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Results of a combination of radio-crossing and in situ measurements of plasma density in an artificial plasma “bubble” in the ionosphere are presented. Shaped — charge barium injection was made at short distance (≤50 m) to plasma diagnostics on the rocket. After injection the rocket passed through expanding plasma shell. Plasma density depletion inside was more than one order and plasma enhancements on the boundary about 3–5 times that of background. When the rocket passed the shell and went away by 2.1 km an abrupt drop of telemetry signal level (≤ 65 dB) was registered though plasma density was not more than 3×103sm−3. An estimation of high frequency signal refraction on the plasma shell is in good accordance with refraction data of geostationary satellite signals on equatorial bubbles.  相似文献   

We study the Propagation and damping properties of Alfvén gravity waves in the presence of the vertical magnetic field in the viscous solar plasma under influence of the background flow by deriving a fourth order dispersion relation in terms of the Doppler shifted frequency. We derive the dispersion relation under WKB and Boussinesq approximation. We study the damping of Alfvén gravity waves for the wave frequencies less than and greater than the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. We find that the Brunt-Väisälä frequency divides the frequency ranges where the weakly or strongly damped oscillations occur. The background flow exhibits a strong effect on weakly damped oscillations and a weak effect on the strongly damped oscillations. We also notice that the damping of both the strong and weakly damped oscillations depend on the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and wave number. The effect of the background flow is also being governed by the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and wave number. We also study the properties of gravity wave mode after filtering the Alfvén wave mode by minimizing the magnetic field and noticed that the background flow shows a very strong effect on the gravity wave mode.  相似文献   

Two rocket experiments KOMBI-SAMA with plasma injection at height 100–240 km were performed in August 1987 in the region of Brazilian magnetic anomaly (L = 1.25). The launching time of the rocket was determined so that plasma injection was at the time when satellite COSMOS 1809 passed as close as possible to magnetic tube of injection. Caesium plasma jet was produced during ≥ 300 s by electric plasma generator separated from the payload. By diagnostic instruments on board of the rocket and the satellite were registered energetic particle fluxes and plasma wave activities stimulated by plasma injection. When the satellite passed the geomagnetic tube intersecting the injection region an enhancement of ELF emission at 140 Hz, 450 Hz by 2 times was registered on board the satellite. An enhancement of energetic particles (E > 40 keV) flux by 4–5 times was registered on board the rocket. Observed ELV emission below 100 Hz is interpreted as generation of oblique electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves due to drift plasma instability at the front of the plasma jet.  相似文献   

Beam-plasma interaction effects are studied during the active space experiment with electron and Xe-ion beam injections in an ionospheric plasma. Permanent 40-kHz-modulated electron beam injection occurs simultaneously with a xenon-ion beam injected by the Hall-type plasma thruster operating in a square-pulse mode (100/50 s for a job/pause duration). The unusual behavior of the background charged particle fluxes and wave activity stimulated during the beam-plasma interaction have been registered by the scientific instruments onboard Intercosmos-25 station (IK-25) and Magion-3 subsatellite. The longitudinal and electromagnetic wave instabilities and their mutual relationship are considered in order to explain the observed effects. The excitation of electrostatic waves by the electron injection has been considered for different resonance conditions near the linear stability boundary. Beam-driven electromagnetic instability is responsible for the backward-propagating whistler waves excited via cyclotron resonance. Competition of these two beam instabilities is one of the subjects of the present study.  相似文献   

The lower hybrid resonance (LHR) frequency estimated from the mass-spectrometer data is compared with measurements using spectrograms of VLF noise excited by both natural sources and through active wave stimulation of the surrounding plasma. The measurements are from the Intercosmos 24 satellite taken over a 2 year period from 1989–1991.  相似文献   

There were several cases when modulated electron beam had been injected from APEX satellite into an otherwise unmodified ionospheric plasma. The beams were formed from 2 μs pulses repeated at a rate of 40kHz. Injections took place in the altitude range 400–1100km over Europe. The onboard receiver connected to the dipole antenna swept the frequency interval 1–10 MHz in 1 sec. Due to a relatively narrow receiver bandwidth (15 kHz), moderate frequency step (50 kHz), slow changes of fn and fc (local electron plasma and gyro frequencies) fine structure of excited emissions was detected. In many cases, a very prominent doublet could be convincingly identified as a (fn,fu=sqrt(fn*fn+fc*fc)) band, with fn practically equal to the local plasma frequency in the unperturbed ionosphere. Determination of plasma frequency is of prime importance in analysis of complex structures composed from various harmonics fn,fc,fu. Complexity is manifested as coalescing of various harmonics with maxima shifted from nominal frequencies or splitting them into components due to mixing of local and propagation effects. Despite the existence of strong emissions on frequencies characteristic for the unperturbed ionosphere, very strong broadcasting transmissions are frequently cut off, even when the beam is directed upward. Most typical spectra are discussed.  相似文献   

在发射调制电子束的主动空间试验中,电子束与背景等离子体的线性和非线性相互作用将产生哨声波辐射.影响辐射特性的因素很多,调制电子束的弛豫长度是其中一个重要因素.本文研究了呈指数衰减的调制电子束弛豫长度对电子束产生的哨声波辐射特性的影响.结果表明,当电子束弛豫长度与背景等离子体非均匀特征尺度相当时,有利于提高调制电子束产生的波辐射强度.   相似文献   

Experiments, which somewhat simulate the injection of monoenergetic (several keV) electron beams into the ionosphere, have been performed in the very large (17 m × 26 m) vacuum chamber at Johnson Space Center. Typical operating ranges were: Beam current, I (0–130 mA), beam energy, E (0.5–3 kV), magnetic field, (0.3–2 G), path length, L (10–20 m), and injection pitch angle, α(0–80°). Measurements were carried out in both steady state and pulsed modes. In steady state and for constant V, B, p, L, α, the beam plasma discharge (BPD) is abruptly ignited when the beam current is increased above a critical value; at currents below critical, the beam configuration appears grossly consistent with single particle behavior. If it is assumed that each of the experiment parameters can be varied independently, the critical current required for ignition obeys the empirical relationship at p < 2 × 10?5 torr:
The BPD is characterized by 1) a large increase in the plasma production rate manifested in corresponding increases in the 3914 Å light intensity and plasma density, 2) intense wave emissions in a broad band centered at the plasma frequency and a second band extending from a few kHz up to the electron cyclotron frequency, 3) scattering of the beam in velocity space and 4) radial expansion and pitch angle scattering of the primary beam leading to the disappearance of single particle trajectory features.Measurements of the BPD critical current have been carried out with an ion thruster (Kaufman engine) to provide a background plasma, and these indicate that the presence of an ambient plasma of typical ionospheric densities has little effect on the critical current relation.Measurements of wave amplitudes over a large frequency range show that the amplitude of waves near the plasma and electron cyclotron frequencies are too small to cause or sustain BPD, and that the important instabilities are at much lower frequency (~ 3 kHz in these measurements).  相似文献   

考虑热束流等离子体无碰撞地通过背景等离子体时, 由等离子体系统的流体方程组出发用递减扰动法推导了描写离子声孤波的Kortewegde-Vries方程.在弱束流的条件下, 四种离子声波模式中有两种分别对应慢孤波和快孤波.计算了两种孤波振幅对等离子体参量的依赖关系, 在某些参量配合下有可能得到大振幅的正孤波和负孤波.   相似文献   

We have restudied electron beam driven whistler waves with a 3-D electromagnetic particle code. In the initialisation of the beam-plasma system, “quiet start” conditions were approached by including the poloidal magnetic field due to the current carried by beam electrons streaming along a background magnetic field. The simulation results show electromagnetic whistler wave emissions and electrostatic beam modes like those observed in the Spacelab 2 electron beam experiment. It has been suggested in the past that the spatial bunching of beam electrons associated with the beam mode may directly generate whistler waves. However, the simulation results indicate several inconsistencies with this picture: (1) the parallel (to the background magnetic field) wavelength of the whistler wave is longer than that of the beam instability, (2) the parallel phase velocity of the whistler wave is smaller than that of the beam mode, and (3) whistler waves continue to be generated even after the beam mode space charge modulation looses its coherence. The complex structure of the whistler waves in the vicinity of the beam suggest that the transverse motion (gyration) of the beam and background electrons is involved in the generation of the whistler waves.  相似文献   

It is shown that experiments with geostationary injections of dense barium plasma clouds after CRRES program presented a unique opportunity for investigation of Earth's space environment radiation generation mechanism at frequencies 100 to1000 times higher than the usual plasma frequency signal. We present electromagnetic noise or radiostorm data obtained in Havana in broad frequency bands 45–90 MHz, 235MHz and 280 MHz after Ba injection. It is proposed that signals appearing with 7 to 10 min delay after injection possibly caused a substorm initiated by the injection, during which the radiation is generated by local energetic particles flowing through the irregular barium cloud. Another possibility is connected with irradiation of the barium cloud by the Jicamarca radar. Modulation of radioburst at barium gyrofrequency is typical for both cases.  相似文献   

I present a short overview of the behavior and properties of the two simultaneous kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) seen in the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4–3658. I will focus on the behavior of the upper frequency QPO as a function of time and count rate as seen during the 2002 outburst of this source. I will also discuss briefly the correlated behavior of this QPO with QPOs at lower frequencies (several tens of hertz).  相似文献   

Results of rocket experiments on study of plasma flows (PF) artificially injected by sources separated from vehicles and their effect on medium parameters in ionosphere at altitudes 160:230 km are presented.PF were injected comprising lithium ions with velocities 1,2 x 104 m/sec. and cesium-potassium ions with velocities (1,4–1,5)x103 m/sec. Mass flow rate in case of lithium PS is 2 mg/sec, and in case of cesium-potassium PS is 0,2 g/sec. During experiments mass-spectrometer measurements of ion medium content in ranges of different ion masses were held, disturbancies of electric fields with frequencies up to 20 kHz and electron flows with energies 0,7keV, 4,6keV and over 40 keV were controlled at distancies from 150m to (500–600)m between plasma source and scientific equipment.  相似文献   

Measurements inside a high velocity neutral barium beam show a factor of six increase in plasma density in a moving ionizing front. This region was co-located with intense electric fields (δE ≈ 300 mV/m2) perpendicular to the local geomagnetic field and field aligned currents all fluctuating at frequencies well under the lower hybrid frequency for barium but above the oxygen cycloton frequency. It was determined that these structures were moving with the barium stream near the neutral barium velocity. Large quasi-dc electric and magnetic field fluctuations were also detected. The heart of the ionizing front, a cross beam current of nearly 10 mA/m2, was estimated from the magnetic field variation. This is three orders of magnitude higher than typical auroral zone currents associated with auroral arcs. This current sheet was co-located with fluxes of soft electrons which saturated the particle detector. An Alfvén wave with a finite electric field component parallel to the geomagnetic field was observed to propagate along Bo where it was detected by an instrumented sub-payload.  相似文献   

Mass-injection experiments in space plasmas have been conducted for the last twenty years. These injections trace or stain chemical or physical processes, facilitating diagnosis of the natural state of the space plasma; artificially perturb the space plasma away from equilibrium, isolating and controlling selected parameters; simulate natural or artificial states of space plasmas; and utilize the advantages of space as a laboratory to study fundamental plasma physics.We use the Lagopedo ionospheric-depletion experiments to illustrate the special operational aspects of active experiments, including weather, logistics, communications, and real-time diagnostics. The various objectives and techniques of mass-injection experiments are described by example. The CAMEO experiment, a thermite barium release from a satellite over the nightside polar cap, is an excellent example of the use of barium injections to trace upward ion acceleration. The Periquito Dos experiment provided a “snapshot” view of convection electric fields in the dayside polar cusp region. Project Waterhole, an artificial depletion of the topside auroral ionosphere, attempted to modify the equilibrium character of the field-aligned currents and apparently shut off the aurora in a small space-time volume. The Trigger experiment is another example of an active perturbation experiment, wherein the auroral ionospheric transverse conductivities were modified via a cesium injection. The Buaro experiment, a shaped-charged barium injection perpendicular to the local geomagnetic field, resulted in an ion-beam/background-plasma system being displaced from equilibrium, permitting diagnostics of collisionless coupling of the ion beam to the background plasma.  相似文献   

Data from ARCS rocket ion beam injection experiments will be primarily discussed in this paper. There are three results from this series of active experiments that are of particular interest in space plasma physics. These are the transverse acceleration of ambient ions in the large beam volume, the scattering of beam ions near the release payload, and the possible acceleration of electrons very close to the plasma generator which produce intense high frequency waves. The ability of 100 ma ion beam injections into the upper E and F regions of the ionosphere to produce these phenomena appear to be related solely to the process by which the plasma release payload and the ion beam are neutralized. Since the electrons in the plasma release do not convect with the plasma ions, the neutralization of both the payload and beam must be accomplished by large field-aligned currents (milliamperes/square meter) which are very unstable to wave growth of various modes. Future work will concentrate on the wave production and wave-particle interactions that produce the plasma/energetic particle effects discussed in this paper and which have direct application to natural phenomena in the upper ionosphere and magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Results of a satellite experiment are presented on detection of VLF and ELF-waves excited by irradiation of the night ionosphere F-region by the field of a nonmodulated high-power radio wave. The excited VLF and ELF-waves have been detected at the topside ionosphere heights h=500–1000 km in the frequency bands 8 kHz相似文献   

Two different processes play an important role during emission of pulsed electron beam from a satellite: the positive charging of the spacecraft by emitted electron current and the body neutralization by ambient plasma electrons (mainly in pauses between electron pulses).

The injection of modulated electron beam (pulses of 2μs duration, E=8keV, I=0.1A and 25μs repetition) was carried on in the APEX Project. A simple computer model of this process for APEX scenario was performed.

The results show that after primary positive charging (during gun operation) a significant negative charging (in pauses between pulses) caused by neutralization process by ambient plasma with fp>2MHz takes place.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a Type U burst at 1.0 – 2.8 GHz which occurred between 12:36:26 – 12:36:32 UT on 1992 August 22, observed by Ond ejov Observatory, Czech Republic. This may be the first example of Type U bursts in the decimetric range, as far as we know. From analysis we came to the following conclusion: (1) The frequency drift rates of the ascending and descending branches are 1.25 and 0.225 GHz/s, respectively, and the velocities of the electron beam are 0.38 c and 0.26 c, respectively; (2) The burst decay of the ascending branch is larger than that of the descending branch; (3) The variations of the maximum frequencies of instantaneous spectra with time appear as from the highest (1.92 GHz) to the lowest (1.0 GHz), then toward higher frequency (1.53 GHz) (this is consistent with that predicted by plasma emission theory); (4) The bandwidths of the ascending branch are about twice that of the descending branch (this may be caused by the larger drift rates of the ascending branch); (5) The temperature of the coronal loop apex is 6.3 × 106 K; (6) The magnetic field at the top of the loop is greater than 9.2 G; (7) This U burst emission is plasma radiation at the second harmonic.  相似文献   

We report high resolution observations of the Intermediate Drift (IMD) bursts in decimetric band (ν = 950 – 2650 MHz). With a time resolution of 20 – 50 ms and a frequency resolution of 4 – 10 MHz, we are able to estimate the characteristics of IMD bursts such as the bandwidth and duration of the emission. Frequency drift rate and its dependence on the frequency are derived for individual IMD structures. All IMD bursts analyzed show negative drift rate. The values are of the order of −28 – −274 MHz s−1. The drift rates normalized by the mean frequency are ranged between −0.20 s−1 and −0.02 s−1. Both the frequency drift rate and its frequency dependence provide important clues to the emission mechanisms of IMD. A comparison and a critique of the existing models based on the plasma and the maser emissions with modulation by Alfvén solitons as well as the whistler wave model are presented.  相似文献   

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