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进入创作盛年的著名人物画家杨秋宝,今年初担纲南京爱涛艺术馆艺术总设计,负责将古典名著《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》、《红楼梦》以木雕的形式,分别雕刻在直径1米、高度10米的红木柱上。他亲自设计的《红楼梦》和《西游记》白描稿,以人物众多、情节生动、构思奇巧、线条优美折服了评审的专家学者。媒体纷纷报道了这创多项吉尼斯纪录的大手笔。祖籍为江南富庶之地、鱼米之乡常熟的杨秋宝,自小聪敏好学,无师自通。他在中国传统人物画上颇有造诣,已形成了独特的画风。上世纪70年代,年轻的杨秋宝步入美术领域,一幅《心红瓜甜》(中国…  相似文献   

张明川以其聪颖的才情和灵性,以新的题材、形式语言和表现手段活跃于画坛,表现出卓然不群的艺术才华。近两年,张明川进入了创作丰收的时期。他的军事题材创作以及山水画和大写意花鸟分别在全国重大展览中频频获奖。这是画家艺术灵性和创作实力的充分体现。张明川前些年的山水创作《梦回崂山》、《崂山魂》、《世纪交响》等一批作品,扑面而来是一种浩然之气,——种宽宏博大的磅礴之概,从其中我们能感受到他创作的激情及勃发的精神和生命力。画家用塑造的手段表现壮美的山川,作品体现出强烈的形式感、厚重的体积感、悠久的沧桑感和伟岸的崇高…  相似文献   

高建群是当代重要的西部小说家,其文学创作中蕴含着世界主义精神,具体表现为对多元文化及思想的认同,对全人类生存状态和个体命运的关注,以及"大人类"与"民胞物与"的思想。其作品中的世界主义精神一直贯穿于他的创作生涯,从《遥远的白房子》《最后一个匈奴》到《大平原》,再到《统万城》《我的菩提树》,世界主义精神体现于他对各民族及世界历史文化的兴趣中,体现于他广阔的世界观中。发表于2019年的新作《我的黑走马——游牧者简史》,以历史上亚欧大陆各国族的交往与冲突为题材,全书对多元文化的讨论多有涉及,体现出比较成熟的世界主义精神。  相似文献   

经国家新闻出版总署新出报刊[2002]1224号文件批准,《载人航天》期刊于2003年以双月刊正式出版发行;经上级主管部门批准,从2007年起以季刊在工程研制部门及单位赠阅。《载人航天》由中国载人航天工程办公室主管、主办,办刊宗旨是:《载人航天》为综合性学术期刊,融技术、理论与工程实践于一体,宣传党和国家关于载  相似文献   

经国家新闻出版总署新出报刊[2002]1224号文件批准,《载人航天》期刊于2003年以双月刊正式出版发行;经上级主管部门批准,从2007年起以季刊在工程研制部门及单位赠阅。《载人航天》由中国载人航天工程办公室主管、主办,办刊宗旨是:《载人航天》为综合性学术期刊,融技术、理论与工程实践于一体,宣传党和国家关于载  相似文献   

经国家新闻出版总署新出报刊[2002]1224号文件批准,《载人航天》期刊于2003年以双月刊正式出版发行;经上级主管部门批准,从2007年起以季刊在工程研制部门及单位赠阅。《载人航天》由中国载人航天工程办公室主管、主办,办刊宗旨是:《载人航天》为综合性学术期刊,融技术、理论与工程实践于一体,宣传党和国家关于载  相似文献   

经国家新闻出版总署新出报刊[2002]1224号文件批准,《载人航天》期刊于2003年以双月刊正式出版发行;经上级主管部门批准,从2007年起以季刊在工程研制部门及单位赠阅。《载人航天》由中国载人航天工程办公室主管、主办,办刊宗旨是:《载人航天》为综合性学术期刊,融技术、理论与工程实践于一体,宣传党和国家关于载  相似文献   

《中国航空史》一书于1987年在中国出版后,很快用完。想再版,由于发行量不大,出版社无意再版,致使《中国航空史》不能再版发行。本文作者刘文孝先生於1992年5月来西安访问时,见到姜老的巨著《中国航空》,敬佩不已。并感到《中国航空史》印刷质量不高,纸张也不够好,他表示愿意将此书稿带到台湾出版,向世界发行。经姜老同意,刘文孝先生随即将书稿及照片等带回台湾。下面就是已在台湾出版的《中国航空史》一书的编言及文良彦先生的文序。同时报道《香山天将》及《台山近代航空人物录》出版的消息。  相似文献   

商羽 《航空港》2011,(7):76-77
奚文渊国家二级美术师,浦东新区政协委员。现为中国工艺美术学会会员兼工艺设计分会书画艺术研究中心副主任、上海工艺美术学会会员。奚文渊早年演习国画、油画、水粉和连环画,近年主攻水墨人物画,尤以水墨肖像画闻名于世。代表作有《红船明灯耀千秋》、《历  相似文献   

上海城市艺术博览会——酒店式艺术博览会将开展2012上海城市艺术博览会——酒店式艺术博览会将于5月18日至21日在上海花园饭店举行,海内外50家专业画廊参展,展出1,500件作品,其中不乏大师级作品,如著名艺术家陈逸飞的《美人》、周春芽的《绿狗》、台湾著名画家陈澄波的《上海1933》、黄君璧的《山居图》、  相似文献   

The following topics are dealt: career development definition; career development as a part of effective management; job satisfaction issues; motivated abilities; a case study results; identification of motivational patterns; and 'reinvention' of career development  相似文献   

 采用无机溶胶-凝胶法制备VO2相变薄膜,该薄膜相变时的电阻(率)突变可达4~5个数量级。并用XRD,DSC和TGA法研究了制膜过程中干凝胶膜的层状非晶纳米结构。通过适当的非晶晶化过程及随后V2O5→VO2转变的真空热处理,可获得带有空洞(void)结构的低密度纳米薄膜,从而使电阻(率)突变特性异常优异。  相似文献   

Cars powered by fuel cells have been built and tested; however, the aerospace fuel cells could not deliver high power quickly when the driver wanted to accelerate his car. Today's hybrid electric cars carry a battery that supplies the acceleration power, and the prime power source, whether an engine or fuel cell, is not stressed with sudden load peaks. Zero air pollution becomes attainable when fuel-cells supply the prime power on a hybrid vehicle  相似文献   

张力军  肖颍越  程鹏 《航空学报》2000,21(3):267-269
 用鲁棒控制理论中的规范化左互质因子分解(规范化LCF)法为某型飞机设计纵向飞/推综合控制器,并总结了该方法的一些特点和设计要求。设计出的控制器满足实际工程要求,得到比较满意的控制效果。  相似文献   

A finite element model of the Z-crimp shaping from a hard sheet blank is developed and a number of calculations using the ANSYS finite element software is conducted. The calculations are carried out in the framework of elastoplastic behavior of the blank material using the classical model of bilinear kinematic (translational) hardening with corresponding parameters of elasticity and plasticity. The model takes into account kinematics of spatial transformation of the shaping equipment as well as the time-variable conditions of its contact interaction with the blank.  相似文献   

The techniques of injecting nanomodifiers into the sulphamate electrolyte used for electrolytic forming of nickel antiabrasive protective tipping are considered. The optimal concentration of surfactant and nanomodifier are determined. The graphs are also presented.  相似文献   

In July 2016, NASA’s Juno mission becomes the first spacecraft to enter polar orbit of Jupiter and venture deep into unexplored polar territories of the magnetosphere. Focusing on these polar regions, we review current understanding of the structure and dynamics of the magnetosphere and summarize the outstanding issues. The Juno mission profile involves (a) a several-week approach from the dawn side of Jupiter’s magnetosphere, with an orbit-insertion maneuver on July 6, 2016; (b) a 107-day capture orbit, also on the dawn flank; and (c) a series of thirty 11-day science orbits with the spacecraft flying over Jupiter’s poles and ducking under the radiation belts. We show how Juno’s view of the magnetosphere evolves over the year of science orbits. The Juno spacecraft carries a range of instruments that take particles and fields measurements, remote sensing observations of auroral emissions at UV, visible, IR and radio wavelengths, and detect microwave emission from Jupiter’s radiation belts. We summarize how these Juno measurements address issues of auroral processes, microphysical plasma physics, ionosphere-magnetosphere and satellite-magnetosphere coupling, sources and sinks of plasma, the radiation belts, and the dynamics of the outer magnetosphere. To reach Jupiter, the Juno spacecraft passed close to the Earth on October 9, 2013, gaining the necessary energy to get to Jupiter. The Earth flyby provided an opportunity to test Juno’s instrumentation as well as take scientific data in the terrestrial magnetosphere, in conjunction with ground-based and Earth-orbiting assets.  相似文献   

安世亚太和苏氏集团正式结为战略联盟,利用各自的优势打造集成"精益研发技术+精密铸造工艺"的工业再设计体系。战略联盟的建立将安世亚太精益研发、工程仿真技术与苏氏精密铸造工艺相结合,启动工程仿真驱动的工业再设计过程,让设计突破工艺局限,敢于跨量级优化,并产生颠覆式创新。  相似文献   

Based on the experience gained from Sunrayce '95, the Solar Motion Team has made many changes to the design of the next generation solar car. These changes have resulted in a vehicle that is very different from the “Solar Rolar”, The Dakota Sun is a three wheeled vehicle with separate cab and solar array. This design allows for improved aerodynamics, decreased weight, lower rolling resistance, and ease of manufacture compared to the four wheeled catamaran used in the last race. However, this design sacrifices total enclosed wheel base area, additional room for components, and added power from side solar panels, The major objectives for the team's redesigned Sunrayce '97 entry are: systems integration; decrease the weight of the car; decrease aerodynamic drag; more efficient use of available energy; and increased driver safety. The team has set a standard to use the latest available technology. Although this increases the complexity of the components, by using a systems engineering approach the “Dakota Sun” has evolved into a more integrated vehicle. This philosophy of integrated design has resulted in great improvements in mechanical design and manufacturing techniques, as well as electrical innovations. The major design changes evident from the original Sunraycen '95 vehicle are the result of an evolutionary design process that has produced the highly competitive Sunraycel '97 design outlined in this article  相似文献   

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