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利用辐射光谱法开展发动机燃烧火焰参数在线测量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对发动机高温燃烧火焰参数非接触式在线原位测量难题,提出了基于火焰辐射光谱(radiation spectroscopy, RS)的火焰参数在线测量方法,采用光纤光谱仪搭建了发动机燃烧火焰参数在线测量系统,并利用黑体炉对光谱仪电荷耦合元件(charge-coupled device, CCD)波长响应特性进行了标定.之后,应用该系统获得了火箭基组合循环(rocket based combined cycle, RBCC)发动机地面试验高温燃烧火焰200~1100nm波段辐射光谱,结合普朗克定律与最小二乘法,实现了火焰温度与辐射率参数的在线测量,为发动机燃烧诊断与优化提供了直接数据支撑.   相似文献   

In order to expand the coverage area of satellite navigation systems, a combined navigation constellation which is formed by a global navigation constellation and a Lagrangian navigation constellation was studied. Only the crosslink range measurement was used to achieve long-term precise autonomous orbit determination for the combined navigation constellation, and the measurement model was derived. Simulations of 180 days based on the international global navigation satellite system(GNSS) service(IGS) ephemeris showed that the mentioned autonomous orbit determination method worked well in the Earth–Moon system. Statistical results were used to analyze the accuracy of autonomous orbit determination under the influences of different Lagrangian satellite constellations.  相似文献   

Software designers at Hill Air Force Base have developed a voice recognition and speech synthesis system (Voice Control) for use with the F-16 Analog Test Station Sustainment (FATSS) project. The Voice Control system is reliable, speaker independent, and has a total added hardware price tag of under $50.00 per station. In contrast to traditional voice recognition systems, operator training is not required. OO-ALC has developed a general-purpose internal interface (Voice Control) to the Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech engines provided by Microsoft. Voice Control can be accessed by any 32-bit Windows software, which has windows messaging capability. This is available to standard programming languages such as LabWindows CVI, Borland or Microsoft C/C++, Visual Basic, or even commercial packages such as Lotus Notes and Microsoft Word. Through Voice Control, the computer uses both video and voice prompts to request input from the operator. The operator is allowed to enter data and to control the software flow by voice command or from the keyboard or mouse. The Voice Control system allows for dynamic specification of a grammar set, or legal set of commands. The use of a reduced grammar set greatly increases recognition accuracy. The computer voice enables the operator to focus his attention away from the computer screen, which is required for activities such as probing a circuit card and taking readings. When the operator takes readings, the computer, to insure reliable entry, echoes his voice entries. With electronic tuning, speech synthesis allows the operator to hear the resulting reading, enabling him to focus on the circuit card instead of constantly turning his head to see the computer screen. This paper describes the capability and functionality of the Voice Control system  相似文献   

Track-to-track fusion is an important part in distributed multisensor-multitarget tracking. The centralized and distributed tracking configurations were studied in (H.Chen et al., Proc. of SPIE Conf. on Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, vol. 4048, 2000) using simulated air-to-air scenarios, and in (K.C. Chang, et al, IEEE Transact. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 1271-1276, 1997) with analytical results based on /spl alpha/-/spl beta/ filters. The current work generalizes the results in the latter to the cases with more than 2 sensors. As the number of sensors increases, the performance of the distributed tracker is shown to degrade compared with the centralized estimation even when the optimal track-to-track fusion is used. An approximate track-to-track fusion is presented and compared with the optimal track-to-track fusion with performance curves for various numbers of sensors. These performance curves can be used in designing a fusion system where certain trade-offs need to be considered. Finally, these results are compared with simulation results for a realistic air-to-air encounter scenario.  相似文献   

An analysis of angle estimation using a single aperture, multimode spiral is presented. It is demonstrated that in addition to the classical Comparison method, modern parameter estimation techniques such as Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) and MLM (Maximum Likelihood Method) can be applied to multimode antenna technology for angle estimation. These techniques, coupled with the advent of digital receivers make possible the elimination of the mode-forming network. Results of computer simulations show that these new approaches give lower bias and variance, and also extend coverage toward boresight compared with the traditional Comparison method  相似文献   

A new methodology is presented to retrieve slant-range velocity estimates of moving targets inducing Doppler-shifts beyond the Nyquist limit determined by the pulse repetition frequency (PRF). The proposed approach exploits the linear dependence (not subject to PRF limitations) of the Doppler-shift with respect to the slant-range velocity, at each wavelength. Basically, we propose an algorithm to compute the skew of the two-dimensional spectral signature of a moving target. Distinctive features of this algorithm are its ability to cope with strong range migration and its efficiency from the computational point of view. By combining the developed scheme to retrieve the slant-range velocity with a methodology proposed earlier to estimate the velocity vector magnitude, the full velocity vector is unambiguously retrieved without increasing the mission PRF. The method gives effective results even when the returned echoes of the moving targets and the static ground overlap completely, provided that the moving targets signatures are digitally spotlighted and the signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR) is, roughly, greater than 14 dB. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated with simulated and real data. As an example, slant-range velocities of moving objects with velocities between 6 and 12 times the Nyquist velocity are estimated with accuracy better than 3%.  相似文献   

In this historical narrative, the initiative of a small group of innovators over thirty-five years ago is reviewed. The result of their efforts was the construction of a laboratory model of the first sidelooking airborne radar to be flown in the United States and its successful demonstration  相似文献   

Stability and dynamics of a series configuration peak-power tracking (PPT) system are analyzed. The operating modes of the system, as well as mode transitions, are investigated based on qualitative graphical representations of dc load lines at various interfaces of the system. Analysis of multiloop control in the PPT mode is discussed. This includes the design of the inner voltage loop and analysis of the closed-loop system stability around the peak-power point. For an optimum dynamic performance and stability, design parameters of the inner voltage loop and the outer PPT loop are identified. Experimental verifications, supported by simulation results, are performed  相似文献   

钟日进  陈琪锋 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723768-723768
当多个飞行器间相对位置测量精度显著高于飞行器绝对定位精度时,在飞行器间增加相对测量,对各飞行器的定位测量协同处理,能提高绝对定位精度。本文针对集群飞行器对非合作目标不能测距而仅能测向的情况,通过在集群飞行器间引入相互测距,来提高集群飞行器自身和对非合作目标的定位精度。对于这种不完整相对测量情况,给出了能提高定位精度的协同定位求解方法,包括非线性静态优化估计和线性化后最小二乘估计方法。这种协同定位方案,不需要进行完整的相对位置测量,对测距和测向在群体相对测量中进行合理分解,降低了飞行器测量设备配置的要求。通过仿真验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

采用双尾支撑测量形式的加工、装配误差会使系统内应力过大,影响测量精度。针对某“双机身”飞机CTS 风洞试验气动力测量需求,发展基于多维力天平内置的风洞分布式支撑天平测力试验技术;研制具有消除系统内应力功能的双支撑系统,提出两种6 分量双支撑天平校准及测力方法,并对数据处理和双支撑系统可靠性进行检验加载、对比分析和验证。结果表明:风洞分布式支撑天平测力试验技术能够有效消除双支撑天平系统由于过约束而导致的固有装配内应力,双支撑天平系统各部分连接、测量可靠;两种校准测力方法测量精度相当,均能达到单台应变天平测量误差水平,可满足风洞试验测量精度需求;综合考虑现有校准设备校准能力,最终采用“合成式校准测力”方法进行的风洞试验,获得了满意的试验测力精度。  相似文献   

采用两种热敏MEMS传感器阵列和一种电容式MEMS传感器,在FL-21风洞中开展了平板模型表面摩擦应力分布测量试验研究。试验马赫数(地)为0.3-0.6,试验雷诺数(Re)为(0.63-1.23)×10^7m^-1,模型迎角为0°。试验结果表明:平板模型边界层流动能量主要集中在1000Hz以内;试验测得的表面摩擦应力分布随Ma变化规律与可压缩层流/湍流估算值吻合较好;试验所用平板模型边界层流动转捩起始点位于距平板前缘160mm附近,终止点在距平板前缘202.5-242.5mm之间。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new technique for data association using multiassignment for tracking a large number of closely spaced (and overlapping) objects. The algorithm is illustrated on a biomedical problem, namely the tracking of a group of fibroblast (tissue) cells from an image sequence, which motivated this work. Because of their proximity to one another and due to the difficulties in segmenting the images accurately from a poor-quality image sequence, the cells are effectively closely spaced objects (CSOs). The algorithm presents a novel dichotomous, iterated approach to multiassignment using successive one-to-one assignments of decreasing size with modified costs. The cost functions, which are adjusted depending on the “depth” of the current assignment level and on the tracking results, are derived. The resulting assignments are used to form, maintain and terminate tracks with a modified version of the probabilistic data association (PDA) filter, which can handle the contention for a single measurement among multiple tracks in addition to the association of multiple measurements to a single track. Estimation results are given and compared with those of the standard 2D one-to-one assignment algorithm. It is shown that iterated multiassignment results in superior measurement-to-track association. The algorithms presented can be used for other general tracking problems, including dense air traffic surveillance and control  相似文献   

A transient thickness distribution measured with a high temporal resolution is elemental for exploring the flow characteristics and mechanism of a liquid film formed by an impinging jet.Therefore, this paper develops a high-speed Light-Emitting Diode-Induced Fluorescence(LEDIF)system based on the brightness measured directly above the liquid film. An Ultraviolet(UV) LED lamp is used to provide sufficient and continuous excitation light. Then, a system performance analysis proves that the system ...  相似文献   

Uniaxial ratcheting behaviour and low cycle fatigue (LCF) failure mechanism of nickel-based single crystal superalloy DD6 with [001] orientation are investigated through the stress-controlled LCF tests with stress ratio of −1. Then the deformation behaviour during the whole-lifetime from the beginning of the experiment to the fracture of the specimen, as well as the fractographic/metallographic morphology, are compared with the strain-controlled LCF experimental results. Through the scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations, it is shown that the failure characteristics under stress-controlled LCF loading are similar with those under strain-controlled loading. Nevertheless, unlike strain-controlled LCF loading, even under fully reversed cycle loading for stress-controlled LCF, DD6 shows significant ratcheting behaviour due to the tension-compression asymmetry. In addition, the LCF lifetimes under stress control are significantly shorter than the LCF lifetimes under strain control, and the culprit might be the detrimental effect of ratcheting strain on LCF lifetime. Based on these phenomena, an improved crystal plasticity constitutive model on the basis of slip-based Walker constitutive model is developed through modifying the kinematic hardening rule in order to overcome the inaccurate prediction of decelerating stage and stable stage of ratcheting behaviour. Furthermore, combining the continuum damage mechanics, a damage-coupled crystal plasticity constitutive model is proposed to reflect the damage behaviour of DD6 and the accelerating stage of ratcheting behaviour. The simulation results for the stress-controlled LCF deformation behaviour including the whole-lifetime ratcheting behaviour show good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

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