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This article examines the international legal and diplomatic questions relating to arms control and disarmament, focusing on space-based activities. These relate importantly to the development of anti-satellite satellites (ASATs) and ballistic missile defence systems (BMDs). Part I of the article examines the goal of ‘peaceful uses’ of outer space as elaborated in national policies and in international fora, the debate that has has taken place at the international level over the meaning and definition of peaceful purposes, legal manoeuvres, particularly in the UN, and US responses, and recent Soviet initiatives relating to space militarization. Part II will appear in the next issue, and will consider the US Presidential-Congressional dialogue on these questions and recent Presidential initiatives.  相似文献   

国际空间法是指调整国家、国际组织之间开展外空探索、利用、开发活动中权利义务规则的总称。狭义的国际空间法仅指以联合国外空五大公约为核心的国际条约体系,对于缔约国是具有强制的法律约束力的;广义的国际空间法还包括联合国大会决议和联合国外空委大会文件在内的不具有法律约束力、但具有很强的政治约束力的外空国际活动规则。中国1983年加入《外空条约》,1988年加入《营救协定》、《责任公约》和《登记公约》,没有加入《月球协定》。文章分析前4个公约以及《遥感原则》、《防止在外空部署武器条约草案》、"外空透明与建立信任措施"联大决议、《外空活动长期可持续准则草案》等不具有法律约束力的文件,简要分析其对中国航天活动可能产生的限制和影响,并提出对策、建议。  相似文献   

Space systems are essential to the global economy and security. The possibility of disruptions arising from competition between the United States and China through the testing and deployment of weapons in space has led to concerns over an incipient space arms race that would threaten satellites, leading to international calls for a space arms control treaty. The paper presents a rationalist theory analysis on the lack of progress in establishing such a treaty, identifying the United States' position of primacy in the global order and its preeminence in space as a primary cause.  相似文献   

空间碎片国际机制发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对空间碎片国际机制(多边谈判机制)的分析,指出其发展趋势,从而为中国参加相关谈判工作提供参考。空间碎片国际机制的发展已呈现出明显的政策化、法律化和制度化的趋势。无论是从外空利益争夺、外空战略实现,还是从中国航天事业可持续发展、中国航天立法体系完善的角度来讲,积极参加空间碎片技术合作与规则制定的国际谈判都具有重要意义。从国内建设上来看,中国应尽快制定“技术—政策(战略)—法律”三位一体的解决思路和具体方案;从国际层面看,可以借鉴美国一直坚持和贯彻的“技术—政策—国内规则—国际软法—国际法”外空策略,来开展空间碎片减缓和清除等方面的技术与规则制定的合作。  相似文献   

Very Large Space Structures (VLSS) are challenging systems to be controlled, due to their high flexibility. In particular, rapid attitude maneuvers can determine great oscillations on the flexible elements of a spacecraft (solar wings, antennas, booms). On account of this, in the last decades many researchers have developed different strategies to effectively damp the elastic vibrations by means of active vibration devices (such as piezo-electric patches) or by means of robust control algorithms. The approach suggested in this paper is different, since neither additional devices nor complex control laws are introduced. In fact, the complete model of the system (including rigid, elastic and orbital dynamics, coupled with control actions) is controlled by the non-linear attitude controller named state dependent Riccati equation, which will be based on a simplified version of the spacecraft model. The task to reduce the mutual interaction between rigid attitude and flexible dynamics is entirely transferred to a modification of the desired trajectory that must be tracked. This command shaping technique is based on the knowledge of the parameters (inertial and elastics) of the VLSS. Unfortunately these parameters are not always exactly known and, however, they may change over the time. On account of this a Monte Carlo analysis has been also performed, showing the robustness of the proposed control strategy to the structural uncertainties. The numerical simulations prove that this strategy, based on the joint application of two well-known yet simple techniques, produces accurate and robust results.  相似文献   

This article considers how the USA can best maintain its commercial and governmental competitiveness in space, while facilitating private investment and international marketing, and at the same time keeping up significant cooperation with other nations. The current state of US civilian space activities in each of these areas is summarized, and several alternative solutions are presented. The article concludes that strengthening US competition with other space-capable nations, and improving US ability to cooperate effectively, will require careful coordination of the activities of federal agencies with each other and with the private sector.  相似文献   

空间站舱内噪声对航天员危害严重,必须对其进行严格控制。文章首先分析了适用于空间站噪声评价的指标以及主要噪声源特点;总结了空间站的噪声预测方法和不同方法适用的频率范围、局限性;介绍了国际空间站的降噪工作,总结了其中的经验和不足;最后结合我国空间站噪声控制的研究现状,对我国空间站降噪工作提出了建议:降噪工作必须贯穿空间站设计、制造和在轨工作的整个过程,才能对噪声进行有效控制。  相似文献   

深空探测对航天器热控技术的推动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程热物理学广泛应用于航天领域,一方面解决了具体航天工程问题,另一方面逐步发展成为交叉学科——空间热物理。随着我国在深空探测领域不断拓展,以深空探测器研制中的工程热物理问题为需求背景,推动着航天器热控制技术、防热技术等取得新的发展。文章在介绍深空探测器技术体系的基础上,分析了热设计、热分析、热试验、热控硬件、防热等方面的技术进步,并就深空探测领域进一步拓展对工程热物理发展的牵引进行了展望,分析了工程热物理学与航天技术间相互促进、相互推动的关系。  相似文献   

国外深空探测态势特点与启示(上)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对国外主要航天大国在深空探测领域发展过程的梳理,重点分析了各国在无人深空探测技术、载人深空探测技术和地面测控通信技术三个方面的技术发展特点,并从总体角度对其主要技术特征和关键技术进行了深入剖析,从中提炼出对我国深空探测活动的启示,以期对我国深空探测的开展有所借鉴和推动。  相似文献   

国外深空探测态势特点与启示(下)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对国外主要航天大国在深空探测领域发展过程的梳理,重点分析了各国在无人深空探测技术、载人深空探测技术和地面测控通信技术三个方面的技术发展特点,并从总体角度对其主要技术特征和关键技术进行了深入剖析,从中提炼出对我国深空探测活动的启示,以期对我国深空探测的开展有所借鉴和推动。  相似文献   

文章基于空间推进系统热控的特点,针对长期在轨航天器推进系统热控面临的贮箱膜片热胀冷缩疲劳和机组阀门超温问题进行机理分析,归纳贮箱热控和发动机、推力器高温工况相应的解决措施及难点,结合某型号实际提出解决方案,并对改进后的效果进行分析预示,给出长期在轨航天器热控方案设计建议。  相似文献   

为构建利用柔性机械臂捕获空间碎片的系统仿真模型,首先分析梳理空间碎片捕获典型任务流程,包括轨道转移、位置保持、路径规划、动量稳定控制等阶段;然后针对任务流程分别搭建基于Simu Link的路径规划、动量缓冲控制、姿态控制、动力学和轨道仿真等子系统;各个子系统之间以TCP/IP的方式进行数据交互,最终完成空间碎片软捕获任务姿轨控仿真系统的构建。  相似文献   

The Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space ( 82) identified crucial problems and made recommendations on strategies for developing countries to bridge the gap with advanced nations in the area of space technology. This article addresses some issues which, although implicit in the Report, are not discussed in detail therein. The role of space science and related scientific research is particularly emphasized. Close attention is paid to the role of human factors, such as the motivation to conduct research, the motivation to engage in international cooperation, and the motivation to utilize and exploit space. Possible opportunities for space research for developing countries, as well as relevant issues concerning management of space, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This report summarises the presentations which took place at the ‘Space Traffic Control – Is the Space Debris Problem Solvable?’ conference hosted by the Royal Aeronautical Society on the 2nd July 2013. The conference sought to promote discussion over methods to deal with the issue of space debris in particular and speakers included representatives from the European Space Agency, the United Kingdom Space Agency, practitioners and academia. Themes which emerged during the conference included the urgency of the problem of space debris, the need for short-term and long-term solutions, the necessity for the development and implementation of space debris remediation technologies to complement existing mitigation efforts and, last but not least, the wider applications of space traffic control. Regarding the sub-title of the conference, ‘is the space debris problem solvable?’, it would appear from the presentations that while there is the potential for future management of the issue through debris remediation and harmonised mitigation efforts, no comprehensive solutions exist at the time of writing.  相似文献   

国外空间天气保障能力建设及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对空间天气保障能力的科学内涵进行了分析,总结了国外相关发展现状,建议我国应从战略上高度重视空间天气保障能力发展,并从加大宣传力度、建设监测体系、提高预报水平、研究应对策略、注重人才队伍等方面进行了对策思考。  相似文献   

航天器材料的空间应用及其保障技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着对应用卫星长寿命、高可靠要求的不断增长,对于航天器材料的空间应用可靠性及其保障技术日益受到重视。文章分析了航天器材料空间应用的要求及其空间环境效应试验评价技术,介绍了航天器材料保障技术的进展和发展趋势。在地面严格控制材料空间应用的性能并提供基于空间环境效应的充分数据是保障高品质航天器长寿命高可靠的重要手段。  相似文献   

With ongoing progress in space technology, questions of its potential for the modification of weather and climate phenomena (often summarized by the term ‘geoengineering’) ranging from small-scale severe weather events to mitigation of effects caused by global climate change and ozone depletion have become popular. This paper reviews the current state of scientifically based studies in this context and attempts to provide a basis for an assessment of geoengineering efforts with respect to technological, economic and fundamental scientific aspects. The overview indicates that the current state of knowledge about climate variability as a consequence of natural and anthropogenic influences is sufficient to classify geoengineering solutions as highly risky and their consequences as extremely difficult to predict. Even on smaller scales and with less complexity of interacting processes, only very limited boundary conditions, i.e. a narrow range of atmospheric variability and land surface topography favouring the intended alteration, seem to justify weather modification. Moreover, as for systems reaching scales of large organized storms and hurricanes, required energy and control resources are well beyond existing capabilities. Consequently, the use of space technology for provision of better information on environmental change and integration of remote sensing data into weather and climate models forecasts is supported.  相似文献   

Private and commercial activity in outer space still poses challenges to space law and policy. Within ‘Project 2001’—a legal research project by the University of Cologne's Institute of Air and Space Law and the German Aerospace Center (DLR)—six international expert working groups examined international and national laws, in order to identify gaps and, where necessary, propose improvements to the present legal framework for private space activities. The results were presented and discussed at an international colloquium in May 2001 in Cologne, Germany, where final conclusions have been drawn. This report presents a summary of the project's work and main conclusions, which are documented in full in a comprehensive book to be published in May 2002.  相似文献   

利用浮空器提高临近空间的探测预警能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了浮空器在临近空间探测预警上的作用,在此基础上,重点阐述了浮空器作为临近空间探测平台的优势,并与卫星和预警飞机进行了比较分析。主要针对美国对于浮空器的军事应用和进展,如利用浮空器对巡航导弹的探测应用等进行了介绍,最后得出结论。  相似文献   

The human exploration of multiple deep space destinations (e.g. Cis-Lunar, NEAs), in view of the final challenge of sending astronauts to Mars, represents a current and consistent study domain especially in terms of its possible scenarios and mission architectures assessments, as proved by the numerous on-going activities about this topic and moreover by the global exploration roadmap. After exploring and analysing different possible solutions to identify the most flexible path, a detailed characterisation of several Design Reference Missions (DRMs) represents a necessity in order to evaluate the feasibility and affordability of deep space exploration missions, specifically in terms of enabling technological capabilities.The study presented in this paper was aimed at defining an evolutionary scenario for deep space exploration in the next 30 years with the final goal of sending astronauts on the surface of Mars by the end of 2030 decade. Different destinations were considered as targets to build the human exploration scenario, with particular attention to Earth–Moon Lagrangian points, NEA and Moon. For all the destinations selected as part of the exploration scenario, the assessment and characterisation of the relative Design Reference Missions were performed. Specifically they were defined in terms of strategies, architectures and mission elements. All the analyses were based on a pure technical approach with the objective of evaluating the feasibility of a long term strategy for capabilities achievement and technological development to enable future space exploration.This paper describes the process that was followed within the study, focusing on the adopted methodology, and reports the major obtained results, in terms of scenario and mission analysis.  相似文献   

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