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The recent discovery of a new class of recurrent and fast X-ray transient sources, the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients, poses interesting questions on the possible mechanisms responsible for their transient X-ray emission. The association with blue supergiants, the spectral properties similar to those of accreting pulsars and the detection, in a few cases, of X-ray pulsations, confirm that these transients are High Mass X-ray Binaries. I review the different mechanisms proposed to explain their transient outbursts and the link to persistent wind accretors. I discuss the different models in light of the new observational results coming from an on-going monitoring campaign of four Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients with Swift.  相似文献   

With its ability to look at bright galactic X-ray sources with sub-millisecond time resolution, the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) discovered that the X-ray emission from accreting compact stars shows quasi-periodic oscillations on the dynamical timescales of the strong field region. RXTE showed also that waveform fitting of the oscillations resulting from hot spots at the surface of rapidly rotating neutron stars constrain their masses and radii. These two breakthroughs suddenly opened up a new window on fundamental physics, by providing new insights on strong gravity and dense matter. Building upon the RXTE legacy, in the Cosmic Vision exercise, testing General Relativity in the strong field limit and constraining the equation of state of dense matter were recognized recently as key goals to be pursued in the ESA science program for the years 2015–2025. This in turn identified the need for a large (10 m2 class) aperture X-ray observatory. In recognition of this need, the XEUS mission concept which has evolved into a single launch L2 formation flying mission will have a fast timing instrument in the focal plane. In this paper, I will outline the unique science that will be addressed with fast X-ray timing on XEUS.  相似文献   

We explore the capabilities of the future space science mission IXO (International X-ray Observatory) for obtaining cosmological redshifts of distant Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) using the X-ray data only. We first find in which regions of the X-ray luminosity (LX) versus redshift (z) plane the weak but ubiquitous Fe Kα narrow emission line can deliver an accurate redshift (δz < 5%) as a function of exposure time, using a CCD-based Wide Field Imager (IXO/WFI) as the one baselined for IXO. Down to a 2–10 keV X-ray flux of 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1 IXO/WFI exposures of 100 ks, 300 ks and 1 Ms will deliver 20%, 40% and 60% of the redshifts. This means that in a typical 18′ × 18′ IXO/WFI field of view, 4, 10 and 25 redshifts will be obtained for free from the X-ray data alone, spanning a wide range up to z ∼ 2–3 and fairly sampling the real distribution. Measuring redshifts of fainter sources will indeed need spectroscopy at other wavebands.  相似文献   

A small number of early Be stars exhibit X-ray luminosities intermediate between those typical of early type stars and those radiated by Be/X-ray binaries in the quiescent state. We report on XMM-Newton observations of two such Be stars, HD 161103 and SAO 49725 which were originally discovered in a systematic cross-correlation between the ROSAT all-sky survey and SIMBAD. The new observations confirm the X-ray luminosity detected by ROSAT (LX  1032 erg s−1) and the hardness of their X-ray spectra (thin thermal with kT  8–10 keV or power law with photon index of 1.7) which are both unusual for normal early type stars. We discuss the possible origin of this excess X-ray emission in the light of the models proposed for γ-Cas, magnetic disc-star interaction or accretion onto a compact companion object, neutron star or white dwarf, and compare the properties of these two sources with those of the new massive systems discovered in the XMM- Newton/SSC survey of the Galactic plane.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to compare optical properties of Abell clusters with X-ray sources.  相似文献   

In the last decade, high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy has revolutionized our understanding of the role of accretion disk winds in black hole X-ray binaries. Here I present a brief review of the state of wind studies in black hole X-ray binaries, focusing on recent arguments that disk winds are not only extremely massive, but also highly variable. I show how new and archival observations at high timing and spectral resolution continue to highlight the intricate links between the inner accretion flow, relativistic jets, and accretion disk winds. Finally, I discuss methods to infer the driving mechanisms of observed disk winds and their implications for connections between mass accretion and ejection processes.  相似文献   

We report the XMM-Newton detection of narrow Fe xxv and Fe xxvi X-ray absorption lines at 7 keV in the persistent emission of the dipping low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1323−62. Such features have now been reported in a growing number of LMXBs seen almost edge-on, indicating that the highly-ionized plasma probably originates in an accretion disk atmosphere or wind. During dipping intervals of 4U 1323−62, the strength of the Fe xxv feature increases while that of the Fe xxvi feature decreases, consistent with the presence of less strongly ionized material in the line-of-sight. As observed previously, the changes in the X-ray spectrum during dips are inconsistent with a simple increase in absorption by cool material. However, we show that the changes in both the narrow absorption features and the continuum can be modeled self-consistently by variations in the properties of an ionized absorber. From persistent to deep dipping the photo-ionization parameter decreases while the equivalent hydrogen column density of the ionized absorber increases. No partial covering of any component of the spectrum, and hence no extended corona, are required. Since highly-ionized absorption features are seen from many other dip sources, this mechanism may also explain the overall changes in X-ray spectrum observed during dipping intervals from these systems.  相似文献   

A strong X-ray emission is one of the defining signatures of nuclear activity in galaxies. According to the Unified Model for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), both the X-ray radiation and the prominent broad emission lines, characterizing the optical and UV spectra of Type 1 AGNs, are originated in the innermost regions of the sources, close to the Super Massive Black Holes (SMBH), which power the central engine. Since the emission is concentrated in a very compact region (with typical size r?0.1r?0.1 pc) and it is not possible to obtain resolved images of the source, spectroscopic studies of this radiation represent the only valuable key to constrain the physical properties of matter and its structure in the center of active galaxies. Based on previous studies on the physics of the Broad Line Region (BLR) and on the X-ray spectra of broad (FWHMHβ ? 2000 km s−1) and narrow line (1000 km s−1 ?FWHMHβ ? 2000 km s−1) emitting objects, it has been observed that the kinematic and ionization properties of matter close to the SMBHs are related together, and, in particular, that ionization is higher in narrow line sources. Here we report on the study of the optical and X-ray spectra of a sample of Type 1 AGNs, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database, within an upper redshift limit of z=0.35z=0.35, and detected at X-ray energies. We present analysis of the broad emission line fluxes and profiles, as well as the properties of the X-ray continuum and Fe Kα emission and we use these parameters to assess the consistency of our current AGN understanding.  相似文献   

We present the analysis of archival Chandra high resolution X-ray spectra of AM Her. Emission lines from several hydrogen-like ions, helium-like ions, Fe-L shell transitions and Fe-K fluorescent are identified. Using the resonance, intercombination and forbidden lines of the few prominent helium-like ions, we infer a density greater than 2 × 1012 cm−3 and a temperature of 2 MK for the oxygen and neon line emitting regions in the accretion column of AM Her.  相似文献   

Observations using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) have discovered dozens of accreting neutron stars with millisecond spin periods in low-mass binary star systems. Eighteen are millisecond X-ray pulsars powered by accretion or nuclear burning or both. These stars have magnetic fields strong enough for them to become millisecond rotation-powered (radio) pulsars when accretion ceases. Few, if any, accretion- or rotation-powered pulsars have spin rates higher than 750 Hz. There is strong evidence that the spin-up of some accreting neutron stars is limited by magnetic spin-equilibrium whereas the spin-up of others is halted when accretion ends. Further study will show whether the spin rates of some accretion- or rotation-powered pulsars are or were limited by emission of gravitational radiation.  相似文献   

In the framework of the study of supernova remnants and their complex interaction with the interstellar medium and the circumstellar material, we focus on the galactic supernova remnant W49B. Its morphology exhibits an X-ray bright elongated nebula, terminated on its eastern end by a sharp perpendicular structure aligned with the radio shell. The X-ray spectrum of W49B is characterized by strong K emission lines from Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe. There is a variation of the temperature in the remnant with the highest temperature found in the eastern side and the lowest one in the western side. The analysis of the recent observations of W49B indicates that the remnant may be the result of an asymmetric bipolar explosion where the ejecta are collimated along a jet-like structure and the eastern jet is hotter and more Fe-rich than the western one. Another possible scenario associates the X-ray emission with a spherical explosion where parts of the ejecta are interacting with a dense belt of ambient material. To overcome this ambiguity we present new results of the analysis of an XMM-Newton observation and we perform estimates of the mass and energy of the remnant. We conclude that the scenario of an anisotropic jet-like explosion explains quite naturally our observation results, but the association of W49B with a hypernova and a γ-ray burst, although still possible, is not directly supported by any evidence.  相似文献   

Recent observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton   have shown that the X-ray source 1WGA J1346.5–6255 is associated with the Be star HD 119682, a member of the open cluster NGC 5281, and displays all the characteristics of the new class of X-ray sources known as γγ-Cas analogues. We present a detailed spectroscopic study of this open cluster, finding an age of 40 Myr and a sequence of evolved stars. These results imply that HD 119682 is a blue straggler in NGC 5281, as it is much more massive than any other cluster member, and its membership is strongly suggested by proper motion analysis. This is the second γγ-Cas analogue found to be blue straggler in an open cluster, suggesting that evolution plays a role in the formation of these systems and that a supernova explosion has not occurred in them.  相似文献   

The transient X-ray pulsar A0535+26 was observed on October 4, 1980 during a high level intensity outburst with a balloon borne hard X-ray detector. High statistical quality source spectra were determined up to 100 keV. Both blackbody and Wien laws fit well the data. Pulse phase spectroscopy shows variation of temperature index between 7.5 and 8.5 keV in the off source spectra and between 7.4 and 10.5 keV in the off pulse spectra. The time averaged luminosity above 30 keV is 8×1036 erg/s.  相似文献   

Although rotating neutron stars (NSs) have been regarded as being textbook examples of astrophysical particle acceleration sites for decades, details of the acceleration mechanism remain a mystery; for example, we cannot yet observationally distinguish “polar cap” models from “outer gap” models. To solve the model degeneracy, it is useful to study similar systems with much different physical parameters. Strongly magnetized white dwarfs (WDs) are ideal for this purpose, because they have essentially the same system geometry as NSs, but differ largely from NSs in the system parameters, including the size, magnetic field, and the rotation velocity, with the induced electric field expected to reach 1013–1014 eV. Based on this idea, the best candidate among WDs, AE Aquarii, was observed with the fifth Japaneses X-ray satellite, Suzaku. The hard X-ray detector (HXD) on-board Suzaku has the highest sensitivity in the hard X-ray band over 10 keV. A marginal detection in the hard X-ray band was achieved with the HXD, and was separated from the thermal emission. The flux corresponds to about 0.02% of its spin-down energy. If the signal is real, this observation must be a first case of the detection of non-thermal emission from WDs.  相似文献   

Measurement of at least three independent parameters, for example, mass, radius and spin frequency, of a neutron star is probably the only way to understand the nature of its supranuclear core matter. Such a measurement is extremely difficult because of various systematic uncertainties. The lack of knowledge of several system parameter values gives rise to such systematics. Low mass X-ray binaries, which contain neutron stars, provide a number of methods to constrain the stellar parameters. Joint application of these methods has a great potential to significantly reduce the systematic uncertainties, and hence to measure three independent neutron star parameters accurately. Here, we review the methods based on: (1) thermonuclear X-ray bursts; (2) accretion-powered millisecond-period pulsations; (3) kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations; (4) broad relativistic iron lines; (5) quiescent emissions; and (6) binary orbital motions.  相似文献   

The Chandra X-ray Observatory was launched on July 23, 1999. The first X-ray photons were detected on August 12 of that same year. Subsequently observations with the Observatory, which features sub-arcsecond angular resolution, have revolutionized our understanding of the X-ray emitting sky providing hosts of spectacular energy-resolved images and high-resolution spectra. Here we present a brief overview of Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of compact X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

The X-ray evolution of the luminosity of normal galaxies is primarily driven by the evolution of their X-ray binary populations. The imprints left by a cosmological evolution of the star formation rate (SFR) will cause the average X-ray luminosity of galaxies to appear higher in the redshift range 1–3. As reported by White and Ghosh [ApJ, 504 (1998) L31] the profile of X-ray luminosity with redshift can both serve as a diagnostic probe of the SFR profile and constrain evolutionary models for X-ray binaries. In order to observe the high redshift (z>3) universe in the X-ray band, it is necessary to avoid confusion from foreground field galaxies. We report on the predictions of these models of the X-ray flux expected from galaxies and the implications for the telescope parameters of future deep universe X-ray observatories.  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews first the progress of spectroscopy in X-ray astronomy from proportional counters, a major instrument in early phase of X-ray astronomy, to gas scintillation proportional counters, X-ray CCD cameras, transmission and reflection gratings, and finally to X-ray micro-calorimeters. As a typical example of spectral features observed from high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), the spectra observed from Vela X-1 with Chandra grating spectrometers are then presented and compared with computer simulations for high mass binary systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss our first attempts to model the broadband persistent emission of magnetars within a self-consistent, physical scenario. We present the predictions of a synthetic model that we calculated with a new Monte Carlo 3D radiative code. The basic idea is that soft thermal photons (e.g. emitted by the star surface) can experience resonant cyclotron upscattering by a population of relativistic electrons treated in the twisted magnetosphere. Our code is specifically tailored to work in the ultra-magnetized regime; polarization and QED effects are consistently accounted for, as well different configurations for the magnetosphere. We discuss the predicted spectral properties in the 0.1–1000 keV range, the polarization properties, and we present the model application to a sample of magnetars soft X-ray spectra.  相似文献   

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