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We report on the results of Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster AWM7. The ACIS image reveals new substructures with a spatial extent of more than 8″ (4 kpc at AWM7) near the cD galaxy center, represented by a hard sub-peak and a soft peak. These substructures suggest that a dynamical process related to the formation of the cD galaxy is now taking place. Inside the cluster core within a radius of 2′, annular spectra with every 10″ step are fitted well by single temperature models. The temperature gradually drops from 4.2 keV at a radius of 60 kpc (2′) to 1.8 keV at the cluster center. The radial abundance profile shows a gradient with a peak metallicity of 1.5 solar at a radius of about 15″ (7 kpc). A two-dimensional map shows two high metallicity blob-like regions, which may be the gas expelled from the cD galaxy.  相似文献   

We present a series of monitoring observations of the ultrasoft broad-line Seyfert galaxy RE J2248-511 with XMM-Newton. Previous X-ray observations showed a transition from a very soft state to a harder state five years later. We find that the ultrasoft X-ray excess has re-emerged, yet there is no change in the hard power-law. Reflection models with a reflection fraction of 15, and Comptonisation models with two components of different temperatures and optical depths (kT1 = 83 keV, T1 = 30 eV, τ1 = 0.8; KT2 = 3.5 keV, T2 = 60 eV, τ2 = 2.8) can be fit to the spectrum, but cannot be constrained. The best representation of the spectrum is a model consisting of two blackbodies (kT1 = 0.09 ± 0.01 keV, kT2 = 0.21 ± 0.03 keV) plus a power-law (Γ = 1.8 ± 0.08). We also present simultaneous optical and infrared data showing that the optical spectral slope also changes dramatically on timescales of years. If the optical to X-ray flux comes primarily from a Comptonised accretion disk we obtain estimates for the black hole mass , accretion rate and inclination cos(i)  0.8 of the disk.  相似文献   

We performed 2D and full 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of disk accretion to a rotating star with an aligned or misaligned dipole magnetic field. We investigated the rotational equilibrium state and derived from simulations the ratio between two main frequencies: the spin frequency of the star and the orbital frequency at the inner radius of the disk. In 3D simulations we observed different features related to the non-axisymmetry of the magnetospheric flow. These features may be responsible for high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs). Variability at much lower frequencies may be connected with restructuring of the magnetic flux threading the inner regions of the disk. Such variability is specifically strong at the propeller stage of evolution.  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of the quiet ionosphere F2-layer maximum parameters variability (deviations of NmF2 and hmF2 from the quiet medians, δn and Δh) under solar minimum at day (10–16 LT) and night (22–04 LT) hours based on data of Irkutsk station for 2007–2010 is presented. It is found that the experimental distribution (histogram) of δn can be approximated by a mixture of two normal distributions. The first and second components of the mixture characterize, mainly, relatively weak and strong fluctuations of δn which are presumably associated with the ionospheric effects of the atmospheric gravity waves and of the planetary waves and tides correspondingly. Deviation of the δn histogram from a single normal distribution is most considerable at night hours in winter and equinoxes. For these conditions the weak fluctuations of δn are mainly negative and the strong ones are mainly positive. The Δh histogram is a normal distribution except day hours in winter and equinoxes when a weak deviation of the histogram from the normal distribution occurs.  相似文献   

We investigate the dark matter distributions in the central region of two clusters of galaxies (A1835 and MKW3S) using Chandra data. N-body simulations in the standard cold dark matter (CDM) model predict the dark matter distribution shows a cuspy dark matter profile: ρ(r) ∝ r, with in the range 1–2, while observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies seem to favor the presence of a relatively flat core: 0 <  < 1. To investigate the dark matter distributions in the central region of clusters of galaxies, we analyze the Chandra data of A1835 and MKW3S with a deprojection method. We derive the mass profiles without the assumption of analytical models. We examine the inner slope of derived mass profiles assuming the dark matter profile is described with a power-law expression. The values of the slope are 0.95 ± 0.10 for A1835 and 1.33 ± 0.12 for MKW3S within the radius of 200 kpc. These are consistent with the result of the CDM simulations. However, within the radius of 100 kpc, the value of is less than unity for A1835 (0.47 ± 0.31). Our result implies that the central dark matter profile of some clusters cannot be described by CDM halos.  相似文献   

The galaxy cluster 3C 129 contains two radio galaxies, the prototypical head tail radio galaxy 3C 129 and the weaker radio galaxy 3C 129.1. The tail of the first radio galaxy extends over more than 15′ across the sky. In this paper, we report on Chandra spectroscopy observations of the galaxy cluster, complemented by new and archival radio data taken with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 0.33, 1.4, 5, and 8 GHz and by HI-observations performed with the dominion radio astrophysical observatory (DRAO). We describe the Chandra results on the properties of the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) and discuss extended X-ray emission detected from the host galaxy of the radio galaxy 3C 129.1 and from the inner jet of the radio galaxy 3C 129. Finally, we report on the results of an ICM/radio plasma pressure balance study along the tail of the radio galaxy 3C 129.  相似文献   

AVHRR MCSST data for the periods 1982–2000 (mean weekly data) were used to calculate mean gradient fields in the ocean for different periods of time. Three-month averaged sea surface temperature gradients (SSTG) and their mean seasonal variations have been studied for 25 points in the large-scale oceanic fronts zones. Major oceanic fronts in the Atlantic and Pacific have been identified and compared in literature. In the North Atlantic and Pacific, the areas under study were the North Polar Front and Subpolar Fronts. In the South Atlantic and Pacific we studied the region of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and the fronts formed by this current, known as the South Polar Front, and the Subantarctic Front. SSTG were also calculated for El Niño (Southeast Pacific) and Benguela Current (Southeast Atlantic).  相似文献   

We present near-infrared spectroscopy of the massive X-ray binary 2S 0114+650. These observations covering the spectral range 1.08–2.35 μm span the region where Paschen and Brackett series recombination lines of hydrogen are expected to be seen, namely, Paβ , Brγ and Br 10–17 lines. The absence of any of these lines in emission supports earlier inferences that the optical component in 2S 0114+650 is unlikely to be a Be star but rather a B type supergiant. Near-IR photometry gives J = 8.78, H = 8.53 and K = 7.96; these values show marginal variations from earlier reported measurements.  相似文献   

The ionosphere induces a time delay in transionospheric radio signals such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal. The Total Electron Content (TEC) is a key parameter in the mitigation of ionospheric effects on transionospheric signals. The delay in GPS signal induced by the ionosphere is proportional to TEC along the path from the GPS satellite to a receiver. The diurnal monthly and seasonal variations of ionospheric electron content were studied during the year 2010, a year of extreme solar minimum (F10.7 = 81 solar flux unit), with data from the GPS receiver and the Digisonde Portable Sounder (DPS) collocated at Ilorin (Geog. Lat. 8.50°N, Long. 4.50°E, dip −7.9°). The diurnal monthly variation shows steady increases in TEC and F2-layer critical frequency (foF2) from pre-dawn minimum to afternoon maximum and then decreases after sunset. TEC show significant seasonal variation during the daytime between 0900 and 1900 UT (LT = UT + 1 h) with a maximum during the March equinox (about 35 TECU) and minimum during the June solstice (about 24 TECU). The GPS-TEC and foF2 values reveal a weak seasonal anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry during the daytime. The variations observed find their explanations in the amount of solar radiation and neutral gas composition. The measured TEC and foF2 values were compared with last two versions of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2007 and IRI-2012) model predictions using the NeQuick and CCIR (International Radio Consultative Committee) options respectively in the model. In general, the two models give foF2 close to the experimental values, whereas significant discrepancies are found in the predictions of TEC from the models especially during the daytime. The error in height dependent thickness parameter, daytime underestimation of equatorial drift and contributions of electrons from altitudes above 2000 km have been suggested as the possible causes.  相似文献   

The Russian solar observatory CORONAS-F was launched into a circular orbit on July 31, 2001 and operated until December 12, 2005. Two main aims of this experiment were: (1) simultaneous study of solar hard X-ray and γ-ray emission and charged solar energetic particles, (2) detailed investigation of how solar energetic particles influence the near-Earth space environment. The CORONAS-F satellite orbit allows one to measure both solar energetic particle dynamics and variations of the solar particle boundary penetration as well as relativistic electrons of the Earth’s outer radiation belt during and after magnetic storms. We have found that significant enhancements of relativistic electron flux in the outer radiation belt were observed not only during strong magnetic storms near solar maximum but also after weak storms caused by high speed solar wind streams. Relativistic electrons of the Earth’s outer radiation belt cause volumetric ionization in the microcircuits of spacecraft causing them to malfunction, and solar energetic particles form an important source of radiation damage in near-Earth space. Therefore, the present results and future research in relativistic electron flux dynamics are very important.  相似文献   

为了向国际计量局提供SI单位的2e/h值,参加国际平差,1988年4月国家计量局和中国科学数据委员会组织了测试。本文给出了测试结果和国际平差结果,我国测试值与国际平差值仅相差4×10~(-8)。国家技术监督局决定采用航空航天部二院二○三所研制的2e/h测量系统作为国家临时电压自然基准。  相似文献   

Plants grown on long-term space missions will likely be grown in low pressure environments (i.e., hypobaria). However, in hypobaria the transpiration rates of plants can increase and may result in wilting if the water is not readily replaced. It is possible to reduce transpiration by increasing the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), but the effects of pCO2 at high levels (>120 Pa) on the growth and transpiration of plants in hypobaria are not known. Therefore, the effects of pCO2 on the growth and transpiration of radish (Raphanus sativus var. Cherry Bomb II) in hypobaria were studied. The fresh weight (FW), leaf area, dry weight (DW), CO2 assimilation rates (CA), dark respiration rates (DR), and transpiration rates from 26 day-old radish plants that were grown for an additional seven days at different total pressures (33, 66 or 101 kPa) and pCO2 (40 Pa, 100 Pa and 180 Pa) were measured. In general, the dry weight of plants increased with CO2 enrichment and with lower total pressure. In limiting pCO2 (40 Pa) conditions, the transpiration for plants grown at 33 kPa was approximately twice that of controls (101 kPa total pressure with 40 Pa pCO2). Increasing the pCO2 from 40 Pa to 180 Pa reduced the transpiration rates for plants grown in hypobaria and in standard atmospheric pressures. However, for plants grown in hypobaria and high pCO2 (180 Pa) leaf damage was evident. Radish growth can be enhanced and transpiration reduced in hypobaria by enriching the gas phase with CO2 although at high levels leaf damage may occur.  相似文献   

We report work utilizing 15-min resolution ionospheric data obtained with DPS-4 digisonde in 2003–2011 to study the seasonal variations in amplitudes and phases of the most powerful spectral components of the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) and peak height (hmF2) fluctuations over Irkutsk (52.5°N, 104.0°E). We show that fluctuations of both parameters contain quasi-harmonic components with periods of Tn = 24/n h (n = 1–7). The number of distinct spectral peaks varies from 3 in summer to 7 in winter. Amplitude and phase characteristics of the diurnal (n = 1) and semidiurnal (n = 2) components is studied using the data sets extracted from the original data sets with band-pass filter. It has been found that the amplitudes of diurnal/semidiurnal foF2 and diurnal hmF2 components are maximum in winter and minimum in summer. Amplitudes of the diurnal components vary gradually; those of the foF2 semidiurnal one, abruptly, thus forming a narrow winter maximum in November–January. The phase (local time of maximum) of the diurnal foF2 component increases gradually by 4–6 h from winter to summer. The phase of the semidiurnal foF2 component is nearly stable in winter/summer and sharply decreases (increases) by 2–3 h near the spring (autumn) equinox. The phase of the diurnal component of hmF2 (local time of minimum) varies slightly between 1130 and 1300 LT; that of the semidiurnal one decreases (increases) by 4–6 h from January to March (from September to November). The results obtained show that the main features of seasonal variations in the diurnal and semidiurnal components of the mid-latitude F2 layer parameters recur consistently during the solar activity growth and decline phases.  相似文献   

以5A06和2A12铝合金为研究对象,研究了Al-Mg和Al-Cu合金在硫酸-己二酸中阳极氧化行为及其氧化膜的电化学性能,分析合金相对铝合金阳极氧化膜层结构以及耐蚀性的影响.采用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)进行表面形貌观察,采用动电位极化曲线、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)进行膜层的电化学性能评价.结果表明:2A12铝合金恒电压阳极氧化过程中出现两个电流峰值,这说明含铜相的溶解会影响阳极氧化过程;2A12铝合金膜层孔洞不规整,连通现象严重,含铜相的富集促进了氧气的产生,影响了氧化膜的微观结构;相同浸泡时间下,5A06铝合金氧化膜自腐蚀电位更高,自腐蚀电流更低,具有较高的耐蚀性,这是由于Al-Cu合金的孔隙率要比Al-Mg合金高.  相似文献   

Nitric Oxide is a very important trace species which plays a significant role acting as a natural thermostat in Earth’s thermosphere during strong geomagnetic activity. In this paper, we present various aspects related to the variation in the NO Infrared radiative flux (IRF) exiting the thermosphere by utilizing the TIMED/SABER (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics/ Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry) observational data during the Halloween storm which occurred in late October 2003. The Halloween storm comprised of three intense-geomagnetic storms. The variability of NO infrared flux during these storm events and its connection to the strength of the geomagnetic storms were found to be different in contrast to similar super storms. The connection between the quantum of energy outflux from the upper atmosphere into space in terms of NO IRF and the duration of storms is established. The NO radiative cooling, and the closely correlated depletion in O/N2 ratio are controlled by the Joule heating intensity (proxied by AE-index). The collisional excitation rate of NO, calculated using the modelled datasets of WACCM-X (Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere extension), correlates well with the observed pattern of radiative emission by NO. Observational datasets from TIMED/GUVI (Global Ultra-Violet Imager) and MIT Haystack observatory madrigal GNSS (Global navigation satellite system) total electron content (TEC) database shows that the TEC and O/N2 enhancement in low-mid northern hemispheric latitudes are mainly controlled by the z-component of Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF-Bz). The penetration of eastward electric field during the storm events is found to be responsible for the overall enhancement of TEC. The contribution of enhanced day-side TEC in observed variation of O/N2 ratio by GUVI is also reported. It is also seen that during substorms related events the night-time polar region experiences more cooling due to NO than the daytime polar region. The connections between the mid- and low-latitude enhancement in NO IRF with the propagation of LSTIDs (Large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances) in combination with the O/N2 variability, and the altitudinal variation in NO flux with the progression of the storm is also investigated. This study presents the evidence on the role of diffusion processes in the large scale enhancement of NO in the mesospheric altitudes.  相似文献   

The diurnal and seasonal variations of F2 layer characteristics (critical frequency, peak height and bottomside thickness) over Irkutsk, Russia (52.3 N and 104.3 E) are studied by the method of running medians. The comparison with the IRI-2001 model during the decrease in solar activity in 2003–2006 revealed cases of both close agreement and systematic differences between predictions and observations. The systematic difference is not the only reason for disagreement between IRI and observations; there are also intrayear variations which are not associated with seasonal behavior. The period of observation was too short to make conclusions about solar activity dependence of the noon bottomside thickness and the modification of its diurnal behavior with decreasing solar activity.  相似文献   

The J2 problem is an important problem in celestial mechanics, orbital dynamics and orbital design of spacecraft, as non-spherical mass distribution of the celestial body is taken into account. In this paper, the J2 problem is generalized to the motion of a rigid body in a J2 gravitational field. The relative equilibria are studied by using geometric mechanics. A Poisson reduction process is carried out by means of the symmetry. Non-canonical Hamiltonian structure and equations of motion of the reduced system are obtained. The basic geometrical properties of the relative equilibria are given through some analyses on the equilibrium conditions. Then we restrict to the zeroth and second-order approximations of the gravitational potential. Under these approximations, the existence and detailed properties of the relative equilibria are investigated. The orbit–rotation coupling of the rigid body is discussed. It is found that under the second-order approximation, there exists a classical type of relative equilibria except when the rigid body is near the surface of the central body and the central body is very elongated. Another non-classical type of relative equilibria can exist when the central body is elongated enough and has a low average density. The non-classical type of relative equilibria in our paper is distinct from the non-Lagrangian relative equilibria in the spherically-simplified Full Two Body Problem, which cannot exist under the second-order approximation. Our results also extend the previous results on the classical type of relative equilibria in the spherically-simplified Full Two Body Problem by taking into account the oblateness of the primary body. The results on relative equilibria are useful for studies on the motion of many natural satellites, whose motion are close to the relative equilibria.  相似文献   

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