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利用空气中阻挡介质沿面放电等离子体诱导定向气流的特性,创造性地设计多种可用于流动控制的等离子体主动流动控制器;有目的地布置电极,主动组织等离子体诱导的定向气流,形成所需的气体流动结构;对其进行流动显示试验,并采用PIV技术对各新型等离子体流动控制器所形成的流场进行测量。研究结果表明,合理地设计等离子体流动控制器,可以得到所需的流动结构,用于流动控制。本文的研究成果为主动流动控制提供了一类新型的无源流动控制器。  相似文献   

The use of an active sidestick in FBW-flight control is discussed and the specific features of both passive and active sidesticks are compared. Additional tactile information which could be provided by active sidesticks is seen as an important factor to improve the situational awareness of the pilot. An unique active sidestick concept based on the electro-magnetic actuation principle (electro-magnetic sidestick, MAGSI) is presented. This system is the key element in DLR's research programme EPIAS (Enhanced Pilot Information by using Active Sidestick) which is scheduled to be flight tested on the ATTAS (Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System) in-flight simulator at the beginning of next year.  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断深化,开展员工职业生涯管理,促进员工职业理想与组织发展目标的有机结合、协同发展,确保组织员工队伍的稳定,特别是核心岗位人才的稳定,已成为企业与组织生存、发展关注的焦点问题。管制员是我国民航空管系统的核心岗位人才,开展管制员职业生涯管理,稳定一线管制队伍,进一步激发管制员的工作积极性,已逐步成为民航空管各单位的共识。  相似文献   

Connor-Davidson量表(CD-RISC)是目前使用较为广泛的复原力量表之一。旨在采用经典心理测量学的信、效度理论验证CD-RISC量表在中国民航空中交通管制员中的适用性。研究通过随机抽样、集体施测的方式收集数据,采用验证性因素分析的方法检验量表的结构效度,并通过计算Cronbachα系数以检验内部一致性信度。结果表明,管制员心理复原力结构更趋向于Connor和Davidson的五因素结构,即坚韧性、应对压力、适应性、控制感和信念。CD-RISC量表在管制员群体应用中具有良好的信、效度。  相似文献   

An evolutionary approach to worst case tolerance design is introduced here, with a focus on feedback compensation networks for dc-dc switching converters. Assumed that varying parameters values are uniformly distributed and uncorrelated, as provided by the worst case approach, the proposed algorithm, of general applicability, seeks for the set of nominal values and tolerances of the circuit parameters ensuring that the design constraints are met and that a user-defined circuit performance index assumes its optimal value. Design constraints, are fixed in the frequency domain, in terms of acceptability ranges of loop gain crossover frequency and phase margin, to guarantee closed loop stability and the desired dynamic performance. Resistive and capacitive compensation network's parameters values are chosen within a suitable database of couples nominal value/tolerance available on the market, while the nominal values and tolerances of the parameters of the power stage are fixed. Referring to a buck dc-dc switching regulator, two widely used different compensation network topologies are compared in terms of reliability, robustness, and cost of components. Simulation results show the wide usefulness of the proposed method in supporting designer decisions.  相似文献   

<正>随着民航的快速发展,管制员队伍逐渐壮大,发展呈年轻化趋势,见习管制员占较大比重。众所周知,管制工作关系着生命和财产安全,管制员必须具备极高的业务水平、良好的心理素质和严谨的工作作风。见习人员的成长需要由带班主任、管制教员、班组成员的共同努力来实现。如何让见习人员迅速地成长起来,笔者有一些浅显的看法。  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology for specifying a neural controller for a system about which no a priori model information is available. The neural design presumes that a finite duration input/output (I/O) histogram on the system is available. The design procedure extracts from the histogram sufficient information to specify the neural feedback controller. The resultant controller will drive the system along a general output reference profile (unknown during the design). The resultant controller also exhibits the capability of disturbance rejection and the capacity to stabilize unstable plants  相似文献   

空中交通管制员不安全行为纠正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少因空中交通管制员的不安全行为所导致的不安全事件,依据空中交通管制工作特点,应用不安全行为纠正技术,建立管制员不安全行为纠正实施的规则与实施计划,针对10位管制员进行16周的行为观察与纠正,其整体安全行为指数由65.82%提高到72.79%,取得预期效果。在管理制度和硬件系统不断完善的情况下,该方法可以作为一种提高管制质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

<正>根据民航局的运输发展预测,到2010年,我国民航机队规模预计超过1500架,机场规模将由现在的140个左右增加到180个以上,国内航班年飞行量将超过400万架次。  相似文献   

Demands for portability have fueled significant developments in new battery technology. These developments have resulted in many more options in selecting the battery type for use in a particular project, but since most applications today are opting for rechargeable battery systems, the availability of battery charging solutions can become an equally important criteria in the selection process. Complicating this process are the demands for fast-but safe-charging with charge algorithms easily implemented with low-cost hardware. With the higher levels of complexity attendant with these more demanding algorithms, solutions have come primarily from the integrated circuit industry and the purpose of this paper is to provide a few examples of the latest efforts in this arena, specifically as addressed to lead-acid, nickel metal-hydride, and lithium-ion technologies  相似文献   

针对航空发动机多回路控制系统切换, 分析了多回路控制系统切换的性能指标要求, 基于极点配置与H鲁棒控制综合的方法, 构造了线性矩阵不等式(LMIs), 以此为充分条件给出了多回路切换时的H∞控制器设计方法, 并与单回路系统设计切换进行比较仿真, 进一步表明了航空发动机切换控制的必要性与有效性.   相似文献   

The aircraft engine multi-loop control system is described and the switching control theory is introduced to solve the regulating and protecting control problems in this paper. The aircraft engine multi-loop control system is firstly described and the control problems are formulated. Secondly, the theory of the smooth switching control is devoted and a new extended scheme for the smooth switching of a switched control system is introduced. Then, for the key technologies of aero-engines switching control, a design algorithm is presented which can determine which candidate controller should be put in feedback with the plant to achieve a desired performance and the procedure to design the aircraft engine multi-loop control system is detailed. The switching performance objectives and the switching scheme are given and a family of PID controllers and compensators is designed. The simulation shows that using the switching control design method can not only improve the dynamic performance of the aircraft engine control system and reduce the switching times, but also guarantee the stability in some peculiar occasions.  相似文献   

管制员的激励问题始终是空管人力资源管理的一个重点工作。由于物质激励容易实施、便于量化,为各单位所重点使用。但面对管制运行环境和情况的不断变化,单纯的物质激励在一定程度上已不能使管制员感到满足和幸福,其效用也会随着收入的提高而不断降低。而在物质激励受各种因素制约不能在短时间内有较大幅度增长的基础上,大力开展情感激励,不失为增强管制员工作幸福感和自豪感的有效手段。  相似文献   

High intensity electromagnetic radiation has been demonstrated to be a source of computer upsets in commercially available digital flight control systems. Such upsets can degrade the quality of the control signal ranging from a perturbation error over a few sample periods to a permanent error mode or computer failure. Under these conditions, the primary concern of the control engineer is to insure that the closed-loop system remains stable. A stochastic disturbance model and a set of associated stability assessment tools are introduced for determining stability robustness of a nominal closed-loop system subject to electromagnetic disturbances. The focus is primarily on night control applications, but the methodology is suitable for any application where highly reliable digital control is needed. The technique is demonstrated on a simple test example and on a stabilizing controller for the longitudinal dynamics of the AFTI/F-16 aircraft.  相似文献   

1引言随着航空发动机的发展,其控制系统的复杂程度不断提高[1],多个控制器组成的控制系统中,各个控制器如何协调工作的问题已越来越突出[2,3]。通过对具体航空发动机控制系统的仿真,发现问题主要集中在两个方面,一是备份控制器接替工作时其累积的输出误差很大,在短时间内无法迅  相似文献   

空中交通管制员队伍作为航空运输保障的核心队伍之一,在保障民用航空运输安全和正常飞行工作中发挥着极其重要的作用。但在飞行量持续快速增长,延误问题日益加剧,安全风险不断增加,公众对空管不安全事件变得越来敏感的大环境下,管制员的工作负荷持续保持高位,工作压力不断攀升,其经济和社会地位,或是职业自豪感等都与预期存在一定差距,影响了管制员群体的职业发展,也对安全保障工作产生了不利影响。本文将主要就管制员在当前及未来环境中的职业发展问题进行探讨,  相似文献   

我国民航事业的发展需要依靠大型运输客机的自主研发和高效的空中交通管理体系两大软硬实力的支撑。空中交通管制员作为空中交通管理的核心要素,其疲劳状态的检测与管理对于航空安全具有重要作用。本文首先从传统主观量表评定和客观评定方法两个方面详细阐述了国内外疲劳检测的研究成果,分析其优缺点;然后介绍了基于语音分析的管制员疲劳特征提取与检测算法,并且着重介绍了基于深度学习模型的语音疲劳状态识别算法;最后阐述了管制员疲劳检测成果对管制运行安全和效率提升的应用前景。研究成果可为从事管制员疲劳检测与管理的研究人员提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a systematic method of smooth switching linear parametervarying(LPV) controllers design for a morphing aircraft with a variable wing sweep angle. The morphing aircraft is modeled as an LPV system, whose scheduling parameter is the variation rate of the wing sweep angle. By dividing the scheduling parameter set into subsets with overlaps, output feedback controllers which consider smooth switching are designed and the controllers in overlapped subsets are interpolated from two adjacent subsets. A switching law without constraint on the average dwell time is obtained which makes the conclusion less conservative. Furthermore,a systematic algorithm is developed to improve the efficiency of the controllers design process. The parameter set is divided into the fewest subsets on the premise that the closed-loop system has a desired performance. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   

每个人的职业生涯总不是一帆风顺,既会经风雨,又会见彩虹。研究管制员职业发展的各个阶段,关注其职业成长历程中的各种问题,特别是该过程中的几个危机阶段可以帮助我们了解管制员在不同阶段的特点及发展需要,为管制单位管理者进行有针对性的队伍建设打下基础,从而有效地促进管制员队伍整体素质的提高和发展。  相似文献   

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