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A brief summary is presented of recent progress in estimating the rates of energy, momentum and mass transport of the solar wind through the magnetopause in terms of an analysis of the non-linear stage of various plasma instabilities. It is shown that the energy supply to the Earth's magnetosphere is due to reconnection on the dayside magnetopause and its dissipation during magnetospheric substorms, being controlled by both the interplanetary field parameters and by the dynamic pressure of the solar wind.  相似文献   

There have been many significant advances in understanding magnetic field reconnection as a result of improved space measurements and two-dimensional computer simulations. While reviews of recent work have tended to focus on symmetric reconnection on ion and larger spatial scales, the present review will focus on asymmetric reconnection and on electron scale physics involving the reconnection site, parallel electric fields, and electron acceleration.  相似文献   

Astrophysical fluids are turbulent a fact which changes the dynamics of many key processes, including magnetic reconnection. Fast reconnection of magnetic field in turbulent fluids allows the field to change its topology and connections. As a result, the traditional concept of magnetic fields being frozen into the plasma is no longer applicable. Plasma associated with a given magnetic field line at one instant is distributed along a different set of magnetic field lines at the next instant. This diffusion of plasmas and magnetic field is enabled by reconnection and therefore is termed “reconnection diffusion”. The astrophysical implications of this concept include heat transfer in plasmas, advection of heavy elements in interstellar medium, magnetic field generation etc. However, the most dramatic implications of the concept are related to the star formation process. The reason is that magnetic fields are dynamically important for most of the stages of star formation. The existing theory of star formation has been developed ignoring the possibility of reconnection diffusion. Instead, it appeals to the decoupling of mass and magnetic field arising from neutrals drifting in respect to ions entrained on magnetic field lines, i.e. through the process that is termed “ambipolar diffusion”. The predictions of ambipolar diffusion and reconnection diffusion are very different. For instance, if the ionization of media is high, ambipolar diffusion predicts that the coupling of mass and magnetic field is nearly perfect. At the same time, reconnection diffusion is independent of the ionization but depends on the scale of the turbulent eddies and on the turbulent velocities. In the paper we explain the physics of reconnection diffusion both from macroscopic and microscopic points of view, i.e. appealing to the reconnection of flux tubes and to the diffusion of magnetic field lines. We make use of the Lazarian and Vishniac (Astrophys. J. 517:700, 1999) theory of magnetic reconnection and show that this theory is applicable to the partially ionized gas. We quantify the reconnection diffusion rate both for weak and strong MHD turbulence and address the problem of reconnection diffusion acting together with ambipolar diffusion. In addition, we provide a criterion for correctly representing the magnetic diffusivity in simulations of star formation. We discuss the intimate relation between the processes of reconnection diffusion, field wandering and turbulent mixing of a magnetized media and show that the role of the plasma effects is limited to “breaking up lines” on small scales and does not affect the rate of reconnection diffusion. We address the existing observational results and demonstrate how reconnection diffusion can explain the puzzles presented by observations, in particular, the observed higher magnetization of cloud cores in comparison with the magnetization of envelopes. We also outline a possible set of observational tests of the reconnection diffusion concept and discuss how the application of the new concept changes our understanding of star formation and its numerical modeling. Finally, we outline the differences of the process of reconnection diffusion and the process of accumulation of matter along magnetic field lines that is frequently invoked to explain the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Two ideas were advanced for the process of solar wind-magnetospheric interaction in the same year 1961. Dungey suggested that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), although weak, might determine the nature of this process by magnetic reconnection as the solar wind plasma flows across the separatrix surface which divides the IMF from the geomagnetic field. Axford and Hines pointed out that the flow inside the magnetopause is in the same sense as the magnetosheath flow and appears to be viscously coupled. Within a few years the dependence of geomagnetic activity on the IMF predicted by Dungey's mechanism was observed, and reconnection began to dominate current theories. One difficulty, that of the implied dissipation at the magnetopause, was troublesome; however, the ISEE-1/2 observations of the predicted high speed flows on several occasions was enough to convince many persons that reconnection ideas were basically correct. Several investigators found some evidence in the ISEE-3 data in the distant magnetotail for the steady-state reconnection line, as demanded by the Dungey model, in the form of a southward sense of the magnetic field through the current sheet. Here, again, there is some hard contrary evidence when the data are analyzed exactly at the cross-tail current sheet: the instantaneous values show a northward sense, even at high values of auroral activity. Coupled with the anti-Sunward plasma flow, this repudiates the steady-state Dungey model. On the other hand, it lends strong support to some kind of viscous effect through the medium of the magnetospheric boundary layer. This is not a semantic problem, as the sense of the electric field (as well as the magnetic field) is opposite for the two cases. The downfall of the reconnection model is its implicit use of frozen-field convection; this problem is obvious when the problem is viewed in three dimensions. Instead, the view is taken that the relevant process must be essentially time-dependent, three-dimensional, and localized. It is proposed that the term merging be used for this generalized timedependent form of reconnection. The merging process (whatever it is) must permit solar wind plasma to cross the magnetopause onto closed field lines of the boundary layer. Once it is there, it provides the viscous-like effect that Axford and Hines had envisaged.  相似文献   

Coronal loops are heated by the release of stored magnetic energy and by the dissipation of MHD waves. Both of these processes rely on the presence of internal structure in the loop. Tangled or sheared fields dissipate wave energy more efficiently than smooth fields. Also, a highly structured field contains a large reservoir of free magnetic energy which can be released in small reconnection events (microflares and nanoflares). The typical amount of internal structure in a loop depends on the balance between input at the photosphere and dissipation. This paper describes measures of magnetic structure, how these measures relate to the magnetic energy, and how photospheric motions affect the structure of a loop.The magnetic energy released during a reconnection event. can be estimated if one knows the equilibrium energy before and after the event. For a loop with highly tangled field lines, a direct solution of the equilibrium equations may be difficult. However, lower bounds can be placed on the energy of the equilibrium field, given a measure of the tangling known as the crossing number. These bounds lead to an estimate of the buildup of energy in a coronal loop caused by random photospheric motions. Parker's topological dissipation model can plausibly supply the 107 erg cm–2 s–1 needed to heat the active region corona. The heating rate can be greatly enhanced by fragmentation of flux tubes, for example by the breakup of photospheric footpoints and the formation of new footpoints.  相似文献   

Astrophysical plasmas can have parameters vastly different from the more studied laboratory and space plasmas. In particular, the magnetic fields can be the dominant component of the plasma, with energy-density exceeding the particle rest-mass energy density. Magnetic fields then determine the plasma dynamical evolution, energy dissipation and acceleration of non-thermal particles. Recent data coming from astrophysical high energy missions, like magnetar bursts and Crab nebula flares, point to the importance of magnetic reconnection in these objects. In this review we outline a broad spectrum of problems related to the astrophysical relevant processes in magnetically dominated relativistic plasmas. We discuss the problems of large scale dynamics of relativistic plasmas, relativistic reconnection and particle acceleration at reconnecting layers, turbulent cascade in force-fee plasmas. A number of astrophysical applications are also discussed.  相似文献   

This review considers the theory of the magnetic field line reconnection and its application to the problem of the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere. In particular, we discuss the reconnection models by Sonnerup and by Petschek (for both incompressible and compressible plasmas, for the asymmetric and nonsteady-state cases), the magnetic field annihilation model by Parker; Syrovatsky's model of the current sheet; and Birn's and Schindler's solution for the plasma sheet structure. A review of laboratory and numerical modelling experiments is given.Results concerning the field line reconnection, combined with the peculiarities of the MHD flow, were used in investigating the solar wind flow around the magnetosphere. We found that in the presence of a frozen-in magnetic field, the flow differs significantly from that in a pure gas dynamic case; in particular, at the subsolar. part of the magnetopause a stagnation line appears (i.e., a line along which the stream lines are branching) instead of a stagnation point. The length and location of the stagnation line determine the character of the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere. We have developed the theory of that interaction for a steady-state case, and compare the results of the calculations with the experimental data.In the last section of the review, we propose a qualitative model of the solar wind — the Earth's magnetosphere interaction in the nonsteady-state case on the basis of the solution of the problem of the spontaneous magnetic field line reconnection.  相似文献   

Analytical studies of reconnection have, for the most part, been confined to steady and uniform current sheet geometries. In contrast to these implifications, natural phenomena associated with the presence of current sheets indicate highly non-uniform structure and time-varying behaviour. Examples include the violent outbursts of energy on the Sun known as solar flares, and magnetospheric phenomena such as flux transfer events, plasmoids, and auroral activity. Unlike the theoretical models, reconnection therefore occurs in a highly dynamic and structured plasma environment. In this article we review the mathematical tools and techniques which are available to formulate models capable of describing the effects of reconnection in such situations. We confine attention to variants of the reconnection model first discussed by Petschek in the 1960s, in view of its successful application in predicting and interpreting phenomena in the terrestrial magnetosphere. The analysis of Petschek-type reconnection is based on the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), which describe the large-scale behaviour of the magnetic field and plasma flow outside the diffusion region, which we determine as a localised part of the current sheet in which reconnection is initiated. The approach we adopt here is to transform the MHD equations into a Lagrangian or so-called 'frozen-in' coordinate system. In this coordinate system, the equation of motion transforms into a set of coupled nonlinear equations, in which the presence of inhomogeneous magnetic fields and/or plasma flows gives rise to a term similar to that which appears in the study of the ordinary string equation in a non-homogeneous medium. As demonstrated here, this approach not only clarifies and highlights the effects of such non-uniformities, it also simplifies the solution of the original set of MHD equations. In particular, this is true for those types of problem in which the total pressure can be considered as a known quantity from the outset. To illustrate the method, we solve several 2D problems involving magnetic field and flow non-uniformities: reconnection in a stagnation-point flow geometry with antiparallel magnetic fields; reconnection in a Y-type magnetic field geometry with and without velocity shear across the current sheet; and reconnection in a force-free magnetic field geometry with field lines of the form xy = const. These case examples, chosen for their tractability, each incorporate some aspects of the field and flow geomtries encountered in solar-terrestrial applications, and they provide a starting point for further analytical as well as numerical studies of reconnection.  相似文献   

The concept of reconnection is found in many fields of physics with the closest analogue to magnetic reconnection being the reconnection of vortex tubes in hydrodynamics. In plasmas, magnetic reconnection plays an important role in release of energy associated with the magnetic shear into particle energy. Although most studies to date have focused on 2D reconnection, the availability of 3D petascale kinetic simulations have brought the complexity of 3D reconnection to the forefront in collisionless reconnection studies. Here we briefly review the latest advances in 2D and compare and contrast the results with recent 3D studies that address role of anomalous transport in reconnection, effects of turbulence on the rate and structure, among others. Another outcome of recent research is the realization of a deeper link between turbulence and reconnection where the common denominator is the generic formation of electron scale sheets which dissipate the energy through reconnection. Finally, we close the review by listing some of the major outstanding problems in reconnection physics.  相似文献   

Electric field measurements are reported at 11 magnetopause crossings that occurred during a single in-bound ISEE-1 satellite pass near a local time of 1030. In combination with magnetic field data, these measurements show the existence of electric field components tangential to the actual magnetopause in the frame of rest of the magnetopause on every crossing of the current carrying layers associated with the 11 magnetopause traversals. These tangential electric field components were oriented with respect to the magnetopause sheet currents such that there was an electrical power dissipation of between 30 and 110 W km-2 on 10 of the 11 crossings. These results are in agreement with requirements of reconnection theories. Histograms of the normal electric field components and of the orientation, velocity, and thickness of the current carrying layer are presented. Suggestions of the existence of a parallel electric field in the magnetosheath near the magnetopause and of propagation of large amplitude waves along the magnetopause are also made.  相似文献   

We review the evidence for electron acceleration in the heliosphere putting emphasis on the acceleration processes. There are essentially four classes of such processes: shock acceleration, reconnection, wave particle interaction, and direct acceleration by electric fields. We believe that only shock and electric field acceleration can in principle accelerate electrons to very high energies. The shocks known in the heliosphere are coronal shocks, traveling interplanetary shocks, CME shocks related to solar type II radio bursts, planetary bow shocks, and the termination shock of the heliosphere. Even in shocks the acceleration of electrons requires the action of wave particle resonances of which beam driven whistlers are the most probable. Other mechanisms of acceleration make use of current driven instabilities which lead to electron and ion hole formation. In reconnection acceleration is in the current sheet itself where the particles perform Speiser orbits. Otherwise, acceleration takes place in the slow shocks which are generated in the reconnection process and emanate from the diffusion region in the Petschek reconnection model and its variants. Electric field acceleration is found in the auroral zones of the planetary magnetospheres and may also exist on the sun and other stars including neutron stars. The electric potentials are caused by field aligned currents and are concentrated in narrow double layers which physically are phase space holes in the ion and electron distributions. Many of them add up to a large scale electric field in which the electrons may be impulsively accelerated to high energies and heated to large temperatures.  相似文献   

The observed magnetic field configuration and signatures of reconnection in the large solar magnetic eruptions that make major flares and coronal mass ejections and in the much smaller magnetic eruptions that make X-ray jets are illustrated with cartoons and representative observed eruptions. The main reconnection signatures considered are the imaged bright emission from the heated plasma on reconnected field lines. In any of these eruptions, large or small, the magnetic field that drives the eruption and/or that drives the buildup to the eruption is initially a closed bipolar arcade. From the form and configuration of the magnetic field in and around the driving arcade and from the development of the reconnection signatures in coordination with the eruption, we infer that (1) at the onset of reconnection the reconnection current sheet is small compared to the driving arcade, and (2) the current sheet can grow to the size of the driving arcade only after reconnection starts and the unleashed erupting field dynamically forces the current sheet to grow much larger, building it up faster than the reconnection can tear it down. We conjecture that the fundamental reason the quasi-static pre-eruption field is prohibited from having a large current sheet is that the magnetic pressure is much greater than the plasma pressure in the chromosphere and low corona in eruptive solar magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Reconnection and Waves: A Review with a Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review is intended to help prepare a new stage of wave studies in the context of magnetic reconnection. Various results that have accumulated would not let the two-dimensional, steady and laminar magnetic reconnection to remain as the standard model. Emphasis on three-dimensional, temporally varying, and turbulent effects is growing and this fact tells that the effects of waves in various frequency ranges deserve further attention in the context of magnetic reconnection. In this review, by setting a perspective, selected recent topics are reviewed and the ways in which these can be viewed as the stepping stones towards a new research horizon of magnetic reconnection are discussed.  相似文献   

Interchange reconnection at the Sun, that is, reconnection between a doubly-connected field loop and singly-connected or open field line that extends to infinity, has important implications for the heliospheric magnetic flux budget. Recent work on the topic is reviewed, with emphasis on two aspects. The first is a possible heliospheric signature of interchange reconnection at the coronal hole boundary, where open fields meet closed loops. The second aspect concerns the means by which the heliospheric magnetic field strength reached record-lows during the recent solar minimum period. A?new implication of this work is that interchange reconnection may be responsible for the puzzling, occasional coincidence of the heliospheric current sheet and the interface between fast and slow flow in the solar wind.  相似文献   

Two particular examples are considered of astrophysical objects containing a highly conducting tenuous plasma with an excess magnetic energy supplied by an external source. The first example is the solar corona, whose magnetic field is continuously distorted by footpoint shuffling due to photospheric motions. The second case it an extragalactic jet extending from a galactic nucleus with an immersed magnetic field, and which is perturbed by variations in the pressure of the external medium. In both cases it is assumed that the system tends towards its lowest magnetic energy equilibrium via magnetic reconnection, thus providing a fast release of injected magnetic energy. Explicit relations between the characteristics of the external driver and the magnetic energy dissipation rate in these objects have been obtained. The relevance of this mechanism for heating the solar corona and maintaining radio emission from extragalactic jets is then. discussed by comparing these results with observational data.  相似文献   

Consequences of the solar wind input observed as large scale magnetotail dynamics during substorms are reviewed, highlighting results from statistical studies as well as global magnetosphere/ionosphere observations. Among the different solar wind input parameters, the most essential one to initiate reconnection relatively close to the Earth is a southward IMF or a solar wind dawn-to-dusk electric field. Larger substorms are associated with such reconnection events closer to the Earth and the magnetotail can accumulate larger amounts of energy before its onset. Yet, how and to what extent the magnetotail configuration before substorm onset differs for different solar wind driver is still to be understood. A strong solar wind dawn-to-dusk electric field is, however, only a necessary condition for a strong substorm, but not a sufficient one. That is, there are intervals when the solar wind input is processed in the magnetotail without the usual substorm cycle, suggesting different modes of flux transport. Furthermore, recent global observations suggest that the magnetotail response during the substorm expansion phase can be also controlled by plasma sheet density, which is coupled to the solar wind on larger time-scales than the substorm cycle. To explain the substorm dynamics it is therefore important to understand the different modes of energy, momentum, and mass transport within the magnetosphere as a consequence of different types of solar wind-magnetosphere interaction with different time-scales that control the overall magnetotail configuration, in addition to the internal current sheet instabilities leading to large scale tail current sheet dissipation.  相似文献   

We review basic theoretical concepts in particle acceleration, with particular emphasis on processes likely to occur in regions of magnetic reconnection. Several new developments are discussed, including detailed studies of reconnection in three-dimensional magnetic field configurations (e.g., current sheets, collapsing traps, separatrix regions) and stochastic acceleration in a turbulent environment. Fluid, test-particle, and particle-in-cell approaches are used and results compared. While these studies show considerable promise in accounting for the various observational manifestations of solar flares, they are limited by a number of factors, mostly relating to available computational power. Not the least of these issues is the need to explicitly incorporate the electrodynamic feedback of the accelerated particles themselves on the environment in which they are accelerated. A brief prognosis for future advancement is offered.  相似文献   

Many physical phenomena in space involve energy dissipation which generally leads to charged particle acceleration, often up to very high energies. In the Earth magnetosphere energy accumulation and release occur in the magnetotail, namely in its Current Sheet (CS). The kinetic analysis of non-adiabatic ion trajectories in the CS region with finite but positive normal component of the magnetic field demonstrated that this region is essentially non-uniform in terms of scattering characteristics of ion orbits and contains spatially localized, well-separated sites of enhanced and reduced chaotization. The latter represent sources from which accelerated and energy-collimated ions are ejected into Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer (PSBL) and stream towards the Earth. Numerical simulations performed as part of a Large-Scale Kinetic Model have shown the multiplet ion structure of the PSBL is formed by a set of ion beams (beamlets) localized both in physical and velocity space. This structure of the PSBL is quite different from the one produced by CS acceleration near a magnetic reconnection region in which more energetic ion beams are generated with a broad range of parallel velocities. Multi-point Cluster observations in the magnetotail PSBL not only showed that non-adiabatic ion acceleration occurs on closed magnetic field lines with at least two CS sources operating simultaneously, but also allowed an estimation of their spatial and temporal characteristics. In this paper we discuss and compare the PSBL manifestations of both mechanisms of CS particle acceleration: one based on the peculiar properties of non-adiabatic ion trajectories which operates on closed magnetic field lines and the other representing the well-explored mechanism of particle acceleration during the course of magnetic reconnection. We show that these two mechanisms supplement each other and the first operates mostly during quiescent magnetotail periods.  相似文献   

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