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In this article reproduced from Aerospace, Spring 1986, James Haggerty reports on the US National Aerospace Plane (NASP) research programme. NASP is a joint Department of Defense/NASA programme to develop and demonstrate the technologies for a revolutionary class of aerospace vehicles, powered by airbreathing engines, that would have the capability to take off from and land horizontally on standard runways, cruise in the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, or fly into low-Earth orbit. The Air Force has been named executive agency for the programme. NASA is charged with overall technology direction. Other DoD participants include DARPA, the Navy and the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization.

In April 1986, the USAF awarded development contracts to seven aerospace manufacturing firms. Contracts for air-frame design went to Boeing Aerospace Company, Lockheed Advanced Aeronautics Company, General Dynamics Corporation, McDonnell Douglas Corporation and Rockwell International Corporation. General Electric Company and Pratt & Whitney Division of United Technologies were awarded propulsion contracts.  相似文献   

空天防御作战是指在国家最高空天防御指挥机构统一指挥下,综合运用陆基、海基、空基和天基作战力量,对航空、航天空间各类来袭目标及其武器系统实时的先制、抗击和防护作战行动.简述了美俄的导弹空天防御体系建设思路,结合空天防御的热点,总结出航天电子对抗的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

In this paper, we described the Comprehensive AeroSpace Index (CASI), a financial index aimed at representing the economic performance of the aerospace industry. CASI is build upon a data set of approximately 20 years of daily close prices set, from January 1987 to June 2007, from a comprehensive sample of leading aerospace-related companies with stocks negotiated on the New York Exchange (NYSE) and on the over-the-counter (OTC) markets. We also introduced the sub-indices CASI-AERO, for aeronautical segment, and CASI-SAT, for satellite segment, and considered the relation between them. These three indices are compared to others aerospace indices and to more traditional general financial indices like DJIA, S&P500 and Nasdaq. Our results have shown that the CASI is an index that describes very well the aerospace sector behavior, since it is able to reflect the aeronautical segment comportment as well as the satellite one. Therefore, in this sense, it can be considered as a representative index of the aerospace sector. Moreover, the creation of two sub-indices, the CASI-AERO and the CASI-SAT, allows to elucidate capital movements within the aerospace sector, particularly those of speculative nature, like the dot.com bubble and crash of 1998–2001.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2009,64(11-12):1318-1325
In this paper, we described the Comprehensive AeroSpace Index (CASI), a financial index aimed at representing the economic performance of the aerospace industry. CASI is build upon a data set of approximately 20 years of daily close prices set, from January 1987 to June 2007, from a comprehensive sample of leading aerospace-related companies with stocks negotiated on the New York Exchange (NYSE) and on the over-the-counter (OTC) markets. We also introduced the sub-indices CASI-AERO, for aeronautical segment, and CASI-SAT, for satellite segment, and considered the relation between them. These three indices are compared to others aerospace indices and to more traditional general financial indices like DJIA, S&P500 and Nasdaq. Our results have shown that the CASI is an index that describes very well the aerospace sector behavior, since it is able to reflect the aeronautical segment comportment as well as the satellite one. Therefore, in this sense, it can be considered as a representative index of the aerospace sector. Moreover, the creation of two sub-indices, the CASI-AERO and the CASI-SAT, allows to elucidate capital movements within the aerospace sector, particularly those of speculative nature, like the dot.com bubble and crash of 1998–2001.  相似文献   

宇航元器件飞行验证是提高元器件技术成熟度和使用可靠性的重要手段。飞行验证围绕元器件研制关键技术和关键元器件在轨使用,开展影响元器件功能性能的机理研究、可靠性试验和使用策略验证。文章对元器件飞行验证试验方案、工作流程进行了分析与探讨,明确了飞行验证装置设计要求,给出了飞行验证数据分析利用的建议及实践案例。  相似文献   

文章简要回顾了测量不确定度理论的发展过程,系统分析了测量不确定度理论在国内航天领域应用的现状,重点分析了航天器研制所涉及的相关领域中标准建立及实际应用情况。最后对在国内航天领域推广测量不确定度的必要性进行了分析,并对推广前景进行了展望,提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化趋势的不断加强,航天方面的国际承包项目、国际合作必然会越来越多,提高我国航天国际合作项目的管理水平迫在眉睫。文章整合了国际上常见的一些工程项目管理模式,从融资和建设角度出发,对这些模式的特点、实施方式作出了详细分析,尤其对各种模式在应用中存在的优势及特点以及适用范围进行了研究,对于发展适合中国航天领域的国际合作项目管理模式提供了参考。  相似文献   

航天光学系统的污染控制技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文章介绍了国外航天光学系统的污染控制方法,研究了航天光学系统的污染效应和航天用非金属材料放气污染引起的光学透射率的变化。针对航天光学系统对污染高度敏感的特点,探讨了航天器研制全过程针对航天光学系统的污染控制措施。  相似文献   

As ESA and the EU seek to formalise and regulate their new, closer relationship, a major research project being carried out at the University of Cologne aims to analyse the pros and cons of the various possible models of cooperation. This report describes the aims and methods of the project. One task it has set itself is to propose solutions to the legal problems that will inevitably arise when two organisations with differing constitutions and memberships get together.  相似文献   

Test results of the air turbo ramjet for a future space plane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) has been engaged in the development study on the Air Turbo Ramjet (ATR) engine since 1986 in cooperation with the Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd (IHI). The ATR is one of the most preferable candidates for the propulsion system of a future space plane. Our ATR engine is a combined cycle air breathing propulsion system which consists of the turbojet and the fan boosted ramjet using the liquid hydrogen as a fuel. This engine system was named “ATREX” after employing the expander cycle. The ATREX is energized by thermal energy extracted regeneratively in both the pre-cooler installed in the air intake and the heat exchanger in combustion chamber. The ATREX works in the flight condition from sea level static up to Mach 6 at 35 km altitude. The ATREX employs the tip turbine configuration for compactness of turbo machinery. We are assessing the feasibility of the ATREX system by the sea level static tests using the 1/4-scale model (ATREX-500) with a fan inlet diameter of 300 mm and overall length of 2120 mm. In 1990, the ATREX-500 engine was tested in a sea level static condition to verify the performance characteristics of the turbo machinery and the combustor. In September of 1991, the heat exchanger was installed in the combustion chamber and tested independently from the turbo system. In November of 1991, the heat exchanger was coupled with the turbo system and tested to verify the overall system of the ATREX. In this paper are presented the test results of the ATREX-500 engine tested in the sea level static condition.  相似文献   

徐之焜 《火箭推进》2007,33(3):47-51
由于航天研究的特殊性,其预研型号零件一般批量很小,并且有许多零件不易装夹。选用一种不同于传统专用工装的可破坏性工装,其材料可以是金属的,也可以是非金属的。为保证进度,必须建立预先性的可破坏性工装的数据库。采用可破坏性工装缩短了研制周期,降低了研制成本。  相似文献   

为解决航天型号任务激增给AIT生产管理体系带来的问题,文章结合当前开展精细化管理工作的要求,与国外先进宇航公司——泰雷兹-阿莱尼亚空间公司就组织机构、科研生产管理、系统级研发及生产能力提升、生产流程进行对标,提出了业务整合、流程再造、优化管理模式的解决措施,探索具有中国航天特色的型号AIT生产管理模式。  相似文献   

在提出信息战概念的基础上,结合近期发生的四次战争,将信息战分为三个阶段,并预测了信息战的发展趋势。简要分析了所面临的信息战威胁,提出“积极防御,攻防结合”的信息战策略,最后指出必须大力发展航天信息装备。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2010,67(11-12):1597-1607
Since the first space object was launched into orbit in 1957, humankind has been engaged in a constant effort to realise ever more ambitious plans for space travel. Probably the single most important element in this ongoing evolution is the development of technology capable of transporting large numbers of passengers into outer space on a commercial basis. Within the foreseeable future, space will no longer be the sole domain of professionally trained astronauts or the exceptionally wealthy.The prospects for both suborbital and orbital private human access to space give rise to some interesting and difficult legal questions. It also opens up an exciting opportunity to develop an adequate system of legal regulation to deal with these activities. The existing international legal regimes covering air and space activities are not well suited to large-scale commercial access to space, largely because they were developed at a time when such activities were not a principal consideration in the mind of the drafters. The lack of legal clarity represents a major challenge and must be addressed as soon as possible, to provide for appropriate standards and further encourage (not discourage) such activities.This article will examine some of the more pressing legal issues associated with the regulation of space transportation of passengers on a commercial basis, seen in the light of Article 1 of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which states that the ‘exploration and use of outer space […] shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries […] and shall be the province of all mankind’. An appropriate balance must be found between the commercial and technological opportunities that will arise and the principles upon which the development of international space law have thus far been based.  相似文献   

航天继电器触点粘连故障机理分析及保护技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对卫星供配电系统功率继电器接通瞬间浪涌电流导致触点粘连故障进行研究,分析电路导致浪涌电流的机理,并对一种继电器触点浪涌抑制保护电路开展分析和试验测试,提出有效消除继电器触点粘连故障的方案。研究结果对帮助指导航天继电器的使用,提高航天继电器在轨应用的可靠性和安全性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to describe the interplay of factors and constraints that will shape the future of space technology. A demand-pull relationship with the needs of global society is tending to become dominant, except with regard to the field of manned spaceflight. Against this background some guidelines for a European space policy are proposed.  相似文献   

空间领域用高性能聚酰亚胺薄膜现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新型材料发展是推动航天器发展的动力之一。聚酰亚胺薄膜被誉为新一代的“黄金膜”,广泛应用于航天航空、电子封装、新能源等重要领域。文章以航天器特殊环境用薄膜材料需求为背景,重点介绍几种新型聚酰亚胺薄膜特性及其在航天器中的应用,给出了高性能聚酰亚胺薄膜材料在空间领域里的应用前景。  相似文献   

为拓宽航天飞行器防热涂层裂解温域,提高涂层的耐烧蚀性能,文章通过热重–差示扫描量热分析仪(TG-DTG)分析了2种硅橡胶基体的热分解行为,并结合马弗炉烧蚀实验研究铁红、云母、白炭黑等3种功能组元对硅橡胶涂层静态烧蚀性能的影响,通过扫描电镜(SEM)以及红外光谱分析仪(FT-IR)分析烧蚀机理,最后通过马弗炉烧蚀实验及高温燃气流烧蚀实验对2种涂层的烧蚀性能进行考核。结果表明:甲基苯基硅橡胶在220~320 ℃温域的裂解主要以侧基交联为主;在320~480 ℃以由羟基引发的主链“回咬”机制为主;在480~630 ℃则通过链间折叠发生环降解反应。主链“回咬”和链间环降解反应均会导致树脂基体交联密度降低,力学性能下降,产生“粉化”。甲基乙烯基硅橡胶在其裂解温域370~780 ℃主要发生侧基交联反应,树脂基体交联密度上升,热稳定性提高。白炭黑对于2种硅橡胶基体的热稳定性提升最为显著;铁红、云母等均会在高温下与硅橡胶基体产生共融,减缓硅橡胶基体的高温裂解。  相似文献   

Far-reaching social and political issues are implicit in any discussion of large-scale space development. This Viewpoint argues that the evolution of appropriate political institutions to deal with these issues is likely to be at least as important as the development of new technology. If large-scale space development is to take place, global international cooperation will be essential and such cooperation will have to be underpinned by enhanced institutional and legal structures. In the shorter term, an appropriate institutional response may be the creation of a World Space Agency. However, in the longer term, we should probably view a world space programme as falling within that class of global concerns that would be most appropriately managed by a federal world government.  相似文献   

两相主动式热控系统是未来航天热控的发展方向之一,系统中冷凝器是散热的重要部件,其冷凝性能对热控系统仪器的正常工作至关重要。文章对CO2机械泵驱动两相航天热控系统冷凝器与辐射器之间的热导进行试验研究,在-20℃和15℃两个饱和温度不同热流及不同流量的工况下,测量热循环(-130~20℃)前后冷凝器与辐射器间的热导变化,发现冷凝器中的导热胶在经受热胀冷缩的极限条件后不改变其导热性能,冷凝器的可重复使用性良好。  相似文献   

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