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小卫星星务管理技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
阐述了第三代星上测、控、管系统 (星务系统 )的基本设计思想 ,它是基于现场控制、内嵌式微控制器和星上现场网络等概念开发的一项卫星新技术。该项技术实现传统卫星上的系统功能集成 ,具有全数字化、全网络连接、全分散式和在线组态的特点。该文给出星务系统与过去星上测控系统相比的最大两个概念跳跃 :内嵌式 ,整星全网络化。星务系统构成了一种星载柔性服务系统 ,用现场网络来协调、控制星上智能设备的相互联系 ,完成包括信息流、动作流、能量流的动态作业 ,可以在线下载任务和在线整定参数 ,改变传统卫星测控系统接口层的封闭性和专用性 ,实现星上设备“即连即用”。这就是构成星上集成电子学系统一体化的关键 ,构成“平台化”的核心。按星务系统技术设计 ,可以提高整星级可靠性和运行功能有效性 ,并可以加快研制进度和降低开发成本。该文还指出了星务系统和数管系统的不同 ,CAN总线和 15 5 3B的不同  相似文献   

Quantum Science Satellite is one of the first five space science missions, slated for launch in the framework of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Strategic Priority Research Program on space science. The project aims to establish a space platform with long-distance satellite and ground quantum channel, and carry out a series of tests about fundamental quantum principles and protocols in space-based large scale. The satellite will be launched at Jiuquan and on orbit for 2 years. The orbit will be circular and Sun-synchronous with an altitude of 600km. It crosses the descending node at 00:00LT. The satellite is under early prototype development currently.   相似文献   

日本天文-H卫星升空后不久失联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 项目背景 日本自20世纪70年代中期开始,就以日本宇宙航空研究开发机构下属的宇宙科学研究所(ISAS,原文部省宇宙科学研究所)为核心开始研发和应用以X射线天文卫星为主的天文卫星.1976-2005年,日本共发射了7颗X射线天文卫星,其中5颗发射成功,按预定计划执行了一系列观测任务,取得了不斐的成绩.如:利用天文-D于1993年4月5日成功捕获到了刚发现的M81银河系的超新星SN1993放射出的X射线;利用2005年发射的天文-E2卫星配备的软X射线望远镜(SXT)所进行的一系列观测活动,不仅大幅拓展了观测范围(从原来的软X射线拓展到软γ射线),而且发现了距地球较近(8000万光年)处的黑洞,对人类了解宇宙结构、掌握宇宙全貌、厘清宇宙进化发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

杨萱  杨华  刘元 《空间科学学报》2011,31(5):640-646
根据SPORT卫星有效载荷探测的需求, 结合卫星总体设计及构型布局设计原则, 在运载对卫星构型布局约束条件下, 针对天线单元的两种探测形式, 给出了两种卫星构型设计方案. 其目的在于为有效载荷在星上的布局提供可视化平台, 确定有效载荷在星上的位置和方向, 避免有效载荷间的位置干涉和相互遮挡, 观察有效载荷的工作空间, 初步确定科学目标实现的方式, 为卫星平台的结构方案设计提供依据. 经探测任务初级系统的可行性论证, 两种方案均可满足SPORT卫星有效载荷探测的需求.   相似文献   

星地精密激光时间比对具有精度高、系统误差少等优点,因此利用星地精密激光时间比对,不但可以对无线电时间比对进行外部精度检验,而且可以检验并分离无线电伪距测量的系统误差,分析检测设备时延的不稳定性和卫星钟的中短期性能指标,提高卫星钟差的预报精度。  相似文献   

<正>2015年9月20日,长征-6运载火箭以"一箭二十星"的方式成功将20颗微小卫星送入太空,其中的希望一2卫星(包括希望-2A、2B、2C、2D、2E和2F)由中国航天科技集团公司下属航天东方红卫星有限公司(以下简称"航天东方红公司")抓总研制。希望-2卫星的成功发射,对我国皮纳卫星技术发展具有重要意义。希望-2卫星由6颗卫星构成,其中,希望-2A质量为28.5 kg,希望-2 B、2 C、2 D质量均为9.7kg,希望-2E、2F(由希望-2B发射的子卫星)质量均为1.3kg,希望-2卫星拥有大气密度探测  相似文献   

天兵 《太空探索》2011,(6):32-35
美国海军新型先进战术通信试验卫星——战术卫星-4计划于2011年5月或6月用人牛怪-4火箭从阿拉斯加科迪亚克岛发射场发射。它是美国"快速响应航天"计划系列试验卫星之一,具有体积更小、成本更低和发射速度更快等优点,用于增强传统卫星通信,提供10个特高频信道。每天可以对热点地区提供3次、每次2小时覆盖,能在24小时周期内为全球多个战场提供支持。  相似文献   

China's first satellite to conduct experiments on key technologies related to space-based gravitational wave detection, Taiji-1, has successfully completed its in-orbit tests, making a breakthrough in the country's gravitational wave detection. With the success of Taiji-1's in-orbit tests, the first goal of Chinese Academy of Science's three-step strategy to implement the Taiji program has been successfully achieved.   相似文献   

刘悦 《国际太空》2016,(11):51-58
1 商业通信卫星制造进入"小"时代 对于商业卫星制造业的发展来说,2015年1月16日是个值得纪念的日子.美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)的总裁伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)宣布了一项雄心勃勃的卫星互联网计划,将在西雅图开设一个卫星制造工厂,在未来5年内研制4000颗低地球轨道(LEO)卫星,提供全球互联网接入服务,并在20日宣布获得了来自谷歌公司(Google)和富达投资公司(Fidelity Investment)10亿美元的投资.  相似文献   

“太阳风-磁层相互作用全景成像”卫星任务概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间物理学是伴随着空间技术的发展而兴起的一门多学科交叉的前沿基础学科,主要研究日地空间的物理现象,其中,日地耦合问题是目前世界各国空间科学研究的核心问题之一。2014年,中国科学院(CAS)和欧洲航天局(ESA)共同发起实施了中欧联合空间科学卫星任务,致力于在任务的整个生命周期内,共同策划、征集、遴选并开展方案设计、工程研制及数据分析与利用。经过多轮遴选,"太阳风-磁层相互作用全景成像"(SMILE)卫星从多个项目建议中脱颖而出。SMILE卫星由中国和欧洲科学家共同提出,旨在大倾角、大椭圆轨道上,对向阳侧磁层顶、极尖区和地球极光进行全景成像,同时通过原位测量地磁场、等离子体,以提高人类对于太阳活动与地球磁场变化的相互关系的认知。2015年底,中欧双方各自通过决策机构的立项建议审查,启动了工程立项工作。其中,中方工程立项综合论证工作已经完成,中国科学院于2016年11月批复工程立项。  相似文献   

小卫星姿控与星务管理的一体化设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种将姿控系统和星务管理系统融为一体的设计思想,它节约了星载机资源,提高了系统信息处理的实时性,很好地体现了小卫星的质量轻、体积小、成本低的优势。对姿控系统的硬件组成、卫星的飞行模式和控制策略、星务管理软件的体系结构和总结设计思想、姿控软件的星务管理软件的接口设计等内容做了重点讨论。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider satellite orbits in central force field with quadratic drag using two formalisms. The first using polar coordinates in which the satellite angular momentum plays a dominant role. The second is in Levi-Civita coordinates in which the energy plays a central role. We then merge these two formalisms by introducing polar coordinates in Levi-Civita space and derive a new equation for satellite orbits which unifies these two paradigms. In this equation energy and angular momentum appear on equal footing and thus characterize the orbit by its two invariants. Using this formalism we show that equatorial orbits around oblate spheroids can be expressed analytically in terms of Elliptic functions. In the second part of the paper we derive in Levi-Civita coordinates a linearized equation for the relative motion of two spacecrafts whose trajectories are in the same plane. We carry out also a numerical verification of these equations.  相似文献   

They have played more and more important roles in marine pollution monitoring, marine environment and marine disaster monitor and forecasting, marine resource investigation and marine scientific research. In this paper, the author will give a brief review of China's operational and scientific activities in satellites ocean observation during 2008 to 2010. These activities include the application of the HY-1B for red tide and green tide detecting and monitoring, sea ice monitoring, fishery resources assessment at coastal zone and ocean, marine water quality assessment, sea surface temperature monitoring and forecasting, ocean primary productivity and carbon cycle research, and the development in the ocean dynamic environment parameter application technology before launch of HY-2. The achievements we have made in the ocean observation and monitoring during the past 3 years indicate that, the development of the ocean satellite series and the application of the ocean satellite can greatly promote the development of China's three-dimensional marine observation system and earth-observation system from space, accordingly we can improve the ability of acquiring the marine environmental parameter to sustain the marine economy development and the sea defense construction.   相似文献   

SVOM (Space-based multiband astronomical Variable Objects Monitor) is a Chinese-French space mission dedicated to studying Gamma-Ray Bursts. The satellite has four instruments to detect and localize the prompt GRB emission and measure the evolution of the afterglow in the visible band and in X-rays, and a VHF communication system enabling the fast transmission of SVOM alerts to the ground. The ground segment includes an array of wide-angle cameras and two follow-up telescopes. It was planned to be in orbit in 2021, and now has to be delayed about six months because of COVID-19 epidemic.   相似文献   

哨兵-2A光学成像卫星发射升空   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The ability to measure tropospheric aerosols over ocean surfaces has been demonstrated using several different satellite sensors. Landsat data originally showed that a linear relationship exists between the upwelling visible radiance and the aerosol optical thickness (about 90% of this thickness is generally in the lowest 3 km of the atmosphere). Similar relationships have also been found for sensors on GOES, NOAA-5 and NOAA-6 satellites. The linear relationship has been shown theoretically to vary with the aerosol properties, such as size distribution and refractive index, although the Landsat data obtained at San Diego showed little variability in the relationship. To investigate the general applicability of the technique to different locations, a global-scale ground-truth experiment was conducted in 1980 with the AVHRR sensor on NOAA-6 to determine the relationship at ten ocean sites around the globe. The data for four sites have been analyzed, and show excellent agreement between the aerosol content measured by the AVHRR and by sunphotometers at San Diego, Sable Island and San Juan, but at Barbados, the AVHRR appears to overestimate the aerosol content. The reason for the different relationship at the Barbados site has not been definitely established, but is most likely related to problems in interpreting the sunphotometer data rather than to a real overestimation by the AVHRR. A preliminary analysis of AVHRR Channel 1 (0.65 μm) and Channel 2 (0.85 μm) radiances suggest that useful information on the aerosol size distribution may also be obtained from satellite observations.  相似文献   

Since 1978 a number of satellite borne sensors have been used to measure the composition of the earth's atmosphere. These include the LIMS and SAMS instruments on the Nimbus 7 satellite (launched in October 1978), the SAGE instrument on the AEM2 satellite (launched in february 1979) and various instruments on the SME spacecraft (launched October 1981). For many species, these have provided the first abundance measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution and with global coverage. In this paper the composition measurements that have become available from these programs will be reviewed. The paper will then describe some recent studies that have made use of the new data. As it is the exclusive subject of another invited paper, ozone will not be discussed in in any detail.  相似文献   

The validity of the stratospheric aerosol measurements made by the satellite sensors SAM II and SAGE has been tested by comparing their results with each other and with results obtained by other techniques (lidar, dustsonde, filter, impactor). The latter type of comparison has required the development of special techniques that (1) convert the quantity measured by the correlative sensor (e.g. particle backscatter, number, or mass) to that measured by the satellite sensor (extinction), and (2) quantitatively estimate the uncertainty in the conversion process. The results of both types of comparisons show agreement within the measurement and conversion uncertainties. Moreover, the satellite uncertainty is small compared to aerosol natural variability (caused by seasonal changes, volcanoes, sudden warmings, vortex structure, etc.). Hence, we conclude that the satellite measurements are valid.  相似文献   

针对卫星总体对结构提出的轻量化、微变形、高精度等技术要求,文章提出了研制过程中的关键技术,分别从卫星结构构型的比较与优化策略、柱锥一体化的蜂窝夹层结构承力筒设计、面向空间环境热变形控制的结构材料优化、星敏感器的高精度保证技术等四个方面展开阐述。最后,文章总结了卫星结构设计特点,给出了卫星结构研制的结果。  相似文献   

<正>9月26日,首颗"天基太空监视系统"(SBSS)卫星由"米诺陶"4火箭发射升空。这种卫星可以在太空中观察到其他各国侦察卫星的一举一动,也可帮助民用卫星规避太空碎片。这将是太空态势感知的革命。  相似文献   

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