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如何节约成本是航空公司面临的重要问题.下面,是笔者做设备工具首批订货的一点体会和教训. 1.成立首批订货项目小组 为将首批订货顺利完成,应首先成立首批订货项目小组,成员由负责首批订货的高层领导、项目小组负责人、技术工程师及生产管理、质量控制、地面设备筹备、科教管理等人员.  相似文献   

一、航材供应现状在国内几乎没有一家航空公司觉得自已的航材库存已经丰足,每100次领料总有5、6次领不着,发付率达到95%就不错了。因为缺件而造成飞机停飞、修理停工待料、保留故障等现象比比皆是。航材部门每年都在忙于争资金,以应付订货送修之需。从大多数航空公司现有的航材库存量来看,即使库存量再翻一番,发付率也难提高一、二个百分点。航材计划的难度在于供应项目繁多,领料概率分散,需求  相似文献   

首批航材计划的制定直接影响飞行的安全性,以及基于航材供应的可靠性和运行成本的高低.本文探讨了航空公司如何科学地制定出首批航材计划及实际应用.  相似文献   

空军航材订货是航材保障的关键环节。本文重点介绍了新开发的航材订货决策支持系统,旨在提高航材保障的军事效益及经济效益,为订货决策者提供有力的决策支持。  相似文献   

基于季节特性的航材备件定量订货模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为达到降低库存费用、保障飞机持续适航的目的,建立定量订货模型,并通过对部分航材消耗数据的分析,提出利用中心移动平均法求得季节指数的方法,将其作为权系数对该模型进行修正,以提高航材采购数量的精确性。实验证明,该模型能有效地为航材备件的计划采购提供理论指导和决策支持。  相似文献   

施迅 《民航科技》2006,(3):81-82
如何节约成本是航空公司面临的重要问题,作为一名设备管理人员责无旁贷应尽到自己的一份力量.下面,笔者谈一下做设备工具首批订货的一点体会,敬请指正.  相似文献   

实施现代化航空器材管理的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内民航企业,特别是航空公司,大多脱胎于旧有的计划经济管理体制,规模小,底子薄。其经济效益普遍呈下滑趋势,有的甚至亏损。因此,合理有效控制成本,增收节支,提高经济效益便成为了国内各航空公司抗衡国际列强,生存发展的必经之路。由于航空器材(简称航材)占用航空公司流动资产比重巨大,航空器材管理是航空公司能否做好成本控制,提高效益的关键所在。分别从经营理念、航材计划管理、航材订货管理、IT支持和人力资源等方面进行了论证。  相似文献   

航材周转件库存策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
航材是指航空公司维护、维修飞机及附件时,需要更换的零备件,是保障航班正常飞行的关键所在。同时,航材在航空公司资金总额中占有很大比重,是航空公司最大成本之一。在过去,民航对航材管理的作用认识比较片面,把航材、设备、物资等部门看作是"后勤"工作,在航空公司生产过程中没有得到重视。但航材管理是成本核算的重要因素之一,既要保证航班正常,又要避免浪费,降低成本,提高效益。因此,深入研究和探讨航材管理的方法,采取有效的策略进行航材管理,对航空公司的正常运行和经济效益的提高具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

针对目前部队航材备件订货周期方面存在的问题以及在理论研究方面存在的不足,以故障统计数据为基础,建立了一种新型的数学模型,解决了一定保障率的情况下使得订货周期更加合理,保障经费最小的问题.  相似文献   

今年,中国民航总局飞标司将对我国航空公司的航材管理部门进行一次全面的检查,以强化我国航材部门的适航管理,并借此机会将航空公司的航材管理纳入到日常适航管理工作中来,并逐步增强对航材供应商的管理。  相似文献   

Demands for portability have fueled significant developments in new battery technology. These developments have resulted in many more options in selecting the battery type for use in a particular project, but since most applications today are opting for rechargeable battery systems, the availability of battery charging solutions can become an equally important criteria in the selection process. Complicating this process are the demands for fast-but safe-charging with charge algorithms easily implemented with low-cost hardware. With the higher levels of complexity attendant with these more demanding algorithms, solutions have come primarily from the integrated circuit industry and the purpose of this paper is to provide a few examples of the latest efforts in this arena, specifically as addressed to lead-acid, nickel metal-hydride, and lithium-ion technologies  相似文献   

<正>3月14日,在新版《消费者权益保护法》(简称"新消法")即将正式实施之际,中国民用航空局运输司、华北地区管理局和中国民航消费者事务中心在北京首都国际机场组织了"新消法、新权益、新责任"的专题座谈会。中国残疾人联合会、中国消费者协会、中国质量协会等单位领导,以及国航、东航、南航、海航、首都机场股份公司、中航信、中航协、机场协会等单位负责人以及部分消费者代表出席座谈会。消费者事务中心主任刘玉梅主持了座谈会并向参会代表介  相似文献   

As traditional scientific disciplines individually grow towards their maturity, many new opportunities for significant advances lie at their intersection. For example, remarkable developments in control theory in the last few decades have considerably expanded the selection of available tools which may be applied to regulate physical and electrical systems. These techniques hold great promise for several applications in fluid mechanics, including the delay of transition and the regulation of turbulence. Such applications of control theory require a very balanced perspective, in which one considers the relevant flow physics when designing the control algorithms and, conversely, takes into account the requirements and limitations of control algorithms when designing both reduced-order flow models and the fluid–mechanical systems to be controlled themselves. Such a balanced perspective is elusive, however, as both the research establishment in general and universities in particular are accustomed only to the dissemination and teaching of component technologies in isolated fields. To advance, we must not toss substantial new interdisciplinary questions over the fence for fear of them being “outside our area”; rather, we must break down these very fences that limit us, and attack these challenging new questions with a Renaissance approach. In this spirit, this paper surveys a few recent attempts at bridging the gaps between the several scientific disciplines comprising the field of flow control, in an attempt to clarify the author's perspective on how recent advances in these constituent disciplines fit together in a manner that opens up significant new research opportunities.  相似文献   

The use of commercial practices to achieve military functional designs that provide high performance in inexpensive systems, designated here commilitary, is examined. Commilitary designs call for a mix of military quality and technology with some basic restrictions and approaches that are common to the commercial world. Areas such as parts selection, environmental conditions, levels of inspection and test, and configuration control which must be tailored for high volume modules are explored. A forward looking predictive windsheer radar is presented as a successful application of this approach  相似文献   

The article reports on efforts by NASA scientists to build nanostructures from thermophilic cyanobacteria living in hot springs. Heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) is purified and engineered to serve as a substrate for quantum dots that are about 1-10 nm across, much smaller than the typical 130 nm found in standard computer chips.  相似文献   

新校区后勤保障多元化模式的内涵,是多形式、多内容、多渠道、多体制地开展后勤工作,是将新校区后勤保障工作以转让经营权、托管权等不同方式所形成的后勤保障新格局,它不仅可缓解后勤运行资金压力,也可大大增强后勤运行活力,是各高校目前积极探索与实践的新型管理模式。  相似文献   

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