculated both analytically and numerically. The implication of the obtained results on the interpretation of observational data from space missions is discussed. In particular, it is shown that circularly polarized Alfvén waves propagating in the solar wind are convectively unstable in a reference frame of any realistic spacecraft.  相似文献   

Gamma-rays and neutrons are the only sources of information on energetic ions present during solar flares and on properties of these ions when they interact in the solar atmosphere. The production of ??-rays and neutrons results from convolution of the nuclear cross-sections with the ion distribution functions in the atmosphere. The observed ??-ray and neutron fluxes thus provide useful diagnostics for the properties of energetic ions, yielding strong constraints on acceleration mechanisms as well as properties of the interaction sites. The problem of ion transport between the accelerating and interaction sites must also be addressed to infer as much information as possible on the properties of the primary ion accelerator. In the last couple of decades, both theoretical and observational developments have led to substantial progress in understanding the origin of solar ??-rays and neutrons. This chapter reviews recent developments in the study of solar ??-rays and of solar neutrons at the time of the RHESSI era. The unprecedented quality of the RHESSI data reveals ??-ray line shapes for the first time and provides ??-ray images. Our previous understanding of the properties of energetic ions based on measurements from the former solar cycles is also summarized. The new results??obtained owing both to the gain in spectral resolution (both with RHESSI and with the non solar-dedicated INTEGRAL/SPI instrument) and to the pioneering imaging technique in the ??-ray domain??are presented in the context of this previous knowledge. Still open questions are emphasized in the last section of the chapter and future perspectives on this field are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Which stars are the best stars to search for habitable planets and signs of life? This is a trick question, because it depends not only on the kind of circumstellar environment we think is likely to be supportive to life as we know it, but it depends also on the technique being used to do the search. For example, the Catalog of Nearby Habitable Stellar Systems was designed for SETI, a search for technological signals. Because this search strategy relies on life forms out-shining their star (at least at certain frequencies), target selection is not complicated by the need to spatially resolve the habitable planets on which these life forms presumably live. On the other hand, because the life forms being sought are technologically advanced, it seems reasonable to assume that their planet had to be continuously habitable for long enough to evolve such biological complexity. Thus the deciding factor for SETI is that of long term habitability. Meanwhile, other missions to directly detect habitable planets (e.g., NASA’s TPF and ESA’s Darwin) are less worried about long term habitability but must struggle with the competing factors of planet separation from the star and planet brightness relative to the star. This paper outlines a variety of challenges in the search for simple and complex life in the Solar Neighborhood.  相似文献   

Vesta and Ceres are the largest members of the asteroid belt, surviving from the earliest phases of Solar System history. They formed at a time when the asteroid belt was much more massive than it is today and were witness to its dramatic evolution, where planetary embryos were formed and lost, where the collisional environment shifted from accretional to destructive, and where the current size distribution of asteroids was sculpted by mutual collisions and most of the asteroids originally present were lost by dynamical processes. Since these early times, the environment of the asteroid belt has become relatively quiescent, though over the long history of the Solar System the surfaces of Vesta and Ceres continue to record and be influenced by impacts, most notably the south polar cratering event on Vesta. As a consequence of such impacts, Vesta has contributed a significant family of asteroids to the main belt, which is the likely source of the HED meteorites on Earth. No similar contribution to the main belt (or meteorites) is evident for Ceres. Through studies of craters, the surfaces of these asteroids will offer an opportunity for Dawn to probe the modern population of small asteroids in a size regime not directly observable from Earth.  相似文献   

We present an overview of how the principal physical properties of magnetic flux which emerges from the toroidal fields in the tachocline through the turbulent convection zone to the solar surface are linked to solar activity events, emphasizing the effects of magnetic field evolution and interaction with other magnetic structures on the latter. We compare the results of different approaches using various magnetic observables to evaluate the probability of flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) activity and forecast eruptive activity on the short term (i.e. days). Then, after a brief overview of the observed properties of CMEs and their theoretical models, we discuss the ejecta properties and describe some typical magnetic and composition characteristics of magnetic clouds (MCs) and interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs). We review some individual examples to clarify the link between eruptions from the Sun and the properties of the resulting ejecta. The importance of a synthetic approach to solar and interplanetary magnetic fields and activity is emphasized.  相似文献   

Observations of the Earth’s magnetic field from low-Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites started very early on, more than 50 years ago. Continuous such observations, relying on more advanced technology and mission concepts, have however only been available since 1999. The unprecedented time-space coverage of this recent data set opened revolutionary new possibilities for monitoring, understanding and exploring the Earth’s magnetic field. In the near future, the three-satellite Swarm constellation concept to be launched by ESA, will not only ensure continuity of such measurements, but also provide enhanced possibilities to improve on our ability to characterize and understand the many sources that produce this field. In the present paper we review and discuss the advantages and drawbacks of the various LEO space magnetometry concepts that have been used so far, and report on the motivations that led to the latest Swarm constellation concept. We conclude with some considerations about future concepts that could possibly be implemented to ensure the much needed continuity of LEO space magnetometry, possibly with enhanced scientific return, by the time the Swarm mission ends.  相似文献   

Mende  S.B.  Heetderks  H.  Frey  H.U.  Stock  J.M.  Lampton  M.  Geller  S.P.  Abiad  R.  Siegmund  O.H.W.  Habraken  S.  Renotte  E.  Jamar  C.  Rochus  P.  Gerard  J.-C.  Sigler  R.  Lauche  H. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,91(1-2):287-318
Two FUV Spectral imaging instruments, the Spectrographic Imager (SI) and the Geocorona Photometer (GEO) provide IMAGE with simultaneous global maps of the hydrogen (121.8 nm) and oxygen 135.6 nm components of the terrestrial aurora and with observations of the three dimensional distribution of neutral hydrogen in the magnetosphere (121.6 nm). The SI is a novel instrument type, in which spectral separation and imaging functions are independent of each other. In this instrument, two-dimensional images are produced on two detectors, and the images are spectrally filtered by a spectrograph part of the instrument. One of the two detectors images the Doppler-shifted Lyman- while rejecting the geocoronal `cold Ly-, and another detector images the OI 135.6 nm emission. The spectrograph is an all-reflective Wadsworth configuration in which a grill arrangement is used to block most of the cold, un-Doppler-shifted geocoronal emission at 121.567 nm. The SI calibration established that the upper limit of transmission at cold geocoronal Ly- is less than 2%. The measured light collecting efficiency was 0.01 and 0.008 cm2 at 121.8 and at 135.6 nm, respectively. This is consistent with the size of the input aperture, the optical transmission, and the photocathode efficiency. The expected sensitivity is 1.8×10–2 and 1.3×10–2 counts per Rayleigh per pixel for each 5 s viewing exposure per satellite revolution (120 s). The measured spatial resolution is better than the 128×128 pixel matrix over the 15°×15° field of view in both wavelength channels. The SI detectors are photon counting devices using the cross delay line principle. In each detector a triple stack microchannel plate (MCP) amplifies the photo-electronic charge which is then deposited on a specially configured anode array. The position of the photon event is measured by digitizing the time delay between the pulses detected at each end of the anode structures. This scheme is intrinsically faster than systems that use charge division and it has a further advantage that it saturates more gradually at high count rates. The geocoronal Ly- is measured by a three-channel photometer system (GEO) which is a separate instrument. Each photometer has a built in MgF2 lens to restrict the field of view to one degree and a ceramic electron multiplier with a KBr photocathode. One of the tubes is pointing radially outward perpendicular to the axis of satellite rotation. The optic of the other two subtend 60° with the rotation axis. These instruments take data continuously at 3 samples per second and rely on the combination of satellite rotation and orbital motion to scan the hydrogen cloud surrounding the earth. The detective efficiencies (effective quantum efficiency including windows) of the three tubes at Ly- are between 6 and 10%.  相似文献   

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