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Space science missions are increasingly challenged today: in ambition, by increasingly sophisticated hypotheses tested; in development, by the increasing complexity of advanced technologies; in budgeting, by the decline of flagship-class mission opportunities; in management, by expectations for breakthrough science despite a risk-averse programmatic climate; and in planning, by increasing competition for scarce resources. How are the space-science missions of tomorrow being formulated? The paper describes the JPL Innovation Foundry, created in 2011, to respond to this evolving context. The Foundry integrates methods, tools, and experts that span the mission concept lifecycle. Grounded in JPL's heritage of missions, flight instruments, mission proposals, and concept innovation, the Foundry seeks to provide continuity of support and cost-effective, on-call access to the right domain experts at the right time, as science definition teams and Principal Investigators mature mission ideas from “cocktail napkin” to PDR. The Foundry blends JPL capabilities in proposal development and concurrent engineering, including Team X, with new approaches for open-ended concept exploration in earlier, cost-constrained phases, and with ongoing research and technology projects. It applies complexity and cost models, project-formulation lessons learned, and strategy analyses appropriate to each level of concept maturity. The Foundry is organizationally integrated with JPL formulation program offices; staffed by JPL's line organizations for engineering, science, and costing; and overseen by senior Laboratory leaders to assure experienced coordination and review. Incubation of each concept is tailored depending on its maturity and proposal history, and its highest-leverage modeling and analysis needs.  相似文献   

Long term continuous operation of the COLUMBUS Orbital Facility (COF) flight- and ground segment requires continuous mission control and operations support capability to ensure proper operation and configuration of the COF systems in support of ongoing science and technology payloads. The ISS logistics scenario will be supported by the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV). These operational needs require the built-up of a new ground infrastructure in Europe and USA, enabling an efficient operations for preparation, planning and mission execution. The challenge for the European space community consists in the development and operation of a user friendly operational environment but keeping costs within budgetary constraints. Results of detailed definition studies performed by both agency and industry for the ground infrastructure indicate solutions to those technical and programmatic requirements by using of existing centers and facilities, re-use of C/D phase products (Hardware, Software) and COTS equipment to avoid costly new developments, using engineering expertise of the industrial personnel from flight element phase C/D. The concept for operations execution defines the task sharing between Operations Control Facilities (OCF), Operations Support Facilities and User Operations Sites. Operations support consists of on-line engineering support, off-line engineering support, payload integration, logistics support and crew training support performed by industry. DASA RI has made internal investments in organizational concepts for mission operations as well as in mission technologies and tools based on the standard COLUMBUS Ground Software (CGS) toolset and on knowledge based systems to enable an efficient industrial operations support. These tools are available as prototypes being evaluated in a simulated operational environment.  相似文献   

Galileo has completed the Europa leg of the Galileo Europa Mission, and is now pumping down the apojove in each succeeding orbit in preparation for the Io phase. Including three encounters earlier in the primary mission, the total of ten close passes by Europa have provided a wealth of interesting and provocative information about this intriguing body. The results presented include new and exciting information about Europa's interactions with Jupiter's magnetosphere, its interior structure, and its tantalizing surface features, which strongly hint at a watery subsurface layer. Additional data concerning Callisto, and its own outlook for a subsurface ocean are also presented. In addition the engineering aspects of operating the spacecraft during the past year are explored, as well as a brief examination of what will be the challenges to prepare for the Io encounters. The steadily increasing radiation dosage that the spacecraft is experiencing is well beyond the original design parameters, and is contributing to a number of spacecraft problems and concerns. The ability of the flight team to analyze and solve these problems, even at the reduced staffing levels of an extended mission, is a testament to their tenacity and loyalty to the mission. The engineering data being generated by these continuing radiation-induced anomalies will prove invaluable to designers of future spacecraft to Jupiter and its satellites. The lessons learned during this arduous process are presented.  相似文献   

NASA's plans for future human exploration of the Solar System describe only missions to Mars. Before such missions can be initiated, much study remains to be done in technology development, mission operations and human performance. While, for example, technology validation and operational experience could be gained in the context of lunar exploration missions, a NASA lunar program is seen as a competitor to a Mars mission rather than a step towards it. The recently characterized weak stability boundary in the Earth–Moon gravitational field may provide an operational approach to all types of planetary exploration, and infrastructure developed for a gateway to the Solar System may be a programmatic solution for exploration that avoids the fractious bickering between Mars and Moon advocates. This viewpoint proposes utilizing the concept of Greater Earth to educate policy makers, opinion makers and the public about these subtle attributes of our space neighborhood.  相似文献   

A study of on-orbit spacecraft failures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Even though spacecraft are carefully designed and tested to meet their mission lifetime, many suffer unrecoverable on-orbit failures very early. Other spacecraft, despite severe failures, are able to exceed their expected lifetime when effective failure recovery procedures are applied. In 2005, a study of on-orbit spacecraft failures was undertaken which resulted in identifying 156 failures occurring from 1980 to 2005 on civil and military spacecraft. These failures were analyzed to compare different spacecraft subsystems and estimate their impact on the mission. Although there is no perfect system that could prevent any failure, the lessons learned from the past years show that adequate testing, redundancy and flexibility are the keys to a reliable spacecraft failure recovery system.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the implications of increasing mission lengths of manned spaceflight for the design of future space systems from a human factors point of view. It is argued that the increase in mission duration has brought about a number of new problems, which have not been sufficiently addressed in space research. Therefore, a review of analogue work environments is carried out to make up for the paucity of space research found in the area of human performance in long-duration spaceflight. This resulted in an evaluation of seven analogue environments concerning their similarity to space with industrial process control and nuclear submarines coming out as the closest match on the technical dimension. Finally, some recommendations are given from the lessons learned in spaceflight, simulation studies and appropriate analogue environments.  相似文献   

Mars is a compelling astrobiological target, and a human mission would provide an opportunity to collect immense amounts of scientific data. Exploration alone, however, cannot justify the increased risk. Instead, three factors drive a human mission: economics, education, and exploration. A human mission has a unique potential to inspire the next generation of young people to enter critically needed science and engineering disciplines. A mission is economically feasible, and the research and development program put in place for a human mission would propel growth in related high-technology industries. The main hurdles are human physiological responses to 1–2 years of radiation and microgravity exposure. However, enabling technologies are sufficiently mature in these areas that they can be developed within a few decade timescale. Hence, the decision of whether or not to undertake a human mission to Mars is a political decision, and thus, educational and economic benefits are the crucial factors.  相似文献   

略论军用装备的基本可靠性和任务可靠性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马明 《上海航天》1998,15(6):49-52
详细论述了军用装备的基本可靠性和任务可靠性的基本概念、主要区别以及两者间的相互关系,并探讨了军用装备的基本可靠性和任务可靠性在工程论证中的有关问题。分析认为,对军用装备来说,基本可靠性和任务可靠性是完全不同的两个概念,对宇宙飞船、飞机、导弹一类的飞行器尤其如此。  相似文献   

New, innovative joint safety policies and requirements were developed in support of the Shuttle/Mir program, which is the first phase of the International Space Station program. This work has resulted in a joint multinational analysis culminating in joint certification for mission readiness. For these planning and development efforts, each nation's risk programs and individual safety practices had to be integrated into a comprehensive and compatible system that reflects the joint nature of the endeavor. This paper highlights the major incremental steps involved in planning and program integration during development of the Shuttle/Mir program. It traces the transition from early development to operational status and highlights the valuable lessons learned that apply to the International Space Station program (Phase 2). Also examined are external and extraneous factors that affected mission operations and the corresponding solutions to ensure safe and effective Shuttle/Mir missions.  相似文献   

基于关键事件的系统级单点故障识别方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统级单点故障严重影响航天器任务的成败。为全面识别系统级单点故障模式,文章提出了基于时域空域分析、故障树分析(FTA)和故障模式影响分析(FMEA)相结合的关键事件系统级单点故障识别方法,并在交会对接任务中得到了应用。通过对识别的单点故障模式相关设备采取在轨补偿措施或过程控制措施,降低了任务风险,保证了交会对接任务的成功。该故障识别方法具有一定工程应用价值。  相似文献   

The Venus Express mission is the European Space Agency's (ESA) first spacecraft at Venus. It was launched in November 2005 by a Soyuz–Fregat launcher and arrived at Venus in April 2006. The mission covers a broad range of scientific goals including physics, chemistry, dynamics and structure of the atmosphere as well as atmospheric interaction with the surface and several aspects of the surface itself. Furthermore, it investigates the plasma environment and interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere and escape processes.One month after the arrival at Venus the Venus Express spacecraft started routine science operations. Since then Venus Express has been observing Venus every day for more than one year continuously making new discoveries.In order to ensure that all the science objectives are fulfilled the Venus Express Science Operations Centre (VSOC) has the task of coordinating and implementing the science operations for the mission. During the first year of Venus observations the VSOC and the experiment teams gained a lot of experience in how to make best use of the observation conditions and payload capabilities. While operating the spacecraft in orbit we also acquired more knowledge on the technical constraints and more insight in the science observations and their results.As the nominal mission is coming to an end, the extended mission will start from October 2007. The Extended Science Mission Plan was developed taking into account the lessons learned. At the same time new observations were added along with specific fine-tuned observations in order to complete the science objectives of the mission.This paper will describe how the previous observations influence the current requirements for the observations around Venus today and how they influence the observations in the mission extension. Also it will give an overview of the Extended Science Mission Plan and its challenges for the future observations.  相似文献   

Following the water,the new program for Mars exploration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the wake of the loss of Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander in late 1999, NASA embarked on a major review of the failures and subsequently restructured all aspects of what was then called the Mars Surveyor Program--now renamed the Mars Exploration Program. This paper presents the process and results of this reexamination and defines a new approach which we have called "Program System Engineering". Emphasis is given to the scientific, technological, and programmatic strategies that were used to shape the new Program. A scientific approach known as "follow the water" is described, as is an exploration strategy we have called "seek--in situ--sample". An overview of the mission queue from continuing Mars Global Surveyor through a possible Mars Sample Return Mission launch in 2011 is provided. In addition, key proposed international collaborations, especially those between NASA, CNES and ASI are outlined, as is an approach for a robust telecommunications infrastructure.  相似文献   

针对天宫二号/神舟十一号任务组合体运行与飞船返回要求,建立了升交点经度、轨道偏心率、指定时刻轨道高度及速度倾角等多目标特征参数的控制方程;根据组合体至飞船撤离准备各阶段的飞行特点,分析了近圆轨道偏心率中长期演化情况以及飞船返回双脉冲控制量随控制时间的变化规律,提出了通过两次组合体与飞船联合规划来满足不同约束的控制策略;根据撤离后飞船、天宫以及伴星的相对运动关系研究了结合规避控制的飞船双脉冲维持优化控制方案。最后依据神舟十一号任务的飞行过程,设计算例验证了该方法的有效性,具有较好的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

月面巡视探测器地面试验方法与技术综述   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
“嫦娥三号”任务的圆满完成标志着我国已经突破了软着陆、巡视勘察、月夜生存等一系列深空探测关键技术。由于任务目标以及月面环境的复杂性,对巡视器的地面试验验证工作提出了很高的要求。在研制过程中,不但开展了常规航天器必做的试验项目,还开展了大量的专项试验,充分的地面试验对确保任务的成功发挥了重要作用。文章对“嫦娥三号”巡视器的地面验证需求、验证试验要求、验证试验实施情况进行了分析和总结,主要包括低重力模拟、月表地形地貌模拟、工程模拟月壤的制备与整备、光照环境模拟、月尘模拟等方面,对深空探测器试验方法与技术的发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

文章简单回顾了中国深空探测已走过的历程和正在进行的项目,展望了今后的发展;分析了深空探测器及其有效栽荷对光电技术的需求;重点对中国已发射的月球探测器"嫦娥一号"、"嫦娥二号"中应用的光电技术和获取的成果,正在研制的"嫦娥三号"探测器中所应用的光电技术,月球探测三期和今后可能发展的深空探测项目中预计采用的光电技术的研制工...  相似文献   

张磊  于登云  张熇 《航天器工程》2010,19(2):128-135
绕月自由返回轨道用于早期载人登月任务及相关试验任务,对保证任务成功起了重要作用。作为可选的轨道飞行方案之一,其对当前及未来的月球探测任务设计仍具有重要的工程意义。文章阐述了给定约束条件下绕月自由返回轨道的设计方法,并基于该方法分析了绕月自由返回轨道的相关特性,为任务设计和分析提供了基础。  相似文献   

火星精确着陆制导问题分析与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国火星科学实验室(MSL)任务成功将“好奇”号火星车着陆到火星表面,开创了火星精确着陆探测的新局面。以MSL着陆任务为典型代表,分析了目前火星着陆探测进入、下降和着陆(Entry, Descent and Landing, EDL)过程的制导方案及制导系统的发展趋势。以在火星高海拔、复杂地形区域定点着陆为潜在工程目标,归纳了火星EDL过程面临的制导主要问题。根据未来制导系统自主性和自适应性的技术需求及潜在工程任务制导面临的问题,提出了火星EDL制导方面需要解决的关键技术,并对其在未来工程中的应用潜力进行了展望。  相似文献   

神舟飞船出舱活动故障模式和对策的设计与实践   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据出舱活动任务及程序安排,以确保航天员安全和提高出舱活动任务可靠性为原则,提出了飞行事件时域、空域分析与出舱活动故障树分析(FTA)和失效模式与影响分析(FMEA)结果相结合的设计方法,完成了我国出舱活动飞行任务故障模式与对策。所设计的多种出舱活动故障模式与对策,覆盖了出舱活动飞行任务可能发生的各种情况,经出舱活动飞行试验验证,故障模式设计及对策设计合理,有力保证了神舟七号飞船出舱活动的圆满成功,具有工程实用价值。  相似文献   

Building upon the important experience acquired with the development of the International Space Station, the major spacefaring countries are working within the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) at the definition of a coordinated framework for expanding the human presence beyond the Low Earth Orbit, the Global Exploration Roadmap (GER). The GER defines a long-range strategy for global exploration and include three major elements.
  • •Common goals of ISECG participating agencies for space exploration.
  • •Notional mission scenarios which are technically feasible and programmatically implementable. Two mission scenarios were defined in the 1st iteration of the GER: the “Asteroid Next” and the “Moon Next” mission scenarios.
  • •Identification of near-term opportunities for coordination and cooperation related to e.g. the development of technologies, the implementation of robotic missions to destination of interest for closing strategic knowledge gaps which need to be addressed prior to human missions as well as the utilization of ISS for demonstration of exploration enabling capabilities.
In 2009 two studies have been awarded by ESA to Industrial Teams led by Thales Alenia Space—Italy and by Astrium—Germany to define, analyze and assess optional European scenarios for future human spaceflight and exploration activities, and to derive the required capabilities for the investigated timeframe until the year 2033. Work on the European scenarios has been aligned with and informed by the international work on the GER.A conceptual design of different Building Block Elements, representing critical contributions to international Design Reference Missions (DRM's) included in the ISECG GER, has been performed and analyzed with respect to programmatic risks, budgets and required technologies. Key driving requirements for the analyzed Building Block elements have been derived from the international DRM's included in the GER.The interim outcomes of the human exploration scenario study will be presented, identifying opportunities for European Contributions to an international exploration undertaking.  相似文献   

An imperative for prolonged Space flight missions is the conservation of resources. Extensive resupply could pose technological and logistical challenges for those responsible for the management and successful completion of the mission. Therefore, the biological waste water reclamation system (BWWR) which requires little or no expendable supplies and the waste cellulose to edible mushroom conversion system (CMCS) which is conceived as a low energy crop waste recycling system are prototype instruments which have been conceived as solutions to the mission resupply problem. Out tests, conducted with relatively crude devices based on the original concepts, indicate that further research on the basic principles underlying the systems and refinement of the engineering designs will lead to hardware with the potential to satisfy the requirement for minimal re-supply while providing recycled water and edible mushrooms.  相似文献   

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