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Motion compensation errors: effects on the accuracy of airborne SAR images   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This work addresses the study of the effect of residual uncompensated motion errors due to positioning measurement instrument and digital elevation model inaccuracies on the accuracy of airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. It is shown that these not only introduce phase errors following pure geometric considerations, but they also cause additional aberrations related to their interaction with the SAR processing procedure. Extension to the repeat pass airborne interferometry is also included to show their impact on the resulting interferograms.  相似文献   

基于距离子带的机载SAR高精度多级空变运动补偿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨鸣冬  俞翔  朱岱寅 《航空学报》2018,39(2):321557-321557
运动补偿(MOCO)是机载合成孔径雷达(SAR)获取高质量图像的关键,超高分辨率成像中,如何精确、高效地校正空变运动误差仍是很大的挑战。本文提出了一种改进的多级空变运动补偿方案,兼顾处理的精度和效率。首先,采用一步运动补偿法有效去除运动误差的距离空变分量,避免引起额外的距离徙动校正(RCMC)误差。同时,修正视线方向误差的传统计算方式,保证相位精度的前提下结合距离子带实现无插值的近似距离包络补偿。然后,利用距离子带降低残余方位空变误差的距离空变性和对方位时频关系的影响,显著改善宽波束情况下的聚焦效果,降低孔径依赖补偿算法的运算量。最终分辨率达到0.1 m,具有实际工程应用价值。点目标仿真和实测数据处理验证了所做的研究。  相似文献   

Theerorbetweenactualandnominalflightpathsoftheantennaphasecenter(APC)isde-finedastheplatformmotioneror.Uncompen-satedAPCmotio...  相似文献   

Trajectory deviations in airborne SAR: analysis and compensation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper concerns the analysis and compensation of trajectory deviations in airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. Analysis of the received data spectrum is carried out with respect to the system geometry in the presence of linear, sinusoidal, and general aircraft displacements. This shows that trajectory deviations generally produce spectral replicas along the azimuth frequency that strongly impair the quality of the focused image. Based on the derived model, we explain the rationale of the motion compensation (MOCO) strategy that must be applied at the SAR processing stage in order to limit the resolution loss. To this end aberration terms are separated into range space invariant and variant components. The former can be accounted for either in a preprocessing step or efficiently at range compression stage. The latter needs a prior accommodation of range migration effect. We design the procedure for efficient inclusion of the MOCO within a high precision scaled FT based SAR processing algorithm. Finally, we present results on simulated data aimed at validating the whole analysis and the proposed procedure  相似文献   

鲍悦  陈俊宇  施天玥  毛新华 《航空学报》2021,42(6):324502-324502
高分宽幅(HRWS)数字波束形成(DBF)合成孔径雷达(SAR)利用多通道空间采样代替部分时域采样,可以有效缓解SAR成像时高分辨率与宽测绘带间的矛盾,具有重要的军用和民用价值。现有常规DBF-SAR成像算法都假设雷达传感器相对位置精确已知,实际应用中受传感器位置测量误差影响,由位置不精确导致的相位误差会严重影响DBF-SAR高精度成像能力。在极坐标格式算法(PFA)框架下,推导了DBF-SAR成像处理后,残留相位误差的解析模型,分析了该误差对成像质量的影响。依据推导的先验相位误差解析结构模型,提出了一种基于图像对比度最优化准则的自聚焦算法。新算法通过引入先验相位结构信息,极大降低了待估参数的空间维数,可以同时改善自聚焦算法的参数估计精度和计算效率。数据处理结果验证了理论分析的正确性和所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对飞行器升降舵、副翼角运动的测试需求,提出了单轴捷联姿态系统的原理及算法,介绍了基于MEMS陀螺仪和加速度计的舵面运动测量仪的构成,并对测量仪的工作过程进行了仿真.仿真表明,测量仪的性能满足舵面运动测量的需要.  相似文献   

田玉刚  杨贵  吴蔚 《航空学报》2015,36(4):1250-1258
 惯性测量单元(IMU)与传感器视准轴的偏心角和偏心矢量是造成航空线阵列高光谱数据几何校正误差的主要原因之一。在分析偏心角与偏心矢量误差来源之后提出该误差由IMU主轴与传感器主轴的角度偏差、测区固定偏差、GPS中心与传感器投影中心相对偏差组成,在此基础上建立了较为严密的检校模型。针对模型解算时需要大量高精度控制点的问题,提出了一种高分影像辅助下的亚像元精度控制点自动提取方法。通过多地区、多传感器高光谱航测实验表明,亚像元精度控制点能有效提高模型解算精度。新检校模型可获得亚像元校正精度,推扫式传感器——应用型机载成像光谱仪(AISA)建模中误差约为0.39个像元,摆扫式传感器——实用型模块化成像光谱仪(OMIS)建模中误差约为0.23个像元,校正后的影像可直接进行拼接。  相似文献   

赵剡  王壬林  邱意平 《航空学报》1998,19(Z1):119-122
 分析了GPS测量伪距的各组成部分,设计了一个GPS数据实时采集系统,通过定位计算和时钟偏移滤波的方法分离SA误差信号,经检验指出SA误差信号基本是零均值的平稳随机过程,对一段时期定点观测到的SA误差信号进行AR(13)的模型辨识,获得大量的模型数据,从时域和频域对模型参数进行分析得到一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

Improving slant-range resolution with multiple SAR surveys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Across-track resolution of a spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system is limited by power and data rate constraints. The authors derive and discuss a new technique for increasing the across-track resolution of objects that do not change with time, using multiple surveys of the same area from different off-nadir angles. Precise information on the spaceborne trajectories are not requested since they can be derived from SAR interferometry. Simulated data show that theoretical derivations are in good agreement with practice  相似文献   

A method of motion compensation for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) is proposed. The techniques of interpolation, cross correlation, and estimation are used together. Essential to the method is the fact that avoiding cross-range image aliasing due to Doppler ambiguities requires range profiles to be generated at an adequate rate. The effect of noise on motion compensation is studied by means of simulation. The quality of the reconstructed image is used to evaluate the method  相似文献   

杨鸣冬  朱岱寅 《航空学报》2016,37(3):984-996
滑动聚束合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种新兴的成像模式,既可以提高方位向分辨率又能够扩展成像范围。其数据处理时需要考虑两个关键问题:一是系统脉冲重复频率(PRF)不足,方位向信号发生混叠;二是合成孔径长度的增加使运动误差的影响更为突出,运动补偿(MOCO)精度要求提高。基于子孔径技术,提出了一种改进的高分辨率成像算法。划分子孔径克服了PRF不足的问题;子孔径数据处理采用结合视线(LOS)方向运动补偿的Omega-K算法,实现更高精度的运动补偿,提高了聚焦质量。最终的方位向分辨率达到0.1 m,具有实际工程应用价值。点目标仿真和实测数据处理验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

A procedure to compute the integer ambiguity problem when a GPS receiver is used in a multiple antenna configuration attached to a rotating spacecraft is presented. The method is applied to a simulation of an experimental satellite which uses the GPS receiver for attitude determination  相似文献   

针对航空制导炸弹对低成本、高精度、高可靠性导航系统的需求,利用小型化挠性惯性测量组合(IMU)与高精度、高数据更新率的GPS-OEM板组成高精度、低成本的SINS/GPS组合导航系统。SINS和GPS采用速度、位置综合模式,利用Kalman滤波进行数据融合。最后对该组合导航系统进行了数学仿真试验和车载试验。研究表明,此低成本的组合导航系统具有精度高、成本低、可靠性好、体积小等优良指标。  相似文献   

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an airborne (or spaceborne) radar mapping technique for generating high resolution maps of surface target areas including terrain. High resolution is achieved by coherently combining the returns from a number of radar transmissions. The resolution of the images is determined by the parameters of the emissions, with more data giving greater resolution. A requirement of the Microwave Radar Division's SAR radar is to provide classification of targets. This paper presents a technique for enhancing slant range resolution in SAR images by dithering the carrier centre frequency of the transmitted signal. The procedure controls the radar waveforms so they will optimally perform the classification function, rather than provide an image of best quality. It is shown that a Knowledge-Based engineering approach to determining the waveform of the radar gives considerably improved performance as a classifier of targets (of large radar cross-section), even though the corresponding image is degraded  相似文献   

We develop a wavelet denoising scheme to aid an automatic target recognition (ATR) system in recognizing aircraft from high range resolution radar (HRR) signatures. A template matching classification technique is used with templates formed from synthetically generated signatures. The goal of the classification system is to achieve classification accuracy equivalent to that obtained with measured HRR signatures. Results suggest that a large portion of HRR signature content is nondiscriminatory. The wavelet denoising process removes the nondiscriminatory information, thereby leading to remarkable increases in classification accuracy. Results are shown for HRR signatures from six aircraft  相似文献   

针对采用GPS/INS的复合制导炮弹,采用比例导引作为末制导的导引规律,从制导炮弹弹体运动学和动力学方程出发,进行了低成本组合导航系统的设计,建立了惯导系统的误差模型。针对位置、速度的组合方式,采用卡尔曼滤波算法,完成了组合导航系统的信息融合。根据超远程炮弹的弹道特点,进行了末制导段过重力补偿设计。全弹道仿真计算结果表明,该制导控制系统性能良好,可以精确地将制导炮弹导引到目标捕获区,实现以小脱靶量、大落角对目标的攻击。  相似文献   

高精度ENO格式在射流数值模拟中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文分析了ENO格式的特点,并应用于全NS方程的迁移项和压力顶,模拟了轴对称和三维射流。首先对轴对称自由射流为算例比较了高阶TVD格式和ENO格式,证实了ENO格式捕获复杂激波波系的能力;其次计算了四喷管湍射流干扰流场,给出了相应的计算结果;最后计算了四股射流流入圆管内的流场,给出了物理量沿壁面和截面的分布。  相似文献   

INS/GPS/SAR integrated navigation system represents the trend of next generation navigation systems with the high performance of independence, high precision and reliability. This paper presents a new multi-sensor data fusion methodology for INS/GPS/SAR integrated navigation systems. This methodology combines local decentralized fusion with global optimal fusion to enhance the accuracy and reliability of integrated navigation systems. A decentralized estimation fusion method is established for individual integrations of GPS and SAR into INS to obtain the local optimal state estimations in a parallel manner. A global optimal estimation fusion theory is studied to fuse the local optimal estimations for generating the global optimal state estimation of INS/GPS/SAR integrated navigation systems. The global data fusion features a method of variance upper finiteness and a method of variance upper bound to ensure that the global optimal state estimation can be achieved under a general condition. Experimental results demonstrate that INS/GPS/SAR integrated navigation systems achieved by using the proposed methodology have a better performance than INS/GPS integrated systems.  相似文献   

对取样探针内的流场进行了一维分析,证明气流中的化学反应能够被成功冻结。建立了取样分析系统,并对其进行了密封性校核。利用该系统对燃烧室尾气进行了取样以及色谱成分分析,进而推算了燃烧效率,得到的结果与实验观察以及燃烧室壁面静压测量结果相吻合。  相似文献   

Research is being carried out at the Turin Polytechnic University with the aim of designing a HAVE/UAV (High Altitude Very-long Endurance/Unmanned Air Vehicle). The vehicle should be able to climb to an altitude of 17–20 km by taking advantage of direct sun radiation and maintaining a level flight; during the night, a fuel cells energy storage system would be used. A computer program has been developed to carry out a parametric study for the platform design. The solar radiation change over one year, altitude, masses and efficiencies of the solar and fuel cells, as well as the aerodynamic performances have all been taken into account. The parametric studies have shown how the efficiency of the fuel and solar cells and mass have the most influence on the platform dimensions. High modulus CFRP has been used in designing the structure in order to minimize the airframe weight. A Blended Wing Body (BWB) configuration of Solar HALE Aircraft Multi Payload & Operation (SHAMPO) with 8 brushless electric motors has been developed, as a result of the parametric study. The BWB solution, compared with conventional designs, seems to provide the best compromise between performance, availability of surfaces for solar-cells, and volume for multi-payload purposes. Several profiles and wing plans have been analyzed using the CFD software Xfoil and Vsaero. The airfoil coordinates at the root and along the wing span as well as the wing planform were optimised to achieve the best efficiency. A FEM analysis was carried out using the Msc/Patran/Nastran code to predict the static and dynamic behaviour of the UAV structure.  相似文献   

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