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宁强陨石的岩石学、矿物学及化学组成的研究表明,宁强陨石属于异常的CV3碳质球粒陨石,稀有气体和宇宙射线暴露年龄的测定结果与岩石学及化学组成的研究结果是一致的,宁强陨石的宇宙射线暴露年龄为42.2Ma,在CV3球粒陨石中是最高的,U/Th-4He及40K-40Ar气体保存年龄分别为4170±160Ma和4260±70Ma,这与碳质球粒陨石的气体保存年龄为4200Ma是一致的.  相似文献   

本文报道了安徽亳县LL4型球粒陨石的全岩、球粒、橄榄石、辉石和陨硫铁的铅同位素比值,以及上述部分样品的铀、钍、铅的含量.由陨石的铅-铅等时线求得的年龄为45.3±0.2亿年,这是安徽陨石母体的形成年龄.而南安徽陨石的内部等时线求得的年龄为44.4±0.2亿年,此年龄暗示着安徽陨石母体在形成后的大约1亿年以前产生过局部或全部的熔融.从安徽陨石的铀-铅一致曲线图解中得到的上交点年龄为45.4±0.2亿年,此与陨石母体形成的铅-铅年龄一致.而下交点的年龄为4亿年,这可能意味着在较近期内安徽陨石又经历了一次热扰动(如热冲击).全岩、球粒和陨硫铁都呈现出过剩的放射性成因铅,这与陨石经受过热事件有关.   相似文献   

本工作采用14MeV中子活化分析方法,测定了20个单球粒及全岩的硅含量.结果表明:E、H、L、LL群石陨石中单球的硅含量均高于全岩的硅含量;全岩硅含量,按E、H、L、LL的次序,有逐步增高的趋势;非磁性单球硅含量,在普通球粒陨石中,按H、L、LL次序逐步增高.单球中硅含量高于全岩,间接证明凝聚形成球粒稍早于基质.   相似文献   

H型球粒陨石TL灵敏度与冲击相和钾含量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
测定了坠落在我国武安、枣阳、信阳等地的10个H型球粒陨石的热释光(TL)灵敏度、自然热释光峰温和峰半高宽温度,同时对它们的K含量进行了测定.将测得的H型球粒陨石的TL灵敏度与它们的钾含量和所属冲击相进行比较.结果表明,H型球粒陨石的TL灵敏度与其钾含量和冲击相之间存在着规律性的关系.   相似文献   

本文测定了清镇高铁群3型非平衡顽火辉石球粒陨石(EH3)的可见和近红外反射光谱,发现其反射光谱既不同于显示Ni、Fe金属光谱特征的EH4(Abee)顽火辉石球粒陨石,也不同于显示陨硫铁光谱特征的EH5型和EL6型平衡顽火辉石球粒陨石.清镇陨石独特的反射光谱特征可能是由于其铁纹石粒子表面存在光学厚度的吸积薄膜.吸积薄膜物质很可能是与铁纹石密切共生的陨硅磷镍铁矿,也可能是它与硫化矿物的混合物.在清镇陨石中,含吸积薄膜的铁纹石粒子可能具有很低的氧逸度,它们极易被大气氧化而失去原有的反射光谱特征.文中讨论了EH3、EH4、EH5和EL6型顽火辉石球粒陨石具有不同反射光谱特征的宇宙化学机理.  相似文献   

我国某些普通球粒陨石金属相的元素分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用仪器中子活化分析法测定了我国不同化学群的吉林(H5),信阳(H5)、肇东(L5)、广饶(L6-5)和东台(LL6)等普通球粒陨石金属相的Fe、Ni、Co、Cu、Cr、Mn、Ga、Ge、Ir、Au和As含量.每个陨石的金属相按粒径分为>20目.20—40目.<40目等.根据这些结果,讨论了元素的分布规律和分馏趋势以及决定金属相组成的作用过程.   相似文献   

吉林陨石的形成和演化过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对吉林陨石进行多学科综合研究所取得的成果基础上,我们对吉林陨石的形成演化过程作了如下讨论:(1)太阳星云的凝聚过程:根据吉林陨石的凝聚和固化年龄和矿物的组合,探讨了太阳星云凝聚的过程;(2)吉林陨石母体的热变质过程:从稀有气体的丢失,全岩化学成分的特征,稀土元素的自纯化过程和橄榄石、斜方辉石成分的稳定性,讨论了热变质过程的特征;(3)吉林陨石母体的冷却过程:根据镍纹石的镍含量和宽度,还根据矿物中Ar和裂变径迹的保存性,分析了吉林陨石母体的冷却史;(4)吉林陨石母体的破碎和宇宙线照射历史:根据对宇宙成因He3、Ne20,21,22、Ar38、Na22、Al26、Mn54、Mn53和Co60的测定结果,提出了吉林陨石的两阶段照射历史的模式。第一阶段的吉林陨石母体,年龄10—11my,r=10m,确定了各样品在母体中的相对位置;第二阶段的吉林陨石母体,年龄0.3—0.5my,r=80—90cm确定了各样品的埋藏深度及通过大气层后的烧失量;(5)吉林陨石的降落过程:讨论了吉林陨星在太阳系空间和大气层中的轨道及降落过程。   相似文献   

1引言构成太阳系的大多数元素都经历过恒星演化过程,但3种轻元素Li,Be和B极为脆弱,在绝大多数恒星内部的高温、高密度和剧烈变动的条件下,很快就会分解.太阳系的早期阶段,太阳星云可能是由大爆炸产生的1H、2H、3He、4He和7Li及附近超新星爆发产生的C、N、O等构成[1],而6Li、Be、B是以后由宇宙射线粒子轰击附近星际和行星际的C、N、O等的核产生[2].因为Li的同位素丰度的一部分是由大爆炸生成,一部分是由宇宙射线与星际介质核反应产生,因此它的丰度与宇宙射线暴露时间有关.1991年,文献间报导过在行星际尘粒中发现Li、Be和…  相似文献   

1996年12月20日太平洋标准时间上午10:04,一枚大力神-4运载火箭从美国加州范登堡空军基地东4号航天发射综合设施(SLC-4E)腾空而起,将国家侦察局主管的一颗高级型KH刁1光学成像侦察卫星送入了近地点25Okm、远地点I000km、倾角97.9“的太阳同步极地轨道。由洛·马公司和TRW公司联合制造的这种技术极为先进的高级型KH刁1卫星每颗价值75~Ic亿美元,大力神一4运载火箭发射费为2.5一3亿美元。这颗新发射的卫星与两颗已在轨的同型号卫星一起,组成了强大的光学成像侦察星座。在天基情报搜集活动方面,美国同俄罗斯及其他一些仅初具…  相似文献   

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The Kumtag meteorite strewn field was found in the Kumtag desert, 132 km south of Hami city in the Xinjiang province, China. It is an ellipse of 2.5 × 7.9 km, with a long axis extending along the northeast-southwest direction. The largest individual meteorite of the strewn field weighs about 10 kg; the smallest individual has a mass of only 27 g. In total, more than 100 individuals with a total mass of more than 180 kg were collected. The location and the distribution of the fragments suggest that the Kumtag meteoroid entered the atmosphere in the direction Northeast-Southwest. All meteorites collected in this strewn field are samples from the same unique meteorite shower. The Kumtag meteorite is an H5 ordinary chondrite with a shock stage S2, and a weathering grade W2. The cosmic ray exposure age of Kumtag is 6.7 ± 0.8 Ma, which is rather typical for H chondrites and which indicates that Kumtag was derived from the massive impact event on its parent body ~7 Ma ago. A significant amount of He has been lost during certain unknown processe(s) before the Kumtag meteorite was ejected from its parent body.  相似文献   

吉林陨石的宇成和放射成因稀有气体存在大幅度的变化.宇成3He、20, 21, 22Ne和38Arc之间彼此近似线性相关, 放射成因4He和40Ar之间近似线性相关.放射成因4He、40Ar与作为陨星深度标尺的宇成60Co间近似线性相关, 但与作为吉林陨石母体深度标尺的21Ne之间不存在线性相关.上述事实表明:4He和40Ar在吉林陨石中的分布是不均匀的, 在吉林母体中的分布是不规则的, 而在吉林流星中, 由表面至中心呈现递增的倾向.我们试图用吉林陨石母体与小行星间的碰撞效应解释用4He和40Ar的上述独特分布特征.   相似文献   

信阳陨石热历史与原始氩特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信阳陨石于1977年12月1日18时57分, 陨落在我国河南省信阳县肖王公社。陨落后, 破裂为X-Ⅰ(48kg)及X-Ⅱ(27.5kg)两大块和几小块碎屑。陶克捷等对该陨石做过化学组成、矿物组分及结构特征研究, 指出属H6型。本文试图根据40Ar/39Ar快中子活化资料及原始捕获氩同位素特征, 探讨信阳陨石的演化特点。   相似文献   

我国九个球粒陨石化学组成的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在球粒陨石化学组成的研究中,经过试验我们建立了测定各化学元素的分析流程,测定了九个球粒陨石样品中各元素的含量,根据测定结果论证了它们各自所属的化学群、氧化还原趋势以及某些共同特征。  相似文献   

利用仪器中子活化分析方法,对宁强、随州、枣阳、南通、肇东、广南、东台、清镇、武安、导河等陨石进行了多元素分析测定.给出了近40种元素含量结果.并对各类球粒陨石微量元素丰度特征、REE丰度特征以及宁强陨石元素丰度特征进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The Galileo Probe entered the atmosphere of Jupiter on December 7, 1995. Measurements of the chemical and isotopic composition of the Jovian atmosphere were obtained by the mass spectrometer during the descent over the 0.5 to 21 bar pressure region over a time period of approximately 1 hour. The sampling was either of atmospheric gases directly introduced into the ion source of the mass spectrometer through capillary leaks or of gas, which had been chemically processed to enhance the sensitivity of the measurement to trace species or noble gases. The analysis of this data set continues to be refined based on supporting laboratory studies on an engineering unit. The mixing ratios of the major constituents of the atmosphere hydrogen and helium have been determined as well as mixing ratios or upper limits for several less abundant species including: methane, water, ammonia, ethane, ethylene, propane, hydrogen sulfide, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. Analysis also suggests the presence of trace levels of other 3 and 4 carbon hydrocarbons, or carbon and nitrogen containing species, phosphine, hydrogen chloride, and of benzene. The data set also allows upper limits to be set for many species of interest which were not detected. Isotope ratios were measured for 3He/4He, D/H, 13C/12C, 20Ne/22Ne, 38Ar/36Ar and for isotopes of both Kr and Xe.  相似文献   

Fluorescent organic matter in carbonaceous chondrites was investigated using a microscope equipped with a fluorescence spectrophotometer. Fluorescent particles were observed in powdered CM2 carbonaceous chondrites (Y-74662, Y-7791198, and Murchison) without carbon enrichment by acid treatments. Although it was difficult to find fluorescent particles in powdered sample of C3 chondrites (ALH-77307, Y-791717, and Allende) without acid treatments, many fluorescent particles were observed after carbon enrichment by acid treatments. Fluorescence of coronene and shock-altered graphite were observed using the same microscope and the same conditions as those for carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

Carbonaceous chondrites carry a record of chemical evolution that is unparalleled among presently accessible natural materials. Within the complex suite of organic compounds that characterize these meteorites, amino acids occur at a total concentration that may reach 0.6 micromole g-1 meteorite (approximately 60 ppm). Both free amino acids and acid-labile amino acid derivatives have been found in hot-water extracts of a CI1 and seven CM2 chondrites. Although the amino acid composition of all CM2 chondrites is not the same, differences may be largely explicable on the basis of spontaneous and biologically-caused decomposition occurring during their terrestrial residence. The amino acids of the Murchison meteorite (CM2) have been extensively analyzed and 52 amino acids have been positively identified. Thirty three of these amino acids are unknown in natural materials other than carbonaceous chondrites. Thus the Murchison meteorite has recently been the major source of new naturally-occurring amino acids. The Murchison amino acids comprise a mixture of C2 through C8 cyclic and acyclic monoamino alkanoic and alkandioic acids of nearly complete structural diversity. Within the acyclic monoamino alkanoic acid series, primary alpha-amino alpha-branched amino acids are predominant. The concentrations of individual amino acids decline exponentially with increasing carbon number within homologous series. Amino acid enantiomers are found in approximately equal amounts. Eight of the terrestrial protein amino acids have been found.  相似文献   

Main components of carbonaceous matter in carbonaceous chondrites are high molecular organic matter. Examinations of the compounds using pyrolysis GC/MS and FT-IR indicated the structural resemblance of major part of the molecule for all of the compounds from different types of carbonaceous chondrites (8 Antarctic and 2 none-Antarctic meteorites). A carbonaceous matter derived from graphite on a shock experiment using a rail gun (1g projectile at 7 km/s) showed similar IR spectrum to those of the meteoritic high-molecular organic matter. C-60 fullerene also gave a similar compound (with minor differences in IR spectra) on a shock experiment under the same conditions. A shock experiment using coronene also examined.  相似文献   

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