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A recent multibeam pulsar survey of the outer Galactic plane at Parkes has discovered the first-known double-pulsar binary, a very compact double neutron star system in which both stars are observable as radio pulsars. In this review, we briefly describe the discovery and the studies which have been enabled by the unique properties of the system. These range from the most precise confirmation yet of the theory of general relativity, with the possibility of even more new tests and the measurement of second-order post-Newtonian effects, to studies of the magnetospheres and emission properties of the two pulsars. The discovery also results in a significant increase in the expected rate of occurrence of the mergers of double neutron star systems, and hence the rate of detection of such events by the new ground-based gravitational wave detectors.  相似文献   

The double pulsar system, J0737–3039, provides a unique probe of a pulsar magnetosphere due to its edge-on viewing geometry, a tight orbit and a significant rate of advance of the angle of periastron. In this paper, we report on the changes in radio emission from the long period pulsar in this system, J0737–3039B, over a period of 9 months. Observations of this system with Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) show that the duration of the first bright phase of the pulsar centered at 210° orbital longitude from the ascending node is shrinking. These observations will be useful to constrain the proposed models for this system.  相似文献   

We present near-infrared spectroscopy of the massive X-ray binary 2S 0114+650. These observations covering the spectral range 1.08–2.35 μm span the region where Paschen and Brackett series recombination lines of hydrogen are expected to be seen, namely, Paβ , Brγ and Br 10–17 lines. The absence of any of these lines in emission supports earlier inferences that the optical component in 2S 0114+650 is unlikely to be a Be star but rather a B type supergiant. Near-IR photometry gives J = 8.78, H = 8.53 and K = 7.96; these values show marginal variations from earlier reported measurements.  相似文献   

We re-investigated the ‘spectro-temporal’ behavior of the source XTE J1859+226 in X-rays during its outburst phase in 1999, by analysing the RXTE PCA/HEXTE data in 2–150 keV spectral band. Detailed analysis shows that the source evolves through different spectral states during its entire outburst as indicated by the variation in the spectral and temporal characteristics. Although the evolution pattern of the outburst followed the typical q-shaped profile, we observed an absence of ‘canonical’ soft state and a weak presence of ‘secondary’ emission during the decay phase of the outburst. The broad-band spectra, modeled with high energy cutoff, shows that the fold-energy increases monotonically in the hard and hard-intermediate states followed by a random variation in the soft-intermediate state. We attempted to estimate the mass of the source based on the evolution of Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO) frequencies during rising phase modeled with the propagating oscillatory shock solution, and from the correlation of photon index and QPO frequency. It is also observed that during multiple ejections (observed as radio flares) the QPO frequencies are not present in the power spectra and there is an absence of lag in the soft to hard photons. The disk flux increases along with a decrease in the high energy flux, implying the soft nature of the spectrum. These results are the ‘possible’ indication that the inner part of the disk (i.e., Comptonized corona), which could be responsible for the generation of QPO and for the non-thermal Comptonized component of the spectrum, is disrupted and the matter gets evacuated in the form of jet. We attempted to explain the complex behavior of ‘spectro-temporal’ properties of the source during the entire outburst and the nature of the disk-jet connection before, during and after the ejection events in the context of two different types of accreting flow material, in presence of magnetic field.  相似文献   

The Galactic black hole candidate H 1743-322 exhibited two X-ray outbursts in rapid succession: one in August 2010 and the other in April 2011. We analyze archival data of this object from the PCA instrument on board RXTE (2–25 keV energy band) to study the evolution of its temporal and spectral characteristics during both the outbursts, and hence to understand the behavioral change of the accretion flow dynamics associated with the evolution of the various X-ray features. We study the evolution of QPO frequencies during the rising and the declining phases of both the outbursts. We successfully fit the variation of QPO frequency using the Propagating Oscillatory Shock (POS) model in each of the outbursts and obtain the accretion flow parameters such as the instantaneous shock locations, the shock velocity and the shock strength. Based on the degree of importance of the thermal (disk black body) and the non-thermal (power-law) components of the spectral fit and properties of the QPO (if present), the entire profiles of the 2010 and 2011 outbursts are subdivided into four different spectral states: hard, hard-intermediate, soft-intermediate and soft. We attempt to explain the nature of the outburst profile (i.e., hardness-intensity diagram) with two different types of mass accretion flow.  相似文献   

Europe is one of the major partners building the International Space Station (ISS) and European industry, together with ESA, is responsible for many station components including the Columbus Orbital Facility, the Automated Transport Vehicle, two connecting modules and the European Robotic Arm. Together with this impressive list of contributions there is a strong desire within the ESA Member States to benefit from this investment by utilizing the unique capabilities of the ISS to perform world-class science. XEUS is one of the astronomical applications being studied by ESA to utilize the capabilities of the ISS. XEUS will be a long-term X-ray observatory with an initial mirror area of 6 m2 at 1 keV that will be expanded to 30 m2 following a visit to the ISS. The 1 keV spatial resolution is expected to be 2–5″ half-energy-width. XEUS will consist of separate detector and mirror spacecraft (MSC) aligned by active control to provide a focal length of 50 m. A new detector spacecraft, complete with the next generation of instruments, will also be added after visiting the ISS. The limiting 0.1–2.5 keV sensitivity will then be 4 × 10−18 erg cm−2 s−1, around 200 times better than XMM-Newton, allowing XEUS to study the properties of the hot baryons and dark matter at high redshift.  相似文献   

This study performs simulations of interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) propagation in a realistic three-dimensional (3D) solar wind structure from the Sun to the Earth by using the newly developed hybrid code, HAFv.2+3DMHD. This model combines two simulation codes, Hakamada–Akasofu–Fry code version 2 (HAFv.2) and a fully 3D, time-dependent MHD simulation code. The solar wind structure is simulated out to 0.08 AU (18 Rs) from source surface maps using the HAFv.2 code. The outputs at 0.08 AU are then used to provide inputs for the lower boundary, at that location, of the 3D MHD code to calculate solar wind and its evolution to 1 AU and beyond. A dynamic disturbance, mimicking a particular flare’s energy output, is delivered to this non-uniform structure to model the evolution and interplanetary propagation of ICMEs (including their shocks). We then show the interaction between two ICMEs and the dynamic process during the overtaking of one shock by the other. The results show that both CMEs and heliosphere current sheet/plasma sheet were deformed by interacting with each other.  相似文献   

采用VOF (Volume of Fluid)多相流模型, 通过用户自定义函数UDF (User Defined Function)实现相变过程中质量和能量的输运, 对微重力条件下尺寸为10mm × 10mm × 25mm的矩形通道的池沸腾现象进行数值模拟, 得到了微重力及常重力作用下单个气泡生长特性的差异. 模拟结果表明, 微重力条件下气泡周围的流线与温度场的分布有显著差异; 由于表面张力作用, 微重力下的气泡脱离特性与常重力下不同; 在微重力条件下, 气泡直径的变化比较复杂, 并与重力加速度的大小有关; Marangoni流对微重力下的流动影响很大, 使换热系数波动, 而且波动的幅度随重力加速度的减小而增大.  相似文献   

Propagation mechanisms of lateral (non-great-circle) signals on a high-latitude HF radio path during magnetospheric substorms that occurred in the day-time have been considered. The path is equipped with oblique ionospheric sounding (OIS) from Murmansk to St. Petersburg. The OIS method gives the possibility to determine propagation modes, MOF (maximum observed frequency) values, signal delays, etc. Data of the CUTLASS radar, the IMAGE magnetometer system, the Finnish riometer chain, and the Tromso ionosonde were also used for the analysis. The main results are the following: (1) the lateral signal propagation takes place, as a rule, if the path midpoint is located near the irregularity region that moves sharply from high to low latitudes. The lateral signal propagation appearing during day-time is a new effect. (2) Formation of dense field-aligned irregularities during a substorm leads to decreasing F2MOF values on radio paths. These results can be useful for problems of radiolocation, HF communications and navigation.  相似文献   

The topic of relativistic electron dynamics in the outer radiation belt has received considerable attention for many years. Nevertheless, the problem of understanding the physical phenomenon involved is far from being resolved. In this paper, we use DEMETER observations to examine the variations of the energetic electron fluxes and ELF/VLF wave intensities in the inner magnetosphere during the intense 8 November 2004 magnetic storm. Electron flux spectra and associated wave intensity spectra are analysed throughout the magnetic storm and common characteristics or differences to other storm events are retained. The overall objective of this study is to identify and derive parameters that are relevant for particle flux modelling; the time constant characterizing the persistent decay after particle enhancement was found to be one of these important model parameters.The analysis of the 8 November 2004 event reveals that for L-shell parameter higher than 4, an electron flux dropout is observed during the storm’s main phase for electrons in the energy range 0.1–1 MeV, as has been reported from other measurements. Characteristic wave spectra accompanying this phase are analysed. They show a typical enhancement in the frequency range 0.3–10 kHz at onset for all L-shell values under consideration (2 < L < 5). During the first stage of the recovery phase, the electron fluxes are increased to a level higher than the pre-storm level, whereas the level of wave intensity in the frequency range observed below 300 Hz is at its highest. In the second stage, the particle flux decrease goes hand in hand with a global wave activity decline, the relaxation time of the latter being smaller than the former’s one. In some other cases, long-lasting electron enhancement associated with constant wave activity has been observed during this latter stage. For the above mentioned storm, while at low L values the decay time constants are higher for low energy electrons than for high energy electrons, this order is reversed at high L values. At about L = 3.6 the time constant is independent of electron energy.  相似文献   

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