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The radiation environment on the surface of the Moon presents a new source of particles resulting from the interaction of incoming solar protons and galactic cosmic rays with the lunar regolith. Here we present a study of the fluence profile of primary and secondary particles on the top 1 m layer of lunar regolith for the spectrum of one of the hardest spectrum solar event, that of February 1956. Different regolith compositions and their influence in proton and neutron production and backscattering is considered, as well as the nature of the backscattered radiation. Simple geometry Monte Carlo simulations have been used also for calculating regolith shielding properties, and it is shown that a layer of at least 50 cm regolith is needed for significantly reducing the dose levels received by astronauts in a hypothetical lunar habitat.  相似文献   

The RV-2N-series instruments onboard Luna missions and the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument onboard Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) were designed to characterize the global lunar radiation environment and its biological impacts by measuring cosmic ray (CR) intensity. In this study, we have shown that the RV-2N-series instruments onboard of Russian Luna missions and the CRaTER reliably detect both background CRs and solar proton events (SPEs) in the lunar radiation environment using the proton intensity measured by the RV-2N-series onboard Luna missions out of the Russian Luna program for the exploration of the Moon (November 1970–August 1975) and the CR intensity on the Moon observed by the CRaTER (June 2009–March 2011). Those were compared with the CR intensities observed by neutron monitors (McMurdo, Thule, Oulu) on the Earth. The sunspot number is used as the index of solar activity (NOAA National Geophysical Data Center). As a result, the background CR intensities on the Moon turned out to have a good anti-correlation with the solar activity. We have also identified the proton intensity increasing events on the Moon which have the similar profiles to those observed by neutron monitors on the Earth. Most of these events show the significant increase of proton intensities in the lunar radiation environment when the SPEs associated with solar eruptions are verified. Therefore, most of the proton intensity increasing events are associated with the energetic solar particles in the lunar environment.  相似文献   

The Earth’s albedo is one of the least studied fundamental climate parameters. The albedo is a bi-directional variable, and there is a high degree of anisotropy in the light reflected from a given terrestrial surface. However, simultaneously observing from all points on Earth at all reflecting angles is a practical impossibility. Therefore, all measurements from which albedo can be inferred require assumptions and/or modeling to derive a good estimate. Nowadays, albedo measurements are taken regularly either from low Earth orbit satellite platforms or from ground-based measurements of the earthshine from the dark side of the Moon. But the results from these different measurements are not in satisfactory agreement. Clearly, the availability of different albedo databases and their inter-comparisons can help to constrain the assumptions necessary to reduce the uncertainty of the albedo estimates. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the development of robotic and manned exploration missions to the Moon. Returning to the Moon will enable diverse exploration and scientific opportunities. Here we discuss the possibility of a lunar-based Earth radiation budget monitoring experiment, the Lunar Terrestrial Observatory, and evaluate its scientific and practical advantages compared to the other, more standard, observing platforms. We conclude that a lunar-based terrestrial observatory can enable advances in Earth sciences, complementary to the present efforts, and to our understanding of the Earth’s climate.  相似文献   

We present a novel instrument concept to measure the energy and mass spectra of ions incident on the lunar surface, based on the E-parallel–B or Thomson-parabola device used extensively as a diagnostic in the plasma fusion community. The Apollo-era Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) was the first instrument package to perform in-situ measurements of ions incident on the lunar surface. The ions can originate from a variety of sources, including the solar wind, the Earth’s magnetotail, and photoionization of the thin lunar atmosphere. The species and energy distribution of ions arriving at the lunar surface depend in a complicated and poorly-understood fashion on the phase of the lunar day, the position of the Moon with respect to the Earth, and on the local plasma environment.  相似文献   

Cloudiness modulates the radiation budget at the top of the Earth-atmosphere system. For radiation balance studies, for climate diagnostic studies, and for climate modeling studies, it is important to know the sensitivity of both the outgoing longwave radiation and the net (absorbed solar minus outgoing longwave) radiation of the system to changes in cloudiness on a global basis. Based on a 45 month series of NOAA satellite scanning radiometer observations, estimates of the global distribution of these sensitivity parameters are obtained.  相似文献   

Compared with other remote observations, brightness temperatures (TB) derived from microwave emission measurements provide a unique means to characterize the physical properties of the lunar surface. Using Chang’E-2 microwave radiometer data, we produced 12 global TB images of the lunar surface during a diurnal cycle with different local times separated by approximately 2?h. There are two types of remarkable TB units on the lunar surface, the “hot regions” occurring during the lunar day in the lunar Maria regions and the “microwave cold spots” occurring during the nighttime typically related to young craters. Compared with their surroundings, the hot regions are much warmer during the lunar day and slightly colder at night, while the microwave cold spots are much colder during the lunar night and slightly warmer in the daytime. Moreover, the TB heating and cooling rates of these two units are larger than others at the same average latitude where they are located during the lunar day, especially after sunrise and before sunset. The hot regions have a good agreement with the mare regions with high TiO2 abundance. Besides, brightness temperatures in the lunar Maria correlate closely with their TiO2 abundance. For most microwave cold spots, they agree with the young craters, and their brightness temperature distributions have a significant negative correlation with the lunar surface nighttime temperature and rock abundance.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested that the Sun and Moon cycles affect the Earth climatic dynamics. Nevertheless, there is a long-standing controversy whether solar variability and tides can significantly generate climate change, and how this may occur. Spectral analysis of climatic indices has provided only indirect evidences of the effects of solar–tidal periodicities in the Earth climate. This work addresses the issue by considering the dynamics of the daily North Atlantic Oscillation index over the period from 1950 to 2009. In contrast to previous studies, this work proposes that external cycles can be detected in the autocorrelation dynamics rather than in the raw North Atlantic Oscillation index series. Here, the R/S-scaling analysis is used to quantify, via the so-called Hurst exponent, the presence of autocorrelations along the studied years. Fourier analysis scan of the autocorrelation series thus show two prominent spectral components near (±3%) the lunar tidal 4.425 and the solar 11 years cycles. Intermediate spectral components near 6.4, 7.75 and 8.9 years are proposed to be, at least partially, a result of energy capture from internal mechanisms into cycles resulting from the nonlinear resonance of the fundamental solar–tidal cycles. The dominant effect of the solar variability is clarified by showing that in about 70% of the studied period the sunspot number and the Hurst exponent phases are synchronized, indicating that a higher solar activity enhances the North Atlantic Oscillation index predictability.  相似文献   

Influence of lunar topography on simulated surface temperature   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The surface temperature of the Moon is one of the essential parameters for the lunar exploration, especially to evaluate the Moon thermophysical features. The distribution of the temperature is heavily influenced by the Moon topography, which, however, is rarely studied in the state-of-art surface temperature models. Therefore, this paper takes the Moon topography into account to improve the surface temperature model, Racca model. The main parameters, such as slopes along the longitude and latitude directions, are estimated with the topography data from Chang’E-1 satellite and the Horn algorithm. Then the effective solar illumination model is then constructed with the slopes and the relative position to the subsolar point. Finally, the temperature distribution over the Moon surface is obtained with the effective illumination model and the improved Racca model. The results indicate that the distribution of the temperature is very sensitive to the fluctuation of the Moon surface. The change of the surface temperature is up to 150 K in some places compared to the result without considering the topography. In addition, the variation of the surface temperature increases with the distance from the subsolar point and the elevation, along both latitude and longitude directions. Furthermore, the simulated surface temperature coincides well with the brightness temperature in 37 GHz observed by the microwave sounder onboard Chang’E-2 satellite. The corresponded emissivity map not only eliminates the influence of the topography, but also hints the inherent properties of the lunar regolith just below the surface. Last but not the least, the distribution of the permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) in the lunar pole area is also evaluated with the simulated surface temperature result.  相似文献   

月球表面没有磁场的保护,粒子辐射是人类在月球活动的重要风险要素。概述了月球的辐射环境以及辐射来源,并介绍了月球探测的现状,特别提及了近年来几个较为典型的月球辐射探测实例及其探测结果;介绍了我国“嫦娥4号”上搭载的月表中子与辐射剂量探测仪(Lunar Lander Neutron&Dosimetry,LND)的科学目标及其技术指标。LND的科学目标主要包括:载人登月辐射剂量的测量、月球南极艾特肯盆地水含量的测量、艾特肯盆地FeO含量的测量,以及为日球层科学的研究提供依据。  相似文献   

月球尽管被作为类地行星演化的最终形态的代表,被认为在25亿年前已经完全冷却,根据阿波罗时 代以来、特别是近十余年的月球轨道器和着陆器获得的关于月球构造、火成活动、月震和内部结构等多种证据,表明月球从深层内部到表面仍然活跃,尚未彻底冷却“死亡”。这将完全改变人们关于月球演化历史和状态的观念。  相似文献   

The survivability of resistant terrestrial microbes, bacterial spores of Bacillus subtilis, was investigated in the BIOPAN facility of the European Space Agency onboard of Russian Earth-orbiting FOTON satellites (BIOPAN I -III missions). The spores were exposed to different subsets of the extreme environmental parameters in space (vacuum, extraterrestrial solar UV, shielding by protecting materials like artificial meteorites). The results of the three space experiments confirmed the deleterious effects of extraterrestrial solar UV radiation which, in contrast to the UV radiation reaching the surface of the Earth, also contains the very energy-rich, short wavelength UVB and UVC radiation. Thin layers of clay, rock or meteorite material were shown to be only successful in UV-shielding, if they are in direct contact with the spores. On Mars the UV radiation climate is similar to that of the early Earth before the development of a protective ozone layer in the atmosphere by the appearance of the first aerobic photosynthetic bacteria. The interference of Martian soil components and the intense and nearly unfiltered Martian solar UV radiation with spores of B. subtilis will be tested with a new BIOPAN experiment, MARSTOX. Different types of Mars soil analogues will be used to determine on one hand their potential toxicity alone or in combination with solar UV (phototoxicity) and on the other hand their UV protection capability. Two sets of samples will be placed under different cut-off filters used to simulate the UV radiation climate of Mars and Earth. After exposure in space the survival of and mutation induction in the spores will be analyzed at the DLR, together with parallel samples from the corresponding ground control experiment performed in the laboratory. This experiment will provide new insights into the principal limits of life and its adaptation to environmental extremes on Earth or other planets which and will also have implications for the potential for the evolution and distribution of life.  相似文献   

与地球不同,月球暴露在太阳风中.太阳风注入到月面,与月壤相互作用,部分太阳风质子以能量中性原子(Energetic Neutral Atom,ENA)的形式被月表散射.另外,月球局部地区的磁异常能阻挡太阳风到达月面,并形成微磁层,成为月面天然的保护屏障.然而以往相关的观测数据都来自轨道器,月面的真实情况无从知晓.嫦娥四...  相似文献   

We report on the results of a continuing study of the photon luminescence of the Moon induced by Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) and space radiation from the Sun, using the Monte Carlo program FLUKA. Understanding the space radiation environment is critical to future exploration of the Moon, and this includes photons. The model of the lunar surface is taken to be the chemical composition of soils found at various landing sites during the Apollo and Luna programs, averaged over all such sites to define a generic regolith for the present analysis. This surface model then becomes the target that is bombarded by Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) and Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) or Solar Particle Events (SPEs) above 1 keV in FLUKA to determine the photon fluence albedo produced by the Moon’s surface when there is no sunlight and Earthshine. The result is to be distinguished from the gamma-ray spectrum produced by the radioactive decay of radiogenic constituents lying in the surface and interior of the Moon. From the photon fluence we derive the spectrum which can be utilized to examine existing lunar spectral data and to aid future orbiting instrumentation in the measurement of various components of the space-radiation-induced photon luminescence present on the Moon.  相似文献   

In this report the main results of the study of radioactivity of the solar sistem bodies are considered. The radioactivity of the Moon and planets was measured by means of vehicles in situ. The radioactivity of the lunar samples, brought to the Earth was studied with laboratory equipment.  相似文献   

由于太阳紫外、X射线和太阳风粒子作用,近月表形成尘埃等离子体环境,而月表陨坑地形使得这种尘埃等离子体环境更为复杂.本文以位于嫦娥四号着陆区的织女陨坑为研究对象,基于高程数据构造了该陨坑的三维模型.根据太阳-月球关系和陨坑地理坐标信息,计算了陨坑白天任意时刻的有效太阳辐照度分布,探讨了不同时刻陨坑内外的光照面积占比,得到陨坑随地方时而发生的遮蔽效应特征.同时,基于月表充电方程计算了织女陨坑在不同地方时条件下的平衡表面电势、德拜鞘高度和电场强度分布,发现陨坑自身遮蔽效应对坑内电场环境影响十分明显.以坑底中心为例,讨论了地方时和纬度对类织女陨坑的平衡表面电势、德拜鞘高度及电场强度的影响,结果表明三者变化特征均以正午时刻及赤道为界呈对称分布,越接近12:00LT或者越接近赤道,坑底中心的平衡表面电势和电场强度越高,德拜鞘高度越低.   相似文献   

The Moon spends 20% of its orbit within the terrestrial magnetosphere. During this time it experiences a dynamic plasma environment, including high-speed streams, flux ropes and a flux of heavy ions from ionospheric outflows. 3D multi-fluid simulations of the Moon within the magnetosphere during a substorm shows that a highly variable plasma flow can develop in the vicinity of the Moon due to the passage of a flux rope. The transit of a flux rope past the Moon potentially leads to a plasma wake that is mis-aligned from the optical wake by nearly 30°30°. This will have implications when determining the range of space weathering and surface charging the lunar surface experiences.  相似文献   

The Sun and Earth are intimately related. A few decades ago, it was assumed that the relationship was only through the incidence of solar visible and infrared radiation on the surface of the Earth. However, it was soon realized that many powerful solar radiations reached the top of the terrestrial atmosphere but got absorbed in the upper part of the atmosphere, causing significant changes in the terrestrial environment. In this review, various processes are described, first on the Sun where various solar structures evolve, later in the interplanetary space due to escaping solar wind, and further in the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth’s magnetic field, containing it in the magnetosphere and entering through the neutral point in the magnetotail. Resulting phenomena like auroras, ring current, etc., are described. Present status of solar and interplanetary environments and their terrestrial effects is briefly outlined.  相似文献   

Regenerative Life Support Systems (RLSS) will be required to regenerate air, water, and wastes, and to produce food for human consumption during long-duration missions to the Moon and Mars. It may be possible to supplement some of the materials needed for a lunar RLSS from resources on the Moon. Natural materials at the lunar surface may be used for a variety of lunar RLSS needs, including (i) soils or solid-support substrates for plant growth, (ii) sources for extraction of essential, plant-growth nutrients, (iii) substrates for microbial populations in the degradation of wastes, (iv) sources of O2 and H2, which may be used to manufacture water, (v) feed stock materials for the synthesis of useful minerals (e.g., molecular sieves), and (vi) shielding materials surrounding the outpost structure to protect humans, plants, and microorganisms from harmful radiation. Use of indigenous lunar regolith as a terrestrial-like soil for plant growth could offer a solid support substrate, buffering capacity, nutrient source/storage/retention capabilities, and should be relatively easy to maintain. The lunar regolith could, with a suitable microbial population, play a role in waste renovation; much like terrestrial waste application directly on soils. Issues associated with potentially toxic elements, pH, nutrient availability, air and fluid movement parameters, and cation exchange capacity of lunar regolith need to be addressed before lunar materials can be used effectively as soils for plant growth.  相似文献   

月球表面的辐射剂量是影响航天员安全和月表驻留时间的重要参数,通过对月表的粒子辐射测量可以为航天员的辐射安全防护提供重要依据.利用嫦娥四号着陆器上搭载的月表中子与辐射剂量探测仪二年的观测数据得到:月表粒子辐射在硅中的平均总吸收剂量率为12.66±0.45μGy·h-1,中性粒子吸收剂量率为2.67±0.16μGy·h-1.辐射剂量率随时间出现缓慢的下降,LET谱的变化则很小.同时观测到了2020年12月太阳活动末期由于银河宇宙线福布斯下降导致的辐射剂量率降低.   相似文献   

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