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A recent study made by ESA has reviewed the scientific investigations to be only, or best, performed on the Moon (Return to the Moon, ESA SP-1150, June 1992), and has identified the need for a manned lunar outpost to provide support to field geologists in sampling and in-situ observations of the lunar surface, and to allow the refurbishments of surface stations and rovers. Planning and development for a manned outpost on the Moon requires an in-depth understanding and analysis of the functions this outpost is expected to perform. We therefore analyzed the impact of the proposed scientific investigations on the design of a manned lunar outpost. The specific questions raised in our study were: What are the medical, physiological and psychological risks for a crew to stay and to work on the Moon? What transit and lunar surface infrastructures (habitats and vehicles) are needed to minimize those risks?  相似文献   

Nearly six years after the launch of the first International Space Station element, and four years after its initial occupation, the United States and our 6 international partners have made great strides in operating this impressive Earth orbiting research facility. This past year we have done so in the face of the adversity of operating without the benefit of the Space Shuttle. In his January 14, 2004, speech announcing a new vision for America's space program, President Bush affirmed the United States' commitment to completing construction of the International Space Station by 2010. The President also stated that we would focus our future research aboard the Station on the long-term effects of space travel on human biology. This research will help enable human crews to venture through the vast voids of space for months at a time. In addition, ISS affords a unique opportunity to serve as an engineering test bed for hardware and operations critical to the exploration tasks. NASA looks forward to working with our partners on International Space Station research that will help open up new pathways for future exploration and discovery beyond low Earth orbit. This paper provides an overview of the International Space Station Program focusing on a review of the events of the past year, as well as plans for next year and the future.  相似文献   

John M. Sarkissian   《Space Policy》2006,22(2):118-127
On 14 January 2004 President George Bush announced his vision for space exploration, to include a human return to the Moon. He argued that, with a moderate increase in NASA's annual expenditure, such a return was possible. This paper is an exploration of how the President's space initiative can be realised on an international co-operative basis along similar lines to those already existing with the international space station (ISS). By abandoning the concept of a lunar landing as the major goal of a lunar programme, the initiative is made feasible. The three-stage plan here presented meshes with the currently evolving plans for the US space initiative to provide a realistic, affordable and sustainable strategy for manned lunar exploration. It represents a significant opportunity for the USA to unite and lead the world on this grand, civilisation defining adventure.  相似文献   

Powering human civilization in the 21st century with clean energy from the Moon became the focus of a unique conference conducted at the Sea Lodge in LaJolla, California, 9–11 July 1990. Organized by Netrologic Inc of San Diego, the lunar-based Solar Power Planning Workshop attracted an elite group of 25 distinguished scientists, engineers and other professionals to formulate an international Coalition for a Lunar Power System. The participants ranged from Buzz Aldrin of Starcraft Enterprises and Bryan Erb of the Canadian Space Agency, to Osamu Inoue of Shimizu Corporation and Gary McAllister of Bechtel Corporation.  相似文献   

3D-printing technologies are receiving an always increasing attention in architecture, due to their potential use for direct construction of buildings and other complex structures, also of considerable dimensions, with virtually any shape. Some of these technologies rely on an agglomeration process of inert materials, e.g. sand, through a special binding liquid and this capability is of interest for the space community for its potential application to space exploration. In fact, it opens the possibility for exploiting in-situ resources for the construction of buildings in harsh spatial environments. The paper presents the results of a study aimed at assessing the concept of 3D printing technology for building habitats on the Moon using lunar soil, also called regolith. A particular patented 3D-printing technology – D-shape – has been applied, which is, among the existing rapid prototyping systems, the closest to achieving full scale construction of buildings and the physical and chemical characteristics of lunar regolith and terrestrial regolith simulants have been assessed with respect to the working principles of such technology. A novel lunar regolith simulant has also been developed, which almost exactly reproduces the characteristics of the JSC-1A simulant produced in the US. Moreover, tests in air and in vacuum have been performed to demonstrate the occurrence of the reticulation reaction with the regolith simulant. The vacuum tests also showed that evaporation or freezing of the binding liquid can be prevented through a proper injection method. The general requirements of a Moon outpost have been specified, and a preliminary design of the habitat has been developed. Based on such design, a section of the outpost wall has been selected and manufactured at full scale using the D-shape printer and regolith simulant. Test pieces have also been manufactured and their mechanical properties have been assessed.  相似文献   

The performance of a small and low-cost metal chamber built to simulate the pressure and temperature conditions of lunar surface was assessed and the results are presented. This chamber is intended for studying the physical properties of lunar surface and subsurface (using soil simulants) and also to validate the technology readiness of certain newly developed payloads planned for future lunar surface missions (Lander/Rover). It is possible to reach down to ∼10−7 Pa under specific conditions and maintain the temperature of the sample under investigation to lunar day and night temperatures. The designed system has been subjected to various tests to evaluate its performance and suitability for carrying out experiments in a simulated lunar environment.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》2014,30(3):156-162
The development of the Global Exploration Roadmap (GER) by 12 space agencies participating in the International Space Exploration Coordination Group broadly outlines a pathway to send humans beyond low Earth orbit for the first time since Apollo. Three themes have emerged: Exploration of a Near-Earth Asteroid, Extended Duration Crew Missions, and Humans to the Lunar Surface. The lack of detail within each of these themes could mean that realizing the goals of the GER would be significantly delayed. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that many of the details needed to fully define and evaluate these themes in terms of scientific rationale, economic viability, and technical feasibility already exist and need to be mapped to the GER. Here, we use the Humans to the Lunar Surface theme as an example to illustrate how this process could work. By mapping documents from a variety of international stakeholders, this process can be used to cement buy-in from the current partners and attract new ones to this effort.  相似文献   

H.H. Koelle 《Space Policy》1996,12(2):97-102
The rate of progress in any particular program is primarily dependent on the annual resources committed for the specific program. Soon after the turn of the century, the question of returning to the Moon will probably be raised again among political decision makers. At that time the positive and negative arguments will have to be weighed again. A simple method to analyse the relevant force-field was developed comprising the following steps: (1) Definition of positive and negative forces; (2) cross-impact analysis between the individual forces producing relative weights; (3) probability analysis of the current relevance of the individual forces; (4) estimating resulting negative and positive partial force-fields as functions for selected years between 1960 and 2030; and (5) determination of the strength of the resulting force influencing a decision. An example is presented.  相似文献   

William Ailor   《Space Policy》2002,18(2):820
This paper provides an overview of a system for providing reliable, ongoing, timely situational awareness services to satellite operators. Such services would include close approach warnings, warnings of potential radio frequency interference, and other offerings designed to help make operators aware of possible threats to the safe operation of their spacecraft and measures they can take to lessen these threats. The paper discusses current trends, proposes operational requirements, and speculates on the type of organization that may emerge to provide space traffic control services. It highlights how the detailed information required for such services may affect the evolution of the use of space.  相似文献   

In the very long term, how could humans colonise the Galaxy? Colonisation cannot be centrally controlled; deeper drives must be tapped. It may take centuries to colonise the nearest stars: it may be a 'programme' like the Industrial Revolution, fuelled by entrepreneurship. To build a respectable interstellar empire may take millennia. Religions are similar multigenerational projects. Perhaps colonists will be motivated by appropriate creeds. To win the Galaxy, starship technology must persist for tens or hundreds of millennia. Homo erectus made the same hand-axe for a million years. The driver was biological, not conscious. Perhaps to our descendants starships will be like peacock tails.  相似文献   

月壤原位利用技术作为月球资源原位利用技术体系中的重要环节,相关技术的工程化应用是未来实施月球探测及资源开发的重要内容,也是实现自给式月球探测和开发的起点。文章基于国内外月壤原位利用技术的发展现状和趋势,给出了月壤原位利用的工程技术路线。结合近期任务工程化实施的问题和难点,简要梳理了月壤原位制氧和月壤原位成型的技术方案和发展思路,旨在为后续月球资源探测和开发提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

The enormous benefits of a worldwide accurate location system can only be achieved if GPS and Galileo can be made truly interoperable. The technical issues involved are relatively easy to deal with but the political and legal problems require far greater attention, with military issues and enactment of legislation the chief difficulties. These are discussed using examples, notably from road traffic law. Given that the US DoD is unlikely to cede control of GPS to the civil sector and design a new, separate system, the best solution might be to set aside part of GPS for purely civil purposes.  相似文献   

月面巡视探测器太阳帆板热电耦合仿真计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章建立了月面巡视探测器太阳帆板热电耦合计算模型,制定了太阳帆板的对日定向方案和输出电能分配方案。通过数值模拟获得了月面白昼期间太阳帆板的温度及电能输出,分析了太阳帆板背面包覆隔热材料前后及帆板是否对日定向的计算结果。计算表明:当帆板不对日定向时,其背面包覆隔热材料对其温度及电能输出无明显影响;对日定向时,帆板温度随时间的分布规律发生了明显改变,此时帆板背面包覆隔热材料使其温度明显上升,但帆板正面与背面的温差减小。  相似文献   

文章首先对月面巡视器的基本构型及围栏的用途进行简要介绍,并通过热分析计算指出当前围栏设计的利弊。针对围栏所带来的月昼期间工作温度偏高的问题,提出了4种围栏构型方案,对这些方案进行了热分析研究和对比分析,从中选择出工程可行的最优方案,使得设备在月昼和月夜下的温度均满足设计指标要求。  相似文献   

Current thinking about the Moon as a destination has revitalized interest in lunar astronomical observatories. Once seen by a large scientific community as a highly enabling site, the dramatic improvement in capabilities for free-space observatories prompts reevaluation of this interest. Whereas the lunar surface offers huge performance advantages for astronomy over terrestrial sites, free-space locales such as Earth orbit or Lagrange points offer performance that is superior to what could be achieved on the Moon. While astronomy from the Moon may be cost-effective once infrastructure is there, it is in many respects no longer clearly enabling compared with free space.  相似文献   

Although the 1958 Space Act stressed the civilian nature of the US space programme, the military space budget has grown to over twice the size of NASA's. Military influence on US space policy has grown accordingly. NASA has failed in articulating a sense of direction and purpose for the civilian space programme justifying sustained and adequate support. What matters most for a reinvigorated NASA is the level of commitment the nation is prepared to make, and in today's political climate greater spending on a civilian space programme would be unpopular. The USA looks likely to continue to fall behind in the international competition for space leadership.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to describe the interplay of factors and constraints that will shape the future of space technology. A demand-pull relationship with the needs of global society is tending to become dominant, except with regard to the field of manned spaceflight. Against this background some guidelines for a European space policy are proposed.  相似文献   

为巡视器地面行走验证试验专门研制了月球低重力模拟设备。在验证试验中需要对巡视器的位姿进行测量,针对这一需求,文章提出了基于双相机的非接触测量方案,同时研制了相应的位姿测控系统,对其硬件和软件进行了优化设计。利用该位姿测控系统开展了巡视器的位姿测量,有效解决了位姿测量和控制过程中的问题。经充分测试验证,系统满足巡视器地面行走验证试验的要求。  相似文献   

针对模拟月壤复杂的外形特征以及多相非均质的微观结构,提出了一种计算模拟月壤颗粒吸收及散射特性的球叠加模型。根据模拟月壤颗粒的形状指数和分形特征识别结果,归纳了4种主要的模拟月壤颗粒类型,并采用蒙特卡罗光线跟踪法研究了这4种颗粒在单色平行光照射下的吸收及散射特性。与已有的非球形颗粒辐射特性的算法比较显示,该模型具有良好的计算准确性。在数值计算的基础上,分析了颗粒尺度参数及光学常数对其自身辐射特性的影响,并通过改变平行光照下的光线入射角度,分析了非球形颗粒的朝向对其自身辐射特性的影响。由计算结果推断,该模型不仅可以应用于计算模拟月壤颗粒的辐射特性,还可以满足其他适用于几何光学近似的非球形粒子。  相似文献   

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