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The frequency band from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz is served by fixed satellites and by terrestrial microwave links. There is a possibility of microwave links pointed at the horizon causing interference to the uplinks of domestic and international communications satellites sharing the same frequency band. A mathematical model has been derived for predicting the fields at geostationary orbit based on the known characteristics and known distribution of the terrestrial microwave relay system. The Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6) is sensitive to signals in the range of 10 dBW radiated in the direction of the satellite. Signals in the range of 10-30 dBW have been recorded over various parts of the United States.  相似文献   

The Solar Cosmic Ray and Trapped Particle Experiment was designed to study the entry, propagation, and loss of solar cosmic rays and the acceleration and loss of trapped electrons and protons in the magnetosphere. Two orthogonal proton and alpha partical telescopes measure protons from 300 keV to 250 MeV and alphas from 2 MeV to 200 MeV. Electron spectrometers measure electrons from 50 keV to 1 MeV and are used in conjunction with the 300-keV to 1.2-MeV proton channels to study the injection of electrons and protons into the magnetosphere during substorms. Two solar cosmic ray events were observed during the first four months of operation. The first of these began on July 3, 1974, and is probably one of the more complicated events in recent years. There were numerous flares and sudden commencements as well as intense fluxes of low energy plasma with a severly perturbed magnetosphere. The second solar cosmic ray event was smaller and was associated with an isolated east limb flare. The first increase was observed on September 11, 1974.  相似文献   

The Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6) RF interferometer is utilized primarily as a precision 3-axis attitude sensor having an unambiguous field of view of 350°. This function requires two separated ground transmitters, each using one of the two available frequency channels or sharing a single channel by time multiplexing. For 3-axis control, one uplink transmitter can provide 2-axis attitude (pitch and roll) with other sensors (e.g., a Polaris tracker) providing yaw attitude. By utilizing two uplink transmitters and the Earth sensor or three time multiplexed uplink transmitters, the interferometer can also provide measurements of ATS-6 spacecraft orbit position. Uplink frequencies are 6.150 and 6.155 GHz. The receiving antennas are spaced at 19.95 wavelengths (?) for the vernier baseline and 1.66 ? for the coarse baseline. Spacecraft system weight is 8.39 kg (18.5 lb) and power requirement is 15.5 W. Flight evaluation results are given for the interferometer including R F link budgets, modulation of uplink carrier, signal-to-noise ratio, and dropout behavior. A hardware calibration model is described, containing major biases in the phase measurements. Techniques for flight calibration as both an attitude and spacecraft position sensor are outlined . Flight testing has shown that on-line calibration of receiver/converter biases must be performed on a short term routine basis. Interferometer resolution was found to be 0.00140 space angle with negligible noise (jitter) at transmitted power levels above 72 dBW. As an attitude sensor, the interferometer has demonstrated the ability to provide stabilization to better than 0.  相似文献   

Preliminary Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6) solar cell flight experiment data through the first 325 days in synchronous orbit is present. The experiment is transmitting data on 16 different solar cell/cover glass configurations. The experiment is designed to study the effect of this orbit on select solar cells and cover glass parameters such as solar cell thickness and base resistivity, cover glass thickness variation, new cover and adhesive processes and materials such as 7940 and 7070 integral covers and the fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) covers, the COMSAT "violet" cell, and backside irradiation effects. The in-spece solar cell data indicate short circuit currents are higher by 1 to 8 percent than measurements made with solar simulations; maximum power varied between -1 to +6 percent . Degradation of /sc due to ultraviolet effects was determined to be about 2 percent after 50 days in orbit. All cells performed well through 325 days in orbit, except the FEP-covered cells, which appear to have increased their rate of degradation during the first eclipse season.  相似文献   

The Applications Technology Satellite (ATS-6), the most powerful, most sophisticated, most versatile communications satellite flown to date, is the last of NASA's experimental satellites intended to demonstrate major advances in communications and spacecraft technology. It is a multipurpose, multidisciplinary spacecraft whose principal objectives were to demonstrate a large, unfurlable antenna structure and precise pointing and attitude control in the synchronous orbit The spacecraft carries 27 different experiments, 3 of which demonstrate users' applications of satellite communications. Significant advances in antenna technology, precise attitude control, materials technology, spacecraft structures, and thermal control have been successfully demonstrated. The most significant accomplishments of the ATS-6 mission are the demonstration of the practicality of satellite broadcasting to small, simple, inexpensive ground stations and the uses of this potential service in the solution of social problems involving education and health care. The success of these initial demonstrations has led ATS-6 experimenters and potential users to incorporate a Public Service Satellite Consortium dedicated to the provision of satellite broadcasting services for educational and health-care applications.  相似文献   

The University of Minnesota Electron-Proton Spectrometer Experiment consists of two nearly identical detector assemblies. One of these assemblies was mounted in a position fixed on the satellite in the Environmental Measurements Experiments (EME) east direction and the other was rotated so that the spectrometer scanned a range of spatial directions covering 1800 from EME north to EME south through west. Each of the detector assemblies is a magnetic spectrometer containing four gold-silicon surface barrier detectors. This instrument provides a very clean separation between protons and electrons by the combination of pulse height analysis and magnetic deflection. Each detector assembly measures protons in three nominal energy ranges (30-50 keV), (50-160 keV), and (120-514 keV). Electrons also are measured in three energy intervals (30-50 keV), (150-214 keV), and (more than 500 keV). Data are transmitted from the experiment at rates as high as 8 measurements/s. Decreases in the flux of the energetic electrons and protons followed by very rapid increases are frequently observed on the nightside during periods of geomagnetic activity. Separation of temporal and spatial effects is possible using proton gradient information obtained when the detector systems are oppositely directed. Using this technique, the decreases have been interpreted as motion of the trapping region equatorward and Earthward of the satellite. The boundary motion associated with the particle recovery shows a marked local time dependence. Particle increases observed in the evening sector have been interpreted as motion from Earthward and equatorward of Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6).  相似文献   

The Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6) uses a 9l1-r parabolic antenna with high gain to enable communications with simple, low-cost ground stations with 3-m-diameter antennas. The structural system met all of its requirements, deployed properly, and preserved sensor alignment within 0.1 degree. The thermal control system has kept all temperatures within specified limits. The communications subsystem in-orbit performance has also exceeded specifications with high receiver gain-to-temperature ratios and high transmitter El RP. The spacecraft propulsion system performance has been within specifications. The near-perfect geosynchronous orbit achieved by the Titan IIIC resulted in a 8-kg fuel saving which should extend mission life. The attitude and control subsystem is providing the necessary stabilization and accurate slewing control. The electrical power subsystem provided 40 W more than the specified value at the last summer solstice. The telemetry and command subsystem performance has also been nominal.  相似文献   

The ATS-6 is the most advanced experimental satellite that has evolved from the Application Technology Satellite Program conducted and implemented by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/GSFC). This project utilizes a state-of-the-art spacecraft and ground terminal network to perform advance studies and to conduct technological demonstrations in a large number of scientific areas. The design and implementation of this unique spacecraft permitted multiple experimentation simultaneously. The control of the spacecraft is performed at ATS Operational Control Center (ATSOCC) located at NASA/GSFC. Experimentation which was performed covered a wide spectrum of communications, technological, meterorological, and scientific subjects. Three principal ground terminals are utilized to assist the experimenters to acquire data. Data reduction and analysis are performed by the many facilities at NASA/GSFC in support of the experimenters.  相似文献   

A summary of the design of the University of California at Los Angeles' fluxgate magnetometer is presented. Instrument noise in the bandwidth 0.001 to 1.0 Hz is of order 85 my. The DC field of the spacecraft transverse to the Earth-pointing axis is Sx = 1.0 ±2.1?, SY = -2.4 ± 1.3?. The spacecraft field parallel to this axis is less than 5?. The small spacecraft field has made possible studies of the macroscopic field not previously possible at synchronous orbit. At the 96° west longitude of Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6), the Earth's field is typically inclined 300 to the dipole axis at local noon. Most perturbations of the field are due to substorms. These consist of a rotation in the meridian to a more radial field followed by a subsequent rotation back. The rotation back is normally accompanied by transient variations in the azimuthal field. The exact timing of these perturbations is a function of satellite location and the details of substorm development.  相似文献   

The characteristics of solar energetic particles (SEP) as observed in interplanetary space provide fundamental information about the origin of these particles, and the acceleration and propagation processes at the Sun and in interplanetary space. Furthermore, energetic particles provide information on the development and structure of coronal mass ejections as they propagate from the solar corona into the interplanetary medium. In this paper we review the measurements of energetic particles in interplanetary space and discuss their implication for our understanding of the sources, and of acceleration and propagation processes.  相似文献   

The Low Energy Electron-Proton Experiment was designed to continually monitor the spectra and pitch angle distributions of electrons and protons from 0 to 22 keV to aid in understanding the mechanisms responsible for substorms. The particle sensors were electrostatic analyzers using electron multiplier detectors. Unfortunately , little data have been obtained because of an unknown mode of interference between the experiment and the spacecraft.  相似文献   

The University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Auroral Particles Experiment on the Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6) consists of five electrostatic charged particle detectors. The features which contribute to the uniqueness of the UCSD data include a rotation capability which often allows sampling very near the direction of the magnetic field, an energy range of five orders of magnitude with a lower extreme of less than 1 eV, and a very large geometric factor which results both from a postenergy analysis electrostatic lens and from the unique ovoidal shape of the analyzing plates. A preliminary look at a subset of UCSD magnetospheric data emphasizes those phenomena which are observed as a result of the new features described. These phenomena include intense magnetic field aligned auroral particles, a persistent and very low energy dusk region enhancement, and low energy 1-10-s fluctuations tentatively identified as Alfven waves.  相似文献   

The Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) is scheduled for the second year of satellite operation. Applications Technology Satellite (ATS-6) will receive C-band video signals frorn Abmedabad and Delhi, India, and will retransmitt the video and two audio sub-carriers at 860 MHz to 6 clusters of 400 direct-receive stations for a total of 2400 direct-receive stations. Morning programs of 1.5 hours per day are designed for classroom use, and evening programs of 2.5 hours duration are designed for village adult education. Indian production antennas and television sets have been tested and found to meet specifications, and a successful experiment is anticipated.  相似文献   

The Applications Technology Satellite (ATS-6) Millimeter Wave Experiment, developed and implemented by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, has provided the first direct measurements of 20-and 30-GHz Earth-space links from an orbiting satellite. Studies at eleven locations in the continental United States were directed at an evaluation of rain attenuation effects, scintillations, depolarization, site diversity, coherence bandwidth, and analog and digital communications techniques In addition to direct measurements on the 20-and 30-GHz links, methods of attenuation prediction with radars, rain gauges, and radiometers were developed and compared with the directly measured attenuation. This paper presents a review of the major results of the first year of measurements with ATS-6, with emphasis on the impact of the measurements on millimeter wave space systems design.  相似文献   

We discuss isotopic abundance measurements of heavy (6 ≤ Z ≤ 14) solar energetic particles with energies from ∼15 to 70 MeV/nucleon, focusing on new measurements made on SAMPEX during two large solar particle events in late 1992. These measurements are corrected for charge/mass dependent acceleration effects to obtain estimates of coronal isotopic abundances and are compared with terrestrial and solar wind isotope abundances. An example of new results from the Advanced Composition Explorer is included. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Television Relay Using Small Terminals (TRUST) Experiment was designed to advance and prornote the technology of broadcasting satellites. A constant envelope television FM signal was transmitted at C band to the ATS-6 Earth coverage hom and retransmitted at 860 MHz through the 9-m antenna to a low-cost direct-readout ground station. The experiment demonstrated that high-quality television and audio can be received by lowcost direct-receive ground stations. Predetection bandwidths significantly less than predicted by Carson's rule can be utilized with minimal degradation of either monochrome or color pictures. Two separate techniques of dual audio channel transmission have been demonstrated to be suitable for low-cost applications.  相似文献   

Calculations are made to obtain the raw electrical power that can be generated by using an ATS-6 type deployable parabolic dish as a surface for mounting solar cells without seriously interfering with its normal function as an antenna. A minimum of a few hundred watts to a maximum of a few kilowatts are generated during the apparent course of the Sun around the spacecraft. Academically, it seems that deployable solar cell panels along with their booms can be avoided.  相似文献   

3He-rich solar energetic particle (SEP) events show huge enrichments of 3He and association with kilovolt electrons and Type-III radio bursts. Observations from a new generation of high resolution instruments launched on the Wind, ACE, Yohkoh, SOHO, TRACE, and RHESSI spacecraft have revealed many new properties of these events: the particle energy spectra are found to be either power-law or curved in shape, with the 3He spectrum often being distinctly different from other species. Ultra-heavy nuclei up to >200 amu are found to be routinely present at average enrichments of >200 times solar-system abundances. The high ionization states previously observed near ∼1 MeV/nucleon have been found to decrease towards normal solar coronal values in these events. The source regions have been identified for many events, and are associated with X-ray jets and EUV flares that are associated with magnetic reconnection sites near active regions. This paper reviews the current experimental picture and theoretical models, with emphasis on the new insights found in the last few years.  相似文献   

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