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Measurements of the shape of the ultraviolet spectrum from B stars are compared with the theoretical spectra predicted from a homogeneous series of eight model atmospheres which are known to be close to a state of radiative equilibrium and to give a good representation of the ordinarily observed spectral region. The broad-band photometer measurements of Byram, Chubb, and Friedman in the region 1314 indicate that the stars become brighter in the ultraviolet as their temperature increases. The theoretical spectra reproduce this trend. However, the theoretical spectra are about three times as bright at 1314 relative to their brightness at 5560 as is observed.The spectral observations at 50Å resolution of Stecher and Milligan of six absorption-line stars are compared in detail with theoretical spectra. The observed shape of the spectrum is reproduced well by the models from 2600 to longer wavelengths. At wavelengths shorter than 2600 Å, the observed fluxes from B stars are less than the predicted fluxes. At 2000 the deficiency is between a factor two and a factor four. The spectrum of Canis Majoris is observed to have a different shape from that found for four other early-type stars. In the case of Canis Majoris the deficiency at 2000 is about a factor 13.The proper manner in which to compare theory and observation is discussed and some astrophysical terminology is explained. Theoretical fluxes, , are given in Table 1 for eight early B type model atmospheres at wavelengths between the Lyman limit and 6251. These fluxes have been computed without consideration of the opacity due to line blanketing. It is shown that line blanketing can probably account for the differences noted between predicted and observed ultra-violet spectra of B stars. It is not necessary at present to invoke unusual sources of opacity in the stellar atmosphere or in the space between the star and the earth in order to explain the observations. Spectra of B stars in the 2000 region at sufficient resolution to show the line spectrum would clarify the problem.  相似文献   

We review work on diffusion coefficients of energetic particles with an attempt to extract implications on their behaviour at high latitudes. In the ecliptic plane results from solar energetic particle propagation between the Sun and about 5 AU can be described by an effective radial mean free path r which is approximately constant as a function of distancer. When particle propagation in three dimensions in the heliosphere is considered it is not sufficient to consider r only. Jovian electrons can be used as probes to determine the parameters of three-dimensional diffusion. In the polar regions diffusion is dominated by its parallel component. Some predictions how should vary with latitude are discussed. For different choices of this variation we present expectations for intensity-time profiles of solar particle events during the Ulysses polar passages.  相似文献   

New ultraviolet (1300 A, 3400 A),HST FOC observations have been used to derive the UV color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of R136, with the main scientific goal of studying the upper end of the stellar mass function at ultraviolet wavelengths where the color degeneracy encountered in visual CMDs is less severe. The CMD has been compared to a set of theoretical isochrones, which have been computed using the latest generation of evolutionary models and model atmospheres for early type stars. Wolf-Rayet stars are included. Comparison of theTheoretical andobserved CMD suggests that there are no stars brighter than M130–11. We use the observed main sequence turn-off and the known spectroscopic properties of the stellar population to derive constraints on the most probable age of R136. The presence of WNL stars and the lack of red supergiants suggests a most likely age of 3±1 Myr. A theoretical isochrone of 3±1 Myr is consistent with the observed stellar content of R136 if the most massive stars have initial masses around 50 M.Bases on Observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the STScI, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, ESA  相似文献   

Some of the problems foreseen for the joint accommodation and operation of the Grazing Incidence Solar Telescope (GRIST) under study by ESA to operate in the extreme ultraviolet region (90 < < 1700 Å), and the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), developed by NASA to operate in the ultraviolet, optical and infrared region (A > 1100 Å) on a Spacelab mission are described.Proceedings of the Conference Solar Physics from Space, held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), 11–14 November 1980.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that when magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is excited by stirring a plasma at large scales, the cascade of energy from large to small scales is anisotropic, in the sense that small-scale fluctuations satisfy the inequality k k , where k and k are, respectively, the components of a fluctuations wave vector and to the background magnetic field. Such anisotropic fluctuations are very inefficient at scattering cosmic rays. Results based on the quasilinear approximation for scattering of cosmic rays by anisotropic MHD turbulence are presented and explained. The important role played by molecular-cloud magnetic mirrors in confining and isotropizing cosmic rays when scattering is weak is also discussed.  相似文献   

Small scale structure in local interstellar matter (LISM) is considered. Overall morphology of the local cloud complex is inferred from Ca II absorption lines and observations of H I in white dwarf stars. Clouds with column densities ranging from 2–100 × 1017 cm–2 are found within 20 pc of the Sun. Cold (50 K) dense (105 cm–3) small (5–10 au) clouds could be embedded and currently undetected in the upwind gas. The Sun appears to be embedded in a filament of gas with thickness 0.7 pc, and cross-wise column density 2 × 1017 cm–2. The local magnetic field direction is parallel to the filament, suggesting that the physical process causing the filamentation is MHD related. Enhanced abundances of refractory elements and LISM kinematics indicate outflowing gas from the Scorpius-Centaurus Association. The local flow vector and Sco data are consistent with a 4,000,000 year old superbubble shell at –22 km s–1, which is a shock front passing through preshock gas at –12 km s–1, and yielding cooled postshock gas at –26 km s–1in the upwind direction. A preshock magnetic field strength of 1.6 G, and postshock field strength of 5.2 G embedded in the superbubble shell, are consistent with the data.Abbreviations LISM Local ISM - SIC Surrounding Interstellar Cloud - LIC Local Interstellar Cloud  相似文献   

We present optical spectroscopy and photometry and IUE spectroscopy of the counterpart of the LMC recurrent X-ray transient A0538-66 during an outburst at the end of December 1980 which was consistent with the 16.6 day X-ray period (Skinner, 1980). The optical spectra show steadily increasing Balmer and HeI emission (indicative of a shell phase) superposed on a B2 IV spectrum with a substantial brightness increase of 2m and the sharp turn-on of HeII 686 at the peak. Significant radial velocity changes have been detected but they show no correlation with the 16.6 day period. IUE spectra during a subsequent outburst show very strong and broad (5000 km s–1) emission from C IV 1550 and HeII 1640. This behaviour is compared with other galactic transients and shell/Be stars.  相似文献   

Since the baryon-to-photon ratio 10 is in some doubt at present, we ignore the constraints on 10 from big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and fit the three key cosmological parameters (h, M, 10) to four other observational constraints: Hubble parameter (ho), age of the universe (to), cluster gas (baryon) fraction (fo fGh3/2), and effective shape parameter (o). We consider open and flat CDM models and flat CDM models, testing goodness of fit and drawing confidence regions by the 2 method. CDM models with M = 1 (SCDM models) are accepted only because we allow a large error on ho, permitting h < 0.5. Open CDM models are accepted only for M 0.4. CDM models give similar results. In all of these models, large 10 ( 6) is favored strongly over small 10 ( 2), supporting reports of low deuterium abundances on some QSO lines of sight, and suggesting that observational determinations of primordial 4He may be contaminated by systematic errors. Only if we drop the crucial o constraint are much lower values of M and 10 permitted.  相似文献   

The feasibility of observation of EUV sources is assessed. Many stars have been detected in the EUV range ( 100–1000); line fluxes from others can be predicted. Selected astrophysical problems are reviewed that can benefit from EUV spectroscopy. Included among them are the physics and dynamics of stellar coronae, confirmation of nuclear surface burning on cataclysmic variables, evolutionary properties of white dwarfs, the helium abundance in the interstellar medium, and spectroscopic signatures of neutrino oscillations.Proceedings of the Conference Solar Physics from Space, held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), 11–14 November 1980.  相似文献   

A technique to derive the coronal density irregularity factor , wheren is the electron density, has been proposed by Fineschi and Romoli (1993). This technique will exploit the unique UVCS capability of cotemporal and cospatial measurements of both UV line radiation and K-coronal polarized brightness,pB.The ratio of the measured H I Lyman (Ly-) line intensity to the resonant-scattering dominated H I Lyman (Ly-) intensity can be used to extract the collisional component of the Ly-. This component yields an estimate of . The quantity is then obtained from the UVCS white-light K-coronal measurements.We present simulated observations of the UVCS for coronal atmosphere models with different filling factors and electron density profiles, and for different coronal structures (e.g., coronal holes, streamers). These simulations will show how the proposed technique may be used to probe inhomogeneities of the solar corona.  相似文献   

An optical design study for a next generation infrared space telescope has been performed. The concept is that of a passively cooled telescope of minium aperture 2.5 metre with an F/1.2 primary and wavelength coverage from = 2 to at least 40 m, and possibly to 100 m. Compactness, low thermal emission from the optics and structure, diffraction limited imaging at = 2 m, and sensitivity to misalignment aberrations and manufacturing errors were the main considerations for this study. Ray tracing results are presented showing the characteristics of the various designs considered. A preliminary investigation of stray light properties is also given. Special emphasis has been placed on the testing of such a fast primary, and optical systems using a lateral shearing interferometer are described for testing both the primary and the primary/secondary combination.  相似文献   

Thanks to remarkable new tools, such as the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) on board the HST and the EUVE spectrometer on the interstellar side, and Ulysses particle detectors on the heliospheric side, it is possible now to begin to compare abundances and physical properties of the interstellar matter outside the heliosphere (from absorption features in the stellar spectra), and inside the heliosphere (from in situ or remote detection of the interstellar neutrals or their derivatives, the pick-up ions or the Anomalous Cosmic Rays detected by the two Voyager spacecraft).Ground-based and UV spectra of nearby stars show that the Sun is located between two volumes of gas of different heliocentric velocities V and temperatures T (see also Linsky et al, this issue). One of these clouds has the same velocity (V= 25.6 km s–1 from = 255 and =8) and temperature (6700 K) as the heliospheric helium of interstellar origin probed by Ulysses, and is certainly surrounding our star (and then the Local Interstellar Cloud or LIC). This Identification allows comparisons between interstellar constituents on both sides of the heliospheric interface.Ly-alpha background data (absorption cell and recent HST-GHRS spectra) suggest that the heliospheric neutral H velocity is smaller by 5–6 km s–1 than the local cloud velocity, and therefore that H is decelerated at its entrance into the heliosphere, in agreement with interaction models between the heliosphere and the ISM which include the coupling with the plasma. This is in favor of a non negligible electron density (at least 0.05 cm3). There are other indications of a rather large ionization of the ambient ISM, such as the ionization equilibrium of interstellar magnesium and of sodium. However the resulting range for the plasma density is still broad.The heliospheric neutral hydrogen number density (0.08–0.16 cm–3) is now less precisely determined than the helium density (0.013–0.017 cm–3, see Gloeckler, Witte et al, Mobius, this issue). The comparison between the neutral hydrogen to neutral helium ratios in the ISM (recent EUVE findings) and in the heliosphere, suggests that 15 to 70% of H does not enter the heliosphere. The comparison between the interstellar oxygen relative abundance (with respect to H and He) in the ISM and the heliospheric abundance deduced from pick-up ions is also in favor of some filtration, and thus of a non-negligible ionization.For a significant ISM plasma density, one expects a Hydrogen wall to be present as an intermediate state of the interstellar H around the interface between inside and outside. Since 1993, the two UVS instruments on board Voyager 1 and 2 indeed reveal clearly the existence of an additional Ly-alpha emission, probably due to a combination of light from the compressed H wall, and from a galactic source. On the other hand, the decelerated and heated neutral hydrogen of this H wall has recently been detected in absorption in the spectra of nearby stars (see Linsky, this issue).  相似文献   

Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) high signal to noise spectrograms were obtained for 15 OB stars in the Magellanic Clouds***, three of which are of spectral type O3. The data cover the spectral region from 1150 A – 2300 A with a resolution of /1 A. One O8.5 supergiant, OB78#231, in M31is also included in this work. These data are a substantial improvement on previous high resolution IUE observations in the Magellanic Clouds (Walborn et al. 1985 and references therein) because of the smaller aperture and the much better signal to noise ratio, while no high resolution UV spectra of O stars in M31 have been obtained before. In this paper we discuss various morphological aspects of the spectra, concerning metallicity and the stellar winds, compared to galactic analogues.  相似文献   

Collective radiation processes operating in laboratory and space plasmas are reviewed with an emphasis towards astrophysical applications. Particular stress is placed on the physics involved in the various processes rather than in the detailed derivation of the formulas. Radiation processes from stable non-thermal, weakly turbulent and strongly turbulent magnetized and unmagnetized plasmas are discussed. The general theoretical ideas involved in amplification processes such as stimulated scattering are presented along with their application to free electron and plasma lasers. Direct radio-emission of electromagnetic waves by linear instabilities driven by beams or velocity anisotropies are shown to be of relevance in space applications. Finally, as an example of the computational state of the art pertaining to plasma radiation, a study of the type III solar radio bursts is presented.

Frequently used Symbols

Latin Symbols teB 0 ambient magnetic field - B 1 perturbed magnetic field - c speed of light - E 1 perturbed electric field - H Heaviside function - I unit dyadic - k wavevector of radiation fields - K D inverse Debye length - m, M electron and ion mass - T e , T i electron and ion temperature - u relativistic velocity - V e , V i electron and ion thermal speeds - V P , V g wave phase and group velocities - W wave spectral energy density Greek Symbols relativistic factor - plasma dielectric tensor - L , T longitudinal and transverse components of in isotropic media (i.e., =kk L /k 2+(lkk/k 2) T ) - index of refraction - angle between k and B 0 - plasma dispersion tensor (i.e. =(c 2/ 2)(kkk 2 l)+) - determinant of - D Debye length - e electron cyclotron frequency - u upper hybrid frequency - wave frequency - e electron plasma frequency Proceedings of the NASA/JPL Workshop on the Physics of Planetary and Astrophysical Magnetospheres.National Research Council/Naval Research Laboratory Research Associate.  相似文献   

In the past several years, X-ray observations of the Sun made from rockets and satellites have demonstrated the existence of high temperature (20 × 106 – 100 × 106 K), low density plasmas associated with solar flare phenomena. In the hard X-ray range ( < 1 ), spectra of the flaring plasma have been obtained using proportional and scintillation counter detectors. It is possible from these data to determine the evolution of the hard X-ray flare spectrum as the burst progresses; and by assuming either a non-thermal or thermal (Maxwellian) electron distribution function, characteristic plasma parameters such as emission measure and temperature (for a thermal interpretation) can be determined. Thermal interpretations of hard X-ray data require temperatures of 100 × 106 K.In contrast, the soft X-ray flare spectrum (1 <<30 ) exhibits line emission from hydrogen-like and helium-like ions, e.g. Ne, Mg, Al, Si,... Fe, that indicates electron energies more characteristic of temperatures of 20 × 106 K. Furthermore, line intensity ratios obtained during the course of an event show that the flare plasma can only be described satisfactorily by assuming a source composed of several different temperature regions; and that the emission measures and temperatures of these regions appear to change as the flare evolves. Temperatures are determined from line ratios of hydrogen-like to helium-like ions for a number of different elements, e.g., S, Si, and Mg, and from the slope of the X-ray continuum which is assumed to be due to free-free and free-bound emission. There is no obvious indication in soft X-ray flare spectra of non-thermal processes, although accurate continuum measurements are difficult with the data obtained to date because of higher order diffraction effects due to the use of crystal spectrometers.Soft X-ray flare spectra also show satellite lines of the hydrogen-like and helium-like ions, notably the 1s 22s 2 S-1s2s2p 2 P transition of the lithium-like ion, and support the contention that in low density plasmas these lines are formed by dielectronic recombination to the helium-like ion. Also, series of allowed transitions of hydrogen-like and helium-like ions are strong, e.g., the Lyman series of S up to Lyman-, and ratios of the higher member lines to the Lyman- line can be compared with theoretical calculations of the relative line strengths obtained by assuming various processes of line formation.This review will discuss the X-ray spectrum of solar flares from 250 keV to 0.4 keV, but will be primarily concerned with the soft X-ray spectrum and the interpretation of emission lines and continuum features that lie in this spectral range.  相似文献   

We compare CLOUDY predictions for the equilibrium ionization in the interstellar cloud surrounding the solar system with pick-up ion data. The incident radiation field includes contributions from hot stars, the emission from the conductive cloud boundary and the diffuse FUV back-ground. To within the observational uncertainties, CLOUDY predictions for the ratios n(He)/n(O), n(N)/n(O), n(Ne)/n(O), and n(He)/n(Ne) are consistent with pick-up ion data, provided that O and N are filtered by 50% in the heliopause region and the outer heliosphere as predicted by others. Thus, the steady-state ionization model and assumed radiation field appear approximately valid. However, the youth and low intervening column density towards the Vela pulsar leave open the possibility that the parent supernova explosion 10,500 years ago, and 200 pc distant, may also have affected LISM ionization, although the mechanism is uncertain. Support for this last possibility is provided by the apparent signature of the Vela explosion in the terrestrial geological record.Abbreviations ISM Interstellar Medium - FUV Far Ultraviolet - EUV Extreme Ultraviolet - SNR SN remnant - SXRB SXR Background - LISM Local Interstellar Matter  相似文献   

There is evidence for temperature fluctuations in Planetary Nebulae and in some Galactic H II regions. If such fluctuations occur in the low metallicity, extragalactic H II regions used to probe the primordial helium abundance, the derived 4He mass fraction, YP, could be systematically different from the true primordial value. Although this effect could be large, there are no data which allow us to estimate the size of the temperature fluctuations for the extragalactic H II regions. Therefore, we have explored this effect via Monte Carlo simulations of the data in which the abundances derived from a fiducial data set are modified by T chosen from a distribution with 0 T Tmax where Tmax is varied from 500 K to 4000 K.  相似文献   

Climate is discussed as an integral part of System Earth, determined by a complex interplay of numerous geological, biological and solar processes. The historical and geological record of changing climate and atmospheric CO2 pressure does not support the current popular vision that this greenhouse gas is the dominant climate controlling agent. When empirically ante post tested against past global climate changes, the forecasts of the climate models mainly based on forcing by atmospheric CO2 are not borne out. On the other hand, recent studies show that solar variability rather than changing CO2 pressure is an important, probably the dominant climate forcing factor.  相似文献   

Photoelectric WBVR observations of Be star HDE 245770=V 725 Tau, the optical counterpart of the transient X-ray pulsar A0535+26, having a pulse period of about 104 s, were conducted for more than 10 years. An irregular long-term optical variability of the star with amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of magnitude was found to be a usual phenomenon. In some cases rapid changes of the star's optical luminosity with a characteristic period of a few tens of minutes or a few hours, and an amplitude of several hundredths of magnitude in all the spectral bands used, which have practically coincided or correlated with the X-ray pulsar outbursts detected by X-ray satellites, were observed.Photoelectric recording of the optical flux from HDE 245770 were made in 1981–1982 with a time resolution of 1 second and 10 s, respectively, in theR spectral band (0 7000 Å) and in the narrowH -emission-line band (1/2 75 Å) using a 48-cm reflector of High-Mountain Tien-Shan observatory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute near Alma-Ata. An analysis of autocorrelation functions of the flux changes from object under study and a comparison with the star BD+26° 876 indicated the variability of luminosity of V 725 Tau in theR spectral band on a time scale of a few tens of second; this variability resembles shot noise with a characteristic time of stochastic bursts of about 15–20 s and their amplitudes of about a few tenths of a percent. InH -emission-line radiation autocorrelation functions and power spectra show quasiperiodic variability of luminosity of HDE 245770 with a characteristic period of about 100–150 s and an amplitude in the neighbour-hood of 0.5%. The latter result is not quite reliable because of not quite fine weather conditions during the observations; independent observations and check-up are required.  相似文献   

Summary Using values of d, min, and max that Van Riper (1978) has found most promising for a hydrodynamic envelope ejection, we have shown that even a small amount of rotation in the initial core can stop its collapse before nuclear densities are reached. We expected i > 0.02 to produce significant deviations from a spherically symmetric collapse, but have found that i as much as ten times smaller than this will not allow the core to reach densities as high as in the spherical collapse. In no case, however, does the core flatten very much, nor does the value of become very large. Low final 's preclude the formation of an axisymmetric torus. They also indicate that deformation of an iron core into a triaxial configuration or fragmentation of the core during its collapse is an extremely unlikely event. (Note: Classically, must exceed 0.27 before a dynamic instability to non-axisymmetric perturbations is encountered.)The small degree of flattening of the core also suggests that the reduced moment of inertia I of the core will always be relatively small in magnitude and hence that the third time derivative of I, which is proportional to the energy emitted in gravity wave radiation, will not be very significant. Numerically calculated estimates of I- during some of these model evolutions supports this suspicion. If the min and used here are found to be realistic values after the detailed physics of the core collapse is well understood, it is clear that gravitational radiation from a core collapse will be difficult to measure.Finally, we should point out that it is the relatively large values of Ymin (near 4/3) combined with values of d near unity that (a) prevented the core from flattening significantly in these models and (b) prevented the core from reaching high configurations. If realistic values of either one (or both) of these parameters are found to be much smaller in more complete models of the core collapse, then the core will have to become flatter (and denser) before pressure gradients will support it along the rotation axis. All of the conclusions drawn here would be modified accordingly under those circumstances. It should also be noted that in general relativistic models, the critical for spherical collapse is somewhat larger than 4/3 (Van Riper, 1979). Therefore, we predict that when fully general relativistic core collapses are performed including rotation, a given choice of min and i will produce a slightly flatter and slightly denser core than the corresponding model that has been presented here.  相似文献   

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