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The growth in NASA's ground network complexity and cost triggered a search for an alternative. Through a lease service contract, Western Union will provide to NASA 10 years of space communications services with a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). A constellation of four operating satellites in geostationary orbit and a single ground terminal will provide complete tracking, telemetry and command service for all of NASA's Earth orbital satellites below an altitude of 12,000 km. The system is shared: two satellites will be dedicated to NASA service; a third will provide backup as a shared spare; the fourth satellite will be dedicated to Western Union's Advanced Westar commercial service. Western Union will operate the ground terminal and provide operational satellite control. NASA's Network Control Center will provide the focal point for scheduling user services and controlling the interface between TDRSS and the rest of the NASA communications network, project control centers and data processing facilities. TDRSS single access user spacecraft data systems should be designed for efficient time shared data relay support. Reimbursement policy and rate structure for non-NASA users are currently being developed.  相似文献   

为飞机等交通工具内的用户提供基于卫星的不间断IP连接,并在卫星星座网络内实现IP路由选择功能,是未来LEO卫星星座通信网络需要解决的关键问题。提出了基于移动式网络技术的LEO卫星星座通信网络体系结构,实现了卫星星座通信网络中的IP路由选择功能,并降低了对地面网路的依赖,实现了对用户段网络随时随地的连接支持。在对卫星星座通信网络中的星地切换模式进行分析的基础上,提出了一种基于虚拟移动路由器的快速星地切换和认证方法。通过NS2仿真试验,给出了新型LEO卫星星座通信网络的传输延迟特性以及快速切换方法的仿真试验结果。仿真试验表明,提出的网络结构是满足未来卫星星座发展需求的,星地间的切换是低时延的。  相似文献   

Radio communications between vehicles or individuals and base stations are essential to many public safety, law enforcement and commercial users in urban areas. Present day communications are limited to nearly line-of-sight distances from the vehicle or hand portable units to a base station or repeater. It is probable that many potential users in rural, remote and offshore areas would benefit if the communications were available everywhere on land and territorial waters. Geosynchronous satellites can serve as repeaters for mobile and personal radios, and they appear to be a cost effective means of providing the service.Voice bandwidth communication and automatic position monitoring of an automobile were tested using the VHF transponders of NASAs ATS-3 and ATS-1 satellites. Voice communications were reliable and position fixes were accurate to one fourth mile, with 0.3 mile precision of individual fixes.Demonstrations for potential users have included emergency medical voice and telemetry communications between ambulances and hospitals.While technical feasibility of satellite-aided mobile and personal communications has been demonstrated, and its potential value is appreciated by a small segment of the user community, many problems remain before an operational system could be implemented. Solutions to the problems require an experimental satellite with a multibeam antenna. The satellite or its associated ground terminals should incorporate computer controlled network switching to test demand assignment of channels. Prolonged experience by many users of the experimental satellite in their routine operations would aggregate user needs and define the capital investment that would be justified to implement a commercial operating system.  相似文献   

移动自组网是一种自治的、无需网络基础设施支持的、多跳传输的无线网络,具有非常广泛的应用前景。自组网即可以构成独立子网也可以与Internet互联,所以移动主机必须具有自动分配唯一的全球有效IPv6地址的能力。关于IP地址的自动分配已经有了一些算法,但大多数是采用在全网内进行泛洪广播来检测地址的重复,这将带来很大的开销。文中我们提出了一种IPv6地址分配协议,利用从GPS获取的节点地理位置信息和时间信息作为IPv6地址中接口标识符(InterfaceID)的唯一性参数,来提高选定的IPv6地址的唯一性,从而省去不必要的StrongDAD开销。重复地址可以通过监测邻居节点的数据包来检测到,并在必要时发送一跳的AERR消息来进行地址的重新分配,从而将地址分配的控制开销大大降低,并且将地址分配延迟将到最低。该协议被命名为OneHopWeakDAD地址自动分配协议。  相似文献   

实现航天编队飞行需要有测量系统测定队列成员的相对位置、姿态和时间,还需要通信系统在编队成员间交换工程数据和科学实验数据。测量系统和通信系统都是实现航天编队飞行的核心技术。基于卫星导航技术,将卫星导航接收机、伪卫星发射机、伪码扩频序列通信和测距链路及相关数据处理模块组合,组成射频收发器,可以构成完成上述功能的测量和通信一体化系统。文中根据国外已有的实践经验阐明射频收发器设计中的交互链路设计技术,包括关于链路拓扑的考虑是采用星形网络还是网形网络;采用相控阵波束形成、分路多路径接收和多用户检测技术;采用半双工码分多址的多路传输体制和打包的信号结构;既可用兼用GPS和交互链路的相对导航,也可只用交互链路测距实现相对定位导航;在编队内外的星间通信乃至星地通信中引入移动IP功能等。航天器本身必须具备适应空间环境的耐辐射能力。  相似文献   

随着计算机互联网在世界范围内的广泛应用,许多原来由电信公网承载的业务,逐步移植到了互联网上,如语音业务(VOIP)、视频电话业务、IPTV业务等。采用TCP/IP协议构建的互联网,如何能保证上述业务的服务质量(QoS)是目前业内经常讨论的话题之一,在实际的应用过程中,分析影响服务质量的各种因素,网络时延是主要的原因之一,本文就时延的产生及改善进行深入的探讨。  相似文献   

Science return and high bandwidth communications are one of the key issues to support the foreseen endeavours on next generation missions [J.L. Gerner, Telemetry, tracking and command of satellites—a perspective, TT&C 2004 Workshop, 7–9 September 2004]. Interplanetary telecommunication systems are required that support the foreseen endeavours. Given the same constraints in terms of mass, power and volume a laser communications terminal can offer an increase in telemetry bandwidth over classical RF technology allowing for a variety of new options, specifically to missions that require large distances, such as to the Moon, to liberation points L1 and L2, ultimately aiming at deep space missions. An increase in telemetry data rate allows the mission to consider the processing of raw scientific data to take place on ground, making use of latest technology further developed during the cruise phase of the probe, rather than applying data pre-processing on-board the satellite. Enhanced sensing techniques that generate more science data return could be used and access to data during flight could be faster. Results of on-going activities will be presented, comprising PPM laser communications and advanced tracking concepts. An overview will be given of the system concept for an integrated RF-optical TT&C transponder. Results will be shown from hardware tests on communications performance in inter-island test campaigns.  相似文献   

NASAs early efforts in satellite communications development brought confidence in space technology use for improved telecommunications. New, worldwide satellite communications systems have resulted, and are now on a commercial, self-sustaining operational basis. Since 1973, NASA has conducted hundreds of user experiments and demonstrated newer technology using ATS-1, -3, -6 and CTS. Now, projections show that the commercial demand will continue to increase, soon exceeding the current technology's capacity.As a result, U.S. Space Policy affirmed in 1978 that NASA should embark again on a research and development program for satellite communications with specific, characterized goals. The resulting plan's elements include 3020GHz Ka-band technology, extending the current work in advanced multi-beam antennas; a narrowband system and technology study that could lead to mobile and transportable communications developments; and studies of future uses of technology in communications. The program plan and its evolution are described, followed by a report of current progress and future expectations.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2010,66(11-12):1772-1782
Science return and high bandwidth communications are one of the key issues to support the foreseen endeavours on next generation missions [J.L. Gerner, Telemetry, tracking and command of satellites—a perspective, TT&C 2004 Workshop, 7–9 September 2004]. Interplanetary telecommunication systems are required that support the foreseen endeavours. Given the same constraints in terms of mass, power and volume a laser communications terminal can offer an increase in telemetry bandwidth over classical RF technology allowing for a variety of new options, specifically to missions that require large distances, such as to the Moon, to liberation points L1 and L2, ultimately aiming at deep space missions. An increase in telemetry data rate allows the mission to consider the processing of raw scientific data to take place on ground, making use of latest technology further developed during the cruise phase of the probe, rather than applying data pre-processing on-board the satellite. Enhanced sensing techniques that generate more science data return could be used and access to data during flight could be faster. Results of on-going activities will be presented, comprising PPM laser communications and advanced tracking concepts. An overview will be given of the system concept for an integrated RF-optical TT&C transponder. Results will be shown from hardware tests on communications performance in inter-island test campaigns.  相似文献   

This study takes two different approaches to trying to estimate the ‘worth’ of satellite applications, one based upon tariff services and their pyramidal value and the other of estimating derived benefits on a sector-by-sector basis to total the economic value of business and application satellite services. These procedures result in an order-of-magnitude estimate for direct and indirect benefits of satellites of $390 billion per year or about 2% of the global economy. Estimations of social benefits are more difficult to quantify. The business, cultural, social and educational benefits of satellite communications are shown to be tremendous, and wherever possible clear economic terms are used.  相似文献   

A Canadian Government program is currently under way to define, in detail, services and applications, user requirements, end-to-end system architecture and subsystem equipment design requirements for a demonstration on-board-processing (OBP) communications satellite system. The program has reached an advanced stage of definition. The prime directive of the overall mission is to provide demonstration and development of technology and services.

This paper begins by describing the development of our understanding of the true scope of advanced personal communications services and applications; the user expectations and hence terminal characteristics are also reviewed in the context of the competitive environment of other service offerings both existing and planned. In addition, the results of considerations on spacecraft complexity and hence feasibility, caused by the impact of each service option and the requirements for internetworking, are reviewed.  相似文献   

卫星物联网中随机接入技术研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
卫星物联网具有广域覆盖的特点,可以很好地解决地面物联网的不足。随着海量用户的接入,对接入技术的吞吐量和丢包率提出了更高的要求。目前,以时隙ALOHA及监听信道ALOHA为代表的接入技术在地面得到广泛地应用,但时隙ALOHA在海量接入方面效率低下,不能直接用于卫星物联网,而卫星通信的大传播时延不允许使用监听信道ALOHA。因此,引入干扰消除冲突解决机制的竞争解决分集时隙ALOHA(contention resolution diversity slotted ALOHA,CRDSA)成为新的研究领域。回顾了CRDSA研究进展,从时隙同步和帧同步两个角度将接入技术分为同步CRDSA和异步CRDSA,在深入研究每种技术路线之后,总结了这些接入技术的特点,并以此进行分类概述。其次,详细阐述了每种改进方式的代表性技术原理,并结合技术特点就其在卫星物联网的适用性进行了探讨。最后,分析了未来我国卫星物联网的发展趋势,并结合这一趋势讨论了适用于我国卫星物联网的随机接入技术发展前景。  相似文献   

Space is now a global business, yet the cost of getting to space is still high. Developing new launch vehicles that are cheaper, safer, and more reliable is the key to both rapid commercial growth and to more and better government uses of space. However, the R&D process leading to new launch vehicles is expensive and technically challenging; the past 50 years have seen many government development programs, but no major technological breakthroughs. Perhaps, it is therefore time to think about other ways of developing new launch vehicles. The best expertise in this field resides primarily with private companies and is spread across many actors and nations. A consortium led by space firms might be a better approach to opening up space in the 21st century. Governments will have to develop new policies treating space as though it were a commercial industry, in particular, relaxing export trade restrictions wherever possible. Issues of dual-use may be outweighed by the rapidly growing widespread availability of launch capabilities. Since new launch vehicles will require large up-front R&D expenditures, government support will continue to be needed to supplement private capital funds. Contributions to this effort should be international. However, difficult it might be in today's security conscious environment to reorient government policy, doing so may offer the most efficient and successful way to break the technological and economic barriers to more reliable access to space.  相似文献   

为了满足卫星系统对通信容量日益增长的需求,W波段已经成为空间通信应用中的前沿。对于高功率放大器,w波段行波管在输出功率和工作带宽方面具有优势,国内的W波段连续波和脉冲行波管在功率和带宽等主要技术指标上已经达到国际先进水平,希望进一步提高器件的实用化程度和可靠性,促进W波段卫星通信系统的研究,为我国下一步高频率宽带卫星通信系统达到国际先进水平提供自主可控的核心电子元器件产品。  相似文献   

Space communications are a successful, innovative technological model. They introduced many new and advanced technologies. The direct benefits of space communication services surpassed expectations. Also, space communications, as a steady resource, are truly a paradigm of socio-economic development. The urgent goal for all developing and developed societies is a steady-state economy. In tomorrow's society this paradigm will have a far greater influence on socio-economic life than other benefits.  相似文献   

海上无线通信具有传播环境复杂、多径干扰、信号衰减和时延较大等特点,传统的通信传输系统无法满足无人船之间、岸船之间稳定可靠的通信业务需求。针对海气界面组网观测中以无人船为核心的快速机动组网协同观测任务,研究基于信道感知的无人船自组网随机接入协议,采用优先级机制满足海上环境下网络负载较大时敏业务的低延迟传输需求,为无人船组网观测信息传递提供可靠性和实时性保证。终端采用一发多收机制提高数据传输成功率和网络系统吞吐量。最后,基于OPNET搭建仿真网络模型,从接入成功率、平均端对端时延、系统吞吐量等方面仿真分析所设计的随机接入协议性能。  相似文献   

Advantages of communications satellites are the inherent broadcast capability, high bandwidth, reliability and flexibility in network expansion. Small transportable terminals can be made operational very quickly. Recent developments in communications and computer technology allow to provide low-cost equipment, which is affordable even in developing countries. Communications satellites can also play an important role in case of emergencies or natural disasters. The combination of satellite communications and navigation can support new services for emergency teams.

At the Institute of Applied Systems Technology and the Institute of Communication Networks and Satellite Communications highly transportable terminals have been developed, both for star and mesh network topologies. A fully meshed VSAT system is used for symmetrical links. For other applications, which do not require high return link capacity an asymmetrical system is an efficient solution. It uses low-cost DVB technology for the forward link and satellite phones with data capability on the return link. Novel multicast protocols allow to use these asymmetrical links in an efficient way. The paper describes the different systems and their applications in disaster management and security applications. Emphasis is put on transfer of remote sensing images and voice over IP (VoIP) as well as videoconference services.  相似文献   

基于非正交多址接入(NOMA)的Q学习(Q-Learning)随机接入方法(NORA-QL)是实现物联网中海量设备泛在接入的一项有效技术.为了解决NORA-QL方法仍存在的传输能效和过载容量较低的问题,提出了一种适合卫星通信网络的改进方法(I-NORA-QL).针对传输功耗高的问题,I-NORA-QL利用卫星广播的全局...  相似文献   

Competition between the providers of space transportation has become intense with the distinct possibility of governments providing both direct and indirect subsidies in order to influence transportation user choices. This bodes well for users of transportation services but has serious ramifications with regard to the future makeup of the international space transportation industry. This paper addresses the following key issues: selecting a launch service given a decision to establish a business to provide satellite communication services; establishing the price that should be bid by a launch provider in order to have a specified chance of being awarded the launch contract; and assessing the possibility that a launch provider is utilizing unfair or predatory pricing in order to increase the likelihood of winning launch contracts and thereby increasing market share. A method is developed and results presented based upon establishing ‘value in use’ pricing that explicitly takes into account the multiple attributes of alternative launch services. This leads to an assessment of ‘predatory’ pricing in terms of the value in use pricing.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2001,48(5-12):401-409
NTT started development of a multimedia satellite communication system to provide a medium for Internet access in 1995. This system, which entered commercial service in 1998, uses a hybrid network consisting of a high-speed satellite forward link and terrestrial access links. To meet the increasing demand for low-cost and ubiquitous access links, a second-generation system equipped with satellite transmitting functions is now being developed. The user terminal design calls for a DTH-sized receiver antenna and a transmission power of less than 0.1 W, which will make it suitable for use in homes and small offices. The access link signals from the user terminals are superimposed onto the high-speed TDM forward link signal for efficient use of the frequency band. The transmission power from the user terminal is significantly low compared to that of the forward link signal, a novel interference cancellation technique is introduced. A channel assignment scheme called “channel reservation with rapid release” is introduced for both efficient use of the channels and higher transmission throughput. The forward link signal is completely compatible with the first-generation system, and the data rate is about 30 Mb/s.The paper describes the system's configuration, the central earth station's configuration, and the key technologies of the radio system and access control system.  相似文献   

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