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This article follows the story of Shuttle development, in the context of the history of the US space programme from Apollo to the Space Station. The Shuttle was chosen as one of a series of ‘space spectaculars’ and has proven to be prohibitively expensive and unreliable, practical only for a very limited number of specialized missions. The Space Station, too, cannot be economically supplied, even if the USA could afford to build it. The author concludes that NASA should cancel the Space Station and the replacement orbiter for Challenger, and engage on a major programme of launch vehicle development, independent of the US military. The aim should be a dramatic reduction of launch vehicle costs, making spaceflight practical, and a truly independent NASA which could restore the USA to space preeminence.  相似文献   

美军现役部队分为陆军、空 军和海军三个军种,分属陆军部、 空军部和海军部领导。 1.陆军编制 陆军部队分为诸兵种合成军团 (兵团)和独立的军种部队(分队)。 集团军群是美军在战时才设 立的合成军团,平时不设这一级 部队。战时设立的数量根据战区 作战任务、作战范围而定。美军在 第二二次世界大战中曾组建过3个集团军群,在欧洲作战的第12集团军群编有4个集团军。集团军是美军实施战役作战的基本军团,其编制不固定,通常辖3个军、9至15个师以及战斗支援和勤务支援部队。 军是美军陆军中负有战斗、支援、后勤保障职责的最…  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1996,12(4):289-292
Below we present edited extracts from a Forward Plan recently prepared by the UK government which sets out aims and actions for the UK civil space programme. These have been developed during a process of consultation involving British National Space Centre (BNSC) partners, industry and academia which started with a forum held at Surrey University in September 1995, and culminated in the discussion of a draft Plan at the Second UK Space Policy Forum in June 1996. Crowm copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO.  相似文献   

文章简要分析了大学生入职培训的主要目的,在此基础上剖析了企业在开展大学生入职培训工作中存在的不足,并结合初进职场大学生的思想行为特点,从入职培训的延续性、培训内容、培训方法等几方面提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

太阳电池在平流层中的工作性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,临近空间受到广泛关注,多种平流层飞行器被提出,它们大多以太阳电池为 主要的能源获取装置。研究平流层的太阳电池的性能,对平流层的开发和利用具有重要意义 。首先建立了平流层中太阳电池的热环境模型,并结合硅太阳电池的电学模型,得到了 平流层中硅太阳电池的热电耦合分析模型,进而用数值模拟方法对太阳能电池的热学、电学 性能进行了分析和讨论。研究结果表明,平流层热环境的变化对太阳能电池的温度、输出功 率以及电效率都有影响。讨论了风速对太阳电池性能的影响,结果表明随着风速的增 加,太阳电池温度降低、内部温差先增加后减小、发电效率和输出功率都增加。

This article examines the possible avenues of cooperation in space activity between nations of the Pacific Basin. It looks at possible memebers of a regional space organization and their areas of common interest. The European Space Agency is suggested as a model, and some of the useful lessons that could be learned from it, as well as significant differences between the European and Pacific regions, are discussed.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2013,82(2):484-498
Many governmental space activities need to be planned with a time horizon that extends beyond the comfort zone of reliable technology development assessments and predictions. In an environment of accelerating technological change, a methodological approach to addressing non-core technology trends and potentially disruptive, game-changing developments not yet linked to the space sector is increasingly important to complement efforts in core technology R&D planning.Various models and organisational setups aimed at fulfilling this purpose are in existence. These include, with varying levels of relevance to space, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC, operational form 1998 to 2007 and recently re-established), the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defence, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Medialab, the early versions of Starlab, the Lockheed Skunk Works and the European Space Agency's Advanced Concepts Team.Some of these organisations have been reviewed and assessed individually, though systematic comparison of their methods, approaches and results have not been published. This may be due in part to the relatively sparse scientific literature on organisational parameters for enabling disruptive innovation as well as to the lack of commonly agreed indicators for the evaluation of their performance. Furthermore, innovation support systems in the space sector are organised differently than in traditional, open competitive markets, which serve as the basis for most scholarly literature on the organisation of innovation. The present paper is intended to advance and stimulate discussion on the organisation of disruptive innovation mechanisms specifically for the space sector. It uses the examples of the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts and the ESA Advanced Concepts Team, analyses their respective approaches and compares their results, leading to the proposal of measures for the analysis and eventual evaluation of research for disruptive innovation in the space sector.  相似文献   

6月25日,由中国航天科技集团公司和北京航空航天大学联合举办的第20期国际空间大学暑期进修班拉开序幕。国际空间大学校长迈克·辛普森博士,  相似文献   

Pat Norris   《Space Policy》2011,27(1):44-47
The military authorities in 10 countries now operate high resolution imaging satellites either autonomously or as joint civil-military systems. At least 15 other countries operate civil imaging satellites whose image quality is comparable to that of the military variety, and more countries join the list every year. The proliferation of these satellites is described, the link to similarly proliferating civilian systems presented and the mostly positive implications for international relations of their spread discussed.  相似文献   

NASA的“月坑观测与探测卫星”(LCROSS)探测器及随行的“半人马座”火箭上面级10月9日成功地对月球表面进行了两次撞击。NASA称.科学家们将对探测器上的仪器所采集的数据进行分析.以判断是否有水存在。撞击目标是月球南极一座终年不见阳光的月坑.称为卡比厄斯。  相似文献   

本刊讯 6月 22日,国防科工委在北京钓鱼台举行了向全国两万所学校赠送航天科普图书仪式,从而拉开了中国庆祝2001年“世界空间周”活动的序幕。1999年7月在维也纳召开的联合国第三次外空会议期间,与会国家考虑到, 1957年 10月 4日 人类第一颗人造地球卫星进入外层空间,开辟了人类探索外空的新纪元,以及1967年10月 10日《外空条约》生效,为人类开展和平利用外层空间的活动奠定了法律基础,因而一致建议,将每年 的10月 4-10日作为“世界空间 周”。1999年12月,联合国第54 届大会核准了第三…  相似文献   

There is increasingly broad concern in the USA today about the quality, vibrancy and appeal of science and technical education in general and space education in particular. There needs to be a robust link between the educational community (i.e. the primary and secondary schools as well as colleges and universities) and a well-defined space research and exploration agenda that is strongly supported by the space industry, NASA and other relevant US governmental agencies. Without such a renewal of mission and new goals it will be difficult to re-invigorate and expand quality space education programs. A workshop was therefore convened in 2003 to analyze the problem, discuss new initiatives, organize a survey inviting suggestions from a range of relevant players and draw conclusions on what the USA needs to do to improve space education in the 21st century. Although the focus of this workshop was on space education in the USA the international dimensions of this problem were also addressed and the firm conclusion was reached that similar issues and concerns apply in Europe, Canada, Japan and other spacefaring nations. This article is an edited version of a White Paper subsequently produced to highlight the problem, summarize the proceedings of the workshop and present the results of the survey. Greater clarity in the definition of national space goals, the upgrading of teachers’ skills and an increase in technical scholarships are among the steps recommended.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1987,15(11):945-949
This paper makes an attempt to offer a unification of the procedure of atmosphere corrections in remote sensing problems, using a Monte Carlo method for the calculations.  相似文献   

国际空间站用元器件的升级筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
概述升级筛选对于保证国际空间站可靠运行的重要作用,阐述升级筛选的概念,对国际空间站元器件升级筛选的内容进行了研究,介绍升级筛选的具体工作程序,同时分析我国宇航元器件筛选的现状,提出几点工作建议。  相似文献   

大气层内高超声速机动飞行器液体推进剂管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖少英 《上海航天》2005,22(2):34-38
为满足大气层内高超声速机动飞行器对液体推进剂管理提出的新要求,在分析常规和高超声速机动飞行特点的基础上,讨论了重力场中推进剂的连续输送和位移控制等特点,并分析了美国高超声速飞行器X-34的液体推进剂管理实例。研究结果认为,推进剂箱隔舱化是一种可行的管理模式,但仅适于一次启动的机动飞行。对多次启动的循环机动飞行中的推进剂管理,仍需继续进行研究。  相似文献   

正确的生存价值观,较强的竞争能力,良好的合作精神,坚实的身体基础,是未来社会对人才素质的基本要求,体育课应作为培养这些素质的训练场。  相似文献   

一、引言在现代化的空中交通管理系统中,记录和重放系统是航管二次雷达系统中的重要组成部分,不仅实时记录航管二次雷达的数据,忠实地记录管制人员的各种操作,而且配合全面的话音录音和重放功能,可以对记录的信息进行分析,判断事故发生的原因,平时也可用来对管制人员进行实况培  相似文献   

为实现航天事业的跨越式发展和人力资源管理以人为本的理念,就要引入以胜任力特征模型为基础的新的人力资源管理模式,针对航天科研的特点,采用问卷调查为主、行为事件访谈和专家小组座谈为辅的方法,提取优秀科技人员的能力素质特点,形成航天科研领域专业人员胜任力特征模型,并以此为基点更有效地开展人力资源管理与开发工作。  相似文献   

为实现航天事业的跨越式发展和人力资源管理以人为本的理念,就要引入以胜任力特征模型为基础的新的人力资源管理模式,针对航天科研的特点,采用问卷调查为主、行为事件访谈和专家小组座谈为辅的方法,提取优秀科技人员的能力素质特点,形成航天科研领域专业人员胜任力特征模型,并以此为基点更有效地开展人力资源管理与开发工作.  相似文献   

一种适用于动态姿态测量的换星方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GPS双差载波相位能够进行高精度的相对定位,进而确定载体姿态.该双差模型要求解算过程中接收机对初始历元的可见星进行持续跟踪,因而在卫星"落下"和"升起"时,往往需要重新初始化,使得实际应用中定姿效率受到影响.本文基于单差裁波相位观测方程提出一种实用的换星算法,该算法通过动态调整待求的整周模糊度向量,能够有效地处理卫星的"落下"和"升起",以及参考星的变换,保证整个姿态测量过程中算法的连续性,最大程度地利用了所有时刻可见星的观测信息,进一步提高了姿态解算的精度,缩短了初始化时间,提高了解算效率,对于动态姿态测量系统的实际应用具有重要意义.实际测试表明,新的换星算法是有效的.  相似文献   

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