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Expressions are provided for the accuracy of monopulse angle estimation using two beams. It is shown that, if the signal angle is halfway between the angles of the beams, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for monopulse processing is almost as small as the CRLB obtained if the entire array of sensors is used. The monopulse CRLB is considerably poorer if the angle of the signal is equal to that of one of the two beams. The expressions in this correspondence are for a uniformly weighted linear array of M equally spaced sensors, for which N⩾M beams are formed 相似文献
低温风洞流场参数快速精确控制需要建立驱动风扇功率与马赫数、雷诺数、压力和温度等运行参数间准确动态传递模型.以0.3?m低温风洞初步运行压比和状态参数测试数据为对象,归纳分析发现风洞运行压比与试验马赫数平方成近似线性关系,且相同马赫数下测试数据点分布与雷诺数成有序关系,基于该特性成功构造马赫数和雷诺数组合幂函数,并建立风洞运行压比与组合幂函数的线性关联式.结果表明在马赫数小于1.0和宽广雷诺数变化范围下该动态模型与测试数据具有良好的一致性.同时,利用空气动力学方程式也推导验证了该动态模型的理论正确性.该动态模型的建立使得风洞运行液氮需求和压缩机功率以相对简单的方式与试验状态相关联,将其应用于风洞前馈控制,必将简化风洞控制流程,缩短每个数据点的稳定时间,节约液氮消耗量. 相似文献
低温风洞流场参数快速精确控制需要建立驱动风扇功率与马赫数、雷诺数、压力和温度等运行参数间准确动态传递模型.以0.3?m低温风洞初步运行压比和状态参数测试数据为对象,归纳分析发现风洞运行压比与试验马赫数平方成近似线性关系,且相同马赫数下测试数据点分布与雷诺数成有序关系,基于该特性成功构造马赫数和雷诺数组合幂函数,并建立风洞运行压比与组合幂函数的线性关联式.结果表明在马赫数小于1.0和宽广雷诺数变化范围下该动态模型与测试数据具有良好的一致性.同时,利用空气动力学方程式也推导验证了该动态模型的理论正确性.该动态模型的建立使得风洞运行液氮需求和压缩机功率以相对简单的方式与试验状态相关联,将其应用于风洞前馈控制,必将简化风洞控制流程,缩短每个数据点的稳定时间,节约液氮消耗量. 相似文献
Daeipour E. Blair W.D. Bar-Shalom Y. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1997,33(3):863-882
The problem of tracking targets in the presence of reflections from sea or ground is addressed. Both types of reflections (specular and diffuse) are considered. Specular reflection causes large peak errors followed by an approximately constant bias in the monopulse ratio, while diffuse reflection has random variations which on the average generate a bias in the monopulse ratio. Expressions for the average error (bias) in the monopulse ratio due to specular and diffuse reflections and the corresponding variance in the presence of noise in the radar channels are derived. A maximum maneuver-based filter and a multiple model estimator are used for tracking. Simulation results for five scenarios, typical of sea skimmers, with Swerling III fluctuating radar cross sections (RCSs) indicate the significance and efficiency of the technique developed in this paper-a 65% reduction of the rms error in the target height estimate. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1997,33(3):988-997
The statistical characterization of the conditioned signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the sample matrix inversion (SMI) method has been known for some time. An eigenanalysis-based detection method, referred to as the eigencanceler, has been shown to be a useful alternative to SMI, when the interference has low rank. In this work, the density function of the conditioned SNR is developed for the eigencanceler. The development is based on the asymptotic expansion of the distribution of the principal components of the covariance matrix. It is shown that, unlike the SMI method, the eigencanceler yields a conditional SNR distribution that is dependent on the covariance matrix, It is further shown that simpler, covariance matrix-independent approximations can be found for the large interference-to-noise case. The new distribution is shown to be in good agreement with the numerical data obtained from simulations. 相似文献
This paper presents a computational method for the calculation of probability of detection using measured radar target cross-section data. The described method can also be used for probability of detection calculations when the radar target cross section follows a specified probability density function. Using the computational procedure of the paper, a number of curves are generated which can be used for probability of detection calculations with exponential and Gaussian radar target cross-section distributions. The results obtained using theoretical distributions are compared with the corresponding results using actual target cross-section measurements. The results of computer runs are compared to the corresponding values in the literature where available. 相似文献
A nonasymptotic performance comparison is presented between the Min-Norm and MUSIC algorithms for estimating the directions of arrival of narrowband plane waves impinging on an array of sensors. The analysis is based on a finite amount of sensor data. The analysis makes the assumption of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and it applies to arrays of arbitrary geometry. It is shown that Min-Norm can be expressed as a certain data-dependent weighted MUSIC algorithm, and that this relationship allows a unified performance comparison. It is also shown that the variances of the estimated directions-of-arrival from the MUSIC algorithm are always smaller than those of the Min-Norm algorithm at high SNR when both algorithms employ a numerical search procedure to obtain the estimates 相似文献
介绍了模拟板由小模型到大模型的研制过程,着重讨论了模拟板小模型与大模型在流场总压恢复系数、周向不均匀度、低压区范围等方面的相关性问题。研究结果表明由小模型到大模型的研制方案是正确可行的。 相似文献
The derivation of parametric equations for a limiting surface in the space of internal forces and moments that act in the rod cross-sections, using the basic concepts of plasticity theory and conventional hypotheses of the rod theory, is presented. The plastic properties of rod material are described by the Mises criterion. A case of small displacements and strains under static simple loading is considered. The results of solving a number of problems of constructing limiting curves in the planes of internal forces and moments are given. 相似文献
复合制导空空导弹截获目标概率研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
中远程空空导弹普遍采用中制导加末制导的复合制导体制,在中末制导交接段,导弹截获目标的概率(TAP)是一个重要的设计指标。建立了一种工程上实用的截获概率计算数学模型,研究了影响截获概率的5种主要误差源及其计算公式,并给出了一条典型弹道的截获概率计算结果。该方法特别适用于研究不同误差源对截获概率的影响,可以在一次弹道计算中得到该条弹道的截获概率。 相似文献
A. V. Kretinin Yu. A. Bulygin V. Yu. Klimov P. A. Dronov 《Russian Aeronautics (Iz VUZ)》2009,52(4):440-443
The results of calculating the fuel component distribution along the cooling path channels in the liquid rocket engine (LRE) based on the Monte-Carlo method with regard for a random scatter of the hydraulic resistance coefficient values in the individual channels are presented. 相似文献
N. N. Makarov 《Russian Aeronautics (Iz VUZ)》2008,51(3):300-304
The mathematical statement and a technique for solving a problem on formation of control and decision-making in the off-normal situations with the use of informative functions of failure danger in the airborne ergatic complex elements are considered. 相似文献
Bird-like flapping-wing vehicles with a high aspect ratio have the potential to fulfill missions given to micro air vehicles, such as high-altitude reconnaissance, surveillance, rescue, and bird group guidance, due to their good loading and long endurance capacities. Biologists and aeronautical researchers have explored the mystery of avian flight and made efforts to reproduce flapping flight in bioinspired aircraft for decades. However, the cognitive depth from theory to practice is still very limited. The mechanism of generating sufficient lift and thrust during avian flight is still not fully understood. Moving wings with unique biological structures such as feathers make modeling, simulation, experimentation, and analysis much more difficult. This paper reviews the research progress on bird-like flapping wings from flight mechanisms to modeling. Commonly used numerical computing methods are briefly compared. The aeroelastic problems are also highlighted. The results of the investigation show that a leading-edge vortex can be found during avian flight. Its induction and maintenance may have a close relationship with wing configuration, kinematics and deformation. The present models of flapping wings are mainly two-dimensional airfoils or three-dimensional single root-jointed geometric plates, which still exhibit large differences from real bird wings. Aeroelasticity is encouraged to consider the nonignorable effect on aerodynamic performance due to large-scale nonlinear deformation. Introducing appropriate flexibility can improve the peak values and efficiencies of lift and thrust, but the detailed conclusions always have strong background dependence. 相似文献
根据目标位置的初始分布和速度分布,给出了随机恒速运动目标在任意时刻位置和速度分布密度函数。定义了探测函数、目标存在和探测不成功的联合概率密度函数和目标存活概率函数,建立了基于目标速度分布的搜索方程并给出了其特征迹线解。在目标初始分布和速度分布均为圆正态分布条件下,分析了搜索方程特征迹线的基本特征和持续探测发现概率积分域的形态。给出了一个以直升机吊放声纳探测潜艇为背景的持续探测发现概率的算例,算例表明,对随机恒速运动目标持续探测的发现概率,与对静止目标进行持续探测的发现概率相似,服从时间的指数规律。 相似文献
以GH4169合金大规格棒材为研究对象,结合棒材的加工过程,利用OM、FE-SEM、EBSD和TEM等手段分析了该合金不同晶粒尺寸试样的持久性能。结果表明:在长时高温应力作用下,不同晶粒尺寸试样呈现不同的持久性能和不同的晶粒取向演变规律。发生变形至断裂的位置,晶粒尺寸较小时,部分〈101〉取向明显转向〈001〉或〈111〉取向,加上宏观变形协调性较好,促使应力集中得到有效释放,表现出较好的塑性;但细晶试样中更多晶界带来的扩散蠕变对高温强度不利,裂纹也容易在与〈111〉硬取向晶粒接邻的晶界处形核并扩展,降低持久寿命;此外,细晶试样的变形程度较大,应变主要集中于晶界处,且大角度取向差的含量较多,这些位置容易萌生裂纹而使寿命降低。 相似文献
在分析间冷回热涡扇发动机工作机理的基础上,进行了大涵道比间冷回热涡扇发动机循环参数分析。以波音767-200ER量级飞机为装机对象,开展了间冷回热发动机方案研究。对比分析了间冷回热涡扇发动机与多种类型涡扇发动机的总体性能方案,并从发动机总体性能及特性的角度,比较分析了大涵道比涡扇发动机引入间冷回热技术所带来的收益。最后,提出了研制间冷回热涡扇发动机需突破的主要关键技术。 相似文献
建立以等热流密度方式进行试验件加热的沸腾换热试验系统,分别对当量直径为1.28mm和1.59mm锯齿扁管内R134a工质的沸腾换热特性进行研究,试验参数范围:制冷剂质量流率为68.5~305.5kg/(m2·s),工作饱和压力为0.27~0.46 MPa,加热热流密度为9~42kW/m2。试验结果表明:相同结构的通道,当量直径小换热能力更强;热流密度和饱和压力对沸腾换热的影响与一个干度值有关。当干度小于此值时,沸腾换热系数会随着热流密度及饱和压力增大而增大;而当干度大于此值时,沸腾换热系数随着干度增大而急剧下降,热流密度和饱和压力对换热的影响较小;该干度值会随着热流密度或饱和压力增大而逐渐变小。质量流率对沸腾换热的影响与热流密度有关,随着热流密度增大,质量流率的影响趋向大干度区域。通过分析各参数对沸腾换热的影响,建立了一个预测试验工况下微小尺寸锯齿扁管的沸腾换热系数计算经验公式。 相似文献
在进/出口形状、进/出口面积、中心线变化规律、面积变化规律等设计参数不变的条件下,采用超椭圆方法设计了11种不同偏心比的S形流道。同时,借助迭代物理光学法与等效边缘电磁流绕射方法,对不同偏心比的S形流道进行了雷达散射特性的数值仿真分析。结果表明:若将不同偏心比S形流道的雷达散射截面变化曲线看作是波的传播轨迹,相对于偏心比为0的流道,偏心比改变了波的相位、振幅;偏心比越大,其相位越滞后、振幅越小。 相似文献
天空飞行与地面风洞实验动态气动相关中的雷诺数影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近10余年来,在3个动态气动专题领域内,地面风洞自由飞实验与对应的天空飞行器的绕流雷诺数虽然相差1~2个量级,但风洞自由飞实验结果多次预测或再现了天空飞行器出现的对飞行安全、飞行性能产生严重影响、其它地面风洞实验方法难以预测或再现的这3个专题领域内的动态气动特性,这至少为3个专题领域内天地动态气动相关中的雷诺数影响,提供了一个新的理解。 相似文献