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After subtracting the intense dust-scattered continuum from the original spectra transmitted by the Vega 2 three-channel spectrometer, a broad-band emission emerges in the 342-375 nm spectral range when the cometocentric projected distance p is smaller than 5000 km. This newly detected emission varies as p-1, which implies that the involved molecule(s) has a parent-type behavior. The emission band presents four peaks at 347, 356, 364 and 373 nm. It is tentatively identified as being due to phenanthrene, a three-cycle aromatic condensed hydrocarbon. A determination of the gQ product, where g is the fluorescence quantum efficiency and Q the production rate gives gQ = 1.2 x 10(25). If g = 0.012, it comes Q = 1 x 10(27) s-1. The detection of phenanthrene in Halley's inner coma is an important argument in favor of a similarity of composition between cometary material and interstellar matter. It supports the hypothesis that comets have kept trace of the interstellar composition through the solar system formation epoch.  相似文献   

A European probe to comet Halley is proposed. The probe's model payload consists of 8 scientific instruments, viz. neutral, ion and dust impact mass spectrometers, magnetometer, medium energy ion and electron analyzer, camera, dust impact detectors and plasma wave experiment. Fly-by of the comet Halley nucleus will take place on November 28th, 1985, at about 500 km miss distance. The main spacecraft serves as relay link to transmit the observed data to Earth. As probe, a modified ISEE 2 design is proposed. Because of the cometary dust hazard expected in the coma a heavy dust shield (27 kg) is required, consisting of a thin front sheet and a 3 layer rear sheet. The probe is spin-stabilized (12 rpm), has no active attitude and orbit control capability and uses battery power only to provide about 1000 Wh for a measuring phase. A despun antenna transmits up to 20 kbit/s, in X-band. The total probe mass is estimated at 250 kg. The 3 model development programme should start in mid 1981 with Phase B.  相似文献   

The Infrared thermal emission of the nucleus has been observed by the imaging channel of the infrared spectrometer IKS during the fly-by of Comet Halley by the VEGA 1 probe. An emissive region with a temperature in excess of 300 K has been detected. The results are compatible with a simplified model assuming a spherical nucleus covered by an insulating black material.  相似文献   

Highlights of infrared observations of the dust are discussed and compared with first results from the space probes. An emission feature was detected at 3.4 μm; the 10 and 20 μm silicate features were well-observed; and far-infrared data out to 160 μm were obtained. Organic material seems to be abundant in grains and may explain the 3.4 μm emission. Calculations are presented for one example of organic material. A component of the grains may volatize at temperatures around 300 K.  相似文献   

A comet nucleus considered as an aggregate of interstellar dust would produce a mist of very finely divided (radius ~ 0.01 μm) particles of carbon and metal oxides accompanying the larger dust grains. These small particles which are very abundant in the interstellar dust size spectrum would provide substantial physical effects because of their large surface area. They may show up strongly in particle detectors on the Halley probes. A strong basis for serious consideration of these particles comes from the other evidence that interstellar dust grains are the building blocks of comets; e.g. (1) the explanation of the “missing” carbon in comets; (2) The S2 molecule detection which suggests that the comet solid ice materials have been previously subjected to ultraviolet radiation (as are interstellar grains) before aggregation into the comet; (3) the predicted dust to gas ratio.  相似文献   

Problems connected with mechanisms for comet brightness outbursts as well as for gamma-ray bursts remain open. Meantime, calculations show that irradiation of a certain class of comet nuclei, having high specific electric resistance, by intense fluxes of energetic protons and positively charged ions with kinetic energies more than 1 MeV/nucleon, ejected from the Sun during strong solar flares, can produce a macroscopic high-voltage electric double layer with positive charge in the subsurface zone of the nucleus, during irradiation times of the order of 10–100 h at heliocentric distances around 1–10 AU. The maximum electric energy accumulated in such layer will be restricted by the electric discharge potential of the layer material. For comet nuclei with typical radii of the order of 1–10 km the accumulated energy of such natural electric capacitor is comparable to the energy of large comet outbursts that are estimated on the basis of ground based optical observations. The impulse gamma and X-ray radiation together with optical burst from the comet nucleus during solar flares, anticipated due to high-voltage electric discharge, may serve as an indicator of realization of the processes above considered. Multi-wavelength observations of comets and pseudo-asteroids of cometary origin, having brightness correlation with solar activity, using ground based optical telescopes as well as space gamma and X-ray observatories, during strong solar flares, are very interesting for the physics of comets as well as for high energy astrophysics.  相似文献   

A spectrometer for the Halley's Comet Investigation after the VEGA Project is described in the present work. It consists of a telescope and three spectral channels: UV (120 – 290 nm), resolution Δ λ / λ = 170; VIS (280 – 710 nm), resolution Δ λ / λ = 170; IR (950 – 1900 nm), resolution Δ λ / λ = 70.

With the help of two-coordinate scanner, the secondary mirror of the telescope allows spatial scanning of the Comet with a frame 2°×1,5° with 105 different pixels.  相似文献   

The disposition of energy in the solar corona has always been a problem of great interest. It remains an open question how the low temperature photosphere supports the occurence of solar extreme phenomena. In this work, a turbulent heating mechanism for the solar corona through the framework of reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) is proposed. Two-dimensional incompressible long time simulations of the average energy disposition have been carried out with the aim to reveal the characteristics of the long time statistical behavior of a two-dimensional cross-section of a coronal loop and the importance of the photospheric time scales in the understanding of the underlying mechanisms. It was found that for a slow, shear type photospheric driving the magnetic field in the loop self-organizes at large scales via an inverse MHD cascade. The system undergoes three distinct evolutionary phases. The initial forcing conditions are quickly “forgotten” giving way to an inverse cascade accompanied with and ending up to electric current dissipation. Scaling laws are being proposed in order to quantify the nonlinearity of the system response which seems to become more impulsive for decreasing resistivity. It is also shown that few, if any, qualitative changes in the above results occur by increasing spatial resolution.  相似文献   

Two deep-space probes of the Venera type for the encounter with Halley's comet are being prepared in the Intercosmos program. 150 kg of scientific equipment will be onboard each sonde, including two TV cameras and two spectrometers. These instruments need precise orientation during the fly-by of the comet. For this purpose a stabilised platform is being developed in Czechoslovakia which will be installed onboard both probes and will be able to point to the target with precision 5 minutes of arc and maximum angular velocity 1°/second. A system of position detectors and the working program during the start and the fly-by are described.  相似文献   

The Arecibo Observatory (18°N, 66°W) has the world’s largest single dish antenna (300 m diameter). Beyond radio astronomy it can also operate as an incoherent scatter radar and in that mode its figure-of-merit makes it also one of the most powerful world-wide. For the present purpose all electron density data available on the web, from the beginning with the first erratic measurements in 1966 up to 2004 inclusive, were downloaded. The measurements range from about 100 km to beyond 700 km and are essentially evenly distributed, i.e. not dedicated to measure specific geophysical events. From manually edited/inspected data a neural network (NN) was established with season, hour of the day, solar activity and Kp as the input parameters. The performance of this model is checked against a – likewise NN based – global model of foF2, a measure of the maximum electron density of the ionosphere. Considering the diverse data sources and assumptions of the two models it can be concluded that they agree remarkably well.  相似文献   

The modern day scientific research balloon has historically maintained an approximate 85% success rate as launched by the USA National Scientific Balloon Facility (NSBF). Failures were across all operational phases and modes. Balloons fabricated after 1980 have met with less favorable results with catastrophic failures on ascent becoming the principle failure mode. In 1983, the USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducted an intensive investigation to identify the possible causes for these failures. Although the most probable cause was identified as the balloon material, additional contributing factors were identified. One of these factors, balloon stress, was calculated using a stress equation defining only the total required thickness for launch. No model existed to predict the stress distribution in an ascending balloon. Early in 1984, NASA began the development of a stress index model to establish the relative stress magnitudes at any altitude. Studies were conducted applying this model to several hundred balloon flights. The study indicated a strong correlation between stress levels, failure rates, and the point of maximum stress coinciding with observed failure locations. In January 1985, NASA instituted a stress index design and flight specification that all NASA balloons must meet. The details and results of this work are presented.  相似文献   

The solar wind fills the heliosphere and is the background medium in which coronal mass ejections propagate. A realistic modelling of the solar wind is therefore essential for space weather research and for reliable predictions. Although the solar wind is highly anisotropic, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models are able to reproduce the global, average solar wind characteristics rather well. The modern computer power makes it possible to perform full three dimensional (3D) simulations in domains extending beyond the Earth’s orbit, to include observationally driven boundary conditions, and to implement even more realistic physics in the equations. In general, MHD models for the solar wind often make use of additional source and sink terms in order to mimic the observed solar wind parameters and/or they hide the not-explicitly modelled physical processes in a reduced or variable adiabatic index. Even the models that try to take as much as possible physics into account, still need additional source terms and fine tuning of the parameters in order to produce realistic results. In this paper we present a new and simple polytropic model for the solar wind, incorporating data from the ACE spacecraft to set the model parameters. This approach allows to reproduce the different types of solar wind, where the simulated plasma variables are in good correspondence with the observed solar wind plasma near 1 AU.  相似文献   

In March 1985 ESA's GIOTTO spacecraft will fly by P/Halley's nucleus at a distance of a few hundred kilometres. The near nucleus dust environment the probe will traverse poses a hazard with respect to physical damage as well as to attitude disturbance with the possible loss of ground station contact. To predict S/C survivability and dust impact rates for the experiments, a model of the spatial distribution of the dust in the nucleus' vicinity is required. In the ‘dynamic’ model, the local spatial dust density is derived from exact expressions for the dust particle dynamic motion. The model has been implemented in a software system which allows for fast simulations of a cometary fly-by.  相似文献   

No cometary nucleus has ever been observed directly. A model is deduced from ground-based and space data on cometary atmospheres. The main features of the chemical composition of cometary nuclei and the estimation of their sizes are described. The treatment of the process of vaporization of dusty ice shows, contrary to widespread opinion, that the islands on the non-volatile porous mantle are formed, not in perihelion but at large heliocentric distances and on the coldest parts of a nucleus. It is shown that the mantle does not disappear when the comet approaches the Sun, as it is often supposed, but is fluidized. The proposed model can give a number of properties of cometary nuclei but some of them can be established by direct space methods only. Such properties are the masses, the rotational velocities, the homogeneity of the dust-ice mixture, the internal structure, the power of the internal sources of energy.  相似文献   

A model has been constructed which grafts IRI topside profiles to field-aligned diffusive equilibrium profiles at a “reference level” near 650 km altitude. For different values of geographic latitude, longitude, sunspot number, season and time, the properties of the plasma distribution in the equatorial plane are investigated. These are compared with observations made by satellite (particularly GEOS and ISEE) and also with deductions made from whistler observations.  相似文献   

The Cometary Sampling and Composition Experiment on board of European Space Agency's cornerstone mission ROSETTA is designed to identify organic molecules in cometary matter in situ by a combined pyrolysis gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric technique. Its capillary columns coated with chiral stationary phases received considerable attention, because they are designed for separations of non-complex enantiomers to allow the determination of enantiomeric ratios of cometary chiral organic compounds and consequently to provide information about the origin of molecular parity violation in biomolecules. To get gas chromatographic access to organic compounds on the comet, where macromolecules and complex organic polymers of low volatility are expected to make up the main organic ingredients, the combination of two injection techniques will be applied. The pyrolysis technique performed by heating cometary samples stepwise to defined temperatures in specific ovens resulting in thermochemolysis reactions of polymers and a chemical derivatization technique, in which the reagent dimethylformamide dimethylacetal assists pyrolysis derivatization reactions in producing methyl esters of polar monomers. The combination of the reagent assisted pyrolysis gas chromatographic technique with enantiomer separating chromatography was tested with laboratory-produced simulated cometary matter.  相似文献   

A regional tropospheric model can be constructed using surveys from GPS ground networks. Using this model the tropospheric delays of a kinematic station within the region can be interpolated. However, such a model is generally not suitable for an airborne platform high above the ground networks. In this paper, a method of constructing a regional tropospheric model for airborne GPS applications is described. First, the kinematic station in the air is projected onto the ground. Then the tropospheric delays at projected point are interpolated from those of the ground networks. Finally, the tropospheric delays at projected point are extended upward to the airborne platform using pressure and temperature gradients and humidity exponential function. For validation of this method, the data of airborne campaign carried out by BKG in cooperation with GFZ and BGR 2008 in the northern Alps are used. The results show that GPS kinematic positioning precision in height component can be improved using this method.  相似文献   

The chemistry in a supersonic plasma source flow was studied as a laboratory model for interstellar chemical evolution. It is important to match the similarity parameters for cosmic and laboratory conditions, which connect the temporal and spatial scales of the two cases. The apparatus simulated the conditions in a molecular cloud with respect to molecular-ionic reaction fraction, temperature, and non-equilibrium kinetics. The plasma flow was found to be cold enough, by the radical expansion, to produce polyatomic molecules. From the simple atomic plasma as reactant, cyanopolyyne and unsaturated hydrocarbons were synthesized in the present experiment. These molecules are also inherent in molecular clouds. The reaction mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

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