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The typical behavior of unsteady flow and force evolution in a number of applications, such as aero-elastics, gust-wing interaction, flapping flight and flight maneuvering, can be understood using the starting flow model. Starting flow model is obtained either by setting rapidly an angle of attack for a wing moving at constant speed, or by accelerating a wing to a constant speed while gaining an angle of attack. In the limiting case of impulsively starting flow, the wing is assumed to gain suddenly an angle of attack in an initially uniform flow. Theories have been developed for impulsively starting flow at small angle of attack long before and at large angle of attack only recently, especially for incompressible and supersonic flow. This paper intends to provide a state-of-art overview of the typical flow phenomena, force evolution characteristics and developed theories for impulsively starting flow at any angle of attack and for both lower speed flow (vortex dominated) and high speed flow (compressible wave dominated). This review also provides some new topics that deserve further studies.  相似文献   

Impulsively starting flow, by a sudden attainment of a large angle of attack, has been well studied for incompressible and supersonic flows, but less studied for subsonic flow. Recently, a preliminary numerical study for subsonic starting flow at a high angle of attack displays an advance of stall around a Mach number of 0.5, when compared to other Mach numbers. To see what happens in this special case, we conduct here in this paper a further study for this case, to display and analyze the full flow structures. We find that for a Mach number around 0.5, a local supersonic flow region repeatedly splits and merges, and a pair of left-going and right-going unsteady shock waves are embedded inside the leading edge vortex once it is sufficiently grown up and detached from the leading edge. The flow evolution during the formation of shock waves is displayed in detail. The reason for the formation of these shock waves is explained here using the Laval nozzle flow theory. The existence of this shock pair inside the vortex, for a Mach number only close to 0.5, may help the growing of the trailing edge vortex responsible for the advance of stall observed previously.  相似文献   

跨声速和超声速流中激波/边界层干扰数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
谭杰  金捷 《推进技术》2010,31(4):394-400
对SST湍流模型中的Bradshaw常数a1进行了修正,并对跨声速和超声速流中激波/边界层干扰进行了数值模拟研究,空间离散采用二阶精度差值的低耗散通量分裂格式(LDFSS),时间离散采用对称高斯-赛德尔(SGS)算法。结果表明:在跨声速流动中,计算得到的壁面压力分布、分离区长度和速度剖面都与实验值吻合较好,而且很好地模拟了典型的λ激波结构;在超声速流动中,修正后模型的计算精度较原始模型有了较大改善,计算得到壁面压力分布和分离点的位置都和实验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

跨声速叶栅抽吸流、激波以及分离流相干效应   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王掩刚  任思源  牛楠  刘波 《推进技术》2011,32(5):664-669
以某高负荷、跨声速压气机叶栅为研究对象,应用数值模拟手段探讨通过抽吸控制激波从而控制附面层发展的可行方法。研究结果表明:随着抽吸量的增加吸力面马赫数峰值提高,激波损失增加,同时使得吸力面马赫数峰值点位置后移,附面层分离减弱,分离的减弱所导致的总压恢复系数增加量要远大于激波强度增加所导致的总压恢复系数减小量;抽吸对叶栅性能改善存在一个最佳抽吸量1.2%;在保证叶栅静压压升不变的前提下,相对于未抽吸条件1.2%抽吸使得叶栅总压恢复系数提高10%,扩散因子降低18%,落后角减小5°;通道激波后实施附面层小流量抽吸不能有效改善附面层内部流动参数,当实现前缘入射斜激波投射点位于通道激波上游时,叶表附面层流动得到较大改善。  相似文献   

压缩拐角激波与旁路转捩边界层干扰数值研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为了研究激波与旁路转捩边界层的干扰机理,采用直接数值模拟(DNS)方法对来流马赫数Ma∞=2.9,24°压缩拐角内激波与转捩边界层的相互作用进行了系统的研究。考察了旁路转捩干扰下压缩拐角内分离区形态和激波波系结构的典型特征。比较了转捩干扰与湍流干扰流动结构的差异,并分析了造成差异的原因。研究了拐角内转捩边界层的演化特性,探讨了转捩干扰下脉动峰值压力和峰值摩阻的分布规律及形成机制。研究结果表明:相较于湍流干扰,两侧发卡涡串的展向挤压使得分离区起始点以V字型分布,且分离激波沿展向以破碎状态为主,激波脚呈现多层结构;拐角内的干扰作用急剧加速了边界层的转捩过程;转捩干扰下的拐角内峰值脉动压力以单峰结构出现在分离区的下游,同时干扰区内的强湍动能和高雷诺剪切应力使得其局部峰值摩阻系数要高于湍流干扰。  相似文献   

对考虑辐射传热、流体黏度随温度变化、有和无滑移边界条件下的可渗透竖直平板Blasius流层流边界层的无量纲速度场与温度场进行了深入研究.经相似变换将描述速度场与温度场耦合的偏微分方程组转换成非线性常微分方程组,用Runge-Kutta法对常微分方程组进行了数值求解.研究了无量纲参数对无量纲速度场及温度场的影响,着重分析了滑移边界条件下速度和温度随无量纲参数的变化规律.结果表明:吸入时边界层变薄,喷注时边界层加厚;对比于无滑移边界条件,滑移边界条件下速度、温度边界层变薄;随着变黏度参数a或喷注与吸入参数的增大,壁面摩擦因数、局部努塞尔数Nu增大,速度和温度边界层变薄;随着普朗特数Pr、热辐射参数R的增加,或毕渥数Bi,布林克曼数Br的减小, 温度边界层变薄.   相似文献   

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