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Information about the composition of volatiles in the Martian atmosphere and interior derives from Viking spacecraft and ground-based measurements, and especially from measurements of volatiles trapped in Martian meteorites, which contain several distinct components. One volatile component, found in impact glass in some shergottites, gives the most precise measurement to date of the composition of Martian atmospheric Ar, Kr, and Xe, and also contains significant amounts of atmospheric nitrogen showing elevated 15N/14N. Compared to Viking analyses, the 36Ar/132Xe and 84Kr/132Xe elemental ratios are larger in shergottites, the 129Xe/132Xe ratio is similar, and the 40Ar/36Ar and 36Ar/38Ar ratios are smaller. The isotopic composition of atmospheric Kr is very similar to solar Kr, whereas the isotopes of atmospheric Xe have been strongly mass fractionated in favor of heavier isotopes. The nakhlites and ALH84001 contain an atmospheric component elementally fractionated relative to the recent atmospheric component observed in shergottites. Several Martian meteorites also contain one or more Martian interior components that do not show the mass fractionation observed in atmospheric noble gases and nitrogen. The D/H ratio in the atmosphere is strongly mass fractionated, but meteorites contain a distinct Martian interior hydrogen component. The isotopic composition of Martian atmospheric carbon and oxygen have not been precisely measured, but these elements in meteorites appear to show much less variation in isotopic composition, presumably in part because of buffering of the atmospheric component by larger condensed reservoirs. However, differences in the oxygen isotopic composition between meteorite silicate minerals (on the one hand) and water and carbonates indicate a lack of recycling of these volatiles through the interior. Many models have been presented to explain the observed isotopic fractionation in Martian atmospheric N, H, and noble gases in terms of partial loss of the planetary atmosphere, either very early in Martian history, or over extended geological time. The number of variables in these models is large, and we cannot be certain of their detailed applicability. Evolutionary data based on the radiogenic isotopes (i.e., 40Ar/36Ar, 129Xe/132Xe, and 136Xe/132Xe ratios) are potentially important, but meteorite data do not yet permit their use in detailed chronologies. The sources of Mars' original volatiles are not well defined. Some Martian components require a solar-like isotopic composition, whereas volatiles other than the noble gases (C, N, and H2O) may have been largely contributed by a carbonaceous (or cometary) veneer late in planet formation. Also, carbonaceous material may have been the source of moderate amounts of water early in Martian history.  相似文献   

Data on the composition of the Martian atmosphere obtained by instruments aboard the Viking spacecraft are not of sufficient accuracy to address important questions regarding the composition and history of Mars. Laboratory analyses of gases trapped in glassy phases of shergottite meteorite EETA 79001 yield precise data, but it remains to be ascertained that these gases constitute unfractionated Martian atmosphere. Return from Mars of a gas sample for laboratory analysis appears preferable to another in situ measurement, especially if rocks of documented origin will become available for gas analysis as well.  相似文献   

Space Science Reviews - The BepiColombo Environment Radiation Monitor (BERM) on board the European Space Agency’s Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), is designed to measure the radiation...  相似文献   

Most of the southern hemisphere of Mars is densely cratered and stands 1–3 km above the topographic datum. The northern hemisphere is more sparsely cratered and elevations are generally below the datum. A broad rise, the Tharsis bulge, centered at 14° S, 101° W, is 8000 km across and 10 km above the datum at its summit. The densely cratered terrain has two main components; very ancient crust, nearly saturated with large craters, and younger intercrater plains. In many areas the older unit is fractured and extensively dissected by small channels. The younger intercrater plains are distinctly layered in places and less dissected, less fractured, and less cratered. Both units probably date from very early in the planet's history. Cratered plains cover much of the northern hemisphere and are highly variegated. Those around the large volcanoes are covered with numerous volcanic flows whereas in other areas the plains are featureless except for craters and lunar mare-like ridges. Between 40° N and 60° N the plains are complex with various kinds of striped and patterned ground, low escarpments, and isolated irregularly shaped mesas. Their peculiar morphology has been attributed, in part, to the repeated deposition and removal of volatile-rich debris layers. Along the boundary between the northern plains and the densely cratered terrain to the south, the plains and cratered terrain complexly inter-finger. The old terrain forms the high ground and appears to have undergone mass wasting on a large scale. In several areas, particularly south of Chryse Planitia, the old, cratered surface has collapsed to form chaotic terrain. Large channels, tens of kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers long, with numerous characteristics suggestive of catastrophic flooding, commonly emerge from the chaotic areas. Much of the area between 50° W and 180° W and 50° N and 50° S is cut by fractures radial to the center of the Tharsis bulge. The equatorial canyon system, Valles Marineris, is radial to the bulge and appears to have formed largely by faulting along the radial fractures, although it has also been extensively modified by various mass wasting and fluvial processes. Most but not all volcanoes are in the Tharsis and Elysium regions. The largest resemble terrestrial shield volcanoes except for scale; the edifices, flow features and calderas are all far larger than their terrestrial counterparts. Most impact craters on Mars are surrounded by layers of ejecta, each with a distil ridge. This unique morphology coupled with other surface characteristics suggests large amounts of ground ice. Layered deposits at both poles appear to be relatively young, volatile-rich, aeolian deposits. The north pole is also surrounded by a continuous belt of dunes several tens of kilometers across. In most other places, aeolian modification of the surface at a scale of several tens of meters appears slight despite annual global dust storms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review current estimates of the global water inventory of Mars, potential loss mechanisms, the thermophysical characteristics of the different reservoirs that water may be currently stored in, and assess how the planet’s hydrosphere and cryosphere evolved with time. First, we summarize the water inventory quantified from geological analyses of surface features related to both liquid water erosion, and ice-related landscapes. They indicate that, throughout most of Martian geologic history (and possibly continuing through to the present day), water was present to substantial depths, with a total inventory ranging from several 100 to as much as 1000 m Global Equivalent Layer (GEL). We then review the most recent estimates of water content based on subsurface detection by orbital and landed instruments, including deep penetrating radars such as SHARAD and MARSIS. We show that the total amount of water measured so far is about 30 m GEL, although a far larger amount of water may be stored below the sounding depths of currently operational instruments. Finally, a global picture of the current state of the subsurface water reservoirs and their evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

The long-term evolution of the polar magnetic field at the coronal base induced by the first Rossby mode demonstrates the reversal of the line-of-sight magnetic field component in polar caps and what is more the same line-of-sight magnetic polarities in both caps (“the line-of-sight solar magnetic monopole”) at the moment of reversal. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Neutral Particle Detector (NPD) of the ASPERA-3 experiment (Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms) on board the Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft observed an intense flux of H ENAs (energetic neutral atoms) with average energy of about 1.5 keV emitted anisotropically from the subsolar region of Mars. The NPD detected the ENA jet near the bow shock at radial distances of about 1 R M from the Martian surface as the spacecraft moved outbound, while the NPD continuously pointed towards the subsolar region. The jet intensity shows oscillative behavior. These intensity variations occur on two clearly distinguishable time scales. The majority of the identified events have an average oscillation period of about 50 sec. The second group consists of events with long-scale variations with a time scale of approximately 300 sec. The fast oscillations of the first group exhibit a periodic structure and are detected in every orbit, while the slow variations of the second group are identified in ∼40% of orbits. The intensity of the fast oscillations have a peak-to-valley ratio about 20 to 30% of the peak intensity. One of the possible mechanisms to explain fast oscillations is the formation of the low frequency ion waves at the subsolar region of Mars. Slow variations may be explained by either temporal variations in the ENA generation source or by a specific structure of the ENA generation source, in which hair-like ENA subjets can be present.  相似文献   

The Martian ionosphere has for the first time been probed by a low frequency topside radio wave sounder experiment (MARSIS) (Gurnett et al., 2005). The density profiles in the Martian ionosphere have for the first time been observed for solar zenith angles less than 48 degrees. The sounder spectrograms typically have a single trace of echoes, which are controlled by reflections from the ionosphere in the direction of nadir. With the local density at the spacecraft derived from the sounder measurements and using the lamination technique the spectrograms are inverted to electron density profiles. The measurements yield electron density profiles from the sub-solar region to past the terminator. The maximum density varies in time with the solar rotation period, indicating control of the densities by solar ionizing radiation. Electron density increases associated with solar flares were observed. The maximum electron density varies with solar zenith angle as predicted by theory. The altitude profile of electron densities between the maximum density and about 170m altitude is well approximated by a classic Chapman layer. The neutral scale height is close to 10 to 13 km. At altitudes above 180 km the densities deviate from and are larger than inferred by the Chapman layer. At altitudes above the exobase the density decrease was approximated by an exponential function with scale heights between 24 and 65 km. The densities in the top side ionosphere above the exobase tends to be larger than the densities extrapolated from the Chapman layer fitted to the measurements at lower altitudes, implying more efficient upward diffusion above the collision dominated photo equilibrium region.  相似文献   

从1852年傅科提出陀螺仪的概念到今天,陀螺技术走过了158年的历史。船用惯导设备也经历了从陀螺罗经到平台惯导再到激光捷联惯导系统的逐步演化的过程。本文综述了船用惯导设备的发展历程,总结了发展特点,为我国船用惯导系统的进一步发展提供了一些启示。  相似文献   

The solar wind at Mars interacts with the extended atmosphere and small-scale crustal magnetic fields. This interaction shares elements with a variety of solar system bodies, and has direct bearing on studies of the long-term evolution of the Martian atmosphere, the structure of the upper atmosphere, and fundamental plasma processes. The magnetometer (MAG) and electron reflectometer (ER) on Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) continue to make many contributions toward understanding the plasma environment, thanks in large part to a spacecraft orbit that had low periapsis, had good coverage of the interaction region, and has been long-lived in its mapping orbit. The crustal magnetic fields discovered using MGS data perturb plasma boundaries on timescales associated with Mars' rotation and enable a complex magnetic field topology near the planet. Every portion of the plasma environment has been sampled by MGS, confirming previous measurements and making new discoveries in each region. The entire system is highly variable, and responds to changes in solar EUV flux, upstream pressure, IMF direction, and the orientation of Mars with respect to the Sun and solar wind flow. New insights from MGS should come from future analysis of new and existing data, as well as multi-spacecraft observations.  相似文献   

We review the radiometric ages of the 16 currently known Martian meteorites, classified as 11 shergottites (8 basaltic and 3 lherzolitic), 3 nakhlites (clinopyroxenites), Chassigny (a dunite), and the orthopyroxenite ALH84001. The basaltic shergottites represent surface lava flows, the others magmas that solidified at depth. Shock effects correlate with these compositional types, and, in each case, they can be attributed to a single shock event, most likely the meteorite's ejection from Mars. Peak pressures in the range 15 – 45 GPa appear to be a "launch window": shergottites experienced ~30 – 45 GPa, nakhlites ~20 ± 5 GPa, Chassigny ~35 GPa, and ALH84001 ~35 – 40 GPa. Two meteorites, lherzolitic shergottite Y-793605 and orthopyroxenite ALH84001, are monomict breccias, indicating a two-phase shock history in toto: monomict brecciation at depth in a first impact and later shock metamorphism in a second impact, probably the ejection event. Crystallization ages of shergottites show only two pronounced groups designated S1 (~175 Myr), including 4 of 6 dated basalts and all 3 lherzolites, and S2 (330 – 475 Myr), including two basaltic shergottites and probably a third according to preliminary data. Ejection ages of shergottites, defined as the sum of their cosmic ray exposure ages and their terrestrial residence ages, range from the oldest (~20 Myr) to the youngest (~0.7 Myr) values for Martian meteorites. Five groups are distinguished and designated SDho (one basalt, ~20 Myr), SL (two lherzolites of overlapping ejection ages, 3.94 ± 0.40 Myr and 4.70 ± 0.50 Myr), S (four basalts and one lherzolite, ~2.7 – 3.1 Myr), SDaG (two basalts, ~1.25 Myr), and SE (the youngest basalt, 0.73 ± 0.15 Myr). Consequently, crystallization age group S1 includes ejection age groups SL, SE and 4 of the 5 members of S, whereas S2 includes the remaining member of S and one of the two members of SDaG. Shock effects are different for basalts and lherzolites in group S/S1. Similarities to the dated meteorite DaG476 suggest that the two shergottites that are not dated yet belong to group S2. Whether or not S2 is a single group is unclear at present. If crystallization age group S1 represents a single ejection event, pre-exposure on the Martian surface is required to account for ejection ages of SL that are greater than ejection ages of S, whereas secondary breakup in space is required to account for ejection ages of SE less than those of S. Because one member of crystallization age group S2 belongs to ejection group S, the maximum number of shergottite ejection events is 6, whereas the minimum number is 2. Crystallization ages of nakhlites and Chassigny are concordant at ~1.3 Gyr. These meteorites also have concordant ejection ages, i.e., they were ejected together in a single event (NC). Shock effects vary within group NC between the nakhlites and Chassigny. The orthopyroxenite ALH84001 is characterized by the oldest crystallization age of ~4.5 Gyr. Its secondary carbonates are ~3.9 Gyr old, an age corresponding to the time of Ar-outgassing from silicates. Carbonate formation appears to have coincided with impact metamorphism, either directly, or indirectly, perhaps via precipitation from a transient impact crater lake. The crystallization age and the ejection age of ALH84001, the second oldest ejection age at 15.0 ± 0.8 Myr, give evidence for another ejection event (O). Consequently, the total number of ejection events for the 16 Martian meteorites lies in the range 4 – 8. The Martian meteorites indicate that Martian magmatism has been active over most of Martian geologic history, in agreement with the inferred very young ages of flood basalt flows observed in Elysium and Amazonis Planitia with the Mars Orbital Camera (MOC) on the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). The provenance of the youngest meteorites must be found among the youngest volcanic surfaces on Mars, i.e., in the Tharsis, Amazonis, and Elysium regions.  相似文献   

The physical parameters that influence the photometric and polarimetric properties of a solid are enumerated and used to guide a comparison of laboratory measurements with observations of Mars. Both the bright and dark areas of Mars are found to be covered by a fine powder. Furthermore, they appear to have a very similar chemical composition. It is argued that goethite is a major constituent of both regions. The particles on the bright areas are characterized by an average particle radius of 25 , while those on the dark areas have a mean size of 100 outside of the period of seasonal darkening and about 200 near the peak of the darkening. The seasonal darkening of the dark areas is the result of a change in the average particle dimension without an accompanying chemical change.The Martian atmosphere has much less of an influence on the photometric and polarimetric observations than was previously supposed. The observed lack of contrast in the blue appears to be largely the result of an intrinsic loss of surface contrast, and not an effect of a hypothetical atmospheric blue haze.
Résumé Les paramètres physiques qui influencent les propriétés photométriques et polarimétriques d'un solide sont énumérés et utilisés pour conduire une comparaison entre des mesures de laboratoire et des observations de Mars. On trouve que les régions brillantes et les régions sombres de Mars sont couvertes d'une fine poudre. En outre, elles paraissent avoir des compositions chimiques très semblables. Il est soutenu que la goethite est un constituant majeur des deux régions. Les particules des régions brillantes sont caractérisées par un rayon moyen de 25 , tandis que celles des régions sombres ont une taille moyenne de 100 en dehors de la période d'assombrissement saisonnier, et d'environ 200 près du maximum d'assombrissement. L'assombrissement saisonnier des régions sombres est le résultat d'une variation de la dimension moyenne des particules, non accompagné d'un changement chimique.L'influence de l'atmosphère Martienne sur les observations photométriques et polarimétriques est bien inférieure à ce qui était supposé antérieurement. Le manque de contraste que l'on observe dans le bleu, parait être principalement une conséquencede la perte de contraste de surface, et non pas un effet d'un hypothétique halo atmosphérique bleu.

This work was supported in part by grants NGR-09-015-023 and NGR-33-010-082 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. A preliminary account was published as Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Special Report 258 (1967). This paper is dedicated to the memory of V. V. Sharonov.  相似文献   

The interaction of the solar wind with the Martian exosphere and ionosphere leads to significant loss of atmosphere from the planet. Spacecraft data confirm that this is the case. However, the issue is how much is actually lost. Given that spacecraft coverage is sparse, simulation is one of the few ways for these estimates to be made. In this paper the evolution of our attempts to place bounds on this loss rate will be addressed. Using a hybrid particle code the loss rate with respect to solar EUV flux is addressed as well as a variety of numerical and chemical issues. The progress made has been of an evolutionary nature, with one approach tried and tested followed by another as the simulations are improved and better estimates are produced. The results to be reported suggest that the ion loss rates are high enough to explain the loss of water from Mars during earlier solar epochs.  相似文献   

Vignes  D.  Acuña  M.H.  Connerney  J.E.P.  Crider  D.H.  Rème  H.  Mazelle  C. 《Space Science Reviews》2004,111(1-2):223-231
We report observations of magnetic fields amplitude, which consist of a series of individual spikes in the Martian atmosphere. A minimum variance analysis shows that these spikes form twisted cylindrical filaments. These small diameter magnetic filaments are commonly called magnetic flux ropes. We examine the global characteristics of magnetic flux ropes, which are observed on 5% of the elliptical orbits of Mars Global Surveyor. Flux ropes are more often observed in Venus' atmosphere (70% of the orbits). In this paper we report some of the global characteristics of the flux ropes identified in the Martian atmosphere. No flux ropes are observed in the southern hemisphere of Mars. Most of them occur at high solar zenith angles, close to the terminator plane, and at high latitude with altitudes below 400 km. The orientation of the flux ropes appears random while in the case of Venus the orientation is more horizontal near the terminator for altitudes greater than 200 km. We have identified fewer flux ropes for SZA between 40 to 60 deg and for SZA lower than 20 deg, like in the case of Venus (Elphic and Russell, 1983b). Statistically, Mars' ionosphere with SZA range between 40circ to 60circ is less magnetized than near the subsolar point. As the Martian ionosphere is quite often magnetized by the magnetic components of the crustal field, this crustal magnetic field seems to inhibit the flux ropes formation in the southern hemisphere. However, some orbits without crustal magnetic field, called magnetic cavities, were observed without flux ropes. So the flux ropes formation process seems to be uppressed by another factor, like the solar wind dynamic pressure for Venus (Krymskii and Breus, 1988).  相似文献   

尽管9·11恐怖事件、世界经济不景气和亚太地区的SARS给全球的空运带来了灾难性的打击,空运业还是在缓慢复苏之中。 自上世纪60年代起,美国空运业发展尽管发生过若干重大事件,造成不同时期客流量的下降,如2003年底与达到最高水平的2000年相比,下降了5%-10%,但总体上还是保持了上升的趋势(参见下图)。  相似文献   

NH90是一种法、德、意、荷、葡联合研制的先进中型多用途直升机,未来将成为法、德、意等国的主力作战运输、突击、反潜、搜救机型。介绍了 NH90的航空电子系统,其中包括核心航空电子,任务航空电子及飞控系统。跟踪了 NH90航空电子软件开发团队使用软件产品线(SPL)技术对航空电子架构进一步升级的方向。  相似文献   

The evolution and escape of the martian atmosphere and the planet’s water inventory can be separated into an early and late evolutionary epoch. The first epoch started from the planet’s origin and lasted ~500 Myr. Because of the high EUV flux of the young Sun and Mars’ low gravity it was accompanied by hydrodynamic blow-off of hydrogen and strong thermal escape rates of dragged heavier species such as O and C atoms. After the main part of the protoatmosphere was lost, impact-related volatiles and mantle outgassing may have resulted in accumulation of a secondary CO2 atmosphere of a few tens to a few hundred mbar around ~4–4.3 Gyr ago. The evolution of the atmospheric surface pressure and water inventory of such a secondary atmosphere during the second epoch which lasted from the end of the Noachian until today was most likely determined by a complex interplay of various nonthermal atmospheric escape processes, impacts, carbonate precipitation, and serpentinization during the Hesperian and Amazonian epochs which led to the present day surface pressure.  相似文献   

通过对美国国防部历次发布的系统工程标准(含草案)的编排结构、系统工程及系统工程过程的定义、系统工程实施的规定等作对照分析,发现系统工程标准是工程活动的顶层指导文件,它在美军采办中重新焕发生命力.  相似文献   

Nitrogen isotopes have played an important part in the acceptance of the hypothesis that SNC meteorites derive from Mars. As a result, these meteorites can be investigated for their carbon, sulphur, and hydrogen systematics with a view to learning something about the environmental conditions on the planet. Important aspects of the role of carbon, present in the form of carbon dioxide as an atmospheric gas and leading to the formation of carbonates by weathering or hydrothermal activity, can be established. The presence of indigenous organics is an intriguing possibility. A variety of new or emerging techniques which could improve our understanding of SNC meteorites and might be applied to a returned Martian sample are discussed.  相似文献   

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