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王宏涛  石德平  刘恒军 《推进技术》2018,39(11):2490-2498
冲压动力导弹的进气道性能决定了导弹动力系统的优劣,因此在冲压动力导弹设计初期,有必要对二元混压式进气道超声速压缩段性能进行快速估算及优化。针对该问题,提出将进气道外形进行参数化建模,建立基于特征线及边界层理论的进气道性能快速估算方法,并通过激波边界层干扰分离指标变量以及喉道流动参数二次修正,提高对进气道性能估算的精度。估算结果与CFD计算结果的对比,表明了该方法可以对设计状态下二元混压式进气道超声速压缩段阻力系数、平均总压恢复系数及流量系数进行具有较高精度的快速估算,最大误差不超过1.5%。此外该方法与遗传优化算法结合,对进气道超声速压缩段外形设计参数进行快速优化,使进气道压缩段阻力系数下降了13.8%,表明该结合方法可在冲压动力导弹设计初期阶段提高二元混压式进气道的性能。  相似文献   

Golay's complementary pairing has been a method to increase the utility of binary sequences, because of the temporal sidelobe suppression in the autocorrelation vector summation. Complementary sets of Tseng and Liu and of Hollis exhibit the same effect when several autocorrelations are combined. These complementary pairs and sets of sequences can be extended into long complementary chains by a simple transformation. This transformation is extended here to all pulse compression waveforms. By this method, even though analog complementary sequences cannot be formed, a new class of waveforms, called subcomplementary waveforms, can be formed. Following these rules, repetition of waveforms such as linear frequency modulation (LFM) or linear stepped frequency modulation (LSFM) in a prescribed manner is possible without creating autocorrelation grating lobes or repetitive sidelobes. This method is equally applicable to all analog or digital pulse compression waveforms.  相似文献   

For Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV), the intelligent video analysis is a key technology in intelligent autonomous control, real-time navigation and surveillance. However, poor UAV wireless links would degrade the quality of video communication, leading to difficulties in video analysis. To meet the challenges of packet-loss and limited bandwidth in adverse UAV channel environments, this paper proposes a parameter optimization mechanism for UAV intelligent video analysis. In the proposed method, an...  相似文献   

王晔 《航空材料学报》2003,23(Z1):267-271
介绍我国航空发动机材料标准发展状况,分析标准中存在的问题,提出加强航空发动机材料标准化管理的建议.  相似文献   

吕毅  张伟  赵慧 《航空工程进展》2017,8(3):268-276
国内对T800碳纤维复合材料结构的研究刚刚起步,需要对其加筋壁板的稳定性进行系统地研究.通过改变蒙皮厚度、筋条间距、筋条几何参数等设计8种构型的试验件,进行压缩稳定性试验;考虑侧边边界条件及蒙皮有效宽度的影响,对两种常用的压缩屈曲载荷工程计算方法进行验证.结果表明:在相同筋条面积下,筋条惯性矩提高屈曲载荷增大,加筋壁板的破坏载荷主要取决于壁板的横截面积;蒙皮厚度和筋条间距对屈曲载荷的影响大于对破坏载荷的影响;对于薄蒙皮,当侧边简支且蒙皮有效宽度b=D-b2/2时,计算值与试验值最为接近;对于厚蒙皮,当侧边简支且蒙皮有效宽度b=D时,计算值与试验值最为接近.  相似文献   

A technique is described in which the separate techniques of beam sharpening (by synthetic antenna methods) and pulse compression are converted into a single two-dimensional operation, which is carried out with a coherent optical processor.  相似文献   

<正>(德国当地时间)4月7日,空客公司在德国汉堡首次向外界展示了首架安装完整客舱的A350XW B测试飞机(MSN2)的客舱内饰。空中客车公司位于汉堡的A350×WB客舱定制中心也在同日揭幕。日前,空客公司在位于德国汉堡的空客工厂完成了MSN2的客舱安装工作并开始对该客舱进行相关测试工作。MSN2可以让乘客走进A350XWB宽体飞机客舱,切身体验A350XWB超宽客舱  相似文献   

Safety and security are the most discussed topics in the aviation field. The latest security initiatives in the field of aviation propose [1I] the aircraft carriers to implement video surveillance within the aircraft at strategic locations. The current proposals allow the video surveillance data to be stored within the aircraft and monitored by one of the flight crew. The monitoring crew will be responsible for identifying the anomaly within the aircraft and take necessary preventive actions. With the introduction of additional technology within the aircraft, mere human perception may not be sufficient to make a decision. In this research work, the authors explore the possibility of implementing a smart video surveillance system (SVSS) within the aircraft that is tuned toward detecting the behavioral anomaly within the aircraft. The SVSS will generate security triggers when it detects an anomaly within the aircraft. These triggers could be combined with other triggers generated by different aircraft components (possible alarms from the flight crew, data traffic anomaly, or alarm generated by one of the avionics components) to provide a better understanding of the situation to the monitoring crew.  相似文献   

The requirements, design, implementation, and flight performance of an on-board image compression system for the lunar orbiting Radio Astronomy Explorer-2 (RAE-2) spacecraft are described. The image to be compressed is a panoramic camera view of the long radio astronomy antenna booms used for gravity-gradient stabilization of the spacecraft. A compression ratio of 32 to 1 is obtained by a combination of scan line skipping and adaptive run-length coding. The compressed imagery data are convolutionally encoded for error protection. This image compression system occupies about 1000 cm2 and consumes 0.4 W.  相似文献   

曾尚春  朱兆达 《航空学报》2007,28(4):959-963
 由于合成孔径雷达(SAR)原始数据的相关性很低,直接压缩原始数据是比较困难的。因此提出一种新算法,先对SAR原始数据做距离聚焦处理,使其在方位向具有较强的相关性,再沿方位向做线性预测,并对预测差值系列做块自适应量化。实验表明,在相同比特率条件下,该算法得到的数据域信噪比和图像域信噪比均比块自适应量化(BAQ)算法高,计算量远小于有关文献给出的距离聚焦后的压缩方法,具有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

本文在深入研究EBCOT算法的基础上.对算法进行了部分改进.设计了基于JPEG2000标准的SAR图像压缩算法,并完成了该算法的软件设计工作,并对其压缩性能和容错性能进行了分析.  相似文献   

A set of systems for labor standard computer-aided design is described, namely, initial developments, advance and state-of-the art.  相似文献   

The regulated industries, which in the FDA's (US Food and Drug Administration) case include the manufacturers of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices, are responsible for selecting and justifying the selection and use of appropriate national and/or international consensus standards. This paper documents the results of a scientific inquiry which was undertaken to develop a methodology to evaluate and select individual standards as well as compatible sets of standards. Initially the scope was limited to software safety and reliability standards. Since then it has been expanded to other areas. It was found that six categories of criteria are important when evaluating the potential use of software safety standards: General Factors, Product Characterization, Process Characterization, Personnel Characterization, Risk Management, and Overall Standards Framework. The criteria in each of the six categories must be addressed, How they are addressed is both a technical and a policy decision. The goal should not be to try to find the “ultimate” standard because there isn't any. Rather the goal should be to select a balanced “diet” of standards based on these six categories. The methodology provides a systematic framework from which to make an objective determination about the appropriateness of using a particular standard  相似文献   

Various techniques for transmitting digital data over a composite video channel are examined, with a view to transmitting data from experiments on the Space Shuttle orbiter. PSK (phase-shift keying), MPSK (m-ary PSK), or PAM (pulse-amplitude modulation), which can be transmitted on visible lines of a frame, unassigned lines of the VBI (vertical blanking interval), or during the HBI (horizontal blanking interval), are all found to be attractive under the proper conditions. However, PAM on visible lines or during the VBI should be relatively easy to implement, provide adequate average data rates, and give acceptable BERs (bit error rates)  相似文献   

蒸汽压缩热泵是未来大型航天器热控系统和制冷设备的新方案。介绍了国际上的研究情况,阐明了此技术的优越性和可行性。分析了航天用蒸汽压缩热泵的关键技术,包括微重力相变换热器及其研究方法、无润滑高转速压缩机等。在此基础上给出了中国开展航天领域蒸汽压缩热泵的研究方案。  相似文献   

为解决雷达图像仿真中海量地面材质数据的存储和加载问题,采用基于自适应最大行程长度编码和修正 偶对的压缩算法进行材质数据的压缩,从而有效地减少了数据的存储量,消除数据传输的瓶颈,提高了数据传输的 吞吐能力。压缩算法面向 GPU快速处理,得到压缩数据适用于 GPU进行快速解压。  相似文献   

开展了两种厚度芳纶/聚合物基复合材料层合板试样的压缩试验,获得了两种厚度下材料的压缩应力-应变关系曲线、压缩强度、压缩模量,分析了厚度对这些性能的影响规律.通过对试样压缩失效模式的分析,判断了两种厚度下压缩试验结果的有效性,为工程项目中确定芳纶/聚合物基复合材料标准压缩试样的厚度提供了依据.同时分析了国内外相关标准试验...  相似文献   

EPDM包覆层材料准静态压缩实验及力学模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
蒋晶  许进升  陈雄  杜红英  张中水 《推进技术》2015,36(8):1268-1273
三元乙丙(Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer,即EPDM)材料的力学性能对使用其作为包覆层的固体火箭发动机起到关键的作用。利用万能试验机进行EPDM包覆层材料常温下的准静态压缩实验,通过实验发现,EPDM包覆层材料具有明显的超弹特性和率敏感特性。提出采用超弹模型来描述材料压缩变形下的力学性能,通过比较Mooney-Rivlin模型、Ogden模型和Polynomial模型的拟合结果,发现二阶Polynomial超弹模型的精度最高,故选取Polynomial超弹模型作为EPDM包覆层材料的本构模型,并考虑其率相关特性,拟合超弹及率相关两部分的材料参数。对比实验结果,发现压缩模型能很好地预测40%应变内的EPDM材料的力学性能。  相似文献   

Application of new data compression schemes to aided inertial navigation systems is presented. The need for data compression is motivated by the fact that the external aiding system generates frequent but inaccurate position measurements, which have to be processed by a processor whose computation capability is limited. Two new data compression techniques are presented and their efficiency is demonstrated through covariance simulation runs as well as computational complexity analysis. These schemes are characterized by their ability to process batches of measurements recursively and efficiently. It is demonstrated that the resulting estimation accuracy is comparable to that produced by a Kalman filter which processes optimally the same amount of data, while the required computational effort is reduced.  相似文献   

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