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<正>今年8月23日,是丹麦"小美人鱼"100岁的生日。当天,"小美人鱼雕像"在丹麦哥本哈根、瑞典斯德哥尔摩、挪威奥斯陆、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、英国伦敦、法国巴黎、意大利罗马、日本东京、澳大利亚堪培拉、印度新德里,以及中国的北京、上海等全球多个城市同时出现,给全世界带去浓浓的丹麦风情。在首都北京的地标性建筑王府井大街、西单、三里屯、西单等处,市民热情地与"小美人鱼"合影留念。在上海,"小美人鱼"与这座城市就更有缘了,早在2010年,"小美人鱼"就第一次离开家乡丹麦,参加了在上海举办的世界博览会,她的绰约风姿倾倒众生。8  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会,丹麦国家馆。由哥本哈根远道而来的安徒生童话著名人物——"小美人鱼"雕像,在中心水池恬静娴雅,悠闲自得地端坐着。这是一座完全拥有丹麦味道的雕塑作品,栩栩如生,届时约七千万人能有幸欣赏这一丹麦王国的象征。哥本哈根市议会目前已投票决定了将要送"小美人鱼"远离家乡参加2010年5月1日到10月31日在上海世博会的丹麦展台。这一决定结束了长期以来关于"小美人鱼"去与否的诸多纷争。  相似文献   

2005年是世界最著名的丹麦作家汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(HansChristianAndersen,1805年4月2日~1875年8月4日)的周年诞辰。纪念活动将在世界各地举行。在丹麦,官方的庆祝活动将于安徒生的诞辰纪念日2005年4月2日开始,并一直持续至12月6日,在历史上的这一天安徒生荣归故里奥登塞城。届时,世界各国都有富有各自特色的庆祝活动。在中国,将主办一系列主要项目,包括电影、电视、展出、音乐会、出版翻译、对丹麦进行音乐及系列访问和国际性交流等,以庆祝安徒生诞辰200周年。安徒生生于丹麦的欧登塞市。他于1827年发表第一首诗《垂死的小孩》,他…  相似文献   

这是一幢充满北欧风格的建筑,她就是刚刚开幕的上海安徒生博物馆。这是丹麦之外建立的第一座安徒生博物馆,这里仿佛就是安徒生在中国的"新家",也是安徒生童话在中国"见证人"。  相似文献   

璀璨而明亮的岁月,连起来就是一串闪烁发光的珍珠项链伴随成长,我们随时都能目睹奇迹的发生"奇迹"不仅存在于丹麦安徒生式的童话世界中在蓝牙耳机领域内同样也有令人心醉的奇迹。  相似文献   

"克伦堡宫,巍峨雄伟,气象森严。"——丹麦最著名的场景,源自轰动世界的莎士比亚名剧《哈姆雷特》"K ronbo rg Castle has majestic fo rce and st rict atmosphere."-It is the most famous scene in Denma rk which is from the world-known ope ra of Shakespeare-〈Hamlet〉  相似文献   

<正>丹麦国宝级百年世家珠宝品牌——乔治杰生(Georg Jensen)将丹麦工艺推在了世界前列。品牌创始人乔治杰生(Georg Jensen)被世界公认为20世纪最有影响力的设计大师之一。自1904年他设立了第一间银雕工作室开始(位于哥本哈根Bredgade 36号),如今乔治杰生以他的名字所成立的品牌已经走过了100多  相似文献   

<正>北欧,童话中风景如画的旅行胜地,被越来越多的中国游客所钟爱。瑞典、丹麦和挪威旅游局联手合作在北京、上海、广州分别举办"遇见北欧,遇见美好"北欧旅游推广会。40余家旅游供应商,包括地方局、景点、酒店、航空公司、机场、地接社等华丽亮相。瑞典旅游局将干2015年推出名为"轻体验"的新概念,依照最具瑞典特色的度假方式,通过各种互动性动,让游客"轻"度体验当地原汁原味的生活方式。"轻体验"概念涵盖一系列旅游主题产品,在瑞典斯科纳优美的厄斯特兰地区自驾、在斯德哥尔摩跟随专业摄影师寻找最佳拍摄地点、在哥德堡参加美食  相似文献   

中国航空货运在2006年继续保持了高速增长的势民航总局的政策对航空货运业的发展又将有哪些头,"十一五"期间的今后几年,我国航空货运将呈现何种发展态势?  相似文献   

问:2010上海世博会是全球关注的一大盛事。阁下对明年的上海世博会有什么感言?答:我作为筹办方和世博会的组织成员,正好及时抵达上海,我很激动。我对我们的展馆和在馆内及周围举行活动制定的所有计划的进展有点担心。我们非常幸运地受到许多媒体的注意,支持设计师们将原型"小美人鱼"带到我们展馆的想法。这有助于保持我们团队高涨的情绪,并在中国和丹麦都得到了支持。问:2010上海世博会是全球关注的一大盛事,阁下对明年的上海世博会有什么感言?  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2000,2(5):74-79
This article describes the key science objectives and system design aspects of the Ørsted satellite. It will also describe the integration and test activities performed to qualify the satellite for launch and present the first results obtained during the initial 6 months of the mission. The project is performed as a cooperative effort between a group of Danish universities, institutions and industries active in space activities. TERMA Elektronik AS manages the project.  相似文献   

A software system for a star imager for on-line satellite attitude determination is described. The system works with a single standard commercial CCD-camera with a high aperture lens and an onboard star catalogue. It is capable of both an initial course attitude determination without any prior knowledge of the satellite orientation and a high-accuracy attitude determination based on prediction and averaging of several identified star constellations. In the high accuracy mode the star imager aims at an accuracy better than 2 arc sec with a processing time of less than a few seconds. The star imager is developed for the Danish microsatellite Oersted  相似文献   

A software system for a star imager for online satellite attitude determination is described. The system works with a single standard commercial CCD camera with a high aperture lens and an onboard star catalog. It is capable of both an initial coarse attitude determination without any prior knowledge of the satellite orientation and a high-accuracy attitude determination based on prediction and averaging of several identified star constellations. In the high-accuracy mode the star image aims at an accuracy better than 2 arc sec with a processing time of less than a few seconds. The star imager has been developed for the Danish Oersted satellite  相似文献   

Jet Vectoring Control Using a Novel Synthetic Jet Actuator   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A primary air jet vectoring control system with a novel synthetic jet actuator (SJA) is presented and simulated numerically. The results show that, in comparison with an existing traditional synthetic jet actuator, which is able to perform the duty of either “push” or “pull”, one novel synthetic jet actuator can fulfill both “push” and “pull” functions to vector the primary jet by shifting a slide block inside it. Therefore, because the new actuator possesses greater efficiency, it has potentiality to replace the existing one in various appli- cations, such as thrust vectoring and the reduction of thermal signature. Moreover, as the novel actuator can fulfill those functions that the existing one can not, it may well be expected to popularize it into more flow control systems.  相似文献   

Team games are studied here with one performance index for the team as a unit in competition with one common opponent. A structural analysis is presented with the intent to simplify the computation of optimal decision and communication processes. The minimum principle and calculus of variations are used to compute time-optimal and quadratic-optimal trajectories for certain linear "pursuit-evasion" games. A composition method is presented to compute an approximate solution to the two-versus-one problem from the solution to two one-versus-one problems. Help zones of a second pursuer to assist in the "capture" of an evader are derived. The hierarchical command and communication structure for a quadratic linear game of N pursuers and one evader is derived. An approximation is generated which has a convenient ripple or recursive structure.  相似文献   

传递对准是动基座对准的一种方法,其有多种匹配方案。文章对比了"速度"匹配和"姿态"匹配、"速度+姿态角"匹配3种传递对准方案。运用卡尔曼滤波算法,对失准角进行估计,并对估计结果进行比较,分析了3种匹配方案的对准精度及适用性。  相似文献   

There is now strong observational evidence that the composition of the Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) exhibits some significant deviations with respect to the abundances measured in the local (solar neighbourhood) interstellar medium (ISM). Two main scenarios have been proposed in order to account for these differences (`anomalies). The first one, referred to as the `two-component scenario, invokes two distinct components to be accelerated to GCR energies by supernova blast waves. One of these components is just made of ISM material of `normal solar composition, while the other one emerges from the wind of massive mass-losing stars of the Wolf–Rayet (WR) type. The second model, referred to as the `metallicity-gradient scenario, envisions the acceleration of ISM material whose bulk composition is different from the local one as a result of the fact that it originates from inner regions of the Galaxy, where the metallicity has not the local value. In both scenarios, massive stars, particularly of the WR type, play an important role in shaping the GCR composition. After briefly reviewing some basic observations and predictions concerning WR stars (including s-process yields), this paper revisits the two proposed scenarios in the light of recent non-rotating or rotating WR models.  相似文献   

不同截面机身的RCS及气动特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘家正  王一飞 《航空学报》1992,13(4):113-117
对三个“板块”多边形截面机身及圆截面机身模型进行了RCS隐身特性和低速气动特性的测试与研究,发现多边形截面机身不但具有良好的隐身性能,特别是机身侧面,无论是水平极化或是垂直极化,其RCS值均比相同截面面积的圆截面机身降低一个数量级,而且其气动特性不比圆截面机身差,其升力特性与最大升阻比均比圆截面机身好。最后还给出了考虑多边形侧边缘夹角的横向绕流粘性效应的经验修正公式,可供多边形截面机身的气动特性估算参考。  相似文献   

The Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) is one of ten instruments on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) — one of two instruments measuring the solar ultraviolet irradiance. The instrument is a three channel spectrometer covering the spectral range 120 to 420nm with a spectral resolution of approximately 0.2nm. It has been successfully operating since October 1991, and has now provided more than eight years of data, extending from near the peak of solar cycle 22, through solar minimum and into the new cycle. The data provide time series that display solar variations over time scales from a few days up to the 11-year solar cycle. Quantitative estimates of amplitudes of both rotational modulation and the solar cycle variation in the 1991–1999 epoch are given for the UV spectrum between 119 and 300nm.  相似文献   

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