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An adaptive threshold detector to test for the presence of a weak signal in additive non-Gaussian noise of unknown level is discussed. The detector consists of a locally optimum detector, a noise level estimator, and a decision device. The detection threshold is made adaptive according to the information provided by the noise level estimator in order to keep a fixed false-alarm probability. Asymptotic performance characteristics are obtained indicating relationships among the basic system parameters such as the reference noise sample size and the underlying noise statistics. It is shown that, as the reference noise sample size is made sufficiently large, the adaptive threshold detector attains the performance of a corresponding locally optimum detector for detecting the weak signal were the noise level known.  相似文献   

We study the design of constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) tests for detecting a rank-one signal in the presence of background Gaussian noise with unknown spatial covariance. We look at invariant tests, i.e., those tests whose performance is independent of the nuisance parameters, like the background noise covariance. Such tests are shown to have the desirable CFAR property. We characterize the class of all such tests by showing that any invariant decision statistic can be written as a function of two basic statistics which are in fact the adaptive matched filter (AMF) statistic and Kelly's generalized likelihood ratio statistic. Further, we establish an optimum test in the limit of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the locally most powerful invariant (LMPI) test. We also derive the bound for the probability of detection of any invariant detector, at a fixed false-alarm rate, and compare the LMPI and the published detectors (Kelly and AMF) to it  相似文献   

Deals with the problem of detecting subspace random signals against correlated non-Gaussian clutter exploiting different degrees of knowledge on target and clutter statistical characteristics. The clutter process is modeled by the compound-Gaussian distribution. In the first part of the paper, the optimum Neyman-Pearson (NP) detector, the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), and a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detector are sequentially derived both for the Gaussian and the compound-Gaussian scenarios. Different interpretations of the various detectors are provided to highlight the relationships and the differences among them. In particular, we show how the GLRT detector may be recast into an estimator-correlator form and into another form, namely a generalized whitening-matched filter (GWMF), which is the GLRT detector against Gaussian disturbance, compared with a data-dependent threshold. In the second part of this paper, the proposed detectors are tested against both simulated data and measured high resolution sea clutter data to investigate the dependence of their performance on the various clutter and signal parameters.  相似文献   

We suggest a method, based on the use of filter bank and higher order statistics (cumulants), for detection of transient signals. The method first uses a bandpass filter bank, which separates the spectrum of the observed signal into narrow frequency bands. Each subfilter of the filter bank is then followed by a cumulant estimator, and thereby suppressing colored noise. By selecting those subfilters that have large output energies, the filter bank can approximate the behavior of a matched filter. Moreover, no a priori information about the waveform of the signal is needed. The performance of the detector is evaluated by using a simulated signal as well as a measured signal. The presented detector is compared with the optimal matched filter detector.  相似文献   

Spatially distributed target detection in non-Gaussian clutter   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two detection schemes for the detection of a spatially distributed, Doppler-shifted target in non-Gaussian clutter are developed. The non-Gaussian clutter is modeled as a spherically invariant random vector (SIRV) distribution. For the first detector, called the non-scatterer density dependent generalized likelihood ratio test (NSDD-GLRT), the detector takes the form of a sum of logarithms of identical functions of data from each individual range cell. It is shown under the clutter only hypothesis, that the detection statistic has the chi-square distribution so that the detector threshold is easily calculated for a given probability of false alarm PF. The detection probability PD is shown to be only a function of the signal-to-clutter power ratio (S/C)opt of the matched filter, the number of pulses N, the number of target range resolution cells J, the spikiness of the clutter determined by a parameter of an assumed underlying mixing distribution, and PF. For representative examples, it is shown that as N, J, or the clutter spikiness increases, detection performance improves. A second detector is developed which incorporates a priori knowledge of the spatial scatterer density. This detector is called the scatterer density dependent GLRT (SDD-GLRT) and is shown for a representative case to improve significantly the detection performance of a sparsely distributed target relative to the performance of the NSDD-GLRT and to be robust for a moderate mismatch of the expected number of scatterers. For both the NSDD-GLRT and SDD-GLRT, the detectors have the constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) property that PF is independent of the underlying mixing distribution of the clutter, the clutter covariance matrix, and the steering vector of the desired signal  相似文献   

Nonparametric Radar Extraction Using a Generalized Sign Test   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A nonparametric procedure used in a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) radar extractor for detecting targets in a background of noise with unknown statistical properties is described. The detector is based on a generalization of the well-known two-sample sign test and thus requires a set of reference noise observations in addition to the set of observations being tested for signal presence. The detection performance against Gaussian noise is determined for a finite number of observations and asymptotically, for both nonfluctuating and pulse-to-pulse Rayleigh fluctuating target statistics. It is noted that the performance loss, as compared to the optimum parametric detector, depends critically on the number of reference noise observations available when the number of hits per target is not large. In the same case a much larger loss is also found for a pulse-to-pulse fluctuating target even though the asymptotic loss is the same as for a nonfluctuating target. A comparison is finally made with a detector based on the Mann-Whitney test, which usually is considered to be one of the better nonparametric procedures for the two-sample case.  相似文献   

Linearly combined order statistic (LCOS) constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detectors are examined for efficient and robust threshold estimation applied to exponentially distributed background observations for improved detection. Two optimization philosophies have been employed to determine the weighting coefficients of the order statistics. The first method optimizes the coefficients to obtain efficient estimates of clutter referred to the censored maximum likelihood (CML) and best linear unbiased (BLU) CFAR detectors. The second optimization involves maximizing the probability of detection under Swerling II targets and is referred to as the most powerful linear (MPL) CFAR detector. The BLU-CFAR detector assumes no knowledge of the target distribution in contrast to the MPL-CFAR detector which requires partial knowledge of the target distribution. The design of these CFAR detectors and the probability of detection performance are mathematically analyzed for background observations having homogeneous and heterogeneous distributions wherein the trade-offs between robustness and detection performance are illustrated  相似文献   

Optimal CFAR detection in Weibull clutter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Optimal, in the maximum likelihood sense, constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detection for Weibull clutter statistics, is investigated. The proposed OW (optimal Weibull) estimator is proved to be an asymptotically efficient estimator of the mean power of the Weibull clutter. Theoretical analysis of the OW-CFAR detector is provided, while detection performance analysis is carried out using the Monte Carlo simulation method. The operation of the median and morphological (MEMO)-CFAR detector in Weibull clutter statistics is also explained. It performs almost optimally in uniform clutter and, simultaneously, it is robust in multitarget situations. The performance of the proposed OW-CFAR detector in uniformal Weibull clutter is used as a yardstick in the analysis of the MEMO cell-averager (CA) and ordered statistic (OS) CFAR detectors. Nonfluctuating and fluctuating (Swerling II) targets are considered in detection analysis. The performance of the detectors is also examined at clutter edges  相似文献   

传统的能量检测在接收信号为高斯分布下最优,其检测性能最终取决于信噪比。当信噪比下降时,检测性能必然恶化,而且这种恶化是不可避免的和难以改善的。为了改善弱信号的检测性能,本文同时利用了信号的三阶和二阶统计量构造一种双通道信号检测器,在强高斯噪声的背景下,只要弱信号蕴含有足够多的双谱信息,其检测性能将远远超过基于传统的能量检测器的性能。  相似文献   

This paper considers the detection of a known constant signal in an additive non-Gaussian noise under the assumptions of discrete time and statistically independent noise samples. The objective is to determine how large sample size must be before the easily computed asymptotic relative efficiency becomes a valid measure of performance. The exact small-sample error probabilities are calculated for a Neyman-Pearson optimal nonlinear detector consisting of a zeromemory nonlinearity followed by summation and threshold comparison. "Large-tailed" noise having a double exponential distribution is used as an example. The exact distribution of the test statistics for a linear detector and for the Neyman-Pearson optimal detector are calculated. Then the relative efficiency of the Neyman-Pearson optimal detector, as compared to a linear detector, is computed in order to study the rate of approach of the relative efficiency to its asymptotic value.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the detection performance evaluation of the mean-level (ML) constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detectors processing M-correlated sweeps in the presence of interfering targets. The consecutive pulses are assumed to be fluctuating according to the Swerling I model. Exact expressions are derived for the detection probability of the conventional mean-level detector (MLD) and its modified versions under Rayleigh fluctuating target model. Performance for independent sweeps can be easily obtained by setting the sweep-to-sweep correlation coefficient equal to zero. Results are obtained for both homogeneous and nonhomogeneous background environments. It is shown that for fixed M, the relative improvement over the single sweep case increases as the correlation between sweeps decreases. For the same parameter values, the minimum MLD has the best performance in the presence of extraneous target returns among the reference noise samples  相似文献   

For pt. I see ibid., vol. 38, no. 4, p. 1295 (2002). In this second part we deal with the problem of detecting subspace random signals against correlated non-Gaussian clutter modeled by the compound-Gaussian distribution. In the first part of the paper, we derived the optimum Neyman-Pearson (NP) detector, the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), and a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detector; we also provided some interesting interpretations of them. In this second part, these detectors are tested against both simulated data and measured high resolution sea clutter data to investigate the dependence of their performance on the various clutter and signal parameters. Numerical examples concern a space-time adaptive processing (STAP) scenario and a ground-based surveillance radar system scenario.  相似文献   

OS-CFAR theory for multiple targets and nonuniform clutter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of a cell averaging constant false-alarm rate (CA-CFAR) detector degrades rapidly in nonideal conditions caused by multiple targets and nonuniform clutter. The ordered-statistic CFAR (OS-CFAR) is an alternative to the CA-CFAR. The OS-CFAR trades a small loss in detection performance relative to the CA-CFAR in ideal conditions for much less performance degradation in nonideal conditions. A formula is given for the detection probability of the OS-CFAR when there are multiple Swerling I targets in the CFAR window, and a formula is given for the probability of false alarm in nonuniform Raleigh clutter  相似文献   

This paper considers the detection of a sinusoidal or chirp signal imbedded in wideband FM interference (as might be generated by some types of active jamming), such that after pulse compression or other integration, the interference can be approximated by a sum of sinusoids of independent phase. The detection probability in such non-Gaussian noise is compared to that for Gaussian noise, with the Gaussian result approached, as required, in the limit that the number of sinusoids in the sum increases without bound. For detection using a comparison of the envelope with a threshold which yields a given false-alarm probability (CFAR detection), the detection probability is improved over the case of Gaussian noise, so that the usual approach basing the design on Gaussian noise would be conservative. Using a threshold determined from the envelope mean, the FM interference yields a lower false-alarm probability than for Gaussian noise, with detection probability only slightly degraded.  相似文献   

Two-stage detectors using generalized sign and four-level conditional statistics for signal detection in multiple-range-bin radars are described. The resulting detectors are of constant false-alarm rate (CFAR). Performances are evaluated and compared with singlestage versions. If the a priori probability of either the no-target case or the target-presence case is large (close to 1), a two-stage test can be designed to have the advantage of reducing the average number of samples required without sacrificing detection probability. With the proper choices of parameters, significant improvement in the efficiency can be achieved. Asymptotic relative efficiency of two-stage detectors with respect to single-stage detectors is derived and some numerical results are evaluated.  相似文献   

Structures for radar detection in compound Gaussian clutter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of coherent radar target detection in a background of non-Gaussian clutter modeled by a compound Gaussian distribution is studied here. We show how the likelihood ratio may be recast into an estimator-correlator form that shows that an essential feature of the optimal detector is to compute an optimum estimate of the reciprocal of the unknown random local power level. We then proceed to show that the optimal detector may be recast into yet another form, namely a matched filter compared with a data-dependent threshold. With these reformulations of the optimal detector, the problem of obtaining suboptimal detectors may be systematically studied by either approximating the likelihood ratio directly, utilizing a suboptimal estimate in the estimator-correlator structure or utilizing a suboptimal function to model the data-dependent threshold in the matched filter interpretation. Each of these approaches is studied to obtain suboptimal detectors. The results indicate that for processing small numbers of pulses, a suboptimal detector that utilizes information about the nature of the non-Gaussian clutter can be implemented to obtain quasi-optimal performance. As the number of pulses to be processed increases, a suboptimal detector that does not require information about the specific nature of the non-Gaussian clutter may be implemented to obtain quasi-optimal performance  相似文献   

The maximum-mean-level detector (MX-MLD) is a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detector designed to eliminate the excessively high false-alarm rate seen with the MLD at the edges of contiguous clutter regions. The concomitant high target suppression effect led M. Weiss (1982) to suggest a censored modification. The authors analyze the detection performance of the maximum-censored-mean-level detector (MX-CMLD). A homogeneous Swerling II target and clutter environment are assumed, and only single-pulse detection is considered. Analytic results apply equally to the MX-MLD and extend previous analysis. Simulation results are presented that demonstrate the qualitative effects of various CFAR detectors in nonhomogeneous clutter environments  相似文献   

Closed-form expressions for the false-alarm and detection probabilities attained by the optimum and the linear detectors of a positive signal in n independent samples of noise having a bilateral exponential or Laplace distribution require lengthy computation when n is large, and those for the optimum detector suffer from round-off error because their terms alternate in sign. It is shown how the method of saddlepoint integration can be conveniently applied to compute these probabilities, and numerical comparisons of the accuracies of the methods are presented. The relative efficiency of the two detectors is calculated as a function of n and found to approach the asymptotic value of 2 very slowly  相似文献   

When the cumulative drift in the center frequency of a binary split-phase FSK signal exceeds the peak deviation of the signal, a conventional noncoherent receiver (i.e., one provided with only two IF filters) may be unable to achieve the probability of error per bit which the designer desires. This limitation may be overcome if the receiver is provided with a bank of more than two contiguous filters (each followed by an envelope detector) tospan the total IF band the instantaneous IF signal might occupy. It is shown that the probability of error per bit for such a receiver is a function of 1) the ratio F of peak frequency deviation to peak frequency drift, 2) the number M of IF filter/detectors, and 3) the signal-to-noise ratio ? in the output of the filter containing the signal. It is further shown thatfor a given value of F an increase in M reduces the amount of transmitter power the communication system designer must provide to yield a given probability of error per bit.  相似文献   

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