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The variance of angle tracking error is found for an amplitude-comparison form of monopulse radar when the sum channel contains a limiter prior to the angle error detector. The error expression is valid for any shape of transmitted pulse and any duration of range tracking gate but does assume matched filters in signal processing channels. The procedures used are rigorous and an example of results is worked out for the special case of a rectangular transmitted pulse envelope. It is shown, for rectangular pulses, that achievable angle tracking error variance with sum channel limiting is not more than 2.22 dB larger than the theoretical minimum for any processor and not more than 1.29 dB larger than a similar signal processor that uses a "linear" angle error detector. Results apply for large single-pulse signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

High range-resolution monopulse (HRRM) tracking radar which maintains wide instantaneous bandwidth through both range and angle error sensing channels provides range, azimuth, elevation, and amplitude for each resolved part of the target. The three-dimensional target detail can be used to improve and extend radar performance in several ways: for improved precision of target location, for target classification and recognition, to counter repeater-type ECM, to improve low-angle multipath tracking, to resolve multiple targets, as a miss-distance measurement capability, and for improved tracking in chaff and clutter. These have been demonstrated qualitatively except for the ECCM to repeater ECM and low-altitude tracking improvement. Initial results from an experimental HRRM radar with 3-ns pulse length show resolution of aircraft into its major parts and precise location of each resolved part accurately in range and angle. Realtime closed-loop tracking is performed on aircraft in flight using high-speed sampled, digitized, and processed HRRM range and angle video data. Clutter rejection capability is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Effect of Monopulse Signal Thresholding on Tracking Multiple Targets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The monopulse angle of arrival measured from two targets may wander far beyond the angular separation of the targets. In order to remove large errors, angle of arrival measurements are passed through a threshold detector and the measurements which do not satisfy the threshold are rejected. Thresholding has the tendency to move the mean indicated angle of arrival away from the stronger target and toward the power centroid of the targets, which may be undesirable in some applications. Expressions for the probability density function, the mean, and the variance of the in-phase angle of arrival are developed in this paper as a function of the threshold setting. Background noise and interfering signals are neglected in the analysis.  相似文献   

An analysis is given of the tracking accuracy of a conopulse radar that angle-tracks on target echo pulses. The analysis includes effects of noises in both sum and difference channels, the effect of the tracking range gate's duration, and applies to any shape of radio frequency (RF) pulse envelope. For large single-pulse signalto-noise ratio and any shape of RF pulse envelope, accuracy approaches the theoretical accuracy of a conopulse system when a short-duration range gate is used. The inportant case of rectangular RF pulses is solved in detail.  相似文献   

A Modified Monopulse Technique for Radar Tracking with Low-Angle Multipath   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a new monopluse technique for reducing radar multipath angle-tracking errors is proposed. The solution is achieved by using two monopulse antennas at different heights. The available signals allow one to control the antenna-height diversity so that the elevation angle control signal is not affected by reflected-wave components. The size of the antenna system may be reduced by properly using phase shifters. A possible configuration of such a system is considered and some practical data on the antenna-height diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

The equations derived by A. J. Rainal for the probability density function of the angle error output of a monopulse radar excited by a Gaussian signal and Gaussian thermal noise are generalized to include the presence of multiple targets. The examples given demonstrate the radar's behavior for various combinations of target and noise parameters.  相似文献   

The different quantitative criteria (and numerical results) for analytically determining the optimum squint angle of an amplitude monopulse system in the track mode are compared and reconciled, and the results are generalized to include mutual coupling.  相似文献   

The Cramer-Rao analysis method is applied to a conopulse radar to determine a lower bound on the variance of angle tracking error. The analysis allows the calculation of the variance independent of the form of the signal processor attached to the antenna. Under reasonable assumptions it is found that angle error variance is larger than that of a similar monopulse system by a factor of 2.  相似文献   

The use of a two-lobe monopulse radar for measuring slant range to the surface of the earth in the absence of discrete targets is analyzed. It is shown that tracking dispersion can be considered as the resultant of two components. One component is independent of range and results from the finite pulse length and gate length and the random nature of the return signals. The other component is due to receiver noise and increases as the signal-to-noise ratio decreases. The dispersion component independent of range is shown to be proportional to the pulse length and tracking gate length. The variable dispersion is shown to be proportional to the five halves power of the range and the three halves power of the cotangent of the depression angle of the antenna boresight axis. Performance calculations for a specific radar are carried out and compared with experimental data.  相似文献   

Attention is called to the phenomenon of ?range-Doppler coupling,? characteristic of linear FM (chirp) waveforms, and the strong effect this coupling may have on tracking accuracy. Numerical results are presented for simple three-state filters and for a realistic reentry vehicle tracking problem.  相似文献   

对2种检测单脉冲雷达主波束内是否存在2个不可区分目标的算法进行了推广,将其应用到波束内可能存在N个不可区分的目标,并仿真了波束内存在3个目标时的检测性能。仿真表明,在总信噪比相同时,3个目标的检测概率不一定大于2个目标的检测概率,处于方位向上间距最大的2个目标的信噪比对整个检测概率影响较大。  相似文献   

The problem of determining target parameters of a known number of radar targets falling in the same range-Doppler-angle-angle resolution cell is examined for the noise-free case. The required minimum number of radar beams is determined, based upon approximating the beam patterns by a Taylor series expansion, both for the general problem and for factorable beams. Signal processors for target position estimation are developed for the two-target case and equations are presented for the general case.  相似文献   

A new class of staggered PRF MTI radar processors is developed in this paper. These processors are constrained to achieve a specified value of MTI improvement and, subject to this constraint, minimize variations in processor response as a function of target Doppler frequency. The selection of both filter weights and PRF stagger sequences is discussed and a number of representative designs are presented.  相似文献   

The Effect of Jamming on Monopulse Accuracy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An expression is applied for the probability density function (pdf) of the monopulse ratio when skin echoes from a passive target are contaminated by interference from a jammer. The analysis is valid for arbitrary signal-to-jam ratio and arbitrary locations of the target and jammer in the beam. For an on-axis skin target and a stand-off jammer at an off-axis location, the "pulling" effect of the jammer and the accuracy of the angle estimate are compared with the approximations currently employed in radar performance analysis. The pdf of the monopulse ratio for large and for small signal-to-jam ratios is presented, showing that the pdf is bimodal at small signal-to-jam ratio.  相似文献   

Rigorous analysis of four monopulse radar architectures has been conducted to develop the practical angle-tracking accuracy of the systems due to noise. The word ?practical? is used to imply that the systems may have range gates of arbitrary duration and may transmit pulses with arbitrarily shaped envelopes. The accuracy measure used is the mean-squared error (variance) in angle tracking. The four systems considered differ from each other according to the locations of the range gates and ?matched filters? in their architectures.  相似文献   

The tracking performance of elevation- scanning and monopulse radars in the presence of multipath propagation are compared. The key difference between these two generic types of radars is the way they respond to moving targets. There are no significant differences between their responses to pure specular multipath, nor to diffuse multipath for targets on radial courses. However, they are found to respond quite differently to the diffuse com ponent for low-altitude crossing targets. For these conditions the tracking errors for elevation-scanning radars may be several times those for monopulse radars.  相似文献   

Analysis of a typical amplitude-comparison monopulse angle-tracking radar shows that gain variation and bias in the radar error signal can occur under certain conditions involving multiple targets. The general behavior depends on the Doppler separation of the targets relative to system bandwidths; for a specific situation, the gain variation and bias are functions of the relative strengths of the targs. The analysis is shown to be consistent with experimental observations.  相似文献   

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