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西方国家军用航天的国际合作最近有趋热之势.美国欲通过"百星"计划和北约组织中的26个盟国一起打造"太空快速反应联盟";澳大利亚将加入美国军用的"宽带全球卫星通信"星座计划的建设,与美国共享先进的军用卫星通信系统;加拿大将用自己的卫星帮助美国监视别国的卫星.  相似文献   

机动弹头中段突防姿态的搜索算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对弹道导弹在大气层外的机动突防问题,建立了攻防对抗双方的六自由度动力学和运动学模型;研究拦截弹的导引律,对比例导引加以改进,用卡尔曼滤波估计视线角和方位角的变化率估算敌方的飞行信息;研究了机动弹头的智能规避策略,主要对如何确定机动方向展开研究,基于使EKV过载最大化的原则,提出了一种姿态搜索算法.经仿真验证,该算法提高了规避策略的自适应性和鲁棒性,对于增大脱靶量、提高导弹突防概率效果显著.  相似文献   

洪菁菁 《航天员》2008,(5):30-31
张瑶的笑容和刘伯明的极其相似,安静而活泼、踏实又幸福,俨然成了舒服的自处。自得其乐的人说起话来也娓娓道来,慢慢的、淡淡的,不经意间,已然是篇美好的故事:"我们俩是老乡,又是一所中学的,他比我高两届。我母亲当时是中学校长,刘伯明高二时,母亲代过他们班语文课,当时他就给母亲留下了很深的印象。后来考上飞行员也是我母亲送他去的。从那之后的五六年间,他一直和我母亲保持通信,汇报学习和工作,谈人生、谈理想。有一次,我母亲就问他有对象没,想找个什么样的。他说还没有,找个能独立理家的就行。"说到这儿,张瑶的脸上多了一抹灿烂。  相似文献   

李松原 《航天员》2008,(1):38-41
当一道白光升上不可思议的高空的时候,整个佛罗里达都被火光照亮了,在那无法估计的刹那间,在很大一部分土地上白昼代替了黑夜。这道象錾缨似的通天彻地的火光,在墨西哥湾和大西洋上,160千米外都能看到;不止一位船长在航行日记里记载了这颗巨大的陨星的出现。随着"哥伦比亚"炮的炮声而来的是真正的地震。佛罗里达仿佛连五脏六腑都在颤栗。在高热下膨胀起来的火药的气体,以无可比拟的威力推开天空中的气层,这降比自然界的暴风还要快一百倍的人造暴风,象龙卷风一样突然窜上高空。  相似文献   

刚刚过去的2007年,是具有重要历史意义的一年.党的十七大胜利召开.这是在我国发展关键阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会.胡锦涛总书记在报告中全面分析了党和国家面临的国际国内形势,科学总结了改革开放以来,特别是十六大以来的基本经验,首次提出了中国特色社会主义理论体系的新论断,深刻阐述了中国特色社会主义的科学内涵,并且对中国特色社会主义的经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设和党的建设作出了重要部署.  相似文献   

每一个成熟优秀的管制员都是从见习管制员开始其职业生涯的,就如每一个人都经历过自己的童年一样。童年的经历和所得对一个人将来的成长和发展至关重要,这也就是见习管制员带培工作非常重要的原因。我们都知道一个成熟优秀的管制员应具备严谨细致的工作作风、处惊不乱的心理素质以及良好的业  相似文献   

在国际空间站生活的航天员们虽然所处空间有限,但是也会有丢失物品的可能,而限于环境的特殊性,丢失的东西虽然跑不远,却很难找回来。有过4次航天飞机飞行经历的航天员汤姆·琼斯说:所有的失物都在航天器的地板下面四处逃窜着。  相似文献   

郝宇华 《航天员》2008,(4):72-75
日全食,日月台璧,天地混沌,稍纵即逝,比宝石更稀少,比昙花一现更短暂,比电闪雷鸣更精心动魄。它以罕见、惊人的壮美景象,吸引了无数的学者和天文爱好者。2008年8月1日发生的日全食是本世纪我国境内首次可见到的日全食,引起了国内外天文学家和天文爱好者的共同关注。新疆哈密地区伊吾县苇子峡乡作为本次日食的最佳观测地点,在这一天迎来了成千上万从异国他乡远道而来的观测者。大家在这里一起见证了这一令人叹为观止的天象奇观。  相似文献   

北京时间3月1 8日,在距地球1.45亿千米的深空,"信使"号探测器(MESSENGER)经过一系列的轨道制动,顺利进入水星轨道,成为人类航天史上首颗成功进入水星轨道的探测器。"MESSENGER"是一个具有代表性含义的字头缩写词,它代表了水星表面(Mercury Surface)、太空环境(Space Environment)、地理化学(Geochemistry)和测量(Ranging)。"信使"号的科学任务是什么?水星给人们带来的疑问远远多过对它的认识。尽管早为人知,但是因为它是距离太阳最近的一颗行星,从地球上看过去,偏离太阳视角最大的时候也只有28度,日光带来的干扰使得哈勃天文望远镜也很难对它直接进行观测,所以它是迄今为止人们了解最少的行星之一。直到1 965年,  相似文献   

李茜 《中国航天》2011,(6):42-42
白宫提出的对美国出口许可制度进行全方位改革的建议可能面临美国国会共和党领导人的激烈反对。美国国会共和党领导人认为对美国出口许可制度进行全方位的修改需要有充分的理由。这个全方位的修改将放宽美国商业通信卫星和零部件的出口管制以及两用技术的海外销售。  相似文献   

The problem of the transportation of the results of experiments and observations to Earth every so often appears in space research. Its simplest and low-cost solution is the employment of a small ballistic reentry spacecraft. Such a spacecraft has no system of control of the descent trajectory in the atmosphere. This can result in a large spread of landing points, which make it difficult to search for the spacecraft and very often a safe landing. In this work, a choice of a compromise scheme of the flight is considered, which includes the optimum braking maneuver, adequate conditions of the entry into the atmosphere with limited heating and overload, and also the possibility of landing within the limits of a circle with a radius of 12.5 km. The following disturbing factors were taken into account in the analysis of the accuracy of landing: the errors of the braking impulse execution, the variations of the atmosphere density and the wind, the error of the specification of the ballistic coefficient of the reentry spacecraft, and a displacement of its center of mass from the symmetry axis. It is demonstrated that the optimum maneuver assures the maximum absolute value of the reentry angle and the insensitivity of the trajectory of descent with respect to small errors of orientation of the braking engine in the plane of the orbit. It is also demonstrated that the possible error of the landing point due to the error of specification of the ballistic coefficient does not depend (in the linear approximation) upon its value and depends only upon the reentry angle and the accuracy of specification of this coefficient. A guided parachute with an aerodynamic efficiency of about two should be used at the last leg of the reentry trajectory. This will allow one to land in a prescribed range and to produce adequate conditions for the interception of the reentry spacecraft by a helicopter in order to prevent a rough landing.  相似文献   

为解决由航天器姿控发动机等带来的羽流热效应问题,文章通过仿真得到了在不同的发动机布局下航天器表面的羽流热流密度分布情况,通过增大发动机的推力线角度和安装点高度,可以使得发动机羽流核心区远离航天器表面,从而降低喷流对航天器表面的加热效应。综合考虑控制力矩及推力损失、布局包络和发动机支架设计等因素,对某航天器发动机布局进行了优化设计及羽流热防护设计。  相似文献   

航天材料基因工程及其若干关键技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
材料基因工程的理念和将空间环境与效应纳入到航天材料研制全流程的思路将对航天材料的开发带来颠覆性的革命。文章在对国内外材料基因组计划和航天材料需求分析的基础上,首先对航天材料基因工程的内涵进行阐述,进而对基于航天材料基因工程的航天材料研制流程进行分析,最后结合空间环境效应及材料基因工程,从计算工具、试验工具、数字化数据三个维度,提出空间多因素环境与航天材料的耦合作用机理、航天材料空间多因素环境效应等效评价方法、空间复杂使役环境下航天材料性能演化模型、航天材料空间环境效应数据库、基于材料基因工程的航天材料设计模型、航天材料研制的不确定性及优化方法等关键技术和发展方向。  相似文献   

The BOKZ-M60 star sensor (Unit for Measuring Star Coordinates) is intended for determining the parameters of the orientation of the axes of the intrinsic coordinate system relative to the axes of the inertial system by observations of the regions of the stellar sky. It is convenient to characterize an error of the single determination of the orientation of the intrinsic coordinate system of the sensor by the vector of an infinitesimal turn of this system relative to its found position. Full-scale ground-based tests have shown that, for a resting sensor the root-mean-square values of the components of this vector along the axes of the intrinsic coordinate system lying in the plane of the sensor CCD matrix are less than 2″ and the component along the axis perpendicular to the matrix plane is characterized by the root-mean-square value of 15″. The joint processing of one-stage readings of several sensors installed on the same platform allows us to improve the indicated accuracy characteristics. In this paper, estimates of the accuracy of systems from BOKZ-M60 with two and four sensors performed from measurements carried out during the normal operation of these sensors on the Resurs-P satellite are given. Processing the measurements of the sensor system allowed us to increase the accuracy of determining the each of their orientations and to study random and systematic errors in these measurements.  相似文献   

镁铝贫氧推进剂的能量分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用冲压发动机热力计算程序,对镁铝中能贫氧推进剂的能量特性进行了系统研究,并探讨了高能级分对该类贫氧推进剂能量性能的影响,研究结果表明,在镁铝中能贫氧推进剂中增加镁粉含量(或减少铝粉含量)贫氧推进剂的比冲下降,在一定空燃比范围内,增加空燃比有助于提高冲压发动机的比冲。提高贫氧推进剂中CL-20和硼粉含量,可以显著提高共能量,而采用叠氮类含能粘合剂取代惰性粘合剂时贫氧推进剂的比冲降低。  相似文献   

姿态光学敏感器是航天器在轨姿态控制的重要部件,其安装精度直接影响航天器的姿态控制精度。为了研究舱压对载人航天器密封舱姿态光学敏感器安装精度的影响,以某载人航天器密封舱外安装的姿态光学敏感器为研究对象,通过对其安装精度要求、安装状态与舱体变形情况的分析,提出了一种敏感器在设计阶段布局的分析方法。在地面进行了模拟充压试验,验证了分析方法的有效性。根据分析和试验结果在型号后续设计中进行了相应的布局改进,改进结果满足了敏感器安装精度要求并经过了飞行试验验证。  相似文献   

Chelnokov  Yu. N. 《Cosmic Research》2001,39(5):470-484
The problem of optimal control is considered for the motion of the center of mass of a spacecraft in a central Newtonian gravitational field. For solving the problem, two variants of the equations of motion for the spacecraft center of mass are used, written in rotating coordinate systems. Both the variants have a quaternion variable among the phase variables. In the first variant this variable characterizes the orientation of an instantaneous orbit of the spacecraft and (simultaneously) the spacecraft location in this orbit, while in the second variant only the instantaneous orbit orientation is specified by it. The suggested equations are convenient in the respect that they allow the general three-dimensional problem of optimal control by the motion of the spacecraft center of mass to be considered as a composition of two interrelated problems. In the first variant these problems are (1) the problem of control of the shape and size of the spacecraft orbit and (2) the problem of control of the orientation of a spacecraft orbit and the spacecraft location in this orbit. The second variant treats (1) the problem of control of the shape and size of the spacecraft orbit and the orbit location of the spacecraft and (2) the problem of control of the orientation of the spacecraft orbit. The use of quaternion variables makes this consideration most efficient. The problem of optimal control is solved on the basis of the maximum principle. Several first integrals of the systems of equations of the boundary value problems of the maximum principle are found. Transformations are suggested that reduce the dimensions of the systems of differential equations of boundary value problems (without complicating them). Geometrical interpretations are given to the transformations and first integrals. The relation of the vectorial first integral of one of the derived systems of equations (which is an analog of the well-known vectorial first integral of the studied problem of optimal control) with the found quaternion first integral is considered. In this paper, which is the first part of the work, we consider the models of motion of the spacecraft center of mass that employ quaternion variables. The problem of optimal control by the motion of the spacecraft center of mass is investigated on the basis of the first variant of equations of motion. An example of a numerical solution of the problem is given.  相似文献   

以互联网卫星上首次使用的新型高密度排插型电缆组件为研究对象,介绍了集成式排插型电连接器的制造技术要求和工作原理,从电连接器结构分析出发,研究影响该类型电缆的安装因素。首次提出了新型高密度排插型电缆的安装方法,阐述了该类型电缆的弯曲半径要求、绑扎要求、紧固力矩值要求和使用专用工装的拆卸方法。经过分系统的实际在轨性能测试验证,该安装技术可以显著降低新型高密度排插型电缆组件在大通量、高饱和度信号传输状态下性能下降的现象,成功解决了该类型电缆在卫星狭小空间下的安装与拆卸难题,提高了该类型电缆在卫星狭小空间内的安装精度和分系统的在轨可靠性,为该新型高密度排插型电缆组件的安装在后续卫星批量应用提供了技术指导和工艺基础。  相似文献   

《受活》这部作品以写实和荒诞的笔调,在历史和现实中回环往复,书写了历史与现实中存在的乌托邦幻想与冲动,以及这些乌托邦行为给底层人们带来的苦难,并通过对人物心灵的剖析透视了乌托邦梦想的困境。在对残疾人与圆全人两个世界的对比中,作者肯定了受活人的生存状态,表达了对那种自由自在以及纯洁的心灵世界的向往与追求。  相似文献   

Multipole Models of the Earth's Magnetic Field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tikhonov  A. A.  Petrov  K. G. 《Cosmic Research》2002,40(3):203-212
To develop a mathematical model of rotational motion of an artificial satellite about its center of mass under the action of various forces (magnetic, Lorentz, etc.) caused by the geomagnetic field, it is necessary to know the induction of the Earth's magnetic field (EMF) as a function of the radius vector of a given point in the near-Earth space. Because the EMF possesses a complex structure and the above-mentioned functional dependence is unavailable in explicit analytic form, a set of approximate models of the EMF should be used. The simplest such model—a right dipole (aligned with the axis of rotation)—does not enable one to reveal in detail the influence of diurnal EMF rotation on the rotational motion of a satellite. The next EMF approximation—an inclined magnetic dipole—does not suffer from the above-mentioned drawback. However, it is shown that not all corrections to the magnetic induction of the EMF of the same order of magnitude are taken into account in the course of transformation from the model of aligned dipole to the model of inclined dipole. So, to develop the EMF model accurately accounting for the absence of axial symmetry of the EMF with respect to the axis of diurnal rotation of the Earth, in general, the effect of the quadrupole component of the geomagnetic potential on the EMF induction (and, probably, even the components of higher orders) must be taken into consideration. By using the International Geomagnetic Reference Field IGRF-2000, the multipole models of the EMF, corresponding to quadrupole, octupole, and higher-order approximations, were constructed and studied in this work. The EMF potential is expressed in terms of its multipole tensors. As a result, projections of the induction and induction gradient of EMF in the center of mass of the satellite onto the axes of the orbital coordinate system can be written in convenient and concise form. The expressions for the first four multipole tensors through the known geomagnetic constants are found. A method for estimating the reliability of these models is put forward, and the regions of applicability of the quadrupole and octupole models are drawn on the plane of orbital parameters.  相似文献   

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