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采用多片压电元件(PZT)粘贴在焊接铝板结构表面,用阻抗分析仪测量PZT导纳信息,研究激励频率对PZT导纳值的影响以及不同位置PZT传感器对裂纹感知的灵敏性.构建人工神经网络,对焊缝结构的缺陷进行定位.实验结果表明:PZT传感器的导纳谱能灵敏地反映结构状态的微小变化;且不同位置PZT对裂纹感知的灵敏度不同;对于同一PZT,激励频率不同,其阻抗变化量不同;提取导纳信息中表征结构健康状况的特征量作为神经网络的输入向量,训练后的神经网络可以迅速并准确地实现焊缝结构损伤的监测和定位.  相似文献   

为了实现对金属铝板的损伤检测,从而为航空装备提供高效、可靠的维修检测技术保障。介绍了压电阻抗技术用于结构损伤检测的基本原理,并以含裂纹铝合金圆片为对象开展了实验研究和深入探讨。研究结果表明,高频激励下,可以通过PZT电阻抗实部响应曲线谱的变化来识别结构损伤。同时引入了不同损伤下,PZT电阻抗实部相关系数偏差(1-R2),以(1-R2)3来定义损伤指数,从而实现了损伤初步定量估计。  相似文献   

结构健康监测(Structural health monitoring,SHM)是指利用现场的无损传感技术,分析通过包括结构响应在内的结构系统特性,达到检测结构损伤或退化的一些变化。结构健康监测是一种实时的在线监测技术,国外己在土木工程(大跨桥梁、高层复杂建筑、海洋平台等)、机械以及航空航天工程等领域有较多的应用。  相似文献   

结构健康监测系统中的频率响应方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文就频率响应方法在结构健康监测系统中的应用进行研究。运用有限元方法计算了圆形通孔与分层两种损伤对复合材料结构动态特性的影响,尝试利用RBF(径向基函数)神经网络对损伤进行识别与定位,并取得不错的结果;对频率响应方法在结构健康监测系统中应用的可行性及其在健康监测系统中的应用进行讨论。  相似文献   

现有的健康监测系统通常忽略了老年人真实健康需求并且缺少对不同被试者差异因素的考量,导致监测结果不准确,测量值与真实健康状态可能出现偏差,延误了对突发健康问题的救治.为解决这一问题,本文提出了一种新的健康监测系统,包括生理参数的测量、修正和反馈.本研究收集了老年人临床样本,建立回归方程和统计模型,分析性别、年龄、测量时间...  相似文献   

利用L am b波频散方程及其数值求解得到的频散曲线,对L am b波模式及激励信号中心频率范围进行预测。建立了试验测试系统,利用集成在复合材料层合板上的PZT压电陶瓷片作为驱动器和传感器,激励并接收结构中激发的L am b波信号。对具有不同函数形式、中心频率和波峰数的信号激励,结构中传播的L am b波模式进行试验研究,为激励信号的选择与优化提供依据。利用H ilbert-Huang变换及H ilbert谱提取传感器信号特征,提出了L am b波信号在结构中传播时的能量衰减率和损伤敏感度两个考察指标,并据此对激励信号进行优化。实验结果表明,优化后的激励信号在结构中能激发出单一模式的L am b波(S0模式),有效地抑制了多模式现象的出现。同时,激发出的L am b波具有最低的能量衰减和最高的损伤灵敏度,响应信号特征明显,便于损伤识别。  相似文献   

采用将Lamb波和时频分析相结合的方法,对碳纤维增强复合材料层板结构进行在线的连续监测。首先研究Lamb波在复合材料层板结构中的传播问题,利用Mindlin板理论建立了低阶反对称Lamb波在各向异性复合材料层板中随传播角变化的频散关系;然后用小波变换对由压电传感元件激励和接收的Lamb波信号在时频域进行分析,提取特征信息,测量出Lamb波在结构中实际传播的飞行时间和群速度,并与理论结果相比较;在此基础上结合理论与实际量测信息,考虑各向异性对Lamb波速度的影响,使用遗传算法确定损伤位置,并估算损伤尺寸。实验研究表明了本文方法的可应用性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对无损检测与结构健康监测技术的发展趋势与挑战,介绍了一种无源无线射频识别(Radio frequency identification,RFID)监测传感器,并揭示了其在结构健康监测,特别是在航空航天领域的潜在应用。然后,从传感机制、信号测量、特征分析与提取等多角度对RFID传感技术在结构健康监测领域应用和存在的问题进行了全面阐述。最后,对RFID传感技术的发展前景和研究方向做了展望。本文为RFID传感技术在结构健康监测领域的研究和应用提供了理论指导和设计依据。  相似文献   

螺栓松动故障的准确检测对于确保机械产品可靠性具有重要意义。为了解决现有的基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的检测方法所需的大量高质量数据难以在实际工程中获取的问题,本文提出了一种基于视觉测振和CNN的螺栓松动检测方法。通过视觉测振技术,从视频中的每一个像素点提取出振动信号,有效解决了CNN模型训练数据难以获取的问题,通过少量实测视频样本即可对CNN模型进行训练,并实现对螺栓连接状态的准确预测。本文通过一个对悬臂梁结构的敲击实验验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于FBG传感器的固体火箭发动机结构健康监测技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
讨论光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)传感技术用于固体火箭发动机结构应变场、温度场和损伤状况健康监测的可行性。分析了利用FBG传感器组成固体火箭发动机结构健康监测系统的关键技术问题,包括光纤传感器的工艺集成,光纤传感网络的最优化布置,分布式传感器信号的解耦与处理等,并给出一些研究结论和初步解决方案。基于FBG传感器的健康监测系统在固体火箭发动机领域显示了良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Probability of detection(POD)graphics allow for a change from qualitative to quantitative assessment for every damage detection system,and as such it is a main request for conventional non-destructive testing(NDT)techniques.Its availability can greatly help towards the industrialization of the corresponding Structural health monitoring(SHM)system.But having in mind that for SHM systems the sensors are at fixed positions,and the location of a potential damage would change its detectability.Consequently robust simulation tools are required to obtain the model assisted probability of detection(MAPOD)which is needed to validate the SHM system.This tool may also help for the optimization of the sensor distribution,and finally will allow a probabilistic risk management.INDEUS,simulation of ultrasonic waves SHM system,was a main milestone in this direction.This article deals with the simulation tools for a strain based SHM system,using fiber optic sensors(FOS).FOS are essentially strain/temperature sensors,either with multi-point or with distributed sensing.The simulation tool includes the finite element model(FEM)for the original and damaged structure,and algorithms to compare the strain data at the pre-established sensors locations,and from this comparison to extract information about damage occurrence and location.The study has been applied to the structure of an all-composite unmanned aircraft vehicle(UAV)now under construction,designed at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid for the inspection of electrical utilities networks.Distributed sensing optical fibers were internally bonded at the fuselage and wing.Routine inspection is planned to be done with the aircraft at the test bench by imposing known loads.From the acquired strain data,damage occurrence may be calculated as slight deviations from the baselines.This is a fast inspection procedure without requiring trained specialists,and it would allow for detection of hidden damages.Simulation indicates that stringer partial debondings are detected before they become critical,while small delaminations as those produced by barely visible impact damages would require a prohibited number of sensing lines.These simulation tools may easily be applied to any other complex structure,just by changing the FEM models.From these results it is shown how a fiber optic based SHM system may be used as a reliable damage detection procedure.  相似文献   

基于BP网络的热工过程模型辨识方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要研究了人工神经网络在辨识火电厂热工过程模型中的应用,利用Visual C^ 语言构造BP神经网络,提出了把BP网络权值转换为传递函数的方法,针对火电厂常见的热工过程,不用人为加入特殊的激励信号,只利用现场生产中自然存在的扰动信号进行辨识试验,试验结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

Piezoelectric cantilever bimorph vibrator is the core component of piezoelectric inertial actuators.Piezoelectric cantilever bimorph vibrator with lumped mass at the end is studied,and a dynamic model is constructed by the proposed method of transforming symmetric electrical signal excitation to equivalent harmonic force excitation.Combining the theory and test,the single-degree-of-freedom damp vibration system consisting of the vibrator is analyzed and the full response is provided.Dynamical system modeling and simulation are conducted by software Matlab/Simulink.The output response of deflection,velocity,acceleration,driving force are solved using the input signal of equivalent harmonic force.Based on the data of theory,simulation and experiments,the deflection of vibrator is analyzed and compared under the excitation of sine wave signal.Result shows that the dynamic deflection results of vibrator from theory,simulation and experiments agree well with each other.The proposed modeling and analysis approaches of the single-degree-of-freedom damp vibration system consisting of the vibrator,have some reference significance for further research of piezoelectric inertial actuators.  相似文献   

A novel double-foot piezoelectric linear motor is proposed.The kinematic model of the motor under stepping motion is presented.The motor mainly consists of a stator with four piezoelectric stacks,a mover,a holding mechanism,and a preloading mechanism to achieve large stroke with high resolution.Finite element simulations are carried out to analyze the motion characteristics of the motor.A prototype is fabricated and a serial experiments are conducted to validate the feasibility of the motor principle.Experimental results indicate that the motor can move at a speed of 670.22μm/s with a driving frequency of 120 Hz and a voltage of 120 V.The resolution of the proposed motor is 3.6μm while the resolution of the single-step motion is 0.1μm.  相似文献   

介绍改进后的游标卡尺的结构原理及使用。  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的内圆磨床主轴动态分析方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对神经网络学习样本的选择问题的研究,本文提出了采用“多水平正交表”选取神经网络的训练样本的方法,建立了内圆磨床主轴系统的BP神经网络模型,并在试验的基础上借助于优化方法进行了模型修正和优化计算。该方法不仅计算方便、快捷,而且具有较高的计算精度。  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的复合材料性能预测   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对复合材料性能表征十分复杂、困难的情况,利用人工神经网络的BP算法,建立了复合材料性能预测模型。模型由3层神经元组成,分别为输入层、隐含层和输出层。以碳/陶瓷复合材料性能与成分的关系为研究对象,选取了38组实验数据作为学习样本,模型总误差为0.18,用建立的网络预测未知,并给出预报曲线。和试验值相比较表明,所建立的网络能反映碳/陶瓷复合材料组分与其材料性能之间的关系,为实验设计提供了新的思路,节省了时间和劳力。  相似文献   

The quality of injection plastic molded parts relates to precise geometry,smooth surface,strength,durability,and other indicators that are associated with the mold,materials,injection process,and service environment.The warpage is one of main defects of injection products,which cost much time and materials.In order to minimize warpage to ensure the precise shape of molded parts,it needs to combine design,service conditions,process parameters,material properties,and other factors in the design and manufacturing.Finite element tools and material database are used to analyze the occurrence of warpage,and analysis results contribute to the improvement and optimization of injection molding process of typical parts.To find the optimal process parameters in the solution space,experimental data are used to establish backpropagation(BP)network for predicting warpage of a bearing stand based on analysis with Moldflow.With a proper transfer function and the BP network architecture,results from the BP network method satisfiy the criteria of accuracy.The optimal solutions are searched in the BP network by the genetic algorithm with the finding that the optimization method based on the BP network is efficient.  相似文献   

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