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This article presents a method to adapt the lunar production function, i.e. the frequency of impacts with a given size of a formed crater as discussed by Neukum et al. (2001), to Mars. This requires to study the nature of crater-forming projectiles, the impact rate difference, and the scaling laws for the impact crater formation. These old-standing questions are reviewed, and examples for the re-calculation of the production function from the moon to Mars are given.  相似文献   

Aeolian (wind) processes can transport particles over large distances on Mars, leading to the modification or removal of surface features, formation of new landforms, and mantling or burial of surfaces. Erosion of mantling deposits by wind deflation can exhume older surfaces. These processes and their effects on the surface must be taken into account in using impact crater statistics to derive chronologies on Mars. In addition, mapping the locations, relative ages, and orientations of aeolian features can provide insight into Martian weather, climate, and climate history.  相似文献   

The evolution of Mars is discussed using results from the recent Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Mars Pathfinder missions together with results from mantle convection and thermal history models and the chemistry of Martian meteorites. The new MGS topography and gravity data and the data on the rotation of Mars from Mars Pathfinder constrain models of the present interior structure and allow estimates of present crust thickness and thickness variations. The data also allow estimates of lithosphere thickness variation and heat flow assuming that the base of the lithosphere is an isotherm. Although the interpretation is not unambiguous, it can be concluded that Mars has a substantial crust. It may be about 50 km thick on average with thickness variations of another ±50 km. Alternatively, the crust may be substantially thicker with smaller thickness variations. The former estimate of crust thickness can be shown to be in agreement with estimates of volcanic production rates from geologic mapping using data from the camera on MGS and previous missions. According to these estimates most of the crust was produced in the Noachian, roughly the first Gyr of evolution. A substantial part of the lava generated during this time apparently poured onto the surface to produce the Tharsis bulge, the largest tectonic unit in the solar system and the major volcanic center of Mars. Models of crust growth that couple crust growth to mantle convection and thermal evolution are consistent with an early 1 Gyr long phase of vigorous volcanic activity. The simplest explanation for the remnant magnetization of crustal units of mostly the southern hemisphere calls for an active dynamo in the Noachian, again consistent with thermal history calculations that predict the core to become stably stratified after some hundred Myr of convective cooling and dynamo action. The isotope record of the Martian meteorites suggest that the core formed early and rapidly within a few tens of Myr. These data also suggest that the silicate rock component of the planet was partially molten during that time. The isotope data suggest that heterogeneity resulted from core formation and early differentiation and persisted to the recent past. This is often taken as evidence against vigorous mantle convection and early plate tectonics on Mars although the latter assumption can most easily explain the early magnetic field. The physics of mantle convection suggests that there may be a few hundred km thick stagnant, near surface layer in the mantle that would have formed rapidly and may have provided the reservoirs required to explain the isotope data. The relation between the planform of mantle convection and the tectonic features on the surface is difficult to entangle. Models call for long wavelength forms of flow and possibly a few strong plumes in the very early evolution. These plumes may have dissolved with time as the core cooled and may have died off by the end of the Noachian.  相似文献   

在简述火星与地球大气飞行环境差异的基础上,分析研究了火星飞机主要布局特征和动力推进问题;阐述了国外开展火星飞机研究发展的地面模拟设备--火星风洞的情况,意在跟踪国外新技术走向,为国内航空航天未来发展提供参考.  相似文献   

The well investigated size-frequency distributions (SFD) for lunar craters is used to estimate the SFD for projectiles which formed craters on terrestrial planets and on asteroids. The result shows the relative stability of these distributions during the past 4 Gyr. The derived projectile size-frequency distribution is found to be very close to the size-frequency distribution of Main-Belt asteroids as compared with the recent Spacewatch asteroid data and astronomical observations (Palomar-Leiden survey, IRAS data) as well as data from close-up imagery by space missions. It means that asteroids (or, more generally, collisionally evolved bodies) are the main component of the impactor family. Lunar crater chronology models of the authors published elsewhere are reviewed and refined by making use of refinements in the interpretation of radiometric ages and the improved lunar SFD. In this way, a unified cratering chronology model is established which can be used as a safe basis for modeling the impact chronology of other terrestrial planets, especially Mars.  相似文献   

Panning  Mark P.  Lognonné  Philippe  Bruce Banerdt  W.  Garcia  Raphaël  Golombek  Matthew  Kedar  Sharon  Knapmeyer-Endrun  Brigitte  Mocquet  Antoine  Teanby  Nick A.  Tromp  Jeroen  Weber  Renee  Beucler  Eric  Blanchette-Guertin  Jean-Francois  Bozdağ  Ebru  Drilleau  Mélanie  Gudkova  Tamara  Hempel  Stefanie  Khan  Amir  Lekić  Vedran  Murdoch  Naomi  Plesa  Ana-Catalina  Rivoldini  Atillio  Schmerr  Nicholas  Ruan  Youyi  Verhoeven  Olivier  Gao  Chao  Christensen  Ulrich  Clinton  John  Dehant  Veronique  Giardini  Domenico  Mimoun  David  Thomas Pike  W.  Smrekar  Sue  Wieczorek  Mark  Knapmeyer  Martin  Wookey  James 《Space Science Reviews》2017,211(1-4):611-650
Space Science Reviews - The InSight lander will deliver geophysical instruments to Mars in 2018, including seismometers installed directly on the surface (Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure,...  相似文献   

In this paper a model is presented for the geochemical evolution of Mars which is constrained by the isotope systematics of Pb, Nd, and Sr determined for SNC meteorites (SNCs). The young magmatic crystallization ages (internal or mineral ages) of SNCs may indicate that these meteorites indeed stem from Mars. Internal ages and U-Pb and Pb-Pb systematics strongly suggest that they are the result of two magmatic processes. In addition, shock metamorphism is implied from observed petrographic shock features. For ALHA 77009 a shock-age < 15 Ma is obtained which is within uncertainty identical to the independently determined cosmic ray exposure age. It is therefore plausible that shock and exposure ages are identical for all SNCs. The Rb/Sr data of all common (non-SNC) meteorites form a 4.55 Ga isochron as do the Pb-Pb data (geochron). The SNC data fall close to these two isochrons. The Sr and Pb isotopic compositions in SNCs suggest that they formed in a recent (1.3-0.15 Ga) melting event from reservoirs which had been magmatically differentiated 4.3 ± 0.2 Ga ago. In a concordia diagram (U-Pb evolution plot) the SNC data reflect recent increase of the U/Pb ratio and the same two stage magmatic history as suggested by the other isotopic systems. The oxygen isotopic composition as well as the Nd isotopic systematics strongly suggest that the SNCs stem from one common reservoir which chemically differentiated 4.3 ± 0.2 Ga ago and then formed sub-reservoirs. In contrast to common meteorites, SNCs experienced an early magmatic differentiation where the Sm/Nd, U/Pb and Rb/Sr ratios have been strongly fractionated. In the recent magmatic process (1.3-0.15 Ga ago), in which the SNCs were formed as rocks, Sm/Nd and U/Pb were fractionated, while Rb/Sr remained similar to that of the source from which the magmas originated. During these melting events, mixing of components from different sub-reservoirs might have had occurred. At least three subreservoirs are necessary to explain the isotopic variations observed in SNCs. In contrast to the isotopic evolution of the Earth, Mars conserved remnants of the primary differentiation, a fact, which places important constraints on the tectonic evolution of Mars.  相似文献   

Mars Express and MARSIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nielsen  Erling 《Space Science Reviews》2004,111(1-2):245-262
Space Science Reviews - The Mars Express mission to be launched in 2003 will provide high resolution measurements of the Martian atmosphere and ionosphere. The neutral density, temperature, and...  相似文献   

徐世杰 《国际航空》2003,(10):50-52
人类在40多年火星探测中,经历了无数次失败.但为了进一步探测这颗红色星球的奥秘,美国于今年6、7月又分别发射了"勇气"号和"机遇"号探测器,这两个探测器上安装了许多用于科研的测试仪器和设备,并采用了许多关键技术  相似文献   

The cratering event produced by the Deep Impact mission is a unique experimental opportunity, beyond the capability of Earth-based laboratories with regard to the impacting energy, target material, space environment, and extremely low-gravity field. Consequently, impact cratering theory and modeling play an important role in this mission, from initial inception to final data analysis. Experimentally derived impact cratering scaling laws provide us with our best estimates for the crater diameter, depth, and formation time: critical in the mission planning stage for producing the flight plan and instrument specifications. Cratering theory has strongly influenced the impactor design, producing a probe that should produce the largest possible crater on the surface of Tempel 1 under a wide range of scenarios. Numerical hydrocode modeling allows us to estimate the volume and thermodynamic characteristics of the material vaporized in the early stages of the impact. Hydrocode modeling will also aid us in understanding the observed crater excavation process, especially in the area of impacts into porous materials. Finally, experimentally derived ejecta scaling laws and modeling provide us with a means to predict and analyze the observed behavior of the material launched from the comet during crater excavation, and may provide us with a unique means of estimating the magnitude of the comet’s gravity field and by extension the mass and density of comet Tempel 1.  相似文献   

The ionosphere of Mars has been explored mostly with the radio occultation experiment onboard Mariners 6, 7, 9; Mars 2, 3, 4, 6; Viking 1, 2, and more recently on Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Mars Express (MEX). In addition to the radio occultation experiment, MEX also carried Mars Advanced Radar for the Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) experiment which provided electron density profiles well above the main ionospheric peak. The atmosphere of Mars was measured directly by the neutral mass spectrometer onboard Viking 1 and 2 Landers. Later, an accelerometer and radio occultation experiment on MGS provided large data sets of atmospheric density at various locations in the upper and lower atmospheres of Mars, respectively. In this paper we review results of these upper and lower atmospheric/ionospheric measurements. Results of these measurements have been compared with theoretical models by several workers; therefore, we also review various atmospheric and ionospheric models of Mars.  相似文献   

Radar observations in the past were used to investigate the astronomical properties of the planet and its reflectivity in radar frequencies. Because of the difficulties in signal detection and processing due to the low level of return signal, the data were published only in the form of Doppler spectrograms. In view of the increasing interest in Mars and the practicability of missions to Mars this paper uses the published data to evaluate the angular behavior of the radar backscattering characteristics of Mars; a required information for the design of radar equipment of spacecrafts. In addition, results of past observations are summarized, analyzed and discussed in terms of a general interpretation of the Martian surface. It is found that the generally accepted suggestion that Mars is a relatively smooth planet, smoother than the Moon, is confirmed by most of the results, but not all observations agree with this hypothesis. A surface model of relief and composition based on radar information in conjunction with other observations is reviewed. The processing methods of radar return signals are compared for a better understanding of the handling of the Doppler spectrogram, a form which is most widely used for the presentation of processed data.An extensive bibliography of available papers and reports relevant to radar observations and the surface and lower atmosphere of Mars is included. The literature is concerned mainly with post-Mariner IV experiment, the mission which changed considerably many conceptions of Mars.  相似文献   

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