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温剑 《中国民用航空》2014,(12):102-104
<正>本文提出一种单脉冲体制二次航管天线阵的波束形成网络设计方法。通过设计波束形成网络中耦合器、功分器参数,调节各天线单元的权值,形成特定的和波束、差波束、后向波束。利用差波束在阵列端射方向的高增益特性,将其与和波束、后向波束合成,形成对和波束覆盖率高的旁瓣抑制波束,减少应答机的误应答。  相似文献   

With the development of digital processing technology, there are emerging trends toward digitization in radar receivers design. By applying direct intermediate frequency-to-digital conversion (IF sampling) and direct digital synthesis (DDS), digital radar receivers can be designed. The digital radar receivers can obtain much higher precision and stability than analog ones; moreover, it can retain the extreme flexibility of digital techniques. This paper presents the principle, constitution and design method of digital radar receivers  相似文献   

周亮  孟进  吴灏  刘永才  刘伟 《航空学报》2019,40(8):322755-322755
交叉眼干扰被认为是对单脉冲雷达干扰最有效的方式之一。基于雷达方程建立了隔离平台回波下的两点源反向交叉眼干扰模型,推导了交叉眼干扰欺骗角一般性公式,研究了干扰机发射天线间距、干扰平台旋转角和干扰机相对雷达之间距离等参数变化对角度欺骗效果的影响,并依据单脉冲雷达接收机获取角度的信息处理流程,建立了单脉冲雷达接收机仿真模型,对交叉眼数学模型的正确性和局限性进行了分析。研究结果表明:单脉冲雷达越靠近两点源交叉眼干扰机中心线、干扰机两发射天线间距越大、与干扰机距离越近时,角度欺骗效果越好;单脉冲雷达的欺骗角度随着与干扰机距离的接近呈指数式增大;数学模型和仿真模型计算的单脉冲雷达角度误差最大值随干扰机天线与雷达天线中心连线的夹角的增大呈指数化增长。研究可为交叉眼干扰工程设计作参考。  相似文献   

Monopulse radars have played an important role in air and missile defense systems since the development of the monopulse technique in the late 1940s. This paper outlines the application of monopulse radars in Russian defense systems, starting with the Moscow ABM system and continuing in instrumentation and air defense radars now widely deployed in Russia and elsewhere  相似文献   

Angle estimation for two unresolved targets with monopulse radar   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most present-day radar systems use monopulse techniques to extract angular measurements of sunbeam accuracy. The familiar "monopulse ratio" is a very effective means to derive the angle of a single target within a radar beam. For the simultaneous estimation of the angles of two closely-spaced targets, a modification on the monopulse ratio was derived in (Blair and Pearce, 2001), while (Sinha et al., 2002) presented a maximum likelihood (ML) technique via numerical search. In this paper it is shown that the ML solution can in fact be found explicitly, and the numerical search of ((Sinha et al., 2002) is unnecessary. However, the ML solution requires the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for each target to be known, and hence we generalize it so it requires only the relative SNR. Several versions of expectation maximization (EM) joint angle estimators are also derived, these differing in the degree to which prior information on SNR and on beam pattern are assumed. The performances of the different direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimators for unresolved targets are studied via Monte Carlo, and it is found that most have similar performance: this is remarkable since the use of prior information (SNR, relative SNR, beam pattern) varies widely between them. There is, however, considerable performance variability as a function of the two targets' off-boresight angles. A simple combined technique that fuses the results from different approaches is thus proposed, and it performs well uniformly.  相似文献   

Analytical expressions for the computational requirements of broad classes of radar pulse deinterleaving algorithms are developed. The analysis applies to block collection systems and is principally intended for systems with insufficient monopulse resolution to uniquely sort emitters on monopulse parameters alone. The analysis begins with triplet sequence search approaches and is confirmed by simulation. It is also shown that this approach generalizes to more complex deinterleaving schemes, including M-tuple search and time of arrival (TOA) difference histogramming. All cases exhibit the same basic functional form of quadratic dependence on the number of emitters, linear dependence on the collection time, and complex dependence on the pulse deletion (or dropping) probability  相似文献   

The complete numerical analysis of angle-tracking performance of a coherent amplitude-comparison monopulse radar system in a two-target situation is described. This system, equipped with automatic gain control (AGC) and phase-locked loop (PLL), was originally invented for improving the target-tracking performance in multiple-target situation. The general behavior depends on Doppler separation of the targets relative to the bandwidths of AGC and PLL. The performance of this system has previously been roughly analyzed by using linear approximation for four extreme cases: wideband and narrowband AGC in combination with wideband and narrowband PLL. In this study, the author performs nonlinear analysis of the same system for all bandwidths of AGC and PLL, because Doppler separation varies over a wide range in actual tracker, and therefore it is indispensable to know the total system behavior. A special numerical technique called the Galerkin method is used. As a result of this analysis, the extensive target-tracking performance for all intermediate bandwidths of AGC and PLL has been clarified. The result is useful for actual target tracker design  相似文献   

以菱形翼布局高空长航时(HALE)传感器无人机研究为背景,分析了翼型内部安装平面相控阵雷达天线的基本原理。通过推导雷达探测性能的估算方程,建立了在翼型中安装平面相控阵雷达天线的数学模型。采用数值模拟的方法,对典型雷诺数下的RAE2822翼型的气动特性进行了研究并与试验数据进行了对比,验证了使用有限体积法k-ωSST(Shear Stress Transport)湍流模型求解雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程在这一状态下的可靠性和适用性;同时对不同厚度的NACA 64A系列翼型的流场结构和流动机理进行了分析,在此基础上提出了一种满足平面相控阵雷达天线安装情况下翼型的优化设计思想。优化结果验证了这一设计思想的可行性。  相似文献   

Airfield surveillance utilizing over-the-horizon radar (OTHR) offers the opportunity to gather significant intelligence concerning activity levels at suspect drug smuggling airports. It also provides the potential to classify aircraft initially from observed takeoff data, which would be helpful in interdiction efforts. This paper discusses the radar signal components and signal processing techniques required to accomplish this capability. An actual takeoff, observed by SRI International's Wide Aperture Research Facility (WARF), illustrates how the range-Doppler display plays an important role in developing and automating this capability. The ultimate capability is automatic takeoff recognition, initial target classification, rate of climb indication, and track to destination-all important contributions to the counterdrug command, control, and interdiction team  相似文献   

A radar system for geometric height estimation of civil aircraft is described. The system consists of one standard or mode S secondary surveillance radar (SSR) and one omnidirectional antenna sited away from SSR under an airplane. The geometric height is derived by trilateration. Systematic errors are compensated for by deriving the profile of the effect on height measurements of the bias in range measurements. A curve-fitting technique is then used, which estimates both the geometric height and any non-zero systematic errors  相似文献   

GMM-based target classification for ground surveillance Doppler radar   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An automatic target recognition (ATR) algorithm, based on greedy learning of Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is developed. The GMMs were obtained for a wide range of ground surveillance radar targets such as walking person(s), tracked or wheeled vehicles, animals, and clutter. Maximum-likelihood (ML) and majority-voting decision schemes were applied to these models for target classification. The corresponding classifiers were trained and tested using distinct databases of target echoes, recorded by ground surveillance radar. ML and majority-voting classifiers obtained classification rates of 88% and 96%, correspondingly. Both classifiers outperform trained human operators.  相似文献   

A flexible loop filter design for spacecraft phase-locked receivers is proposed. The loop filter is implemented as digital hardware with coefficients that are set by registers. Either a perfect or an imperfect integrating loop filter can be effected. This flexibility is important since not one type of loop filter is preferred for all circumstances. An imperfect integrator is preferred when, as is often the case for spacecraft receivers, it is important to minimize the best-lock frequency drift of an idling loop. A perfect integrator is preferred when the tracking performance of the loop is the most important consideration  相似文献   

In the work presented here, we address parameter optimization for agile beam radar tracking to minimize the radar resources that are required to maintain a target under track. The parameters to be optimized include the track-revisit interval as well as the sequence of pairs of target signal strengths and detection thresholds associated with successive illumination attempts in each track-revisit. The effects of false alarms and clutter interference are taken into account in the modeling of target detection and in the characterization of tracking performance. Based on the detection model and tracker characterization, the parameter optimization problem is formulated. Typical examples of the optimization problem are numerically solved. The optimal solution gives an off-line scheduling of the parameter set. It also provides insight into the selection of a near-optimal parameter set that is appropriate for real-time implementation.  相似文献   

The following topics are discussed in the context of the development of an airborne moving target radar for long range surveillance: US Navy long range shipborne radar; Cadillac I airborne early warning (AEW) radar; Cadillac II airborne early warning (AEW) radar; airborne moving target indicating (AMTI) radar; related post-war radar activities; and the invention of the displaced center antenna. Among the topics studied is the use of a monopulse antenna in an MTI radar to remove the degradation of the MTI caused by rapid scanning of the antenna. A method of using a monopulse antenna for motion compensation in airborne MTI is discussed.<>  相似文献   

近年来,全球风力发电装机容量呈指数增长。研究表明,风轮机对其附近的航管(ATC)监视雷达会产生严重影响。风轮机杂波的有效检测及抑制,对于保证空中交通安全具有重要意义。首先提出了基于回波谱宽特征的航管监视雷达的风轮机杂波检测方法。针对扫描模式下航管监视雷达频谱分辨率较低的问题,将基于自回归(AR)模型的超分辨率方法和质量中心的概念应用于雷达回波的快速谱宽和谱中心估计算法中,提高谱宽估计的精度。其次针对扫描模式下的风轮机回波数据不是一个完整周期数据的问题,基于缺省数据幅度和相位估计(GAPES)算法实现了扫描模式下风轮机雷达回波缺省数据的估计,而后利用风轮机杂波的周期性抑制风轮机杂波。该算法实现了风轮机杂波的有效检测和抑制,并且其不受限于风轮机与飞机目标在同一个距离单元的情况。仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Attitude and antenna pointing design of bistatic radar formations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spaceborne bistatic radar observations allow original scientific applications to be carried out. Furthermore, assuming transmitting and receiving antennas operating on separated platforms, key design issues relevant to formation flying must be solved. Mathematical models are presented for computation of attitude and pointing angles. Main design constraint is the capability of maintaining swath overlap, but selected strategy also depends on the cost of spacecraft attitude maneuvering or antenna beam electronic steering. The model has been applied considering a large transmitting/receiving primary mission and a receiving-only small satellite. In this case antenna steering was preferred. Finally, if the passive antenna is smaller than the active one, overlap maintenance is simplified, obviating the need for yaw rotations.  相似文献   

Many radar systems use the monopulse ratio to extract angle of arrival (AOA) measurements in both azimuth and elevation angles. The accuracies of each such measurement are reasonably well known: each measurement is, conditioned on the sum-signal return, Gaussian-distributed with calculable bias (relative to the true AOA), and variance. However, we note that the two monopulse ratios are functions of basic radar measurements that are not entirely independent, specifically in that the sum signal is common to both. The effect of this is that the monopulse ratios are dependent, and a simple explicit expression is given for their correlation; this is of considerable interest when the measurements are supplied to a tracking algorithm that requires a measurement covariance matrix. The system performance improvement when this is taken into account is quantified: while it makes little difference for a tracking radar with small pointing errors, there are more substantial gains when a target is allowed to stray within the beam, as with a rotating (track-while-scan) radar or when a single radar dwell interrogates two or more targets at different ranges. But in any case, the correct covariance expression is so simple that there is little reason not to use it. We additionally derive the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) on joint azimuth/elevation angle estimation and discover that it differs only slightly from the covariance matrix corresponding to the individual monopulse ratios. Hence, using the individual monopulse ratios and their simple joint accuracy expression is an adequate and quick approximation of the optimal maximum likelihood procedure for single resolved targets.  相似文献   

采用拉格朗日乘子法优化设计了雷达散射截面约束条件下的锥形融合气动外形.拉格朗日乘子法中的极小化问题采用动态演化的优化设计方法求解.该方法是一种基于非定常演化的优化设计方法,即在求解非定常流动支配方程的时候同时履行优化过程,较其它基于定常解的优化方法具有高得多的计算效率.其中的雷达散射截面通过求解非结构的笛卡儿网格上的时域麦克斯韦方程来得到,而升阻比则通过求解锥形流方程来计算.通过优化设计,得到了M∞=8.0时,升阻比为4.98,雷达散射截面只有1.66m2的锥形融合气动外形.  相似文献   

研究表明风力发电场可能会影响航管雷达系统,导致其工作性能下降,因此准确评估风电场对航管雷达的影响具有重要意义。利用二次雷达信号特征给出了一种风电场对二次雷达影响的评估方法。首先根据二次雷达信号特征从风电场反射信号干扰方面分析了风电场对航管二次雷达可能产生的影响.然后阐述了以反射信号的时延来划分风电场影响区域的评估方法。最后通过在DEM(digital elevation model数字高程模型)数据上的仿真实验来验证本文评估方法。  相似文献   

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