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Variable-camber technology is considered an effective way to adaptively improve the aerodynamic performance of aircraft under various flight conditions. This paper studies the aerodynamic characteristics of the trailing-edge variable-camber technology by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and a drag decomposition method. Trailing-edge variable-camber technology can be simply realized by the continuous deflection of the flaps and ailerons of a wing. A supercritical airfoil is used to study the two-dimensional effect of variable-camber technology, and a wide-body airplane model is used to validate the three-dimensional improvement in the wing's airfoil made by variable-camber technology. An optimization strategy for airfoil that incorporates variable-camber technology is proposed. The optimization results demonstrate that the proposed method can obtain better results than the traditional segregated shape optimization.  相似文献   

In the field of supercritical wing design, various principles and rules have been summarized through theoretical and experimental analyses. Compared with black-box relationships between geometry parameters and performances, quantitative physical laws about pressure distributions and performances are clearer and more beneficial to designers. With the advancement of computational fluid dynamics and computational intelligence, discovering new rules through statistical analysis on computers has beco...  相似文献   

介绍了风洞试验中常采用的前最转捩和后最转捩的特点以及使用中的限制,通过某超临界机翼的试验与数值计算压力分布的比较,重点分析了不同位最的固定转捩对机翼压力分布的影响,并对机翼测压试验中所出现的问题做了分析。通过对高雷诺数风洞试验结果的研究,讨论了低雷诺数风洞中利用自由转捩技术模拟高雷诺数情况下机翼压力分布问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new non-linear formulation of the classical Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) approach for calculating the aerodynamic properties of lifting surfaces. The method accounts for the effects of viscosity, and due to its low computational cost, it represents a very good tool to perform rapid and accurate wing design and optimization procedures. The mathematical model is constructed by using two-dimensional viscous analyses of the wing span-wise sections, according to strip theory, and then coupling the strip viscous forces with the forces generated by the vortex rings distributed on the wing camber surface, calculated with a fully three-dimensional vortex lifting law. The numerical results obtained with the proposed method are validated with experimental data and show good agreement in predicting both the lift and pitching moment, as well as in predicting the wing drag. The method is applied to modifying the wing of an Unmanned Aerial System to increase its aerodynamic efficiency and to calculate the drag reductions obtained by an upper surface morphing technique for an adaptable regional aircraft wing.  相似文献   

Smart morphing wing, which is equipped with smart materials and able to change structural geometry adaptively, can further improve aerodynamic efficiency of aircraft. This paper presents a new integrated layout and topology optimization design for morphing wing driven by shape memory alloys (SMAs). By simultaneously optimizing the layout of smart actuators and topology of wing substrate, the ultimately determined configuration can achieve smooth, continuous and accurate geometric shape changes. In addition, aerodynamic analysis is carried out to compare smart morphing wing with traditional hinged airfoil. Finally, the optimized smart wing structure is constructed and tested to demonstrate and verify the morphing functionality. Application setbacks are also pointed out for further investigation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel optimization technique for an efficient multi-fidelity model building approach to reduce computational costs for handling aerodynamic shape optimization based on high-fidelity simulation models. The wing aerodynamic shape optimization problem is solved by dividing optimization into three steps—modeling 3D(high-fidelity) and 2D(lowfidelity) models, building global meta-models from prominent instead of all variables, and determining robust optimizing shape associated with tuning local meta-models. The adaptive robust design optimization aims to modify the shape optimization process. The sufficient infilling strategy—known as adaptive uniform infilling strategy—determines search space dimensions based on the last optimization results or initial point. Following this, 3D model simulations are used to tune local meta-models. Finally, the global optimization gradient-based method—Adaptive Filter Sequential Quadratic Programing(AFSQP) is utilized to search the neighborhood for a probable optimum point. The effectiveness of the proposed method is investigated by applying it, along with conventional optimization approach-based meta-models, to a Blended Wing Body(BWB) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV). The drag coefficient is defined as the objective function, which is subjected to minimum lift coefficient bounds and stability constraints. The simulation results indicate improvement in meta-model accuracy and reduction in computational time of the method introduced in this paper.  相似文献   

远程宽体客机在实际飞行状态下,机翼变弯度有效减阻能够提升客机性能和飞行品质。以全机配平构型为研究对象,基于襟翼、扰流板偏转建立变弯度模型;采用RANS方程实现阻力的精确求解并建立响应面模型,对不同升力系数、马赫数的多个飞行状态进行变弯度减阻优化;在此基础上,对实际飞行过程中变弯度操作需求及综合减阻性能进行分析,并采用布雷盖公式评估机翼变弯度后全航段综合巡航效率。结果表明:在巡航马赫数飞行时,采用两次变弯度设置即可在较宽的升力系数范围内获得减阻收益;在10 km定高巡航时,机翼变弯度可使整个航段综合减阻1.9 cts,航时、航程提高0.72%;在8和10 km进行一次阶梯巡航,机翼变弯度可使整个航段综合减阻2.9 cts,航时、航程提高1.19%。  相似文献   

田文朋  夏峰  宋鹏飞  张柁  杨鹏飞 《航空学报》2020,41(11):223956-223956
水陆两栖飞机全机静力试验的浮筒着水工况试验中,在试验允许的常规载荷配平方案下,压向大量级水载荷作用于浮筒结构引起机翼较大变形,影响试验精度,因此进行以减少机翼变形为目标的载荷配平研究。将机翼近似为悬臂梁结构,在构建的机翼力学模型基础上应用Green函数建立机翼的挠度曲线方程。首次以考核区域边界肋的挠度和转角为优化目标并建立多目标函数,通过层次分析法和极差变换标准化处理方法将其转化为单目标函数后,采用引入交叉和变异因子的改进蚁群算法进行载荷配平方案优化运算。有限元分析及试验结果显示,优化得到的载荷配平方案可以显著地减少机翼变形,配平载荷不影响考核区域的真实变形,证明了该优化方案的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

减小配平损失对于提高飞翼布局升阻比和提升飞行控制能力具有重要意义,因此基于离散伴随优化方法研究静稳定裕度对跨音速飞翼布局减阻优化的影响,分别开展10%,0%,-10% 三种静稳定性设计工况的优化研究。采用自由变形(FFD)方法对非结构表面网格进行参数化,以FFD 控制点为设计变量,通过求解流场和伴随方程得到灵敏度信息;采用序列二次规划SQP 算法获得控制点位移的梯度,然后经过多轮迭代得到优化构型。结果表明:在几何厚度和力矩配平的约束下,离散伴随优化方法可以显著提升飞翼布局的最大升阻比,三种工况下最大升阻比提高都在8% 以上;随着静稳定性裕度减小,定升力系数优化的巡航升阻比增量有所减小,当静稳定裕度为10% 时巡航升阻比提高了5.08%。  相似文献   

将响应面方法引入到气动优化设计上来,进行了基于N-S方程跨声速翼型、机翼气动优化设计。通过去掉完全二阶多项式响应面模型中的二阶交叉项,大大减少了构造高维响应面模型所需要的计算量。合理地选择优化设计空间,保证了构造的响应面模型具有较高精度。跨声速翼型、机翼减阻优化算例结果表明该方法能有效地适用于气动优化设计问题,设计质量高,方法实用可靠,有较高的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

耦合流场控制方程和结构静平衡方程求解得到大展弦比跨声速弹性机翼气动性能,分析研究了结构静弹性变形对气动载荷的影响.在此基础上以机翼典型剖面外形和机翼型架外形为设计变量进行了基于控制理论的跨声速弹性机翼气动优化设计方法研究,实现了在真实飞行条件下考虑静气动弹性变形影响的大展弦比跨声速弹性机翼一体化优化设计.优化设计算例结果表明所发展的方法是成功的,优化得到的弹性机翼在满足升力系数约束条件下提高了升阻比.  相似文献   

杨一雄  杨体浩  白俊强  史亚云  卢磊 《航空学报》2018,39(1):121448-121448
使用扩展自由变形参数化方法,基于径向基函数的动网格技术和改进的混合粒子群算法,考虑吸气的eN转捩预测方法和雷诺平均Navier-Stokes求解器,搭建了针对混合层流流动控制(HLFC)后掠翼的优化设计平台,对HLFC后掠翼的气动外形设计、雷诺数影响、吸气分布设计等多个问题进行了研究,对比分析了在这些因素影响下HLFC后掠翼的阻力系数和层流区长度的差别,进而探索了相应的设计准则。研究表明,对于层流区较长和阻力系数较小的HLFC后掠翼来说,它们上表面的压力分布具有共同的特征:头部峰值较低,之后有一个小的逆压,接下来是一段较长的均匀稳定的顺压,这段顺压最后终结于一道激波。应用HLFC技术后,通过实现大面积的层流区,机翼的摩擦阻力和压差阻力均可显著地降低,降低的幅度远大于不考虑层流控制的设计结果。同时,HLFC机翼的设计应综合考虑摩擦阻力、压差阻力、激波强度和配平阻力(低头力矩),层流区最长不一定意味着阻力最小。一般来说,雷诺数越高,越难维持层流,但应用混合层流控制技术后,即使在难以实现自然层流的高雷诺数下,HLFC机翼依然有较长的层流区。通过对吸气分布的设计进行研究,说明了非均匀吸气比均匀吸气要更有效率一些,能够节省吸气量。  相似文献   

250座级翼身融合布局客机气动设计与优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合民机客舱结构设计参数和飞机总体设计参数要求进行气动布局设计,获得250座级翼身融合(BWB)布局客机初步气动设计方案.采用数值求解N-S方程的方法获得该布局在巡航和起飞条件下的纵向气动特性.结果表明,在巡航条件下α=2°时最大升阻比Kmax可达15.9.以固定巡航飞行升力系数下最小化飞行阻力作为目标优化了机翼展向几何扭转角分布.结果表明,优化后外侧机翼的负载减轻,减小了激波强度和波阻,从而提高了巡航升阻比Kcruise.Kmax由初始布局的15.9提高到20.7,Kmax由初始布局的15.4提高到19.2,与现役同座级客机接近.优化后起飞特性得到改善,巡航平飞时低头力矩减小,Cm0为更接近零的一小负数,利于操纵.  相似文献   

简化自适应机翼的气动外形优化设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自适应机翼技术的研究对于超声速飞机设计具有重要意义。本文在二维翼型自适应的研究基础上,用Powell法优化计算了对前缘后掠角为35°,展弦比λ=3.9,梢根比η=0.17,机翼剖面为NACA65006翼型的梯形翼的前后缘舵面偏转角,从而获得了在亚跨声速时升阻比大而在超声速时阻力系数小的简化自适应机翼的最优气动外形。本文采用了并行遗传算法,计算了要求亚跨声速升阻比大同时超声速阻力小的气动双目标优化机翼的外形。讨论了优化机翼相对于原始机翼的气动增益。与二维一样,三维数值算例也证明了自适应机翼可获得明显的气动增益。  相似文献   

飞翼布局无人机保形非对称S弯进气道设计及优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张乐  周洲  许晓平 《航空动力学报》2016,31(11):2682-2690
基于国产动力约束及隐身设计要求,针对飞翼布局无人机双发动机布局进行了保形S弯进气道设计,为进一步提高进气道性能,开展了进气道优化设计研究.首先利用CFD(计算流体动力学)方法对保形进气道风洞模型进行验证,然后结合参数化建模和网格自动生成技术进行CFD数值模拟,最后利用RBF(radial basis function neural network)代理模型及多岛遗传算法开展进气道优化设计.结果表明:①优化后进气道性能有所改善,尤其表现在4°迎角之后性能明显提升,Ma=0.6下4°迎角时总压恢复系数提高了5.46%,畸变指数降低了38.7%;②优化后进气道截面积分布相比初始构型在前段更缓和而后段略微升高,中心线则在前1/3段与初始构型基本一致,之后曲率变化更加平缓;③保形进气道在出口截面具有较强的二次流,侧滑角对于此类进气道在小迎角下影响较小而大迎角时影响较大,设计时应关注大迎角时侧滑特性.   相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of forward-swept wing(FSW) positions on the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft under supersonic condition(Ma = 1.5). The numerical method based on Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes(RANS) equations, Spalart–Allmaras(S–A) turbulence model and implicit algorithm is utilized to simulate the flow field of the aircraft. The aerodynamic parameters and flow field structures of the horizontal tail and the whole aircraft are presented. The results demonstrate that the spanwise flow of FSW flows from the wingtip to the wing root, generating an upper wing surface vortex and a trailing edge vortex nearby the wing root.The vortexes generated by FSW have a strong downwash effect on the tail. The lower the vertical position of FSW, the stronger the downwash effect on tail. Therefore, the effective angle of attack of tail becomes smaller. In addition, the lift coefficient, drag coefficient and lift–drag ratio of tail decrease, and the center of pressure of tail moves backward gradually. For the whole aircraft,the lower the vertical position of FSW, the smaller lift, drag and center of pressure coefficients of aircraft. The closer the FSW moves towards tail, the bigger pitching moment and center of pressure coefficients of the whole aircraft, but the lift and drag characteristics of the horizontal tail and the whole aircraft are basically unchanged. The results have potential application for the design of new concept aircraft.  相似文献   

翼尖连接机翼(Joined Wing)布局将后掠的前翼和前掠的后翼在翼尖处用端板相连,后掠翼和前掠翼互相依存,克服平直机翼的局限,提高飞行临界M数,减小诱导阻力,抑制前掠翼的发散倾向.但是该布局的设计参数选择需要气动,结构强度,气动弹性等多学科综合分析,多学科设计优化还需要提供相对于气动设计参数的敏度.探讨了一种翼尖连接机翼布局包含发散速压和变形在内的刚性和弹性气动特性,以及对气动设计参数的敏度,可供该布局的多学科设计优化参考.  相似文献   

超临界机翼介质阻挡放电等离子体流动控制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
张鑫  黄勇  王勋年  王万波  唐坤  李华星 《航空学报》2016,37(6):1733-1742
为了进一步提高等离子体激励器可控雷诺数,采用测力以及粒子图像测速(PIV)等研究方法,从二维机翼到三维半模,从低雷诺数到高雷诺数,开展了对称布局式介质阻挡放电(DBD)等离子体激励器控制超临界机翼气动特性的试验研究,分析了控制机理,实现了等离子体"虚拟舵面"的功能。结果表明:在雷诺数为2×106的情况下,对称布局式等离子体气动激励能较好地抑制超临界机翼绕流流场分离,使失速迎角推迟2°,最大升力系数提高8.98%。  相似文献   

Morphing technology is one of the most effective methods to improve the flight efficiency of aircraft. Traditional control surfaces based morphing method is mature and widely used on current civil and military aircraft, but insufficiently effective for the entire flight envelope. Recent research on morphing wing still faces the challenge that the skin material for morphing should be both deformable and stiff. In this study, a continuous morphing trailing-edge wing with a new multi-stable nano skin material fabricated using surface mechanical attrition treatment technology was proposed and designed. Computational fluid dynamics simulation was used to study the aerodynamic performance of the continuous morphing trailing-edge wing. Results show that the lift coefficient increases with the increase of deflection angle and so does the lift-drag ratio at a small angle of attack. More importantly, compared with the wing using flaps, the continuous morphing trailing-edge wing can reduce drag during the morphing process and its overall aerodynamic performance is improved at a large angle of attack range. Flow field analysis reveals that the continuous morphing method can delay flow separation in some situations.  相似文献   

超临界机翼多目标气动优化设计的策略与方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李润泽  张宇飞  陈海昕 《航空学报》2020,41(5):623409-623409
超临界机翼的气动设计十分复杂,往往需要借助于有效的优化手段。然而,优化方法本身往往无法直接表达真实完整的设计意图,因此需要将工程需求和约束转换为优化方法所能处理的数学形式。本文首先探讨了梯度优化方法和进化类优化方法在气动优化中的表现。之后简要总结了前人在飞机气动设计中提出的准则和要求,并基于压力分布形态定义了超临界机翼气动设计的关键特征及定量要求,探究其在超临界机翼气动优化设计中的应用效果。研究结果表明,在多目标优化中引入面向压力分布形态特征的目标和约束,能有效引导优化体现工程设计思想,进而提高优化效率。  相似文献   

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