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We recently presented new evidence that an impact occurred approximately 250 million years ago at the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB), triggering the most severe mass extinction in the history of life on Earth. We used a new extraterrestrial tracer, fullerene, a third carbon carrier of noble gases besides diamond and graphite. By exploiting the unique properties of this molecule to trap noble gases inside of its caged structure (helium, neon, argon), the origin of the fullerenes can be determined. Here, we present new evidence for fullerenes with extraterrestrial noble gases in the PTB at Graphite Peak, Antarctica, similar to PTB fullerenes from Meishan, China and Sasayama, Japan. In addition, we isolated a (3)He-rich magnetic carrier phase in three fractions from the Graphite Peak section. The noble gases in this magnetic fraction were similar to zero-age deep-sea interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and some magnetic grains isolated from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The helium and neon isotopic compositions for both the bulk Graphite Peak sediments and an isolated magnetic fraction from the bulk material are consistent with solar-type gases measured in zero-age deep-sea sediments and point to a common source, namely, the flux of IDPs to the Earth's surface. In this instance, the IDP noble gas signature for the bulk sediment can be uniquely decoupled from fullerene, demonstrating that two separate tracers are present (direct flux of IDPs for (3)He vs. giant impact for fullerene).  相似文献   

双流国际机场秋、冬季(11月至次年2月)屡次出现大雾造成航班大范围延误、取消、后续航班的积累延误,旅客压力较大,影响航空公司的经济效益,使其苦心经营的品牌贬值。一、成都机场秋冬季大雾形成机制通常认为:雾是悬浮在近地面空气中的大量微小的水滴或冰晶。通常所见的大范围的  相似文献   

空间环境中高真空、高低温、强辐射、原子氧和微重力等恶劣因素对空间润滑脂的结构和性能提出了特殊要求。为了满足空间运动部件高可靠性和长寿命的要求,需要改善空间润滑脂的性能。文章主要从基础油、稠化剂和添加剂这3个方面介绍和分析了空间润滑脂的研究进展及发展方向。  相似文献   

We present results from an initial survey of the 2(12)-1(11) transition of formaldehyde (H2CO) at 140.8 GHz in giant molecular clouds in the far outer Galaxy (RG >or= 16 kpc). Formaldehyde is a key prebiotic molecule that likely plays an important role in the development of amino acids. Determining the outermost extent of the H2CO distribution can constrain the outer limit of the Galactic Habitable Zone, the region where conditions for the formation of life are thought to be most favorable. We surveyed 69 molecular clouds in the outer Galaxy, ranging from 12 to 23.5 kpc in galactocentric radius. Formaldehyde emission at 140.8 GHz was detected in 65% of the clouds. The H2CO spectral line was detected in 26 of the clouds with RG > 16 kpc (detection rate of 59%), including 6 clouds with RG > 20 kpc (detection rate of 55%). Formaldehyde is readily found in the far outer Galaxy-even beyond the edge of the old stellar disk. Determining the relatively widespread distribution of H2CO in the far outer Galaxy is a first step in establishing how favorable an environment this vast region of the Galaxy may be toward the formation of life.  相似文献   

文章以一端夹支、另一端带套筒连接结构的梁作为研究对象,通过在连接结构中引入间隙非线性因素,分别研究了在连接结构处有无预紧力两种情况时在均布载荷作用下梁的非线性幅频响应。同时,利用改进的振型转化法及连续振型法对系统进行建模,采用伽辽金近似得到系统的非线性受迫振动方程;针对实际算例,用龙格-库塔法得到了其数值解,讨论了此算例梁的频率漂移结果,从而得到了对研究航天器地面振动试验中的频率漂移现象有价值的结论。  相似文献   

建立了含脱粘面的某固体火箭发动机工作过程的数学模型,根据脱粘面不扩展条件下得到的发动机工作过程中压力变化仿真曲线,进行了装药应力应变场的三维粘弹性有限元计算,并采用J积分断裂判据,预估了在发动机工作过程中脱粘面可能发生扩展时的临界尺寸。  相似文献   

士元 《中国航天》2005,(8):32-36
北京时间2005年7月4日13时52分,在升空6个月、飞行4.31亿千米并完成一系列高难度动作之后,美国航宇局“大冲撞”(又译“深度撞击”)彗星探测器非常精确地击中了坦佩尔1彗星的彗核表面,并向地球传回了不少很有科研价值的清晰图片。  相似文献   

隔离段内激波串的产生和发展以及激波/附面层相互干扰现象是极为复杂的,有效地进行激波串的组织是研究隔离段的关键所在,而其性能的好坏直接影响着超燃冲压发动机的性能。采用数值模拟的方法对不同来流附面层厚度工况的二维轴对称隔离段内流场流动特性进行了数值计算,分析了附面层/激波相互作用机理和附面层对隔离段激波串及隔离段性能的影响。结构表明:压缩-膨胀-再压缩-再膨胀……的气流流动挤压过程导致激波串的形成,逆压梯度的存在构成了附面层分离;附面层厚度的增加影响着激波串起始位置和结构;随着附面层厚度的增加,出口总压恢复系数和质量平均马赫数降低,且随着反压增大,变化趋势趋于明显。  相似文献   

无喷管助推器依靠药柱的扩张面实现对气流的加速,燃面的线性增加及喉面的指数增加,使其内流场呈现明显的非定常性;侵蚀燃烧、压强的不均匀分布及药柱变形,使无喷管助推器的工作过程十分复杂。通过对FLUENT软件进行二次开发,建立了无喷管助推器的非定常动边界内流场数值模型,考虑了推进剂的点火过程和侵蚀燃烧,可获得各个时刻的燃面位置及内流场分布,从而可对发动机的内弹道性能进行较准确地预示。通过对某无喷管助推器的工作过程进行模拟,内弹道计算曲线与试验曲线吻合得较好。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1987,15(1):35-44
The problem is, knowing the distribution over the world of a set of radiolocation beacons, and the individual performance of any beacon, to evaluate the performance of the global system so obtained for the localization of a satellite on a particular orbit.Under some very realistic assumptions on the orbit, the author gives an analytical formulation of the covariance of the computation of the satellite position.The formulation is illustrated in one particular case: localization of a GEO with a ground network (distance and angular measurements), but may be used in much different situations.The results take into account the “white” measurement noise and the “colored” modelization noise.The method can be very helpful in mission analysis for the optimal dimensioning of a radiolocation system.  相似文献   

9月29日至10月3日,为期一周的第65届国际宇航大会(IAC),吸引了3000多名世界航天界人士参加。会上,专家们就民用和商业太空发展问题,展开了广泛的讨论。9月29日,与会人员聚集位于多伦多市中心的歌剧院,观看大会开幕式。持续了两小时的开幕式上,大会组织者和政治家纷纷发表贺词,太阳剧团呈现了精彩纷呈的表演,花样滑冰选手和冰球运动员们一起舞动展现别样的风采。  相似文献   

为了研究高温平板隔热试件附近温度边界层对近壁面声场的影响,进而对地面模拟试验条件进行适当修正,文章首先构建了热噪声试验中声波穿过温度边界层的简化模型,运用边界层积分法得出常温气体掠过高温壁面时温度边界层内的温度分布;在此基础上,采用有限差分法求解平面波入射非均匀介质时的散射问题,得出高温平板近壁面声压分布。结果表明,温度边界层使近壁面声场发生衰减,在入射声波频率为10 000 Hz时比无温度边界层情况下声压级减小约3 dB,使实际声谱偏离试验条件。  相似文献   

2008年5月3日,在500hPa上南支短波低槽以及850hPa切变线的共同作用下,武汉机场爆发了一次罕见的强雷雨天气过程。卫星云图显示一块强降水云团于3日14时(北京时间,下同)左右在鄂西的宜昌附近形成,而后逐渐自西向东移动并不断发展,最终造成了包括武汉在内的江汉平原及鄂东部分地区的大暴雨和强雷暴天气。根据湖北省地面自动站资料,3日的01~24时,武汉市24h累计降水量高达122:4mm,其中降水最强的时段为20-22时,武汉周边的孝感、蔡甸、云梦和安陆等站的24h累计降水量也都超过了100mm。  相似文献   

Stanisławska  I.  Zbyszynski  Z. 《Cosmic Research》2003,41(4):353-356
The autocovariance prediction method previously used for the forecast of VI derived ionospheric characteristics has been used for forecast of one of the most important ionospheric—the total electron content (TEC)—at single locations. Quiet and disturbed conditions at different European stations were studied in regard to clarify the forecasting capabilities of the method for determination of the TEC. The accuracies of the method achieved in dependence on the time range of the forecast are demonstrated.  相似文献   

振动试验夹具边界效应的动力学分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
振动试验夹具的边界效应是影响振动试验模拟精度的主要因素之一。忽略试验件与试验夹具之间的动力学作用,应用振动台的基础激励来模拟实际的振动环境,其结果的有效性依赖于工作状态的振动边界和试验状态的振动边界在多大程度上满足无限大阻抗输入模型假设。文章提出了一种分析夹具边界效应的有效方法,该方法来源于结构动力学分析的子结构方法,将包含夹具在内的试验系统的动力学特性表述为子结构动力学特征参数描述的标准特征值问题,通过特征频率与振型的比较,评价夹具的边界效应。数值模拟展示了分析过程,并验证了该方法的实用性。  相似文献   

An analysis of energy-dispersed structures of protons and populations of electrons has been made using the Interball-2 satellite data for the apogee parts of 1579 (September 13, 1997) and 1276 (July 2, 1997) orbits. At each orbit, the satellite crossed the auroral zone twice at altitudes of 13500–19000 km moving first poleward (the first crossing) and then equatorward (the second crossing). A transformation of the types of energy-dispersed structures near the outer boundary of the auroral zone was observed at the first and second crossings: VDIS into TDIS (orbit 1579) and TDIS into VDIS (orbit 1276). The VDIS represent solitary structures of 0.3–10 keV consisting of several small-scale structures 2–5 min long, while the TDIS are repeating injections of 1–14 keV 1–3 min long with the repetition period of 2–4 min. It is shown that the VDIS-to-TDIS and TDIS-to-VDIS transformations are distinctly related to the phase of a substorm. The VDIS were observed under magnetically quiet conditions before a substorm or at the recovery phase of a substorm, while TDIS were observed during the main phase of a substorm.  相似文献   

结构热试验中冷壁热流边界模拟方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在结构热试验中,由于受试验手段的限制,对于热载荷一般只能模拟热壁热流边界,而无法模拟冷壁热流边界。文章讨论了在结构热试验中进行冷壁热流边界模拟的试验方法,并使该方法在结构热试验的控制算法中加以实现,对结构热试验是一个有效的补充。  相似文献   

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