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Growth and development of etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) and maize (Zea mays L. cv. Golden Cross Bantam) seedlings grown under simulated microgravity conditions were intensively studied using a 3-dimensional clinostat as a simulator of weightlessness. Epicotyls of etiolated pea seedlings grown on the clinostat were the most oriented toward the direction far from cotyledons. Mesocotyls of etiolated maize seedlings grew at random and coleoptiles curved slightly during clinostat rotation. Clinostat rotation promoted the emergence of the 3rd internodes in etiolated pea seedlings, while it significantly inhibited the growth of the 1st internodes. In maize seedlings, the growth of coleoptiles was little affected by clinostat rotation, but that of mesocotyls was suppressed, and therefore, the emergence of the leaf out of coleoptile was promoted. Clinostat rotation reduced the osmotic concentration in the 1st internodes of pea seedlings, although it has little effect on the 2nd and the 3rd internodes. Clinostat rotation also reduced the osmotic concentrations in both coleoptiles and mesocotyls of maize seedlings. Cell-wall extensibilities of the 1st and the 3rd internodes of pea seedlings grown on the clinostat were significantly lower and higher as compared with those on 1 g conditions, respectively. Cell-wall extensibility of mesocotyls in seedlings grown on the clinostat also decreased. Changes in cell wall properties seem to be well correlated to the growth of each organ in pea and maize seedlings. These results suggest that the growth and development of plants is controlled under gravity on earth, and that the growth responses of higher plants to microgravity conditions are regulated by both cell-wall mechanical properties and osmotic properties of stem cells.  相似文献   

Cellular solidification has been known and discussed since a long time. The appearance of cellular and dendritic microstructure closely resembles Benard cells known from fluid physics. Similar generation mechanismus may possibly be assumed. Both g-dependent and g-independent convective phenomena may probably be linked to the occurrence of instabilities at solidification fronts. It is to be expected that normal freezing of model alloys (advantageously such with no volume change at the freezing point) in a defined temperature gradient (gradient furnace) and quenching them may help to quantity g-influence on solidification.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) clinostat equipped with two rotation axes placed at right angles was constructed, and various growth processes of higher plants grown on this clinostat were compared with ground controls, with plants grown on the conventional horizontal clinostat, and with those under real microgravity in space. On the 3-D clinostat, cress roots developed a normal root cap and the statocytes showed the typical polar organization except a random distribution of statoliths. The structural features of clinostatted statocytes were fundamentally similar to those observed under real microgravity. The graviresponse of cress roots grown on the 3-D clinostat was the same as the control roots. On the 3-D clinostat, shoots and roots exhibited a spontaneous curvature as well as an altered growth direction. Such an automorphogenesis was sometimes exaggerated when plants were subjected to the horizontal rotation, whereas the curvature was suppressed on the vertical rotation. These discrepancies in curvature between the 3-D clinostat and the conventional ones appear to be brought about by the centrifugal force produced. Thus, the 3-D clinostat was proven as a useful device to simulate microgravity.  相似文献   

To study the effects of weightlessness on mouse fetal long bone rudiment growth and mineralization we have developed a tissue culture system for the Biorack facility of Spacelab. The technique uses standard liquid tissue culture medium, supplemented with NA-beta-glycerophosphate, confined in gas permeable polyethylene bags mounted inside ESA Biorack Type I experiment containers. The containers can be flushed with an air/5% CO2 gas mixture necessary for the physiological bicarbonate buffer used. Small amounts of fluid can be introduced at the beginning (e.g. radioactive labels for incorporation studies) or at the end of the experiment (fixatives). A certain form of mechanical stimulation (continuous compression) can be used to counteract the, possibly, adverse effect of microgravity. Using 16 day old metatarsals the in vitro calcification process under microgravity conditions can be studied for a 4 day period.  相似文献   

Reduction of physical activity due to disease or environmental restraints, such as total bed rest or exposure to spaceflight, leads to atrophy of skeletal muscle and is frequently accompanied by alterations in food intake and the concentration of metabolic regulatory hormones such as insulin. Hindlimb suspension of laboratory rats, as a model for microgravity, also shows marked atrophy of gravity dependent muscles along with a reduced gain in body weight. Suspended rats exhibit enhanced sensitivity to insulin-induced glucose uptake when compared with normal control rats and resistance to insulin action when compared with control rats matched similarly for reduced body weight gain. These changes are accompanied by decreased insulin binding and tyrosine kinase activity in soleus but not plantaris muscle, unchanged glucose uptake by perfused hindlimb and decreased sensitivity but not responsiveness to insulin-induced suppression of net proteolysis in hindlimb skeletal muscle. These findings suggest that loss of insulin sensitivity during muscle atrophy is associated with decreased insulin binding and tyrosine kinase activity in atrophied soleus muscle along with decreased sensitivity to the effects of insulin on suppressing net protein breakdown but not on enhancing glucose uptake by perfused hindlimb.  相似文献   

We compared quantitatively vinculin-related adhesion parameters in osteoblastic cells submitted to opposite mechanical stresses, i.e., low deformation and frequency strain regimens (stretch condition) and microgravity exposure (relaxed condition). Cyclic deformation induced a biphasic response comprising new focal contacts formation followed by their clustering in ROS cells. Microgravity exposure induced a reduction in focal contact number and clustering in ROS cells. We previously demonstrated that 1% cyclic deformations at 0.05 Hz during a daily 10 min episode over 7 days stimulated ROS 17/2.8 growth as compared to static culture whereas relaxed ROS proliferated similarly to static culture (BC). To evaluate whether the proliferation (stretch) or the survival (relaxed) status of ROS cells influences focal contact organization, we inhibited ERKs proliferative-dependent pathway. Inhibition of proliferation by PD98059 was overcome although not fully restored by stretch. Furthermore stretch-induced clustering of vinculin-positive contacts still occurs in the presence of ERKs inhibitor, whereas the increase in focal contact number is abolished. In conclusion, we showed that focal contacts are mechanoeffectors and that hyper-mechanical stimulation could up regulate focal contacts size as compared to hypo-mechanical that down regulate clusterization.  相似文献   

The effects of real and simulated microgravity on the eye tissue regeneration of newts were investigated. For the first time changes in Müller glial cells in the retina of eyes regenerating after retinal detachment were detected in newts exposed to clinorotation. The cells divided, were hypertrophied, and their processes were thickened. Such changes suggested reactive gliosis and were more significant in animals exposed to rotation when compared with desk-top controls. Later experiments onboard the Russian biosatellite Bion-11 showed similar changes in the retinas that were regenerating in a two-week spaceflight. In the Bion-11 animals, GFAP, the major structural protein of retinal macroglial cells, was found to be upregulated. In a more recent experiment onboard Foton-M3 (2007), GFAP expression in retinas of space-flown, ground control (kept at 1 g), and basal control (sacrificed on launch day) newts was quantified, using microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and digital image analysis. A low level of immunoreactivity was observed in basal controls. In contrast, retinas of space-flown animals showed greater GFAP immunoreactivity associated with both an increased cell number and a higher thickness of intermediate filaments. This, in turn, was accompanied by up-regulation of stress protein (HSP90) and growth factor (FGF2) expressions. It can be postulated that such a response of Müller cells was to mitigate the retinal stress in newts exposed to microgravity. Taken together, the data suggest that the retinal population of macroglial cells could be sensitive to gravity changes and that in space it can react by enhancing its neuroprotective function.  相似文献   

An important and yet relatively under researched area of plant growth in microgravity, deals with the rooting environment of plants. A comprehensive approach for selecting the physical characteristics of root growth media which optimizes the dynamic availability of water and dissolved nutrients, and gases to plant roots was developed and tested. Physically-based and parametric models describing the relationship between content and fluxes of liquids and gases were used to cast a multi-objective optimization problem. This methodology reveals that a medium's ability to supply liquid and gas fluxes optimally is dependent upon physiological target values, system operation limits and root module design which dictate the medium's range of soil water characteristic and particle size distribution. Optimized media parameters designate a particle size distribution from which a particulated growth media was constructed and matched to the optimized media parameters. This methodology should improve the selection of optimal media properties for plant growth in microgravity as well as other porous media applications.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs are generally considered as most suitable animal models for studying fertilization processes and embryonic development. In the present study, they are used for determining a possible role of gravity in fertilization and the establishment of egg polarity and the embryonic axis. For this purpose, eggs of the particularly well known and suitable species Paracentrotus lividus have been automatically fertilized under microgravity conditions during the Swedish sounding rocket flights MASER IV and MASER V. It turns out, that fertilization "in Space" occurs normally and that subsequent embryonic and larval development of such eggs, continued on the ground, is normal, leading to advanced pluteus stages.  相似文献   

Submicroscopic organization of Chlorella cells cultivated under space flight conditions in three-component aquatic system has been studied. Comparison of the experimental cells with that of the controls revealed certain rearrangements of cell organelles particularly, a reduction in the amount of reserve polysaccharides in chloroplasts, increase of cell vacuolization and mitochondrion volume, complication configuration of plasmalemma evaginations and invaginations, and also disturbances in the process of cytokinesis. More over an increase in the number of Chlorella cells infected by bacteria was shown in the experimental variant. No considerable differences were established in the growth characteristics of the experimental and control populations. A comparative cytological analysis revealed general regularities of organelles in Chlorella cells cultivated under space flight condition in the uni- and multicomponent systems.  相似文献   

The Antarctic meteorites are distributed on the blue-ice area surfaces in the ablation zone of the Antarctic ice-sheet, to where meteorites have been transported by the ice-flow within the ice-sheet from the wider accumulation zone. Among the Antarctic meteorite collection H- and L-chondrites are most abundant; this is also true in the non-Antarctic meteorite collection. Meteorite showers also are involved in the collection. Several new types of stony meteorites have been discovered from the Antarctic meteorite collection. The mass and shape of Antarctic meteorites are in agreement with those of resultant fragments of high-speed impact basaltic rocks. In Antarctica, small fragments of meteorite smaller than 1 kg in weight can easily be found and collected. The solidification and the gas retention ages of Antarctic meteorites also are concentrated around 4.5×109 years, but some of them are considerably younger. Their cosmic-ray exposure ages are extended up to 9×106 years and their terrestrial ages are 9×104-7×105 years.  相似文献   

The role of condensation agents and minerals for oligopeptide formation was inspected to see whether minerals possess catalytic activity under mild and hydrothermal conditions. Under mild conditions, oligopeptide formation from negatively charged amino acids (Asp and Glu) using different minerals and the elongation of alanine oligopeptides ((Ala)2–(Ala)5) were attempted using apatite minerals. Oligo(Asp) up to 10 amino acid units from Asp were observed in the presence of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl carbodiimide (EDC). Notable influence of minerals was not detected for the oligo(Asp) formation. Oligo(Asp) was gradually degraded by the further incubation in the presence of EDC in both the absence and presence of minerals. The formation of oligo(Glu) was less efficient in the presence of carbonyldiimidazole. The elongation from (Ala)3, (Ala)4, and (Ala)5 and the formation of diketopiperazine from (Ala)2 proceeded immediately in the presence of EDC in the meantime of the sample preparations. In addition, it was unexpected that the disappearance of the products and the reformation of the reactants occurred by the further incubation for 24 h; for instance, (Ala)5 decreased but (Ala)4 increased with increasing the reaction time in the reaction of (Ala)4 with EDC. These facts suggest that the activation of the reactant amino acids or peptides immediately occurs. Under the simulated hydrothermal conditions, EDC did not enhance the formation of oligopeptides from Asp, Glu or Ala nor the spontaneous formation of (Ala)5 from (Ala)4.  相似文献   

The future of space exploration depends on a solid understanding of the developmental process under microgravity, specifically in relation to the central nervous system (CNS). We have previously employed a hypergravity paradigm to assess the impact of altered gravity on the developing rat cerebellum. The present study addresses the molecular mechanisms involved in the cerebellar response to hypergravity. Specifically, the study focuses on the expression of selected glial and neuronal cerebellar proteins in rat neonates exposed to hypergravity (1.5 G) from embryonic day (E)11 to postnatal day (P)6 or P9 (the time of maximal cerebellar changes) comparing them against their expression in rat neonates developing under normal gravity. Proteins were analyzed by quantitative Western blots of cerebellar homogenates; RNA analysis was performed in the same samples using quantitative PCR. Densitometric analysis of Western blots suggested a reduction in glial (glial acidic protein, GFAP) and neuronal (neuronal cell adhesion molecule, NCAM-L1, synaptophysin) proteins, but the changes in individual cerebellar proteins in hypergravity-exposed neonates appeared both age- and gender-specific. RNA analysis suggested a reduction in GFAP and synaptophysin mRNAs on P6. These data suggest that exposure to hypergravity may interfere with the expression of selected cerebellar proteins. These changes in protein expression may be involved in mediating the effect of hypergravity on the developing rat cerebellum.  相似文献   

The Russian solar observatory CORONAS-F was launched into a circular orbit on July 31, 2001 and operated until December 12, 2005. Two main aims of this experiment were: (1) simultaneous study of solar hard X-ray and γ-ray emission and charged solar energetic particles, (2) detailed investigation of how solar energetic particles influence the near-Earth space environment. The CORONAS-F satellite orbit allows one to measure both solar energetic particle dynamics and variations of the solar particle boundary penetration as well as relativistic electrons of the Earth’s outer radiation belt during and after magnetic storms. We have found that significant enhancements of relativistic electron flux in the outer radiation belt were observed not only during strong magnetic storms near solar maximum but also after weak storms caused by high speed solar wind streams. Relativistic electrons of the Earth’s outer radiation belt cause volumetric ionization in the microcircuits of spacecraft causing them to malfunction, and solar energetic particles form an important source of radiation damage in near-Earth space. Therefore, the present results and future research in relativistic electron flux dynamics are very important.  相似文献   

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