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This paper summarizes some of the discussions of working group 8–9 during the ISSI Conference on The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium. Because the subject of these working groups has become significantly broader during the last ten years, we have selected three topics for which recent observations have modified and improved our knowledge of the heliosphere and the surrounding interstellar medium. These topics are the number densities and ISM ionization states of hydrogen and helium, the newly discovered hot gas from the H wall seen in absorption, and the comparison between ISM and heliospheric minor element abundances. Papers from this volume in which more details on these topics can be found are quoted throughout the report.  相似文献   

The 28th ESLAB Symposium marks the beginning of the sprint of the Ulysses mission to the very high heliographic latitudes and the pole-to-pole passage. The more than twenty-year quest to understand the Sun and the heliosphere in three dimensions is about to be realized. It is perhaps worthwhile, as we are poised to begin this journey, to ask how history is likely to judge this mission, or equivalently: what questions need to be answered so that the judgment will be kind?  相似文献   

Thanks to remarkable new tools, such as the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) on board the HST and the EUVE spectrometer on the interstellar side, and Ulysses particle detectors on the heliospheric side, it is possible now to begin to compare abundances and physical properties of the interstellar matter outside the heliosphere (from absorption features in the stellar spectra), and inside the heliosphere (from in situ or remote detection of the interstellar neutrals or their derivatives, the pick-up ions or the Anomalous Cosmic Rays detected by the two Voyager spacecraft).Ground-based and UV spectra of nearby stars show that the Sun is located between two volumes of gas of different heliocentric velocities V and temperatures T (see also Linsky et al, this issue). One of these clouds has the same velocity (V= 25.6 km s–1 from = 255 and =8) and temperature (6700 K) as the heliospheric helium of interstellar origin probed by Ulysses, and is certainly surrounding our star (and then the Local Interstellar Cloud or LIC). This Identification allows comparisons between interstellar constituents on both sides of the heliospheric interface.Ly-alpha background data (absorption cell and recent HST-GHRS spectra) suggest that the heliospheric neutral H velocity is smaller by 5–6 km s–1 than the local cloud velocity, and therefore that H is decelerated at its entrance into the heliosphere, in agreement with interaction models between the heliosphere and the ISM which include the coupling with the plasma. This is in favor of a non negligible electron density (at least 0.05 cm3). There are other indications of a rather large ionization of the ambient ISM, such as the ionization equilibrium of interstellar magnesium and of sodium. However the resulting range for the plasma density is still broad.The heliospheric neutral hydrogen number density (0.08–0.16 cm–3) is now less precisely determined than the helium density (0.013–0.017 cm–3, see Gloeckler, Witte et al, Mobius, this issue). The comparison between the neutral hydrogen to neutral helium ratios in the ISM (recent EUVE findings) and in the heliosphere, suggests that 15 to 70% of H does not enter the heliosphere. The comparison between the interstellar oxygen relative abundance (with respect to H and He) in the ISM and the heliospheric abundance deduced from pick-up ions is also in favor of some filtration, and thus of a non-negligible ionization.For a significant ISM plasma density, one expects a Hydrogen wall to be present as an intermediate state of the interstellar H around the interface between inside and outside. Since 1993, the two UVS instruments on board Voyager 1 and 2 indeed reveal clearly the existence of an additional Ly-alpha emission, probably due to a combination of light from the compressed H wall, and from a galactic source. On the other hand, the decelerated and heated neutral hydrogen of this H wall has recently been detected in absorption in the spectra of nearby stars (see Linsky, this issue).  相似文献   

We use energy spectra of anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) measured with the Cosmic Ray instrument on the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft during the period 1994/157-313 to determine several parameters of interest to heliospheric studies. We estimate that the strength of the solar wind termination shock is 2.42 (–0.08, +0.04). We determine the composition of ACRs by estimating their differential energy spectra at the shock and find the following abundance ratios: H/He = 5.6 (–0.5, +0.6), C/He = 0.00048 ± 0.00011, N/He = 0.011 ± 0.001, O/He = 0.075 ± 0.006, and Ne/He = 0.0050 ± 0.0004. We correlate our observations with those of pickup ions to deduce that the long-term ionization rate of neutral nitrogen at 1 AU is 8.3 × 10–7 s–1 and that the charge-exchange cross section for neutral N and solar wind protons is 1.0 × 10–15 cm2 at 1.1 keV. We estimate that the neutral C/He ratio in the outer heliosphere is 1.8(–0.7, +0.9) × 10–5. We also find that heavy ions are preferentially injected into the acceleration process at the termination shock.  相似文献   

Methods and results of investigations of the interstellar gas inside the heliosphere are summarized and discussed. Flow parameters of H and He and the relative abundances of H, He, N, O, and Ne in the distant heliosphere are given. Charge exchange processes in front of the heliosphere affect the flow of hydrogen and oxygen through the heliopause. The speed of hydrogen is reduced by 6 km/s, and screening leads to a reduction of the O/He and H/He ratios in the neutral gas entering the heliosphere. When the screening effect and the acceleration processes leading to the anomalous cosmic rays (ACR) are sufficiently understood, abundances in the LIC can be derived from measurements inside the heliosphere. Since isotopic ratios are virtually not changed by screening or by EUV and solar wind ionisation, relative abundances of isotopes in the gaseous phase of the LIC can be determined with no or minor correction from investigations of the neutral gas, pickup ions and ACR particles.  相似文献   

Particle acceleration at the Sun and in the heliosphere   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Energetic particles are accelerated in rich profusion at sites throughout the heliosphere. They come from solar flares in the low corona, from shock waves driven outward by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), from planetary magnetospheres and bow shocks. They come from corotating interaction regions (CIRs) produced by high-speed streams in the solar wind, and from the heliospheric termination shock at the outer edge of the heliospheric cavity. We sample many populations near Earth, but can distinguish them readily by their element and isotope abundances, ionization states, energy spectra, angular distributions and time behavior. Remote spacecraft have probed the spatial distributions of the particles and examined new sources in situ. Most acceleration sources can be ‘seen’ only by direct observation of the particles; few photons are produced at these sites. Wave-particle interactions are an essential feature in acceleration sources and, for shock acceleration, new evidence of energetic-proton-generated waves has come from abundance variations and from local cross-field scattering. Element abundances often tell us the physics of the source plasma itself, prior to acceleration. By comparing different populations, we learn more about the sources, and about the physics of acceleration and transport, than we can possibly learn from one source alone. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The theory of shock acceleration of energetic particles is briefly discussed and reviewed with an emphasis on clarifying the apparent distinction between the V × B and Fermi mechanisms. Attention is restricted to those situations in which the energetic particles do not themselves influence the given shock structure. In particular, application of the theory to the acceleration of energetic particles in corotating interaction regions (CIR) in the solar wind is presented. Here particles are accelerated at the forward and reverse shocks which bound the CIR by being compressed between the shock fronts and magnetic irregularities upstream from the shocks, or by being compressed between upstream irregularities and those downstream from the shocks. Particles also suffer adiabatic deceleration in the expanding solar wind, an effect not included in previous shock models for acceleration in CIRs. The model is able to account for the observed exponential spectra at Earth, the observed behavior of the spectra with radial distance, the observed radial gradients in the intensity, and the observed differences in the intensity and spectra at the forward and reverse shocks.Calculations and resulting energy spectra are also presented for shock acceleration of energetic particles in large solar flare events. Based on the simplifying assumption that the shock evolves as a spherically symmetric Sedov blast wave, the calculation yields the time-integrated spectrum of particles initially injected at the shock which eventually escape ahead of the shock into interplanetary space. The spectra are similar to those observed at Earth. Finally further applications are suggested.An invited paper presented at STIP Workshop on Shock Waves in the Solar Corona and Interplanetary Space, 15–19 June, 1980, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

In this paper a global system of the magnetic field and current from the interaction of the solar wind plasma and the interstellar medium is modeled using a 3-D MHD simulation. The terminal shock, the heliopause and the outer shock are clearly determined in our simulation. In the heliosheath the toroidal magnetic field is found to increase with the distance from the sun. The magnetic field increases rapidly in the upstream region of the heliosheath and becomes maximum between the terminal shock and the heliopause. Hence a shell-type magnetic wall is found to be formed in the heliosheath. Because of this magnetic wall the radially expanding solar wind plasma changes its direction tailward in all latitudes except the equatorial region. Only the equatorial disk-like plasma flow is found to extend to the heliopause through the weak magnetic-field region around the equator. Two kinds of global current loops which sustain the toroidal magnetic field in the heliosphere are found in our simulation.The influence of the 11-year solar cycle variation of the magnetic polarity is also examined. It is found that the polarity of the toroidal magnetic field in the heliosheath switches at every solar cycle change. Hence the heliosheath is found to consist of such magnetized plasma bubbles. The neutral sheets are found to extend between such magnetized plasma bubbles in the 3-D heliosheath in a complicated form. The magnetic-pressure effect on the heliosheath plasma structure is also examined.  相似文献   

A critical review of the interstellar hydrogen in the heliosphere will be presented. Recent Sun-interstellar matter interaction model improvements, a non-stationary flow and a flexible latitude dependence, will be discussed. We also consider the influence of heliospheric interface on neutral flow and the remaining refinements, which could help to better interpret the results of the SWAN experiment on board SOHO.  相似文献   

Designed primarily to study solar activity, Yohkoh includes an X-ray telescope that obtains full-sun coronal images which show a range of features. Coronal X-ray emission-exclusive of flares, is notable for its variability even in the largest structures. A mass ejection event is related to magnetic field reconnection. Such events exhibit both accelerated and decelerated behaviour. Coronal hole temperatures are estimated from the filter ratio method. A plasma component at around 2.106 K is identified. X-ray emission is detected from the South polar coronal hole. A preliminary comparison of Spartan coronagraph images with Yohkoh data suggests that polar plumes or rays are not connected to bright points.  相似文献   

The detailed knowledge of the distribution of neutral interstellar hydrogen in the interplanetary space is necessary for a reliable interpretation of optical and H+ pickup ions observations. In the paper, we review the status of the modelling efforts with the emphasis on recent improvements in that field. We discuss in particular the role of the nonstationary, solar cycle-related effects and the consequences of hydrogen filtration through the heliospheric interface region for its distribution in the inner Solar System. We demonstrate also that the use of the simple cold model, neglecting the thermal character of the hydrogen gas (T 8000 K), is generally incorrect for the whole region of the inner heliosphere (R < 5 AU) since it leads to a substantial underestimation of the local hydrogen density and thus influences the derivation of the H properties in the outer heliosphere/LISM. Referring to recent Ulysses measurements, we point out also the need to consider in the modelling the effects of the latitudinal asymmetry of the ionization rate.  相似文献   

This review summarizes some of the recent results obtained by ground-based detectors recording cosmic-ray intensity at high energies (>1 GeV) for almost five decades. The long-term changes observed in the isotropic and anisotropic components of cosmic-ray intensity are presented. It is noted in particular that significant changes occurred in the characteristics of cosmic-ray modulation after the 1969–70 period. Most of these are definitively related to the reversal of the solar poloidal field; their characteristics are described with a view to relate these with the heliospheric configuration. Anomalies in the variational characteristics of both isotropic and anisotropic parts of cosmic ray intensity, noticed particularly during the period of very high speed solar wind streams, are discussed in detail. Phenomena with periodicities of 11 and 22 years occur simultaneously; their relative importance is derived and related to interplanetary variables. Suggestions for further studies, as needed, are also incorporated.Presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, held at Ottawa, Canada, May 1982.  相似文献   

More than 20 years ago, in 1972, anomalous flux increases of helium and heavy ions were discovered during solar quiet times. These flux increases in the energy range<50 MeV/nucleon showed peculiar elemental abundances and energy spectra, e.g. a C/O ratio0.1 around 10 MeV/nucleon, different from the abundances of solar energetic particles and galactic cosmic rays. Since then, this anomalous cosmic ray component (ACR) has been studied extensively and at least six elements have been found (He,N,O,Ne,Ar,C) whose energy spectra show anomalous increases above the quiet time solar and galactic energetic particle spectrum. There have been a number of models proposed to explain the ACR component. The presently most plausible theory for the origin of ACR ions identifies neutral interstellar gas as the source material. After penetration into the inner heliosphere, the neutral particles are ionized by solar UV radiation and by charge exchange reactions with the solar wind protons. After ionization, the now singly charged ions are picked up by the interplanetary magnetic field and are then convected with the solar wind to the outer solar system. There, the ions are accelerated to high energies, possibly at the solar wind termination shock, and then propagate back into the inner heliosphere. A unique prediction of this model is that ACR ions should be singly ionized. Meanwhile, several predictions of this model have been verified, e.g. low energy pick-up ions have been detected and the single charge of ACR ions in the energy range at MeV/nucleon has been observed. However, some important aspects such as, for example, the importance of drift effects for the acceleration and propagation process and the location of the acceleration site are still under debate. In this paper the present status of experimental and theoretical results on the ACR component are reviewed and constraints on the acceleration process derived from the newly available ACR ionic charge measurements will be presented. Possible new constraints provided by correlative measurements at high and low latitudes during the upcoming solar pole passes of the ULYSSES spacecraft in 1994 and 1995 will be discussed.  相似文献   

The understanding of the relative intensity variations in cosmic ray ions and electrons with respect to solar modulation is a grand challenge for cosmic ray modulation theory. Although effects of the heliospheric neutral sheet, gradient-curvature drifts, and merged interaction regions provide qualitative explanations for observed solar cycle variations of high energy protons and ions, these effects do not account for the anomalously high intensities of high energy galactic electrons at 22-year intervals of the solar magnetic solar cycle. From the similar modulation responses of protons and heavy ions it does not appear that cosmic ray pressure effects, dominated by protons, can account for the chargesign asymmetry of cosmic ray modulation. External factors including modulation in the heliosheath and polar linkage to the interstellar magnetic field are examined as potential causes of symmetry breaking for electron modulation with respect to the solar magnetic polarity at solar minimum.  相似文献   

Modulation models based on the numerical solution of Parker's transport equation for galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere make clear predictions about modulation in the high latitude heliosphere. However, for these predictions certain assumptions have to be made, for example, what the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) looks like above the solar poles and what the spatial dependence of the diffusion coefficients are. For this presentation the general predictions of a standard drift model for the modulation of cosmic rays in the high latitude heliosphere, in particular predictions for the Ulysses trajectory, are discussed and critically reviewed. Preliminary results from Ulysses show a significant increase in the solar wind speed towards higher latitudes. The effects of this strong latitudinal dependence together with different modifications of the HMF at these high latitudes on the apparently too large diffusion and drifts predicted by current models are also shown.  相似文献   

The use of adaptive linear techniques to solve signal processing problems is needed particularly when the interference environment external to the signal processor (such as for a radar or communication system) is not known a priori. Due to this lack of knowledge of an external environment, adaptive techniques require a certain amount of data to cancel the external interference. The number of statistically independent samples per input sensor required so that the performance of the adaptive processor is close (nominally within 3 dB) to the optimum is called the convergence measure of effectiveness (MOE) of the processor. The minimization of the convergence MOE is important since in many environments the external interference changes rapidly with time. Although there are heuristic techniques in the literature that provide fast convergence for particular problems, there is currently not a general solution for arbitrary interference that is derived via classical theory. A maximum likelihood (ML) solution (under the assumption that the input interference is Gaussian) is derived here for a structured covariance matrix that has the form of the identity matrix plus an unknown positive semi-definite Hermitian (PSDH) matrix. This covariance matrix form is often valid in realistic interference scenarios for radar and communication systems. Using this ML estimate, simulation results are given that show that the convergence is much faster than the often-used sample matrix inversion method. In addition, the ML solution for a structured covariance matrix that has the aforementioned form where the scale factor on the identity matrix is arbitrarily lower-bounded, is derived. Finally, an efficient implementation is presented.  相似文献   

Voyagers 1 and 2 are now observing the latitudinal structure of the heliospheric magnetic field in the distant heliosphere (the legion between - 30 AU and the termination shock). Voyager 2 is observing the influence of the interstellar medium on the solar wind. The pressure of the interstellar pickup protons, measured by their contribution to pressure balanced structures, is greater than or equal to the magnetic pressure and much greater than the thermal pressures of the solar wind protons and electrons in the distant heliosphere. The solar wind speed is observed to decrease and the proton temperature increase with increasing distance from the sun. This may result from the production of pickup ions by the charge exchange process with the interstellar neutrals. The introduction of the pickup ions into the dynamics of the magnetized solar wind plasma appears to be an important new process which must be considered in future theoretical studies of the termination shock and boundary with the local interstellar medium.  相似文献   

Airborne/spacebased radar STAP using a structured covariance matrix   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It is shown that partial information about the airborne/spacebased (A/S) clutter covariance matrix (CCM) can be used effectively to significantly enhance the convergence performance of a block-processed space/time adaptive processor (STAP) in a clutter and jamming environment. The partial knowledge of the CCM is based upon the simplified general clutter model (GCM) which has been developed by the airborne radar community. A priori knowledge of parameters which should be readily measurable (but not necessarily accurate) by the radar platform associated with this model is assumed. The GCM generates an assumed CCM. The assumed CCM along with exact knowledge of the thermal noise covariance matrix is used to form a maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the unknown interference covariance matrix which is used by the STAP. The new algorithm that employs the a priori clutter and thermal noise covariance information is evaluated using two clutter models: 1) a mismatched GCM, and 2) the high-fidelity Research Laboratory STAP clutter model. For both clutter models, the new algorithm performed significantly better (i.e., converged faster) than the sample matrix inversion (SMI) and fast maximum likelihood (FML) STAP algorithms, the latter of which uses only information about the thermal noise covariance matrix.  相似文献   

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