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The black hole candidate Cygnus X-1 was observed in the hard X ray - soft γ ray energy range by the MISO telescope on two different occasions: in September 1979 and May 1980. We have measured two hard X-ray states of the source: in 1979 the observed spectrum confirms the superlow state measured in the same period by the HEAO-3 satellite, while in 1980 the MISO X-ray data are consistent with the so called low state of Cygnus X-1. In both occasions, no γ -ray excess has been observed above 200 KeV.  相似文献   

On five occasions in 1977 and 1978, Cygnus X-1 was observed using the Low-Energy Detectors of the UCSD/MIT Hard X-Ray and Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Experiment on the HEAO-1 satellite. Rapid (0.08 s ≤ t ≤ 1000 s) variability was found in the 10 – 140 keV band. The power spectrum was “white” for 10−3 Hz < f ≤ 5 × 10−2 Hz and was proportional to f−1 for 5 × 10−2 Hz ≤ f < 3 Hz, indicating correlations on all time scales < 20 s. If the emission is produced by Comptonization of a soft photon flux in a hot cloud, the heating of the cloud cannot be constant; it must vary on time scales up to 20 seconds. A variable accretion rate could cause the observed effects.  相似文献   

Regions of the sky containing the high energy γ-ray sources CG135+1 and CG195+4 were searched for X-ray and γ-ray emission in the energy range from 20 keV to 25MeV from balloon altitudes on October 8, 1978. A 5σ excess was measured in the counting rate of the telescope above 120 keV from the region of the sky containing CG135+1 and the spectrum of the source evaluated. No X- and γ-rays were found from CG195+4.  相似文献   

Shortly after it passed through perihelion on February 25, 1976 Comet West was observed by the Helios Zodiacal Light Experiment. Broadband photopolarimetric measurements of the head and of the tail were performed in three wavelength bands (U, B, V). The phase angles encountered range from 67° to 85°. The polarization measurements indicated wavelength independent linear polarization. The maximum degree of polarization in the visual channel was found to be .28 at a phase angle of 83°.  相似文献   

The SIGMA telescope realizes images of the sky in the hard X-ray domain (40 keV–1.3 MeV) through a coded mask system. The extragalactic study was one of the main objectives and has brought new results in our knowledge of the Active Galactic Nuclei behavior at high energy.

In fact, the variability is the most important factor as all these objects have been showed to display strong evolution in intensity or/and spectral shape. Moreover, the discovery of a new hard X-ray source close to 3C273 and probably strongly absorbed below 40–50 keV could have many consequences in the extragalactic field.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of the continuum radiation in the range of 0.95–1.9 μm presumes total dust production rate of the comet of 10ρ tonne s−1 (ρ is the dust material density) and its angular distribution proportional cos . Observations of the water vapor band at 1.38 μ m reveal strong jets, their time shift from the dust jet measured in situ is consistent with gas velocity of 0.82±0.1 km s−1 and dust velocity of 0.55±0.08 km s−1. The OH vibrational-rotational bands observed are excided directly via photolysis of water vapor. Water vapor production rate deduced from the H2O band and OH band intensities is 8×1029 s−1. Intensity of the CN(0,0) band result in the CN column density of 9×1012 cm−2, i.e. larger by a factor of 3 than given by the violet band.  相似文献   

The study of the dynamics and thermodynamics of the earth's upper atmosphere has made significant progress over the past few years owing to the availability of new global-scale data sets from the Dynamics Explorer satellites. The thermospheric wind and temperature fields at high latitude have been observed to depend strongly on forcing processes of magnetospheric origin. A key momentum source is due to the drag effect of ions convecting in response to electric fields mapped down on the ionosphere from magnetospheric boundary regions. Likewise, an important heat source derives from Joule or frictional dissipation due to ion/neutral difference velocities governed, in turn, by magnetospheric forcing. In this paper we discuss the progress made over the last 2–3 years initiated by the new satellite measurements and we review published data on ion and neutral motions in the context of the energy and momentum coupling between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere/neutral upper atmosphere. The observations indicate the existence of a “flywheel effect” which implies direct feedback from the neutral thermosphere to the magnetosphere via the release of energy and momentum previously “stored” in the neutral thermosphere.  相似文献   

Time period from October 1996 until January 1998 was checked on high energy resolution DOK2 energetic particle instrument measurements on Interball-1 and Interball-2 for the ion (> 20 keV) dispersive events (EDIS) with the exclusion of Interball-1 orbit parts in the tail. A variety of energy dispersive events, both in ion and electron spectra with different duration is found in the auroral regions, in the outer magnetosphere and near the cusp. While EDIS were observed in all sectors of MLT, the best conditions for their observation were in the afternoon local time. The characteristics of dispersive events observed by DOK2 are consistent with their explanation by the gradient-curvature drift of particles from the injection point(s) in the night local time sector given in Lutsenko at al., 2000a, b.  相似文献   

本文介绍用微量热计技术建立二厘米小功率标准的设计原理、结构特点、校准方法和误差分析及估算值。该标准采用了自动反馈和辅助加热器技术,大大缩短了测量时间,提高了校准速度。同时,全部校准过程都由IBM-PC机控制和数据处理并打印出测量结果。该功率标准在12.4~18.0GH_2范围内测量有效效率的总不确定度为±0.4%。  相似文献   

The CORONAS-F mission experiments and results have been reviewed. The observations with the DIFOS multi-channel photometer in a broad spectral range from 350 to 1500 nm have revealed the dependence of the relative amplitudes of p-modes of the global solar oscillations on the wavelength that agrees perfectly well with the earlier data obtained in a narrower spectral ranges. The SPIRIT EUV observations have enabled the study of various manifestations of solar activity and high-temperature events on the Sun. The data from the X-ray spectrometer RESIK, gamma spectrometer HELICON, flare spectrometer IRIS, amplitude–temporal spectrometer AVS-F, and X-ray spectrometer RPS-1 have been used to analyze the X- and gamma-ray emission from solar flares and for diagnostics of the flaring plasma. The absolute and relative content of various elements (such as potassium, argon, and sulfur) of solar plasma in flares has been determined for the first time with the X-ray spectrometer RESIK. The Solar Cosmic Ray Complex monitored the solar flare effects in the Earth’s environment. The UV emission variations recorded during solar flares in the vicinity of the 120-nm wavelength have been analyzed and the amplitude of relative variations has been determined.  相似文献   

In 2004, we started operating a continuous Doppler sounding system to investigate ionospheric signatures of infrasonic, short period acoustic gravity waves and geomagnetic pulsations. Since January 2007, four stable 3.59 MHz transmitters have been in operation in the western part of the Czech Republic. Multipoint measurements enable us to investigate horizontal propagation of waves and disturbances in the ionosphere and to estimate horizontal distances over which these waves (disturbances) are correlated.  相似文献   

Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 20 and 91 cm wavelength are compared with data from the SOHO (EIT and MDI) and RHESSI solar missions to investigate the evolution of decimetric Type I noise storms and Type III bursts and related magnetic activity in the photosphere and corona. The combined data sets provide clues about the mechanisms that initiate and sustain the decimetric bursts and about interactions between thermal and nonthermal plasmas at different locations in the solar atmosphere. On one day, frequent, low-level hard X-ray flaring observed by RHESSI appears to have had no clear affect on the evolution of two closely-spaced Type I noise storm sources lying above the target active region. EIT images however, indicate nearly continuous restructuring of the underlying EUV loops which, through accompanying low-level magnetic reconnection, might give rise to nonthermal particles and plasma turbulence that sustain the long-lasting Type I burst emission. On another day, the onset of an impulsive hard X-ray burst and subsequent decimetric burst emission followed the gradual displacement and coalescence of a small patch of magnetic magnetic polarity with a pre-existing area of mixed magnetic polarity. The time delay of the impulsive 20 and 91 cm bursts by up to 20 min suggests that these events were unlikely to represent the main sites of flare electron acceleration, but instead are related to the rearrangement of the coronal magnetic field after the main flare at lower altitude. Although the X-ray flare is associated with the decimetric burst, the brightness and structure of a long-lasting Type I noise storm from the same region was not affected by the flare. This suggests that the reconfiguration of the coronal magnetic fields and the subsequent energy release that gave rise to the impulsive burst emission did not significantly perturb that part of the corona where the noise storm emission was located.  相似文献   

We have measured the X-ray flux of the bright galactic bulge source GX17+2 in the energy range 1–20 keV using the EXOSAT ME experiment. During 8 hours of continuous observation an X-ray flare was observed (lasting ~1 hr) followed by an intensity increase. The data show intensity dips with a quasiperiod of ~1.4 hours and quasi-periodic oscillations on time scale of 200–500 sec, which are possibly connected with oscillations of an accretion disc. The spectrum can be fitted by two blackbody spectra with kT1~1keV, and kT2~2keV, respectively, and an iron line at 6.3 ± 0.3 keV having 130 eV equivalent width. While the low energy component is rather stable, the 2keV-component shows considerable intensity variations. We suggest that the latter component represents emission from the inner part of the accretion disc while the soft spectrum is blackbody emission from the surface of the neutron star.  相似文献   

The PAMELA experiment is devoted to the study of cosmic rays in Low Earth Orbit with an apparatus optimized to perform a precise determination of the galactic antimatter component of c.r. It is constituted by a number of detectors built around a permanent magnet spectrometer. PAMELA was launched in space on June 15th 2006 on board the Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite for a mission duration of 3 years. The characteristics of the detectors, the long lifetime and the orbit of the satellite, will allow to address several aspects of cosmic-ray physics. In this work we discuss the observational capabilities of PAMELA to detect the electron component above 50 MeV. The magnetic spectrometer allows a detailed measurement of the energy spectrum of electrons of galactic and Jovian origin. Long term measurements and correlations with Earth–Jupiter 13 months synodic period will allow to separate these two contributions and to measure the primary electron Jovian component, dominant in the 50–70 MeV energy range. With this technique it will also be possible to study the contribution to the electron spectrum of Jovian e reaccelerated up to 2 GeV at the Solar Wind Termination Shock.  相似文献   

Space Telescope (ST) observations of Jupiter and Saturn will offer a unique opportunity for monitoring their changing meteorological characteristics. They will provide higher spatial and temporal resolution for composition and vertical structure studies than have been available to date. We have simulated the planetary camera observations of Jupiter and Saturn by Voyager images of the appropriate spatial scale. With this data set we have investigated the meteorological properties of these atmospheres which can be studied at these scales. In addition we have considered the advances obtainable with the high resolution spectrometer on ST compared with observations from ground-based and other Earth-orbiting satellites. These studies will provide insight into the scientific gain and possible problems in the use of ST for planetary studies.  相似文献   

Magnetic field measurements obtained in the nightside magnetosphere by the co-orbiting ISEE-1 and 2 spacecraft have been examined for signatures of field-aligned currents (FAC). Such currents are found on the boundary of the plasma sheet both when the plasma sheet is expanding and when it is thinning. Plasma sheet boundary layer current structure and substorm associated dynamics can be determined using the two spacecraft, although for slow traversals of the FAC sheet the spatial/temporal ambiguity is still an issue. We often find evidence for the existence of waves on the plasma sheet boundary, leading to multiple crossings of the FAC sheet. At times the boundary layer FAC sheet orientation is nearly parallel to the X-Z GSM plane, suggesting ‘protrusions’ of plasma sheet into the lobes. The boundary layer current polarity is, as expected, into the ionosphere in the midnight to dawn local time sector, and outward near dusk. Current sheet thicknesses and velocities are essentially independent of plasma sheet expansion or thinning, having typical values of 1500 km and 20–40 km/s respectively. Characteristic boundary layer current densities are about 10 nanoamps per square meter.  相似文献   

With the continuous deployment of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, the estimation of differential code biases (DCBs) based on GNSS observations from LEO has gained increasing attention. Previous studies on LEO-based DCB estimation are usually using the spherical symmetry ionosphere assumption (SSIA), in which a uniform electron density is assumed in a thick shell. In this study, we propose an approach (named the SHLEO method) to simultaneously estimate the satellite and LEO onboard receiver DCBs by modeling the distribution of the global plasmaspheric total electron content (PTEC) above the satellite orbit with a spherical harmonic (SH) function. Compared to the commonly used SSIA method, the SHLEO model improves the GPS satellite DCB estimation accuracy by 13.46% and the stability by 22.34%, respectively. Compared to the GPS satellite DCBs estimated based on the Jason-3-only observations, the accuracy and monthly stability of the satellite DCBs can be improved by 14.42% and 26.8% when both Jason-2 and Jason-3 onboard observations are jointly processed. Compared with the Jason-2 solutions, the GPS satellite DCB estimates based on the fusion of Jason-2 and Jason-3 observations have an improved consistency of better than 18.26% and 9.71% with the products provided by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Taking the DCB products provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as references, there is no improvement in accuracy of the GPS satellite DCB estimates based on the fusion of Jason-2 and Jason-3 observations than the Jason-2 solutions alone. A periodic variation is found in the time series of both the Jason-3 and Jason-2 onboard receiver DCB estimates. Preliminary analysis of the PTEC distribution based on the estimated SH coefficients are also presented.  相似文献   

为研究Ti合金中常用的基体强化元素W对合金抗氧化性的作用,利用第一性原理方法计算了W掺杂对Ti合金氧化产物金红石TiO2中氧空位形成能的影响。计算发现,W可以显著增大其近邻位置的氧空位的形成能,使其增大将近0.7 eV,这将有效抑制氧空位的产生以及环境中氧的渗透,对Ti合金的抗氧化性是有益的。同时研究了2个氧空位组成的不同构型的空位对,发现W同样可以增大氧空位对的形成能,但增加的数值平均到每个氧空位只有0.2 eV,即随着氧化的加剧和氧空位浓度的增加,W对抗氧化性能提高的效果减弱。电子态密度分析表明,对于不同构型的氧空位对,体系内的未配对电子分布在不同的能级水平,这导致了不同的空位形成能。  相似文献   

The International Reference Ionosphere model extended to the plasmasphere, IRI-Plas, presents global electron density profiles and total electron content, TECiri, up to the altitude of the GPS satellites (20,000 km). The model code is modified by input of GPS-derived total electron content, TECgps, so that the topside scale height, Hsc, is obtained minimizing in one step the difference between TECiri and TECgps observation. The topside basis scale height, Hsc, presents the distance in km above the peak height at which the peak plasma density, NmF2, decays by a factor of e (∼2.718). The ionosonde derived F2 layer peak density and height and GPS-derived TECgps data are used with IRI-Plas code during the main phase of more than 100 space weather storms for a period of 1999–2006. Data of seven stations are used for the analysis, and data from five other stations served as testing database. It is found that the topside basis scale height is growing (depressing) when the peak electron density (critical frequency foF2) and electron content are decreased (increased) compared to the median value, and vice versa. Relative variability of the scale height, rHsc, and the instantaneous Hsc are inferred analytically in a function of the instantaneous foF2, median fmF2 and median Hmsc avoiding a reference to geomagnetic indices. Results of validation suggest reliability of proposed algorithm for implementation in an operational mode.  相似文献   

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