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Planetesimals formed in the solar nebula by collisional coagulation. Dust aggregates settled toward the central plane, the larger ones growing by sweeping up smaller ones. A thin, dense layer of particles formed; shear-generated turbulence and differential motions induced by gas drag inhibited gravitational instability. Growth proceeded by collisions, producing planetesimals on a timescale of a few thousand years in the terrestrial zone. For bodies smaller than about a kilometer, motions were dominated by gas drag, and impact velocities decreased with size. At larger sizes gravitational interactions became significant, and velocities increased due to mutual perturbations. Larger bodies then grew more rapidly, this ``runaway' led to formation of tens to hundreds of lunar- to Mars-sized planetary embryos in the zone of terrestrial planets. The final accretion of these bodies into a few planets involved large impacts, and occurred on a timescale of 107 to 108 years. This scenario gives a reasonably consistent picture of the origin of the terrestrial planets, but does not account for the anomalously low eccentricities of the Earth and Venus. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Measurements of the chemical composition of the giant planets provide clues of their formation and evolution processes. According to the currently accepted nucleation model, giant planets formed from the initial accretion of an icy core and the capture of the protosolar gas, mosly composed of hydrogen and helium. In the case of Jupiter and Saturn (the gaseous giants), this gaseous component dominates the composition of the planet, while for Uranus and Neptune (the icy giants) it is only a small fraction of the total mass. The measurement of elemental and isotopic ratios in the giant planets provides key diagnostics of this model, as it implies an enrichment in heavy elements (as well as deuterium) with respect to the cosmic composition. Neutral atmospheric constituents in the giant planets have three possible sources: (1) internal (fromthe bulk composition of the planet), (2) photochemical (fromthe photolysis ofmethane) and(3) external (from meteoritic impacts, of local or interplanetary origin). This paper reviews our present knowledge about the atmospheric composition in the giant planets, and their elemental and istopic composition. Measurements concerning key parameters, like C/H, D/H or rare gases in Jupiter, are analysed in detail. The conclusion addresses open questions and observations to be performed in the future.  相似文献   

Owen  T.  Encrenaz  T. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,106(1-4):121-138
This paper reviews our present knowledge about elemental and isotopic ratios in the Giant Planets and Titan. These parameters can provide key information about the formation and evolution of these objects. Element abundances, especially after the results of the Galileo Probe Mass Spectrometer in Jupiter, strongly support the formation model invoking an initial core formation (Mizuno, 1980; Pollack et al., 1996). They also suggest that solar composition icy planetesimals (SCIPs) brought the heavy elements to Jupiter. The Jupiter value of D/H appears to be representative of the protosolar value, while the D/H enrichment observed on Uranus and Neptune is consistent with the formation scenario of these planets. The 15N/14N measurement in Jupiter seems to be representative of its protosolar value. Future measurements are expected to come from the Cassini and Herschel space mission, as well as the ALMA submillimeter observatory. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The early development of Mars is of enormous interest, not just in its own right, but also because it provides unique insights into the earliest history of the Earth, a planet whose origins have been all but obliterated. Mars is not as depleted in moderately volatile elements as are other terrestrial planets. Judging by the data for Martian meteorites it has Rb/Sr 0.07 and K/U 19,000, both of which are roughly twice as high as the values for the Earth. The mantle of Mars is also twice as rich in Fe as the mantle of the Earth, the Martian core being small (20% by mass). This is thought to be because conditions were more oxidizing during core formation. For the same reason a number of elements that are moderately siderophile on Earth such as P, Mn, Cr and W, are more lithophile on Mars. The very different apparent behavior of high field strength (HFS) elements in Martian magmas compared to terrestrial basalts and eucrites may be related to this higher phosphorus content. The highly siderophile element abundance patterns have been interpreted as reflecting strong partitioning during core formation in a magma ocean environment with little if any late veneer. Oxygen isotope data provide evidence for the relative proportions of chondritic components that were accreted to form Mars. However, the amount of volatile element depletion predicted from these models does not match that observed — Mars would be expected to be more depleted in volatiles than the Earth. The easiest way to reconcile these data is for the Earth to have lost a fraction of its moderately volatile elements during late accretionary events, such as giant impacts. This might also explain the non-chondritic Si/Mg ratio of the silicate portion of the Earth. The lower density of Mars is consistent with this interpretation, as are isotopic data. 87Rb-87Sr, 129I-129Xe, 146Sm-142Nd, 182Hf-182W, 187Re-187Os, 235U-207Pb and 238U-206Pb isotopic data for Martian meteorites all provide evidence that Mars accreted rapidly and at an early stage differentiated into atmosphere, mantle and core. Variations in heavy xenon isotopes have proved complicated to interpret in terms of 244Pu decay and timing because of fractionation thought to be caused by hydrodynamic escape. There are, as yet, no resolvable isotopic heterogeneities identified in Martian meteorites resulting from 92Nb decay to 92Zr, consistent with the paucity of perovskite in the martian interior and its probable absence from any Martian magma ocean. Similarly the longer-lived 176Lu-176Hf system also preserves little record of early differentiation. In contrast W isotope data, Ba/W and time-integrated Re/Os ratios of Martian meteorites provide powerful evidence that the mantle retains remarkably early heterogeneities that are vestiges of core metal segregation processes that occurred within the first 20 Myr of the Solar System. Despite this evidence for rapid accretion and differentiation, there is no evidence that Mars grew more quickly than the Earth at an equivalent size. Mars appears to have just stopped growing earlier because it did not undergo late stage (>20 Myr), impacts on the scale of the Moon-forming Giant Impact that affected the Earth.  相似文献   

Stone  E.C.  Cohen  C.M.S.  Cook  W.R.  Cummings  A.C.  Gauld  B.  Kecman  B.  Leske  R.A.  Mewaldt  R.A.  Thayer  M.R.  Dougherty  B.L.  Grumm  R.L.  Milliken  B.D.  Radocinski  R.G.  Wiedenbeck  M.E.  Christian  E.R.  Shuman  S.  Trexel  H.  von Rosenvinge  T.T.  Binns  W.R.  Crary  D.J.  Dowkontt  P.  Epstein  J.  Hink  P.L.  Klarmann  J.  Lijowski  M.  Olevitch  M.A. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,86(1-4):285-356
The Cosmic-Ray Isotope Spectrometer is designed to cover the highest decade of the Advanced Composition Explorer's energy interval, from ∼50 to ∼500 MeV nucl−1, with isotopic resolution for elements from Z≃2 to Z≃30. The nuclei detected in this energy interval are predominantly cosmic rays originating in our Galaxy. This sample of galactic matter can be used to investigate the nucleosynthesis of the parent material, as well as fractionation, acceleration, and transport processes that these particles undergo in the Galaxy and in the interplanetary medium. Charge and mass identification with CRIS is based on multiple measurements of dE/dx and total energy in stacks of silicon detectors, and trajectory measurements in a scintillating optical fiber trajectory (SOFT) hodoscope. The instrument has a geometrical factor of ∼r250 cm2 sr for isotope measurements, and should accumulate ∼5×106 stopping heavy nuclei (Z>2) in two years of data collection under solar minimum conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Stone  E.C.  Cohen  C.M.S.  Cook  W.R.  Cummings  A.C.  Gauld  B.  Kecman  B.  Leske  R.A.  Mewaldt  R.A.  Thayer  M.R.  Dougherty  B.L.  Grumm  R.L.  Milliken  B.D.  Radocinski  R.G.  Wiedenbeck  M.E.  Christian  E.R.  Shuman  S.  von Rosenvinge  T.T. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,86(1-4):357-408
The Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS), one of nine instruments on the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), is designed to provide high- resolution measurements of the isotopic composition of energetic nuclei from He to Zn (Z=2 to 30) over the energy range from ∼10 to ∼100 MeV nucl−1. During large solar events SIS will measure the isotopic abundances of solar energetic particles to determine directly the composition of the solar corona and to study particle acceleration processes. During solar quiet times SIS will measure the isotopes of low-energy cosmic rays from the Galaxy and isotopes of the anomalous cosmic-ray component, which originates in the nearby interstellar medium. SIS has two telescopes composed of silicon solid-state detectors that provide measurements of the nuclear charge, mass, and kinetic energy of incident nuclei. Within each telescope, particle trajectories are measured with a pair of two-dimensional silicon-strip detectors instrumented with custom, very large-scale integrated (VLSI) electronics to provide both position and energy-loss measurements. SIS was especially designed to achieve excellent mass resolution under the extreme, high flux conditions encountered in large solar particle events. It provides a geometry factor of ∼40 cm2 sr, significantly greater than earlier solar particle isotope spectrometers. A microprocessor controls the instrument operation, sorts events into prioritized buffers on the basis of their charge, range, angle of incidence, and quality of trajectory determination, and formats data for readout by the spacecraft. This paper describes the design and operation of SIS and the scientific objectives that the instrument will address. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mauersberger  K.  Krankowsky  D.  Janssen  C. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,106(1-4):265-279
A unique kinetic isotope effect has been found in the formation process of ozone molecules. Isotope enrichments of about 10% above statistically expected values were first discovered in atmospheric isotopomers 49O3 and 50O3 and later in many other molecular combinations. Most recently the source of this effect was identified through measurement of isotope-specific ozone formation rate coefficients which show a large variability of over 50%. Ozone molecule formation is a complex process since different reaction channels contribute to a specific isotopomer. In addition, fast oxygen isotope exchange reactions determine the abundance of atomic oxygen participating in ozone formation. The isotope enrichments observed are both pressure and temperature-dependent and they decrease at pressures above 100 mbar and toward lower temperatures. Ozone possesses not only one of the most unusual isotope anomalies, it also serves as a mediator by transferring heavy oxygen from the O2 reservoir to other species. Stratospheric isotope composition of CO2 has been recently measured with high accuracy and a pronounced isotopic signature was found which shows that 17O is preferentially transferred from O3 into CO2. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper is an introduction to volume 56 of the Space Science Series of ISSI, “From disks to planets—the making of planets and their proto-atmospheres”, a key subject in our quest for the origins and evolutionary paths of planets, and for the causes of their diversity. Indeed, as exoplanet discoveries progressively accumulated and their characterization made spectacular progress, it became evident that the diversity of observed exoplanets can in no way be reduced to the two classes of planets that we are used to identify in the solar system, namely terrestrial planets and gas or ice giants: the exoplanet reality is just much broader. This fact is no doubt the result of the exceptional diversity of the evolutionary paths linking planetary systems as a whole as well as individual exoplanets and their proto-atmospheres to their parent circumstellar disks: this diversity and its causes are exactly what this paper explores. For each of the main phases of the formation and evolution of planetary systems and of individual planets, we summarize what we believe we understand and what are the important open questions needing further in-depth examination, and offer some suggestions on ways towards solutions.We start with the formation mechanisms of circumstellar disks, with their gas and disk components in which chemical composition plays a very important role in planet formation. We summarize how dust accretion within the disk generates planet cores, while gas accretion on these cores can lead to the diversity of their fluid envelopes. The temporal evolution of the parent disk itself, and its final dissipation, put strong constraints on how and how far planetary formation can proceed. The radiation output of the central star also plays an important role in this whole story. This early phase of planet evolution, from disk formation to dissipation, is characterized by a co-evolution of the disk and its daughter planets. During this co-evolution, planets and their protoatmospheres not only grow, but they also migrate radially as a result of their interaction with the disk, thus moving progressively from their distance of formation to their final location. The formation of planetary fluid envelopes (proto-atmospheres and oceans), is an essential product of this planet formation scenario which strongly constrains their possible evolution towards habitability. We discuss the effects of the initial conditions in the disk, of the location, size and mass of the planetary core, of the disk lifetime and of the radiation output and activity of the central star, on the formation of these envelopes and on their relative extensions with respect to the planet core. Overall, a fraction of the planets retain the primary proto-atmosphere they initially accreted from the gas disk. For those which lose it in this early evolution, outgassing of volatiles from the planetary core and mantle, together with some contributions of volatiles from colliding bodies, give them a chance to form a “secondary” atmosphere, like that of our own Earth.When the disk finally dissipates, usually before 10 Million years of age, it leaves us with the combination of a planetary system and a debris disk, each with a specific radial distribution with respect to their parent star(s). Whereas the dynamics of protoplanetary disks is dominated by gas-solid dynamical coupling, debris disks are dominated by gravitational dynamics acting on diverse families of planetesimals. Solid-body collisions between them and giant impacts on young planetary surfaces generate a new population of gas and dust in those disks. Synergies between solar system and exoplanet studies are particularly fruitful and need to be stimulated even more, because they give access to different and complementary components of debris disks: whereas the different families of planetesimals can be extensively studied in the solar system, they remain unobserved in exoplanet systems. But, in those systems, long-wavelength telescopic observations of dust provide a wealth of indirect information about the unobserved population of planetesimals. Promising progress is being currently made to observe the gas component as well, using millimetre and sub-millimetre giant radio interferometers.Within planetary systems themselves, individual planets are the assembly of a solid body and a fluid envelope, including their planetary atmosphere when there is one. Their characteristics range from terrestrial planets through sub-Neptunes and Neptunes and to gas giants, each type covering most of the orbital distances probed by present-day techniques. With the continuous progress in detection and characterization techniques and the advent of major providers of new data like the Kepler mission, the architecture of these planetary systems can be studied more and more accurately in a statistically meaningful sense and compared to the one of our own solar system, which does not appear to be an exceptional case. Finally, our understanding of exoplanets atmospheres has made spectacular advances recently using the occultation spectroscopy techniques implemented on the currently operating space and ground-based observing facilities.The powerful new observing facilities planned for the near and more distant future will make it possible to address many of the most challenging current questions of the science of exoplanets and their systems. There is little doubt that, using this new generation of facilities, we will be able to reconstruct more and more accurately the complex evolutionary paths which link stellar genesis to the possible emergence of habitable worlds.  相似文献   

依据飞行器表面液态水凝结过程的热力学理论分析,提出了一种适用于不同环境温度的翼型结冰数值模拟方法.采用中心型有限体积方法求解N-S方程来获得翼型的绕流流场,结合给出的结冰数值模拟方法对两种典型温度下的翼型积冰情况进行了模拟.模拟所得的积冰冰形与文献中的实验数据吻合良好,表明该方法的可行性,并进一步给出了翼型表面的冻结系数分布.  相似文献   

The differences between the composition of Galactic cosmic rays and that of the interstellar medium are manifold, and they contain a wealth of information about the varying processes that created them. These differences reveal much about the initial mixing of freshly synthesized matter, the chemistry and differentiation of the interstellar medium, and the mechanisms and environment of ion injection and acceleration. Here we briefly explore these processes and show how they combine to create the peculiar, but potentially universal, composition of the cosmic rays and how measurements of the composition can provide a unique measure of the mixing ratio of the fresh supernova ejecta and the old interstellar medium in this initial phase of interstellar mixing. In particular, we show that the major abundance differences between the cosmic rays and the average interstellar medium can all result from cosmic ray ion injection by sputtering and scattering from fast refractory oxide grains in a mix of fresh supernova ejecta and old interstellar material. Since the bulk of the Galactic supernovae occur in the cores of superbubbles, the bulk of the cosmic rays are accelerated there out of such a mix. We show that the major abundance differences all imply a mixing ratio of the total masses of fresh supernova ejecta and old interstellar material in such cores is roughly 1 to 4. That means that the metallicity of ∼3 times solar, since the ejecta has a metallicity of ∼8 times that of the present interstellar medium.  相似文献   

Models of the origins of gas giant planets and ‘ice’ giant planets are discussed and related to formation theories of both smaller objects (terrestrial planets) and larger bodies (stars). The most detailed models of planetary formation are based upon observations of our own Solar System, of young stars and their environments, and of extrasolar planets. Stars form from the collapse, and sometimes fragmentation, of molecular cloud cores. Terrestrial planets are formed within disks around young stars via the accumulation of small dust grains into larger and larger bodies until the planetary orbits become well enough separated that the configuration is stable for the lifetime of the system. Uranus and Neptune almost certainly formed via a bottom-up (terrestrial planet-like) mechanism; such a mechanism is also the most likely origin scenario for Saturn and Jupiter.  相似文献   

The processes of planet formation in our Solar System resulted in a final product of a small number of discreet planets and planetesimals characterized by clear compositional distinctions. A key advance on this subject was provided when nucleosynthetic isotopic variability was discovered between different meteorite groups and the terrestrial planets. This information has now been coupled with theoretical models of planetesimal growth and giant planet migration to better understand the nature of the materials accumulated into the terrestrial planets. First order conclusions include that carbonaceous chondrites appear to contribute a much smaller mass fraction to the terrestrial planets than previously suspected, that gas-driven giant planet migration could have pushed volatile-rich material into the inner Solar System, and that planetesimal formation was occurring on a sufficiently rapid time scale that global melting of asteroid-sized objects was instigated by radioactive decay of 26Al. The isotopic evidence highlights the important role of enstatite chondrites, or something with their mix of nucleosynthetic components, as feedstock for the terrestrial planets. A common degree of depletion of moderately volatile elements in the terrestrial planets points to a mechanism that can effectively separate volatile and refractory elements over a spatial scale the size of the whole inner Solar System. The large variability in iron to silicon ratios between both different meteorite groups and between the terrestrial planets suggests that mechanisms that can segregate iron metal from silicate should be given greater importance in future investigations. Such processes likely include both density separation of small grains in the nebula, but also preferential impact erosion of either the mantle or core from differentiated planets/planetesimals. The latter highlights the important role for giant impacts and collisional erosion during the late stages of planet formation.  相似文献   

飞机三维结冰模型及其数值求解方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
易贤  桂业伟  朱国林 《航空学报》2010,31(11):2152-2158
 对飞机结冰外形进行纯三维数值模拟,是目前飞机结冰预测中的一大难点。为了建立三维结冰数值模拟方法,基于Messinger的二维结冰模型,提出了一种考虑液态水溢流效应的三维结冰计算模型,并针对该模型建立了表面单元内溢流水流动的分配方案、发展了相应的迭代求解方法。采用本文方法对MS-317后掠翼结冰进行了计算,并与实验和Lewice3D的计算结果进行了对比。研究结果显示:本文方法具有较好的收敛性,计算的霜冰和明冰外形均与Lewice3D计算的冰形一致;对于霜冰和结冰时间较短的明冰,本文计算的冰形与实验吻合较好;对于结冰时间较长的明冰,本文计算的冰形与实验对比还有一定差异,但冰生长的总体趋势和大致体积与实验一致。同时,对比了MS-317无后掠翼与有后掠翼结明冰的外形,发现机翼后掠导致的三维溢流效应对结冰外形有明显影响,因此,对于三维结冰分析,如果用二维截面的结果来代替三维结果,其合理性还需验证。  相似文献   

Noack  Lena  Snellen  Ignas  Rauer  Heike 《Space Science Reviews》2017,212(1-2):877-898
Space Science Reviews - Exoplanet detection missions have found thousands of planets or planet candidates outside of the Solar System—some of which are in the habitable zone, where liquid...  相似文献   

We present models of giant planet formation, taking into account migration and disk viscous evolution. We show that migration can significantly reduce the formation timescale bringing it in good agreement with typical observed disk lifetimes. We then present a model that produces a planet whose current location, core mass and total mass are comparable with the one of Jupiter. For this model, we calculate the enrichments in volatiles and compare them with the one measured by the Galileo probe. We show that our models can reproduce both the measured atmosphere enrichments and the constraints derived by Guillot et al. (2004), if we assume the accretion of planetesimals with ices/rocks ratio equal to 4, and that a substantial amount of CO2 was present in vapor phase in the solar nebula, in agreement with ISM measurements.  相似文献   

On the giant planets and Titan, like on the terrestrial planets, aerosols play an important part in the physico-chemistry of the upper atmosphere (P ≤ 0.5 bar). Above all, aerosols significantly affect radiative transfer processes, mainly through light scattering, thus influencing the atmospheric energy budget and dynamics. Because there is usually significant coupling between atmospheric circulation and haze production, aerosols may constitute useful tracers of atmospheric dynamics.More generally, since their production is directly linked to some kind of energy deposition, their study may also provide clues to external sources of energy as well as their variability. Finally, aerosols indirectly influence other processes such as cloud formation and disequilibrium chemistry, by acting either as condensation nuclei or as reaction sites for surface chemistry. Here, I present a review of observational and modeling results based on remote sensing data, and also some insights derived from laboratory simulations. Despite our knowledge of the effects of aerosols in outer planetary atmospheres, however, relatively little is understood about the pathways which produce them, either endogenously (as end-products of gas-phase photochemical or shock reactions) or exogenously (as residues of meteroid ablation).  相似文献   

The rapidly rotating giant planets of the outer solar system all possess strong dynamo-driven magnetic fields that carve a large cavity in the flowing magnetized solar wind. Each planet brings a unique facet to the study of planetary magnetism. Jupiter possesses the largest planetary magnetic moment, 1.55×1020 Tm3, 2×104 times larger than the terrestrial magnetic moment whose axis of symmetry is offset about 10° from the rotation axis, a tilt angle very similar to that of the Earth. Saturn has a dipole magnetic moment of 4.6×1018 Tm3 or 600 times that of the Earth, but unlike the Earth and Jupiter, the tilt of this magnetic moment is less than 1° to the rotation axis. The other two gas giants, Uranus and Neptune, have unusual magnetic fields as well, not only because of their tilts but also because of the harmonic content of their internal fields. Uranus has two anomalous tilts, of its rotation axis and of its dipole axis. Unlike the other planets, the rotation axis of Uranus is tilted 97.5° to the normal to its orbital plane. Its magnetic dipole moment of 3.9×1017 Tm3 is about 50 times the terrestrial moment with a tilt angle of close to 60° to the rotation axis of the planet. In contrast, Neptune with a more normal obliquity has a magnetic moment of 2.2×1017 Tm3 or slightly over 25 times the terrestrial moment. The tilt angle of this moment is 47°, smaller than that of Uranus but much larger than those of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. These two planets have such high harmonic content in their fields that the single flyby of Voyager was unable to resolve the higher degree coefficients accurately. The four gas giants have no apparent surface features that reflect the motion of the deep interior, so the magnetic field has been used to attempt to provide this information. This approach works very well at Jupiter where there is a significant tilt of the dipole and a long baseline of magnetic field measurements (Pioneer 10 to Galileo). The rotation rate is 870.536° per day corresponding to a (System III) period of 9 h 55 min 26.704 s. At Saturn, it has been much more difficult to determine the equivalent rotation period. The most probable rotation period of the interior is close to 10 h 33 min, but at this writing, the number is still uncertain. For Uranus and Neptune, the magnetic field is better suited for the determination of the planetary rotation period but the baseline is too short. While it is possible that the smaller planetary bodies of the outer solar system, too, have magnetic fields or once had, but the current missions to Vesta, Ceres and Pluto do not include magnetic measurements.  相似文献   

Scaling laws for planetary dynamos relate the characteristic magnetic field strength, characteristic flow velocity and other properties to primary quantities such as core size, rotation rate, electrical conductivity and heat flux. Many different scaling laws have been proposed, often relying on the assumption of a balance of Coriolis force and Lorentz force in the dynamo. Their theoretical foundation is reviewed. The advent of direct numerical simulations of planetary dynamos and the ability to perform them for a sufficiently wide range of control parameters allows to test the scaling laws. The results support a magnetic field scaling that is not based on a force balance, but on the energy flux available to balance ohmic dissipation. In its simplest form, it predicts a field strength that is independent of rotation rate and electrical conductivity and proportional to the cubic root of the available energy flux. However, rotation rate controls whether the magnetic field is dipolar or multipolar. Scaling laws for velocity, heat transfer and ohmic dissipation are also discussed. The predictions of the energy-based scaling law agree well with the observed field strength of Earth and Jupiter, but for other planets they are more difficult to test or special pleading is required to explain their field strength. The scaling law also explains the very high field strength of rapidly rotating low-mass stars, which supports its rather general validity.  相似文献   

The formation of the giant planets seems to be best explained by accretion of planetesimals to form massive cores, which in the case of Jupiter and Saturn were able to capture nebular gas. However, the timescale for accretion of such cores has been a problem. Accretion in the outer solar system differs qualitatively from planetary growth in the terrestrial region, as the larger embryo masses and lower orbital velocities make bodies more subject to gravitational scattering. The planetesimal swarm in the outer nebula may be seeded by earlier-formed large bodies scattered from the region near the nebular “snow line”. Such a seed body can experience rapid runaway growth undisturbed by competitors; the style of growth is not oligarchy, but monarchy.  相似文献   

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