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A number of previously unclassified multiplets of Fexiv, xiii, xii, and xi produced by transitions of the type 3s 23p n -3s3p n+1 are identified in the XUV spectrum of the Sun. The iron lines account for most of the previously unidentified strong lines between 330 and 370 Å. Solar observations of especial value for the investigation of the 300–400 Å region were the slitless spectroheliograms of September 22, 1968 (Purcell and Tousey, 1969) and November 4, 1969 (Tousey, 1971) — on which the image of a flare was recorded. Other solar identifications in the same spectral region include the resonance lines of Nixvii and Nixviii, and one 3p-3d multiplet of Fexiii. The solar blend at 417 Å involving the Fexv inter-combination line and Sxiv is resolved.  相似文献   

The properties of the eclipsing binaries Algol, Beta Lyrae, and W Serpentis are discussed and new results are presented. The physical properties of the components of Algol are now well determined. High resolution spectroscopy of the H-alpha feature by Richards et al. and by Gillet et al. and spectroscopy of the ultraviolet resonance lines with the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite reveal hot gas around the BBV primary. Gas flows also have been detected apparently originating from the low mass, cooler secondary component and flowing toward the hotter star through the Lagrangian L1 point. Analysis of 6 years of multi-bandpass photoelectric photometry of Beta Lyrae indicates that systematic changes in light curves occur with a characteristic period of -275 ± 25 days. These changes may arise from pulsations of the B8II star or from changes in the geometry of the disk component. Hitherto unpublished u, v, b, y, and H-alpha index light curves of W Ser are presented and discussed. W Ser is a very complex binary system that undergoes complicated, large changes in its light curves. The physical properties of W Ser are only poorly known, but it probably contains one component at its Roche surface, rapidly transfering matter to a component which is embedded in a thick, opaque disk. In several respects, W Ser resembles an upscale version of a cataclysmic variable binary system.  相似文献   

This paper highlights significant advances in plasmaspheric wave research with Cluster and Image observations. This leap forward was made possible thanks to the new observational capabilities of these space missions. On one hand, the multipoint view of the four Cluster satellites, a unique capability, has enabled the estimation of wave characteristics impossible to derive from single spacecraft measurements. On the other hand, the Image experiments have enabled to relate large-scale plasmaspheric density structures with wave observations and provide radio soundings of the plasmasphere with unprecedented details. After a brief introduction on Cluster and Image wave instrumentation, a series of sections, each dedicated to a specific type of plasmaspheric wave, put into context the recent advances obtained by these two revolutionary missions.  相似文献   

Plasmaspheric density structures have been studied since the discovery of the plasmasphere in the late 1950s. But the advent of the Cluster and Image missions in 2000 has added substantially to our knowledge of density structures, thanks to the new capabilities of those missions: global imaging with Image and four-point in situ measurements with Cluster. The study of plasma sources and losses has given new results on refilling rates and erosion processes. Two-dimensional density images of the plasmasphere have been obtained. The spatial gradient of plasmaspheric density has been computed. The ratios between H+, He+ and O+ have been deduced from different ion measurements. Plasmaspheric plumes have been studied in detail with new tools, which provide information on their morphology, dynamics and occurrence. Density structures at smaller scales have been revealed with those missions, structures that could not be clearly distinguished before the global images from Image and the four-point measurements by Cluster became available. New terms have been given to these structures, like “shoulders”, “channels”, “fingers” and “crenulations”. This paper reviews the most relevant new results about the plasmaspheric plasma obtained since the start of the Cluster and Image missions.  相似文献   

Ground-based instruments and a number of space missions have contributed to our knowledge of the plasmasphere since its discovery half a century ago, but it is fair to say that many questions have remained unanswered. Recently, NASA’s Image and ESA’s Cluster probes have introduced new observational concepts, thereby providing a non-local view of the plasmasphere. Image carried an extreme ultraviolet imager producing global pictures of the plasmasphere. Its instrumentation also included a radio sounder for remotely sensing the spacecraft environment. The Cluster mission provides observations at four nearby points as the four-spacecraft configuration crosses the outer plasmasphere on every perigee pass, thereby giving an idea of field and plasma gradients and of electric current density. This paper starts with a historical overview of classical single-spacecraft data interpretation, discusses the non-local nature of the Image and Cluster measurements, and emphasizes the importance of the new data interpretation tools that have been developed to extract non-local information from these observations. The paper reviews these innovative techniques and highlights some of them to give an idea of the flavor of these methods. In doing so, it is shown how the non-local perspective opens new avenues for plasmaspheric research.  相似文献   

We review three distance measurement techniques beyond the local universe: (1) gravitational lens time delays, (2) baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and (3) HI intensity mapping. We describe the principles and theory behind each method, the ingredients needed for measuring such distances, the current observational results, and future prospects. Time-delays from strongly lensed quasars currently provide constraints on \(H_{0}\) with \(<4\%\) uncertainty, and with \(1\%\) within reach from ongoing surveys and efforts. Recent exciting discoveries of strongly lensed supernovae hold great promise for time-delay cosmography. BAO features have been detected in redshift surveys up to \(z\lesssim0.8\) with galaxies and \(z\sim2\) with Ly-\(\alpha\) forest, providing precise distance measurements and \(H_{0}\) with \(<2\%\) uncertainty in flat \(\Lambda\)CDM. Future BAO surveys will probe the distance scale with percent-level precision. HI intensity mapping has great potential to map BAO distances at \(z\sim0.8\) and beyond with precisions of a few percent. The next years ahead will be exciting as various cosmological probes reach \(1\%\) uncertainty in determining \(H_{0}\), to assess the current tension in \(H_{0}\) measurements that could indicate new physics.  相似文献   

The observed scaling relations imply that supermassive black holes (SMBH) and their host galaxies evolve together. Near-Eddington winds from the SMBH accretion discs explain many aspects of this connection. The wind Eddington factor \(\dot{m}\) should be in the range ~1–30. A factor \(\dot{m}\sim 1\) give black hole winds with velocities v~0.1c, observable in X-rays, just as seen in the most extreme ultrafast outflows (UFOs). Higher Eddington factors predict slower and less ionized winds, observable in the UV, as in BAL QSOs. In all cases the wind must shock against the host interstellar gas and it is plausible that these shocks should cool efficiently. There is detailed observational evidence for this in some UFOs. The wind sweeps up the interstellar gas into a thin shell and propels it outwards. For SMBH masses below a certain critical (Mσ) value, all these outflows eventually stall and fall back, as the Eddington thrust of the wind is too weak to drive the gas to large radii. But once the SMBH mass reaches the critical Mσ value the global character of the outflow changes completely. The wind shock is no longer efficiently cooled, and the resulting thermal expansion drives the interstellar gas far from the black hole, which is unlikely to grow significantly further. Simple estimates of the maximum stellar bulge mass M b allowed by self-limited star formation show that the SMBH mass is typically about 10?3 M b at this point, in line with observation. The expansion-driven outflow reaches speeds v out?1200 km?s?1 and drives rates \(\dot{M}_{\mathrm{out}}\sim 4000~\mathrm {M}_{\odot }\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\) in cool (molecular) gas, giving a typical outflow mechanical energy L mech?0.05L Edd, where L Edd is the Eddington luminosity of the central SMBH. This is again in line with observation. These massive outflows may be what makes galaxies become red and dead, and can have several other potentially observable effects. In particular they have the right properties to enrich the intergalactic gas with metals. Our current picture of SMBH-galaxy coevolution is still incomplete, as there is no predictive theory of how the hole accretes gas from its surroundings. Recent progress in understanding how large-scale discs of gas can partially cancel angular momentum and promote dynamical infall offers a possible way forward.  相似文献   

Empirical models for the plasma densities in the inner magnetosphere, including plasmasphere and polar magnetosphere, have been in the past derived from in situ measurements. Such empirical models, however, are still in their initial phase compared to magnetospheric magnetic field models. Recent studies using data from CRRES, Polar, and Image have significantly improved empirical models for inner-magnetospheric plasma and mass densities. Comprehensive electric field models in the magnetosphere have been developed using radar and in situ observations at low altitude orbits. To use these models at high altitudes one needs to rely strongly on the assumption of equipotential magnetic field lines. Direct measurements of the electric field by the Cluster mission have been used to derive an equatorial electric field model in which reliance on the equipotential assumption is less. In this paper we review the recent progress in developing empirical models of plasma densities and electric fields in the inner magnetosphere with emphasis on the achievements from the Image and Cluster missions. Recent results from other satellites are also discussed when they are relevant.  相似文献   

We discuss perspectives for new tests of general relativity which are based on recent technological developments as well as new ideas. We focus our attention on tests performed with atomic clocks and do not repeat arguments present in the other contributions to the present issue (Space Sci. Rev. 2009, This Issue). In particular, we present the scientific motivations of the space projects ACES (Salomon et al. in CR Acad. Sci. IV-2:1313, 2001) and SAGAS (Wolf et al. in Exp. Astron. 23:651, 2009).  相似文献   

The electric field and magnetic field are basic quantities in the plasmasphere measured since the 1960s. In this review, we first recall conventional wisdom and remaining problems from ground-based whistler measurements. Then we show scientific results from Cluster and Image, which are specifically made possible by newly introduced features on these spacecraft, as follows. 1. In situ electric field measurements using artificial electron beams are successfully used to identify electric fields originating from various sources. 2. Global electric fields are derived from sequences of plasmaspheric images, revealing how the inner magnetospheric electric field responds to the southward interplanetary magnetic fields and storms/substorms. 3. Understanding of sub-auroral polarization stream (SAPS) or sub-auroral ion drifts (SAID) are advanced through analysis of a combination of magnetospheric and ionospheric measurements from Cluster, Image, and DMSP. 4. Data from multiple spacecraft have been used to estimate magnetic gradients for the first time.  相似文献   

At present there is no doubt that the local interstellar medium (LISM) is mainly partially ionized hydrogen gas moving with a supersonic flow relative to the solar system. The bulk velocity of this flow is approximately equal ~26 km/s. Although the interaction of the solar wind with the charged component (below plasma component) of the LISM can be described in the framework of hydrodynamic approach, the interaction of H atoms with the plasma component can be correctly described only in the framework of kinetic theory because the mean free path of H atoms in the main process of the resonance charge exchange is comparable with a characteristic length of the problem considered. Results of self-consistent, kinetic-hydrodynamic models are considered in this review paper. First, such the model was constructed by Baranov and Malama (J. Geophys. Res. 98(A9):15,157–15,163, 1993). Up to now it is mainly developed by Moscow group taking into account new experimental data obtained onboard spacecraft studying outer regions of the solar system (Voyager 1 and 2, Pioneer 10 and 11, Hubble Space Telescope, Ulysses, SOHO and so on). Predictions and interpretations of experimental data obtained on the basis of these models are presented. Kinetic models for describing H atom motion were later suggested by Fahr et al. (Astron. Astrophys 298:587–600, 1995) and Lipatov et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 103(A9):20,631–20,642, 1998). However they were not self-consistent and did not incorporate sources to the plasma component. A self-consistent kinetic-hydrodynamic model suggested by Heerikhuisen et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 111:A06110, 2006, Astrophys. J. 655:L53–L56, 2007) was not tested on the results by Baranov and Malama (J. Geophys. Res. 111:A06110, 1993) although it was suggested much later. Besides authors did not describe in details their Monte Carlo method for a solution of the H atom Boltzmann equation and did not inform about an accuracy of this method. Therefore the results of Heerikhuisen et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 111:A06110, 2006) are in open to question and will not be considered in this review paper. That is why below we will mainly consider a progress of the Moscow group on heliospheric modelling endeavours in the kinetic-hydrodynamic approach. Criticism of the models that treat interstellar hydrogen in the heliosphere as several fluids is given. It is shown that the multi-fluid models give rise to unreal results especially for distributions of neutral component parameters. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modelling of the solar wind interaction with the LISM gas is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Solar wind is probably the best laboratory to study turbulence in astrophysical plasmas. In addition to the presence of magnetic field, the differences with neutral fluid isotropic turbulence are: (i) weakness of collisional dissipation and (ii) presence of several characteristic space and time scales. In this paper we discuss observational properties of solar wind turbulence in a large range from the MHD to the electron scales. At MHD scales, within the inertial range, turbulence cascade of magnetic fluctuations develops mostly in the plane perpendicular to the mean field, with the Kolmogorov scaling $k_{\perp}^{-5/3}$ for the perpendicular cascade and $k_{\|}^{-2}$ for the parallel one. Solar wind turbulence is compressible in nature: density fluctuations at MHD scales have the Kolmogorov spectrum. Velocity fluctuations do not follow magnetic field ones: their spectrum is a power-law with a ?3/2 spectral index. Probability distribution functions of different plasma parameters are not Gaussian, indicating presence of intermittency. At the moment there is no global model taking into account all these observed properties of the inertial range. At ion scales, turbulent spectra have a break, compressibility increases and the density fluctuation spectrum has a local flattening. Around ion scales, magnetic spectra are variable and ion instabilities occur as a function of the local plasma parameters. Between ion and electron scales, a small scale turbulent cascade seems to be established. It is characterized by a well defined power-law spectrum in magnetic and density fluctuations with a spectral index close to ?2.8. Approaching electron scales, the fluctuations are no more self-similar: an exponential cut-off is usually observed (for time intervals without quasi-parallel whistlers) indicating an onset of dissipation. The small scale inertial range between ion and electron scales and the electron dissipation range can be together described by $\sim k_{\perp}^{-\alpha}\exp(-k_{\perp}\ell_{d})$ , with α?8/3 and the dissipation scale ? d close to the electron Larmor radius ? d ?ρ e . The nature of this small scale cascade and a possible dissipation mechanism are still under debate.  相似文献   

The feasibility of observing chaotic behavior in the stellar component of spiral galaxies is discussed. Three sources for development of chaos are considered namely: steep potential gradients, resonances and growing spiral perturbations. Several regions where chaos could be expected are identified such as the very central region, the end of the bar, the start of the main spiral pattern and the termination of strong spiral arms.The main observational signature is likely to be an increased velocity dispersion while multiple peaks in the velocity profile due to bifurcation of the main family of periodic orbits near resonances could be viewed as an indicator of increased stochasticity. It is non-trivial to distinguish between a higher velocity dispersion due to chaotic motions and non-periodic orbits trapped around the central family of stable periodic orbits. This requires a good dynamic model which can be obtained by combining near-infrared K surface photometry maps and kinematic information.The ESO VLT 8m unit telescopes were taken as a reference to judge if it is feasible to observe chaos in disk galaxies with current state-of-the-art equipment. Whereas surface photometry map easily can be obtained with smaller telescopes, detailed line-of-sight velocity profiles from absorption lines are difficult to observed below an isophotal level of I20 mag/ even with an 8m class telescope. This suggests that it would be possible to observe chaotic behavior in spiral galaxies out to the end of the bar or start of the main spiral pattern but not further out in the spiral arms.  相似文献   

Here we discuss impacts of distance determinations on the Galactic disk traced by relatively young objects. The Galactic disk, \(\sim40~\mbox{kpc}\) in diameter, is a cross-road of studies on the methods of measuring distances, interstellar extinction, evolution of galaxies, and other subjects of interest in astronomy. A proper treatment of interstellar extinction is, for example, crucial for estimating distances to stars in the disk outside the small range of the solar neighborhood. We’ll review the current status of relevant studies and discuss some new approaches to the extinction law. When the extinction law is reasonably constrained, distance indicators found in today and future surveys are telling us stellar distribution and more throughout the Galactic disk. Among several useful distance indicators, the focus of this review is Cepheids and open clusters (especially contact binaries in clusters). These tracers are particularly useful for addressing the metallicity gradient of the Galactic disk, an important feature for which comparison between observations and theoretical models can reveal the evolution of the disk.  相似文献   

We present the status and open problems of nucleosynthesis in supernova explosions of both types, responsible for the production of the intermediate mass, Fe-group and heavier elements (with the exception of the main s-process). Constraints from observations can be provided through individual supernovae (SNe) or their remnants (e.g. via spectra and gamma-rays of decaying unstable isotopes) and through surface abundances of stars which witness the composition of the interstellar gas at their formation. With a changing fraction of elements heavier than He in these stars (known as metallicity) the evolution of the nucleosynthesis in galaxies over time can be determined. A complementary way, related to gamma-rays from radioactive decays, is the observation of positrons released in \(\beta^{+}\)-decays, as e.g. from \(^{26}\mbox{Al}\), \(^{44}\mbox{Ti}\), \(^{56,57}\mbox{Ni}\) and possibly further isotopes of their decay chains (in competition with the production of \(e^{+}e^{-}\) pairs in acceleration shocks from SN remnants, pulsars, magnetars or even of particle physics origin). We discuss (a) the role of the core-collapse supernova explosion mechanism for the composition of intermediate mass, Fe-group (and heavier?) ejecta, (b) the transition from neutron stars to black holes as the final result of the collapse of massive stars, and the relation of the latter to supernovae, faint supernovae, and gamma-ray bursts/hypernovae, (c) Type Ia supernovae and their nucleosynthesis (e.g. addressing the \(^{55}\mbox{Mn}\) puzzle), plus (d) further constraints from galactic evolution, \(\gamma\)-ray and positron observations. This is complemented by the role of rare magneto-rotational supernovae (related to magnetars) in comparison with the nucleosynthesis of compact binary mergers, especially with respect to forming the heaviest r-process elements in galactic evolution.  相似文献   

This chapter gives a brief review on the theory of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), including the models of multi-messengers (e.g., prompt multiwavelength electromagnetic emissions, high-energy neutrinos, ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, and gravitational waves) and central engines (in particular, mergers of binary neutron stars for short GRBs). For detailed reviews, please see (Piran in Phys. Rep. 314:575, 1999; Rev. Mod. Phys. 76:1143, 2004; Mészáros in Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 40:137, 2002; Rep. Prog. Phys. 69:2259, 2006; Zhang and Mészáros in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 19:2385, 2004; Zhang in Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys. 7:1, 2007; Nakar in Phys. Rep. 442:166, 2007; Kumar and Zhang in Phys. Rep. 561:1, 2015).  相似文献   

Gerhard  Ortwin 《Space Science Reviews》2002,100(1-4):129-138
This article summarizes recent work on the luminosity and mass distribution of the galactic bulge and disk, and on the mass of the Milky Way's dark halo. A new luminosity model consistent with the COBE NIR data and the apparent magnitude distributions of bulge clump giant stars has bulge/bar length of 3.5 kpc, axis ratios of 1:(0.3–0.4):0.3, and short disk scale-length (2.1 kpc). Gas-dynamical flows in the potential of this model with constant M/L fit the terminal velocities in 10° le|l|le50° very well. The luminous mass distribution with this M/L is consistent with the surface density of known matter near the Sun, but still underpredicts the microlensing optical depth towards the bulge. Together, these facts argue strongly for a massive, near-maximal disk in our L *, Sbc spiral galaxy. While the outer rotation curve and global mass distribution are not as readily measured as in similar spiral galaxies, the dark halo mass estimated from satellite velocities is consistent with a flat rotation curve continuing on from the luminous mass distribution.  相似文献   

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