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We discuss the common envelope phase in the evolution of binary systems. The problem of the efficiency of energy deposition into envelope ejection is treated in some detail. We describe the implications of common envelope evolution for the shaping of planetary nebulae with close binary nuclei and for double white dwarf systems, considered to be the progenitors of Type I supernovae.  相似文献   

We discuss the common envelope phase in the evolution of binary systems. The problem of the efficiency of energy deposition into envelope ejection is treated in some detail. We describe the implications of common envelope evolution for the shaping of planetary nebulae with close binary nuclei and for double white dwarf systems, considered to be the progenitors of Type I supernovae.  相似文献   

Maraschi  L.  Treves  A. 《Space Science Reviews》1983,36(2):161-171
Space Science Reviews - The possibility of producing γ-rays in a close binary system is examined. First the case of systems containing a young pulsar is discussed. It is shown that high energy...  相似文献   

Good-quality empirical results on 62 short-period binary stars recently summarised by Hilditch & Bell (1987) and Hilditch, King & McFarlane (1988) are discussed in terms of evolutionary paths from detached to semi-detached and contact states. These data suggest two evolutionary paths to the contact binaries — from detached systems directly into contact to form initially shallow-contact systems, and via case A mass transfer to semi-detached states, thence to contact systems. These empirical results support previous arguments based on evolutionary models and less detailed observational data. Concern is expressed about the paucity of high-quality spectroscopic data, particularly for low-mass systems displaying EB-type light curves and the resultant limitations on analyses of those light curves. Such systems provide tests of evolution into contact for the first time, or of broken-contact phases for WUMa-type binaries. The crucial importance of long-term monitoring (decades) of times of minima as indicators of mass transfer rates amongst these interacting binaries is also noted.  相似文献   

Good-quality empirical results on 62 short-period binary stars recently summarised by Hilditch & Bell (1987) and Hilditch, King & McFarlane (1988) are discussed in terms of evolutionary paths from detached to semi-detached and contact states. These data suggest two evolutionary paths to the contact binaries — from detached systems directly into contact to form initially shallow-contact systems, and via case A mass transfer to semi-detached states, thence to contact systems. These empirical results support previous arguments based on evolutionary models and less detailed observational data.Concern is expressed about the paucity of high-quality spectroscopic data, particularly for low-mass systems displaying EB-type light curves and the resultant limitations on analyses of those light curves. Such systems provide tests of evolution into contact for the first time, or of broken-contact phases for WUMa-type binaries. The crucial importance of long-term monitoring (decades) of times of minima as indicators of mass transfer rates amongst these interacting binaries is also noted.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of mass accretion on the secondary components in close binomy systems (M total ≤ 2.5 M M 2,0 ≤ 0.75 M ) exchanging mass in the case A. The evolution of the low-mass close binary systems (M total ≤ 2.5 M ) exchanging the mass in the case A depends on the three main factors:

  • -the initial mass ratio (q 0 = M 2,0/M 1,0), which determines the rate of mass transfer between components;
  • -the inital mass of the secondary component (M 2,0) and
  • -the effectiveness of the heating of the photosphere of the secondary component, by infalling matter.
  • The second factor allows to divide all systems into two essentially different groups:
    1. systems in which the secondary component is a star with a radiative envelope, or with a thin convection zone in the uppermost layers;
    2. and systems in which secondary component has a thick convective envelope or is fully convective.
    The systems from the first group evolve into contact in a characteristic time scale 105 – 107 years, and reach contact after transfering of 0.03 – 0.3 M . The mass exchange proceeds only in a thermal time scale. For the systems from the group b the effectiveness of the heating of the stellar surface is the most important. In the case when the entropy of the newly accreted matter is the same as the surface entropy of the secondary, a convective star should shrink upon accretion. Then contact binaries are not formed. In the case when the entropy of the infalling matter is greater then that on the surface, the reaction of the secondary is different. The radius of the secondary component grows rapidly in response to accretion, and the systems reaches contact after the 103 – 3 106 years, and after transfer of 0.002 – 0.2. M . The reaction of the secondary is determined by the formation of the temperature inversion layer below the stellar surface. Full references in: Sarna, M.J. and Fedorova, A.V. (1988) “Evolutionary status of W UMa-type Binaries — Evolution into contact”, Astron. Astrophys., in press.  相似文献   

    For the evolution of the secondary component of a massive close binary system, it is generally assumed that the mass accretion during core H-burning simply leads to its rejuvenation, i.e. that it evolves like a normal main sequence star with a mass corresponding to its mass after the accretion ceased. We reinvestigate this problem in the framework of a time-dependent semiconvection theory. We find that the process of adaptation of the convective core size to the new (larger) stellar mass may not be completed until core hydrogen depletion, i.e. no rejuvenation occurs. The resulting secondaries show strong differences compared to single stars of same mass.  相似文献   

    Theoretical logN-logS distributions and (V/V max) tests of gamma-ray bursts in the model of coalescence of neutron star (NS+NS) and/or NS+black hole (NS+BH) binaries are calculated for a flat Universe (=1) with different values of the cosmological constant and under various assumptions about the star formation history. The observed logN-logS distribution and value of (V/V max)=0.33 for 411 bursts with knownC max/C lim from the 2d BATSE catalogue are best fitted with a model for which = 0.2 and primary star formation occurs at redshiftsz5–6.  相似文献   

    Unpublished photoelectric observations of the systems BX And and RR Lep were subjected to light curve analysis using the Wilson-Devinney Code.Visiting Astronomer, Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatories, National Optical Astronomy Observatories, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

    Unpublished photoelectric observations of the systems BX And and RR Lep were subjected to light curve analysis using the Wilson-Devinney Code.  相似文献   

    In this paper we present new results from the Voyager ultraviolet spectrometers and the IUE spacecraft on V356 Sgr and β Lyr. The V356 Sgr observations cover, in detail, two eclipses and include one IUE high dispersion SWP image. During both eclipses the total strength of the UV emission lines were found to be invariant. Also, an uneclipsed UV continuum was detected at wavelengths shorter than 1600 Å. The IUE high dispersion SWP spectrum revealed that the emission lines are extremely broad, almost symmetrical lines with weak, slightly blue shifted absorption components. No evidence of carbon is seen in the emission or absorption spectrum of V356 Sgr in eclipse. A model for the origin of the circumstellar matter in this binary system is presented. The Voyager ultraviolet observations of β Lyr show a strong far-UV continuum that is detectable down to 912 Å The far-UV continuum flux level was variable on time scales shorter than the orbital period and displayed no obvious orbital modulation or eclipses. The spectral shape of the far-UV continuum closely resembles that of a UX UMa type cataclysmic variable. On 16 August 1985 an rapid brightening of the far-UV continuum was observed which was also reminiscent of cataclysmic variables. Analysis of the β Lyr data suggest that the central object must be small, with a radius on the order of 1 R or less.  相似文献   

    From analysis of the photometric ellipticity effect in seven well-understood detached close binary systems, empirical values of the exponent of gravity-darkening have been practically deduced for eleven main-sequence components of spectral types A, F and G which should cover the range of structural change (from radiative to convective) in stellar atmospheres. The result indicate that values of the exponent diminish gradually with decreasing effective temperatures from 1.0 for radiative atmospheres with T > 8500 K to = 0.2 0.3 for convective atmospheres with T < 6500 K, in spite of some uncertainty in the reflection correction process.  相似文献   

    From analysis of the photometric ellipticity effect in seven well-understood detached close binary systems, empirical values of the exponent α of gravity-darkening have been practically deduced for eleven main-sequence components of spectral types A, F and G which should cover the range of structural change (from radiative to convective) in stellar atmospheres. The result indicate that values of the exponent diminish gradually with decreasing effective temperatures from α ~ 1.0 for radiative atmospheres with T > 8500 K to α = 0.2 ~ 0.3 for convective atmospheres with T < 6500 K, in spite of some uncertainty in the reflection correction process.  相似文献   

    The nearby stars     
    《Space Science Reviews》1986,43(3-4):251-257

    The Be stars     
    Classical Be stars are defined and their relationship to normal B-type stars stated. Spectral classification of the underlying stars suggests that, on the average, Be stars are located 0.5–1.0 magnitude above the main sequence. Struve's rotational model for Be stars, and several tests which support the model, are reviewed. The best evidence at this time suggests that Be stars may not rotate with the critical velocity at which centrifugal force just balances the equatorial gravitational force, but a number of mechanisms for getting material out into the shell have been proposed and are discussed.The physical characteristics of Be shells were first derived from optical observations of shell stars, supplemented more recently by ultraviolet, infrared, radio, and polarization measurements. These data suggest that Be shells are probably lenticular with radii 3 to 20 times the radius of the underlying star, excitation temperatures lower than those of the reversing layers, and electron densities in the range 1010-1013 cm-3.Variability of Be stars, from spectroscopic, photometric, and polarimetric observations, seems well established over time scales of years and months, but the evidence for night-to-night and hourly changes is somewhat conflicting. Of special interest are recent X-ray observations of several Be stars.Models for the envelopes of Be stars are reviewed, including state-state stellar wind models, time-dependent stellar wind models, the elliptical ring model, disk models, and binary models. Finally, the evolutionary status of Be stars is discussed, and some recommendations for future work made.  相似文献   

    One of the most powerful tests of the stellar evolution theory is analysis of stars' atmospheric chemical composition. It has shown that some non-standard mixing different from ordinary convection, semiconvection and convective overshooting seems to occur in stellar interiors. In the present study Zahn's rotationally induced turbulent diffusion is assumed to be responsible for such kind of mixing. We compare results of our evolutionary calculations with available observational data for massive main-sequence stars and red giants in globular clusters.  相似文献   

    We discuss three aspects of the nucleosynthesis in massive and intermediate-mass stars during their early evolutionary phases. These are related to the CNO abundances in giant or supergiant stars, to the26Al yield from massive stars via stellar wind, and to the production of the s-process nuclei in massive stars.  相似文献   

    Let us suppose that it is possible observationally to determine the number ratio of WR to O stars in a starburst galaxy (cf. e. g. Vacca &; Conti 1992) and that one can also have some information on the way the different WR subtypes are distributed (number ratios as WN/WR, WNL/WR etc ...), the question is, what can we deduce from these values on the burst of star formation which gave birth to these WR stars? Is it possible for instance to constrain the age of the burst (i.e. the time elapsed since the beginning of the burst of star formation), its intensity (i.e. the ratio of the star formation rate during the burst to that before the burst) or the metallicity of the cloud from which the stars formed? We present here models of starbursts based on the most recent models for single stars computed by the Geneva group and show that the study of the WR population in a starburst provides very useful insights on the age of the burst and on the metallicity of the star forming zone.  相似文献   

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