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As an introduction to the remaining papers in this issue, a summary is given of our current knowledge of Venus, with emphasis on recent progress and on the contributions to be expected from the Pioneer Venus missions. Headings are surface and interior, clouds and lower atmosphere, dynamics and thermal structure, neutral upper atmosphere, and ionosphere and solar-wind cavity.  相似文献   

Clouds and Hazes of Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than three decades have passed since the publication of the last review of the Venus clouds and hazes. The paper published in 1983 in the Venus book summarized the discoveries and findings of the US Pioneer Venus and a series of Soviet Venera spacecraft (Esposito et al. in Venus, p. 484, 1983). Due to the emphasis on in-situ investigations from descent probes, those missions established the basic features of the Venus cloud system, its vertical structure, composition and microphysical properties. Since then, significant progress in understanding of the Venus clouds has been achieved due to exploitation of new observation techniques onboard Galileo and Messenger flyby spacecraft and Venus Express and Akatsuki orbiters. They included detailed investigation of the mesospheric hazes in solar and stellar occultation geometry applied in the broad spectral range from UV to thermal IR. Imaging spectroscopy in the near-IR transparency “windows” on the night side opened a new and very effective way of sounding the deep atmosphere. This technique together with near-simultaneous UV imaging enabled comprehensive study of the cloud morphology from the cloud top to its deep layers. Venus Express operated from April 2006 until December 2014 and provided a continuous data set characterizing Venus clouds and hazes over a time span of almost 14 Venus years thus enabling a detailed study of temporal and spatial variability. The polar orbit of Venus Express allowed complete latitudinal coverage. These studies are being complemented by JAXA Akatsuki orbiter that began observations in May 2016. This paper reviews the current status of our knowledge of the Venus cloud system focusing mainly on the results acquired after the Venera, Pioneer Venus and Vega missions.  相似文献   

Our current knowledge of the spatial structure of the Venus ionosphere and its temporal behavior is reviewed, with emphasis on the more recent Pioneer Venus measurements and analysis not covered in earlier reviews. We will stress the ionosphere structure, since other papers in this issue deal with its dynamics, and its magnetic properties. We also discuss some of the limitations that the orbit has placed on the spatial and temporal coverage of the ionosphere. For the benefit of future users of the data some of the factors which affect the measurement accuracies are discussed in an Appendix.Currently at Space Physics Research Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Present ideas about the surface and interior of Venus are based on data obtained from (1) Earth-based radio and radar: temperature, rotation, shape, and topography; (2) fly-by and orbiting spacecraft: gravity and magnetic fields; and (3) landers: winds, local structure, gamma radiation. Surface features, including large basins, crater-like depressions, and a linear valley, have been recognized from recent ground-based radar images. Pictures of the surface acquired by the USSR's Venera 9 and 10 show abundant boulders and apparent wind erosion.On the Pioneer Venus 1978 Orbiter mission, the radar mapper experiment will determine surface heights, dielectric constant values and small-scale slope values along the sub-orbital track between 50°S and 75°N. This experiment will also estimate the global shape and provide coarse radar images (40–80 km identification resolution) of part of the surface. Gravity data will be obtained by radio tracking. Maps combining radar altimetry with spacecraft and ground-based images will be made. A fluxgate magnetometer will measure the magnetic fields around Venus.The radar and gravity data will provide clues to the level of crustal differentiation and tectonic activity. The magnetometer will determine the field variations accurately. Data from the combined experiments may constrain the dynamo mechanism; if so, a deeper understanding of both Venus and Earth will be gained.  相似文献   

Despite the tremendous progress that has been made since the publication of the Venus II book in 1997, many fundamental questions remain concerning Venus’ history, evolution and current geologic and atmospheric processes. The international science community has taken several approaches to prioritizing these questions, either through formal processes like the Planetary Decadal Survey in the United States and the Cosmic Vision in Europe, or informally through science definition teams utilized by Japan, Russia, and India. These questions are left to future investigators to address through a broad range of research approaches that include Earth-based observations, laboratory and modeling studies that are based on existing data, and new space flight missions. Many of the highest priority questions for Venus can be answered with new measurements acquired by orbiting or in situ missions that use current technologies, and several plausible implementation concepts have been studied and proposed for flight. However, observations needed to address some science questions pose substantial technological challenges, for example, long term survival on the surface of Venus and missions that require surface or controlled aerial mobility. Missions enabled by investments in these technologies will open the door to completely new ways of exploring Venus to provide unique insights into Venus’s past and the processes at work today.  相似文献   

Many significant wave phenomena have been discovered at Venus with the plasma wave instrument flow on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter. It has been shown that whistler-mode waves in the magnetosheath of the planet may be an important source of energy for the topside ionosphere. Plasma waves are also associated with thickening of the ionopause current layer. Current-generated waves in plasma clouds may provide anomalous resistance resulting in electron acceleration, possibly producing aurora. Ion-acoustic waves are observed in the bow shock, and appear to be a feature of the magnetotail boundary. Lastly plasma waves have been cited as evidence for lightning on Venus.  相似文献   

Most of our knowledge regarding planetary atmospheric composition and structure has been achieved by remote sensing spectroscopy. Planetary spectra strongly differ from one planet to another. CO2 signatures dominate on Mars, and even more on Venus (where the thermal component is detectable down to 1 μm on the dark side). Spectroscopic monitoring of Venus, Earth and Mars allows us to map temperature fields, wind fields, clouds, aerosols, surface mineralogy (in the case of the Earth and Mars), and to study the planets’ seasonal cycles. Spectra of giant planets are dominated by H2, CH4 and other hydrocarbons, NH3, PH3 and traces of other minor compounds like CO, H2O and CO2. Measurements of the atmospheric composition of giant planets have been used to constrain their formation scenario.  相似文献   

No two rocky bodies offer a better laboratory for exploring the conditions controlling interior dynamics than Venus and Earth. Their similarities in size, density, distance from the sun, and young surfaces would suggest comparable interior dynamics. Although the two planets exhibit some of the same processes, Venus lacks Earth’s dominant process for losing heat and cycling volatiles between the interior and the surface and atmosphere: plate tectonics. One commonality is the size and number of mantle plume features which are inferred to be active today and arise at the core mantle boundary. Such mantle plumes require heat loss from the core, yet Venus lacks a measurable interior dynamo. There is evidence for plume-induced subduction on Venus, but no apparent mosaic of moving plates. Absent plate tectonics, one essential question for interior dynamics is how did Venus obtain its young resurfacing age? Via catastrophic or equilibrium processes? Related questions are how does it lose heat via past periods of plate tectonics, has it always had a stagnant lid, or might it have an entirely different mode of heat loss? Although there has been no mission dedicated to surface and interior processes since the Magellan mission in 1990, near infrared surface emissivity data that provides information on the iron content of the surface mineralogy was obtained fortuitously from Venus Express. These data imply both the presence of continental-like crust, and thus formation in the presence of water, and recent volcanism at mantle hotspots. In addition, the study of interior dynamics for both Earth and exoplanets has led to new insights on the conditions required to initiate subduction and develop plate tectonics, including the possible role of high temperature lithosphere, and a renewed drive to reveal why Venus and Earth differ. Here we review current data that constrains the interior dynamics of Venus, new insights into its interior dynamics, and the data needed to resolve key questions.  相似文献   

Venus lightning     
Although it is not unanimously accepted, many independent observations lead to the conclusion that lightning is prevalent on Venus. The electromagnetic signals detected by all 4 Venera landers are most readily explained as generation by lightning. The Venera 9 spectrometer appears to have observed a lightning storm on one occasion. The Pioneer Venus plasma wave instrument detects waves both below the electron gyrofrequency that may be due to lightning and signals above the electron gyrofrequency but at very low altitudes that may be due to the near field of the lightning. The VLF observations suggest that Venus lightning must be an intra-cloud phenomenon which is most frequent in the afternoon and evening sector. The occurrence rate is likely to be greater than on Earth.  相似文献   

The Galileo Probe Atmosphere Structure Instrument will make in-situ measurements of the temperature and pressure profiles of the atmosphere of Jupiter, starting at about 10-10 bar level, when the Probe enters the upper atmosphere at a velocity of 48 km s-1, and continuing through its parachute descent to the 16 bar level. The data should make possible a number of inferences relative to atmospheric and cloud physical processes, cloud location and internal state, and dynamics of the atmosphere. For example, atmospheric stability should be defined, from which the convective or stratified nature of the atmosphere at levels surveyed should be determined and characterized, as well as the presence of turbulence and/or gravity waves. Because this is a rare opportunity, sensors have been selected and evaluated with great care, making use of prior experience at Mars and Venus, but with an eye to special problems which could arise in the Jupiter environment. The temperature sensors are similar to those used on Pioneer Venus; pressure sensors are similar to those used in the Atmosphere Structure Experiment during descent of the Viking Landers (and by the Meteorology Experiment after landing on the surface); the accelerometers are a miniaturized version of the Viking accelerometers. The microprocessor controlled experiment electronics serve multiple functions, including the sequencing of experiment operation in three modes and performing some on-board data processing and data compression.  相似文献   

The current state of knowledge of the chemistry, dynamics and energetics of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere of Venus is reviewed together with the nature of the solar wind-Venus interaction. Because of the weak, though perhaps not negligible, intrinsic magnetic field of Venus, the mutual effects between these regions are probably strong and unique in the solar system. The ability of the Pioneer Venus Bus and Orbiter experiments to provide the required data to answer the questions outstanding is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This paper is an introduction to a special issue ofSpace Science Reviews dedicated to the exploration of Venus and the role played by the Pioneer Venus program. The Pioneer Venus program consists of a Multiprobe and Orbiter mission, both to be launched and to encounter Venus in 1978. The evolution of the program is traced from its conception in 1968 as the Goddard Space Flight Center Planetary Explorer Program through its transfer to Ames Research Center in 1971 as Pioneer Venus to the present.  相似文献   

This is a review of current knowledge about Earth’s nearest planetary neighbour and near twin, Venus. Such knowledge has recently been extended by the European Venus Express and the Japanese Akatsuki spacecraft in orbit around the planet; these missions and their achievements are concisely described in the first part of the review, along with a summary of previous Venus observations. The scientific discussions which follow are divided into three main sections: on the surface and interior; the atmosphere and climate; and the thermosphere, exosphere and magnetosphere. These reports are intended to provide an overview for the general reader, and also an introduction to the more detailed topical surveys in the following articles in this issue, where full references to original material may be found.  相似文献   

The heating of the upper atmospheres and the formation of the ionospheres on Venus and Mars are mainly controlled by the solar X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation (λ = 0.1–102.7 nm and can be characterized by the 10.7 cm solar radio flux). Previous estimations of the average Martian dayside exospheric temperature inferred from topside plasma scale heights, UV airglow and Lyman-α dayglow observations of up to ∼500 K imply a stronger dependence on solar activity than that found on Venus by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) and Magellan spacecraft. However, this dependence appears to be inconsistent with exospheric temperatures (<250 K) inferred from aerobraking maneuvers of recent spacecraft like Mars Pathfinder, Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey during different solar activity periods and at different orbital locations of the planet. In a similar way, early Lyman-α dayglow and UV airglow observations by Venera 4, Mariner 5 and 10, and Venera 9–12 at Venus also suggested much higher exospheric temperatures of up to 1000 K as compared with the average dayside exospheric temperature of about 270 K inferred from neutral gas mass spectrometry data obtained by PVO. In order to compare Venus and Mars, we estimated the dayside exobase temperature of Venus by using electron density profiles obtained from the PVO radio science experiment during the solar cycle and found the Venusian temperature to vary between 250–300 K, being in reasonable agreement with the exospheric temperatures inferred from Magellan aerobraking data and PVO mass spectrometer measurements. The same method has been applied to Mars by studying the solar cycle variation of the ionospheric peak plasma density observed by Mars Global Surveyor during both solar minimum and maximum conditions, yielding a temperature range between 190–220 K. This result clearly indicates that the average Martian dayside temperature at the exobase does not exceed a value of about 240 K during high solar activity conditions and that the response of the upper atmosphere temperature on Mars to solar activity near the ionization maximum is essentially the same as on Venus. The reason for this discrepancy between exospheric temperature determinations from topside plasma scale heights and electron distributions near the ionospheric maximum seems to lie in the fact that thermal and photochemical equilibrium applies only at altitudes below 170 km, whereas topside scale heights are derived for much higher altitudes where they are modified by transport processes and where local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) conditions are violated. Moreover, from simulating the energy density distribution of photochemically produced moderately energetic H, C and O atoms, as well as CO molecules, we argue that exospheric temperatures inferred from Lyman-α dayglow and UV airglow observations result in too high values, because these particles, as well as energetic neutral atoms, transformed from solar wind protons into hydrogen atoms via charge exchange, may contribute to the observed planetary hot neutral gas coronae. Because the low exospheric temperatures inferred from neutral gas mass spectrometer and aerobraking data, as well as from CO+ 2 UV doublet emissions near 180–260 nm obtained from the Mars Express SPICAM UV spectrograph suggest rather low heating efficiencies, some hitherto unidentified additional IR-cooling mechanism in the thermospheres of both Venus and Mars is likely to exist. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We review here observations and models related to the chemical and thermal structures, airglow and auroral emissions and dynamics of the Venus thermosphere, and compare empirical models of the neutral densities based in large part on in situ measurements obtained by the Pioneer Venus spacecraft. Observations of the intensities of emissions are important as a diagnostic tool for understanding the chemical and physical processes taking place in the Venus thermosphere. Measurements, ground-based and from rockets, satellites, and spacecraft, and model predictions of atomic, molecular and ionic emissions, are presented and the most important sources are elucidated. Coronas of hot hydrogen and hot oxygen have been observed to surround the terrestrial planets. We discuss the observations of and production mechanisms for the extended exospheres and models for the escape of lighter species from the atmosphere. Over the last decade and a half, models have attempted to explain the unexpectedly cold temperatures in the Venus thermosphere; recently considerable progress has been made, although some controversies remain. We review the history of these models and discuss the heating and cooling mechanisms that are presently considered to be the most important in determining the thermal structure. Finally, we discuss major aspects of the circulation and dynamics of the thermosphere: the sub-solar to anti-solar circulation, superrotation, and turbulent processes.  相似文献   

Although in recent years much has been learned about the atmospheric composition and structure of Venus, there are many key questions which remain unanswered. The Pioneer Venus set of experiments is designed to provide information both individually and collectively to help understand and explain first of all the present state of the atmosphere (the composition and distribution in both the lower and upper parts, the state property profiles, the cloud compositions, the role of phase in the thermal structure, the planet's surface and interior composition, the high surface temperature, the stability of CO2, the ionosphere — its chemistry and thermal structure, the existence of superrotation, the response of the upper atmosphere to changes in solar EUV and the solar wind) and secondly the origin and evolution of the atmosphere. This paper discusses these questions and the degree to which the Pioneer Venus instruments will respond to them.  相似文献   

Reports of unpredicted lightning and its spatial association with mountains of possible volcanic origin are provocative features of the 1980's literature on Venus. These reports are based upon interpretation of low-frequency 100 Hz electric field noise observed from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter during 1978–1986. These speculations have been repeatedly challenged in the literature. Even though explosive volcanism, like lightning, is discounted in the literature, researchers have been prompted to believe in present-day eruptions by the suggestion that volcanic plumes might stimulate the otherwise unexpected lightning. Recent introductions of a distinct set of higher-frequency electric field noise has resulted in further claims for lightning, but these results, like those derived from the 100 Hz data are discounted be several independent studies. Commenting on the large body of 100 Hz data, Russell (1991) abandons earlier reports of the planetographic clustering of this noise, and states that active volcanoes are not the source of the Venus lightning. This welcome acknowledgement leaves unresolved problems. First, this brief comment is quite insufficient to correct the widespread and flawed perception that Venus is currently experiencing widespread lightning, stimulated by volcanic disturbances. Second, this admission leaves unexplained the origin of the voluminous 100 Hz data set. The foregoing problems, combined with negative results of recent independent studies, indicate strongly that the Pioneer Venus results provide no reliable evidence of either lightning or volcanism at Venus.  相似文献   

Krymskii  A.M.  Breus  T.K.  Ness  N. F  AcuÑa  M.H. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,92(3-4):535-564
The Mars Global Surveyor mission has revealed that localized crustal paleomagnetic anomalies are a common feature of the Southern Hemisphere of Mars. The magnetometer measured small-scale magnetic fields associated with many individual magnetic anomalies have magnitudes ranging from hundreds to thousands nT at altitude above 120 km. That makes Mars globally different from both Venus and Earth. The data collected by Lunar Prospector near the Moon were interpreted as evidence that above regions of inferred strong surface magnetic fields on the Moon the SW flow is deflected, and a small-scale mini-magnetosphere exists under some circumstances. With a factor of 100 stronger magnetic fields at Mars and a lower SW dynamic pressure, those conditions offer the opportunity for a larger size of small `magnetospheres' which can be formed by the crustal magnetic fields. Outside the regions of the magnetic anomalies, the SW/Mars interaction is Venus-like. Thus, at Mars the distinguishing feature of the magnetic field pile-up boundary most likely varies from Venus-like to Earth-like above the crustal magnetic field regions. The observational data regarding the IMF pile-up regions near Venus and the Earth are initially reviewed. As long as the SW/Mars interaction remains like that at Venus, the IMF penetrates deep into the Martian ionosphere under the `overpressure' conditions. Results of numerical simulations and theoretical expectations regarding the temporal evolution of the IMF inside the Venus ionosphere and appearance of superthermal electrons are also reviewed and assessed.  相似文献   

金星气球环境分析与热动力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷岩鹏  杨春信 《航空动力学报》2012,27(11):2505-2510
分析了金星独特的大气环境,归纳了影响金星气球飞行的主要环境因素,并建立了数学模型.依据金星气球的投放、飘浮程序,设计了金星原型氦气球,设计驻留高度为35km.建立了金星气球热动力仿真平台.计算结果表明:金星气球在30~40km高度释放,可快速到达驻留高度并作长期飘浮;金星气球系统的温度范围为440~520K,最大速度低于10m/s.这为进一步开展对金星气球的研究提供了依据.   相似文献   

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